98 resultados para Parameters estimation

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The emission from neutral hydrogen (HI) clouds in the post-reionization era (z <= 6), too faint to be individually detected, is present as a diffuse background in all low frequency radio observations below 1420MHz. The angular and frequency fluctuations of this radiation (similar to 1 mK) are an important future probe of the large-scale structures in the Universe. We show that such observations are a very effective probe of the background cosmological model and the perturbed Universe. In our study we focus on the possibility of determining the redshift-space distortion parameter beta, coordinate distance r(nu), and its derivative with redshift r(nu)('). Using reasonable estimates for the observational uncertainties and configurations representative of the ongoing and upcoming radio interferometers, we predict parameter estimation at a precision comparable with supernova Ia observations and galaxy redshift surveys, across a wide range in redshift that is only partially accessed by other probes. Future HI observations of the post-reionization era present a new technique, complementing several existing ones, to probe the expansion history and to elucidate the nature of the dark energy.


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The small signal ac response is measured across the source-drain terminals of organic field-effect transistors (OFET) under dc bias to obtain the equivalent circuit parameters of poly(2,5-bis(3-tetradecylthiophen-2-yl)thieno[3,2-b]thiophene) (PBTTT) and poly(3-hexyl thiophene) (P3HT) based devices. The numerically simulated response based on these parameters is in good agreement with the experimental data for PBTTT-FET except at low frequencies, while the P3HT-FET data show significant deviations. This indicates that the interface with the metal electrode is rather complex for the latter, involving additional circuit elements arising from contact impedance or charge injection processes. Such an investigation can help in identifying the operational bottlenecks and to improve the performance of OFETs.


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A computerized non-linear-least-squares regression procedure to analyse the galvanostatic current-potential data for kinetically hindered reactions on porous gas-diffusion electrodes is reported. The simulated data fit well with the corresponding measured values. The analytical estimates of electrode-kinetic parameters and uncompensated resistance are found to be in good agreement with their respective values obtained from Tafel plots and the current-interrupter method. The procedure circumvents the need to collect the data in the limiting-current region where the polarization values are usually prone to errors. The polarization data for two typical cases, namely, methanol oxidation on a carbon-supported platinum-tin electrode and oxygen reduction on a Nafion-coated platinized carbon electrode, are successfully analysed.


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Materials with widely varying molecular topologies and exhibiting liquid crystalline properties have attracted considerable attention in recent years. C-13 NMR spectroscopy is a convenient method for studying such novel systems. In this approach the assignment of the spectrum is the first step which is a non-trivial problem. Towards this end, we propose here a method that enables the carbon skeleton of the different sub-units of the molecule to be traced unambiguously. The proposed method uses a heteronuclear correlation experiment to detect pairs of nearby carbons with attached protons in the liquid crystalline core through correlation of the carbon chemical shifts to the double-quantum coherences of protons generated through the dipolar coupling between them. Supplemented by experiments that identify non-protonated carbons, the method leads to a complete assignment of the spectrum. We initially apply this method for assigning the C-13 spectrum of the liquid crystal 4-n-pentyl-4'-cyanobiphenyl oriented in the magnetic field. We then utilize the method to assign the aromatic carbon signals of a thiophene based liquid crystal thereby enabling the local order-parameters of the molecule to be estimated and the mutual orientation of the different sub-units to be obtained.


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The inversion of canopy reflectance models is widely used for the retrieval of vegetation properties from remote sensing. This study evaluates the retrieval of soybean biophysical variables of leaf area index, leaf chlorophyll content, canopy chlorophyll content, and equivalent leaf water thickness from proximal reflectance data integrated broadbands corresponding to moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer, thematic mapper, and linear imaging self scanning sensors through inversion of the canopy radiative transfer model, PROSAIL. Three different inversion approaches namely the look-up table, genetic algorithm, and artificial neural network were used and performances were evaluated. Application of the genetic algorithm for crop parameter retrieval is a new attempt among the variety of optimization problems in remote sensing which have been successfully demonstrated in the present study. Its performance was as good as that of the look-up table approach and the artificial neural network was a poor performer. The general order of estimation accuracy for para-meters irrespective of inversion approaches was leaf area index > canopy chlorophyll content > leaf chlorophyll content > equivalent leaf water thickness. Performance of inversion was comparable for broadband reflectances of all three sensors in the optical region with insignificant differences in estimation accuracy among them.


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NMR spectroscopy is a powerful means of studying liquid-crystalline systems at atomic resolutions. Of the many parameters that can provide information on the dynamics and order of the systems, H-1-C-13 dipolar couplings are an important means of obtaining such information. Depending on the details of the molecular structure and the magnitude of the order parameters, the dipolar couplings can vary over a wide range of values. Thus the method employed to estimate the dipolar couplings should be capable of estimating both large and small dipolar couplings at the same time. For this purpose, we consider here a two-dimensional NMR experiment that works similar to the insensitive nuclei enhanced by polarization transfer (INEPT) experiment in solution. With the incorporation of a modification proposed earlier for experiments with low radio frequency power, the scheme is observed to enable a wide range of dipolar couplings to be estimated at the same time. We utilized this approach to obtain dipolar couplings in a liquid crystal with phenyl rings attached to either end of the molecule, and estimated its local order parameters.


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This paper presents a comprehensive and robust strategy for the estimation of battery model parameters from noise corrupted data. The deficiencies of the existing methods for parameter estimation are studied and the proposed parameter estimation strategy improves on earlier methods by working optimally for low as well as high discharge currents, providing accurate estimates even under high levels of noise, and with a wide range of initial values. Testing on different data sets confirms the performance of the proposed parameter estimation strategy.


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Despite great advances in very large scale integrated-circuit design and manufacturing, performance of even the best available high-speed, high-resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is known to deteriorate while acquiring fast-rising, high-frequency, and nonrepetitive waveforms. Waveform digitizers (ADCs) used in high-voltage impulse recordings and measurements are invariably subjected to such waveforms. Errors resulting from a lowered ADC performance can be unacceptably high, especially when higher accuracies have to be achieved (e.g., when part of a reference measuring system). Static and dynamic nonlinearities (estimated independently) are vital indices for evaluating performance and suitability of ADCs to be used in such environments. Typically, the estimation of static nonlinearity involves 10-12 h of time or more (for a 12-b ADC) and the acquisition of millions of samples at high input frequencies for dynamic characterization. ADCs with even higher resolution and faster sampling speeds will soon become available. So, there is a need to reduce testing time for evaluating these parameters. This paper proposes a novel and time-efficient method for the simultaneous estimation of static and dynamic nonlinearity from a single test. This is achieved by conceiving a test signal, comprised of a high-frequency sinusoid (which addresses dynamic assessment) modulated by a low-frequency ramp (relevant to the static part). Details of implementation and results on two digitizers are presented and compared with nonlinearities determined by the existing standardized approaches. Good agreement in results and time savings achievable indicates its suitability.


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Despite great advances in very large scale integrated-circuit design and manufacturing, performance of even the best available high-speed, high-resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is known to deteriorate while acquiring fast-rising, high-frequency, and nonrepetitive waveforms. Waveform digitizers (ADCs) used in high-voltage impulse recordings and measurements are invariably subjected to such waveforms. Errors resulting from a lowered ADC performance can be unacceptably high, especially when higher accuracies have to be achieved (e.g., when part of a reference measuring system). Static and dynamic nonlinearities (estimated independently) are vital indices for evaluating performance and suitability of ADCs to be used in such environments. Typically, the estimation of static nonlinearity involves 10-12 h of time or more (for a 12-b ADC) and the acquisition of millions of samples at high input frequencies for dynamic characterization. ADCs with even higher resolution and faster sampling speeds will soon become available. So, there is a need to reduce testing time for evaluating these parameters. This paper proposes a novel and time-efficient method for the simultaneous estimation of static and dynamic nonlinearity from a single test. This is achieved by conceiving a test signal, comprised of a high-frequency sinusoid (which addresses dynamic assessment) modulated by a low-frequency ramp (relevant to the static part). Details of implementation and results on two digitizers are presented and compared with nonlinearities determined by the existing standardized approaches. Good agreement in results and time savings achievable indicates its suitability.


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Theoretical approaches are of fundamental importance to predict the potential impact of waste disposal facilities on ground water contamination. Appropriate design parameters are generally estimated be fitting theoretical models to data gathered from field monitoring or laboratory experiments. Transient through-diffusion tests are generally conducted in the laboratory to estimate the mass transport parameters of the proposed barrier material. Thes parameters are usually estimated either by approximate eye-fitting calibration or by combining the solution of the direct problem with any available gradient-based techniques. In this work, an automated, gradient-free solver is developed to estimate the mass transport parameters of a transient through-diffusion model. The proposed inverse model uses a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm that is based on the social behavior of animals searching for food sources. The finite difference numerical solution of the forward model is integrated with the PSO algorithm to solve the inverse problem of parameter estimation. The working principle of the new solver is demonstrated and mass transport parameters are estimated from laboratory through-diffusion experimental data. An inverse model based on the standard gradient-based technique is formulated to compare with the proposed solver. A detailed comparative study is carried out between conventional methods and the proposed solver. The present automated technique is found to be very efficient and robust. The mass transport parameters are obtained with great precision.


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In this work an attempt has been made to evaluate the seismic hazard of South India (8.0 degrees N-20 degrees N; 72 degrees E-88 degrees E) based on the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA). The earthquake data obtained from different sources were declustered to remove the dependent events. A total of 598 earthquakes of moment magnitude 4 and above were obtained from the study area after declustering, and were considered for further hazard analysis. The seismotectonic map of the study area was prepared by considering the faults, lineaments and the shear zones in the study area which are associated with earthquakes of magnitude 4 and above. For assessing theseismic hazard, the study area was divided into small grids of size 0.1 degrees x0.1 degrees, and the hazard parameters were calculated at the centre of each of these grid cells by considering all the seismic sources with in a radius of 300 km. Rock level peak horizontal acceleration (PHA) and spectral acceleration (SA) values at 1 corresponding to 10% and 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years have been calculated for all the grid points. The contour maps showing the spatial variation of these values are presented here. Uniform hazard response spectrum (UHRS) at rock level for 5% damping and 10% and 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years were also developed for all the grid points. The peak ground acceleration (PGA) at surface level was calculated for the entire South India for four different site classes. These values can be used to find the PGA values at any site in South India based on site class at that location. Thus, this method can be viewed as a simplified method to evaluate the PGA values at any site in the study area.


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Based on the conclusions drawn in the bijective transformation between possibility and probability, a method is proposed to estimate the fuzzy membership function for pattern recognition purposes. A rational function approximation to the probability density function is obtained from the histogram of a finite (and sometimes very small) number of samples. This function is normalized such that the highest ordinate is one. The parameters representing the rational function are used for classifying the pattern samples based on a max-min decision rule. The method is illustrated with examples.


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The fatigue and fracture performance of a cracked plate can be substantially improved by providing patches as reinforcements. The effectiveness of the patches is related to the reduction they cause in the stress intensity factor (SIF) of the crack. So, for reliable design, one needs an accurate evaluation of the SIF in terms of the crack, patch and adhesive parameters. In this investigation, a centrally cracked large plate with a pair of symmetric bonded narrow patches, oriented normally to the crack line, is analysed by a continuum approach. The narrow patches are treated as transversely flexible line members. The formulation leads to an integral equation which is solved numerically using point collocation. The convergence is rapid. It is found that substantial reductions in SIF are possible with practicable patch dimensions and locations. The patch is more effective when placed on the crack than ahead of the crack. The present analysis indicates that a little distance inwards of the crack tip, not the crack tip itself, is the ideal location, for the patch.


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We present a unified approach to repulsion in ionic and van der Waals solids based on a compressible-ion/atom model. Earlier studies have shown that repulsion in ionic crystals can be viewed as arising from the compression energy of ions, described by two parameters per ion. Here we obtain the compression parameters of the rare-gas atoms Ne. Ar. Kr and Xe by interpolation using the known parameters of related equi-electronic ions (e.g. Ar from S2-. Cl-, K- and Ca2-). These parameters fit the experimental zero-temperature interatomic distances and compressibilities of the rare-gas crystals satisfactorily. A hightemperature equation of state based on an Einstein model of thermal motions is used to calculate the thermal expansivities, compressibilities and their temperature derivatives for Ar. Kr and Xe. It is argued that an instability at higher temperatures represents the limit to which the solid can be superheated. beyond which sublimation must occur.


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The simultaneous state and parameter estimation problem for a linear discrete-time system with unknown noise statistics is treated as a large-scale optimization problem. The a posterioriprobability density function is maximized directly with respect to the states and parameters subject to the constraint of the system dynamics. The resulting optimization problem is too large for any of the standard non-linear programming techniques and hence an hierarchical optimization approach is proposed. It turns out that the states can be computed at the first levelfor given noise and system parameters. These, in turn, are to be modified at the second level.The states are to be computed from a large system of linear equations and two solution methods are considered for solving these equations, limiting the horizon to a suitable length. The resulting algorithm is a filter-smoother, suitable for off-line as well as on-line state estimation for given noise and system parameters. The second level problem is split up into two, one for modifying the noise statistics and the other for modifying the system parameters. An adaptive relaxation technique is proposed for modifying the noise statistics and a modified Gauss-Newton technique is used to adjust the system parameters.