15 resultados para Paper of the adult

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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While the need for FSH in initiating spermatogenesis in the immature rat is well accepted, its requirement for maintenance of spermatogenesis in adulthood is questioned. In the current study, using gonadotropin antisera to neutralize specifically either endogenous FSH or LH, we have investigated the effect of either FSH or LH deprivation for a 10-day period on (i) testicular macromolecular synthesis in vitro, (ii) the activities of testicular germ cell specific LDH-X and hyaluronidase enzymes, and finally (iii) on the concentration of sulphated glycoprotein (SGP-2), one of the Sertoli cell marker proteins. Both immature (35-day-old) and adult (100-day-old) rats have been used in this study. Since LH deprivation leads to a near total blockade of testosterone production, the ability of exogenous testosterone supplementation to override the effects of LH deficiency has also been evaluated. Deprivation of either of the gonadotropins significantly affected in vitro RNA and protein synthesis by both testicular minces as well as single cell preparations. Fractionation of dispersed testicular cells preincubated with labelled precursors of RNA and protein on Percoll density gradient revealed that FSH deprivation affected specifically the rate of RNA and protein synthesis of germ cell and not Leydig cell fraction. LH but not FSH deprivation inhibited [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA. The inhibitory effect of LH could mostly be overriden by testosterone supplementation. LDH-X and hyaluronidase activities of testicular homogenates of adult rats showed significant reduction (50%; P less than .05) following either FSH or LH deprivation. Again testosterone supplementation was able to reverse the LH inhibitory effect.


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Hemiorchidectomy (HO) in the adult male bonnet monkey results in a selective increase in circulating concentrations of FSH and testosterone, and this is accompanied by compensatory increase in sperm production by the remaining testis. We investigated the possible role of increased FSH concentration that occurs after HO in the compensatory increase in the activity of the remaining testis. Of eight adult male bonnet monkeys that underwent HO, four received i.v. injections every other day for 30 days of a well-characterized ovine FSH antiserum (a/s) that cross-reacts with monkey FSH. The remaining four males received normal monkey serum (NMS) as control treatment in a protocol similar to that employed for ais-treated males. Blood samples were collected between 2100 and 2200 h before and 1/2, 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 22, and 29 days after HO. Testicular weight, number of 3 beta-hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase-positive (3 beta-HSD+) cells, and DNA flow cytometric analysis of germ cell populations were obtained for testes collected before and at the termination of NMS or ais treatment. In NMS-treated males, circulating serum FSH concentrations progressively increased to reach a maximal level by Day 7 after HO (1.95 +/- 0.3 vs. 5.6 +/- 0.7 ng/ml on Days -1 and 7, respectively). Within 30 min of ais injection, FSH antibodies were detected in circulation, and the antibody level was maintained at a constant level between Day 7 and end of treatment (exhibiting 50-60% binding to I-125-hFSH). Although circulating mean nocturnal serum testosterone concentration showed an initial decrease, it rose gradually to pre-HO concentrations by Day 7 in NMS-treated males. In contrast, nocturnal mat serum testosterone concentrations in a/s-treated males remained lower than in NMS-treated controls (p < 0.05) up to Day 22 and thereafter only marginally increased. Testicular weights increased (p < 0.05) over the pre-HO weight in NMS- but not in ais-treated males. After HO, the number of 3 beta-HSD+ cells (Leydig cells) was markedly increased but was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in NMS-treated males compared to a/s-treated males. A significant (p < 0.05) reduction in the primary spermatocyte population of germ cells was observed in ais-treated compared to NMS-treated males. These results suggest that the increased FSH occurring after HO could be intimately involved in increasing the compensatory functional activity of the remaining testis in the male bonnet monkey.


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We have examined the monthly variations in sperm output and attempted to correlate the profiles of endocrine hormones secreted with the sperm counts throughout the ,year in the adult male bonnet monkey. As previously reported, there was a distinct spurt in sperm output beginning September through December months. A concomitant increase in serum testosterone and prolactin concentrations were also noted during September through November (mid and post-monsoon season). Although there was a marked increase in gonadotropin releasing hormone stimulated testosterone secretion, the peak testosterone concentrations post gonadotropin releasing hormone injection did not vary significantly (P>0.05) throughout the year. Basal serum follicle stimulating hormone concentrations did not vary significantly (P>0.05) during April to June months compared to September-November months. Serum inhibin concentration remained unaltered throughout the year, except in the month of March. The results of this study provide evidence for annual rhythms in prolactin and testosterone secretion and a distinct seasonality in the sperm output of the adult male bonnet monkey, but the pituitary responsiveness to exogenous gonadotropin releasing hormone remains unaltered throughout the year. Because of the existence of seasonality as noted in the present study, future studies which utilize the adult male bonnet monkey as an experimental model need to take into consideration the seasonal effects on reproductive function in this species.


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Analysis of proteins of smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) of Leydig cells from immature and admit rats by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) revealed the presence of several new proteins in the adult rats. Administration of human chorionic gonadotropin to immature rats for ten days also resulted in a significant increase as well as the appearance of several new proteins. The general pattern of SDS-PAGE analysis of the SER proteins of Leydig cells resembled that of the adult rat. SDS-PAGE analysis of the SER proteins of Leydig cells from adult rats following deprivation of endogenous luteinizing hormone by administration of antiserum to ovine luteinizing hormone resulted in a pattern which to certain extent resembled that of an immature I at. Western Blot analysis of luteinizing hormone antiserum treated rat Leydig cell proteins revealed a decrease in the 17-alpha-hydroxylase compared to the control. These results provide biochemical evidence for the suggestion that one of the main functions of luteinizing hormone is the control of biogenesis and/or turnover SER of Leydig cells in the rat.


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Several new liquids impregnants for capacitors have been suggested as possible alternatives to PCB'S which are being replaced in view of their harmful effects.The application of castor oil, a vegetable product, has been studied in the authors laboratary with the same obejective.


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This paper considers the applicability of the least mean fourth (LM F) power gradient adaptation criteria with 'advantage' for signals associated with gaussian noise, the associated noise power estimate not being known. The proposed method, as an adaptive spectral estimator, is found to provide superior performance than the least mean square (LMS) adaptation for the same (or even lower) speed of convergence for signals having sufficiently high signal-to-gaussian noise ratio. The results include comparison of the performance of the LMS-tapped delay line, LMF-tapped delay line, LMS-lattice and LMF-lattice algorithms, with the Burg's block data method as reference. The signals, like sinusoids with noise and stochastic signals like EEG, are considered in this study.


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The theory of Varley and Cumberbatch [l] giving the intensity of discontinuities in the normal derivatives of the dependent variables at a wave front can be deduced from the more general results of Prasad which give the complete history of a disturbance not only at the wave front but also within a short distance behind the wave front. In what follows we omit the index M in Eq. (2.25) of Prasad [2].


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Administration of norethisterone (NET) or NET + estradiol benzoate using an Alzet minipump or as once-a-month intramuscular injection of their depot forms, NET-enanthate (NET-EN) and estradiol valerate (E-val), resulted in azoospermia in all monkeys (n = 13) within 60 to 150 days of treatment. Although addition of depot form of testosterone (T, 20 mg/month) to the regimen restored the behavioral response typical of a normal male, it did not reverse the azoospermic state. Serum T (heightened nocturnal) levels were significantly reduced (> 85%, p < 0.001) in all the treated groups. Evidence for blockade in spermatogenesis following treatment was obtained by DNA flow cytometry. Following withdrawal of treatment, the T level was restored to normalcy within 15 days but 120 days more were required for the animals to exhibit normal sperm counts. In conclusion, the efficacy of once-a-month injection of relatively low doses of NET-EN + E-Val to bring about azoospermia in monkeys, in a relatively short time, has been demonstrated. As the results are uniform and reproducible, it appears desirable that this steroid regimen be tested in man for its contraceptive efficacy.


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Sexually mature male rabbits actively immunized against highly purified ovine LH (oLH) were used as a model system to study the effects of endogenous LH deprivation (and therefore testosterone) on spermatogenesis as well as pituitary FSH secretion. Immunization against oLH generated antibody titres capable of cross-reacting and neutralizing rabbit LH and this resulted in a significant reduction (P<0.01) in serum testosterone levels by 2-4 weeks of immunization. A significant increase in circulating FSH concentration (from a basal level of similar to 1 ng to 60-100 ng/ml; P<0.01) was observed within 4-6 weeks of immunization, perhaps a consequence of the negative feedback effect of the lack of testosterone. The effect of LH deprivation on spermatogenesis assessed by DNA flow cytometry and histological analyses of testicular biopsy tissue revealed that lack of testosterone primarily results in a rapid reduction and complete absence of round (1C) and elongated (HC) spermatids. The immediate effect of LH/testosterone deprivation thus appears to be at the step of meiotic transformation of primary spermatocytes (4C) to 1C. A significant reduction (>80%; P<0.01) in the 4C population and a relative accumulation (>90%; P<0.01) in spermatogonia (2C) was also observed, suggesting a need for testosterone during the transformation of 2C to 1C. In all but one of the rabbits, both qualitative and quantitative recovery in spermatogenesis occurred during the recovery phase, even at a time when only a marginal increase in serum testosterone (compared with the preimmunization) levels was observed as a result of a rapid decline in the cross-reactive antibody titres. These results clearly show that LH/testosterone deprivation in addition to primarily affecting the meiotic step also regulates the conversion of 2C to 4C during spermatogenesis.


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We investigate an optical waveguide system consisting of an unclad fiber core suspended at a constant distance parallel to the surface of a planar waveguide. The coupling and propagation of light in the combined system is studied using the three-dimensional explicit finite difference beam propagation method with a nonuniform mesh configuration. The power loss in the fiber and the field distribution in the waveguide are studied as a function of various parameters, such as index changes, index profile, and propagation distance, for the combined system.


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The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of hemiorchidectomy (HO) on serum FSH, LH, testosterone (T), and inhibin (INH) concentrations as well as on the testicular volume (TV) and on changes in the kinetics of germ cell turnovers in the remaining testis of adult male bonnet monkeys. Blood samples collected at 2200 h at various times before and after HO and testicular biopsies obtained at different periods were subjected to hormone analysis and DNA flow cytometry. Though serum T levels were lowered (p < 0.05) at 12 h after HO, T levels rapidly returned to intact control concentrations by Day 5. While serum LH remained unaltered, serum FSH increased markedly within 2 days of HO and remained significantly (p < 0.05) elevated over the next 90 days. Though serum INH showed a significant decrease (p < 0.05) by 15 min of HO, it returned to approximately 80% of intact levels within one week. The TV of the remaining testis showed maximal increment by Day 30 (p < 0.05) of HO. DNA flow cytometric analysis 24 days after HO showed increases (p < 0.05) in spermatogonia (2C) and primary spermatocytes (4C). These cell types by Day 45 had transformed to round (1C) and elongate (HC) (by 38%, p < 0.001) spermatids. Overall spermatogenesis (conversion of 2C to 1C and HC) showed significant enhancement at Days 110 and 175, suggesting that the spurt in spermatogenic activity is not confined to a single spermatogenic cycle.


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PROBLEM: It is yet to be determined clearly whether the two hormones FSH and T act synergistically in the same cell type-the Sertoli cells-to control overall spermatogenesis or influence independently the transformation of specific germ cell types during spermatogenesis in the adult mammal. METHOD: Adult male bonnet monkeys specifically deprived of either FSH or LH using immunoneutralization techniques were monitored for changes in testicular germ cell transformation by DNA flow cytometry. RESULTS: FSH deprivation caused a significant reduction (>40%; P < 0.05) in [H-3] thymidine incorporation into DNA of proliferating 2C (spermatogonial) cells, a marked inhibition (>50%) in the transformation of 2C to primary spermatocytes (4C) and a concomitant, belated reduction (50%) in the formation of round spermatids (1C). In contrast, specific LH/T deprivation led to an immediate arrest in the meiotic transformation of 4C to 1C/HC leading to an effective and significant block (<90%; P < 0.01) in sperm production. CONCLUSION: Thus, LH rather than FSH deprivation has a more pronounced and immediate effect as the former primarily blocks meiosis (4C --> 1C/HC) which controls production of spermatids. These data provide evidence for LH/T and FSH regulating spermatogenic process in the adult primate by primarily acting at specific germ cell transformation steps.


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Compared to our extensive knowledge about the navigation and homing abilities of ants and bees, we know rather little about these phenomena in social wasps. Here, we report the homing abilities of the tropical primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata and the factors that affect their homing success. To determine from how far these wasps can return to their nests, we transported foragers blindfold and released them at gradually increasing distances from their nests in four cardinal directions. Their homing success was determined by checking their presence on their nests on three consecutive nights. All foragers (56 individuals, 115 releases) returned back from an area of 0.73 +/- A 0.25 km(2) on the day of release (minimal homing area), whereas 83.8 % of the foragers (217 individuals, 420 releases) returned when we enlarged the area of release to 6.22 +/- A 0.66 km(2) around their nests (maximal homing area). Of 66 releases, no wasps returned from beyond the maximal homing area. The minimal homing area might be familiar to the foragers because they probably routinely forage in this area and the maximal homing area represents the maximum distances from which the wasps are capable of returning to their nests, with or without familiarity.