em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) has been used to obtain kinetic and nucleation parameters for polymer crystallization under a non-isothermal mode of operation. The available isothermal nucleation growth-rate equation has been modified for non-isothermal kinetic analysis. The values of the nucleation constant (K g ) and surface free energies (sgr, sgr e ) have been obtained for i-polybutene-1, i-polypropylene, poly(L-lactic acid), and polyoxymethylene and are compared with those obtained from isothermal kinetic analysis; a good agreement in both is seen.


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The morphology and crystal growth of poly(l-lactic acid), PLLA have been studied from the melt as a function of undercooling and molecular weight using hot stage microscopy. Attention has been given to the application of growth rate equation on the growth rate data of PLLA and thus various nucleation parameters have been calculated. The criteria of Regime I and Regime II types of crystallization has been applied for the evaluation of substrate lengths.


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Effect of heating rate on melting and crystallization of polyamide fibres has been examined using differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) technique. Peak temperature for melting (T m) and crystallization (T k) get suppressed with the increase in the heating rate which has been explained on the basis of chain orientation. Heat of melting (DeltaH m) and crystallization (DeltaH k) have been measured.DeltaH m vs. T m shows a nonlinear dependence which has been explained on the basis of entropy change. Quantitative difference inDeltaH m andDeltaH k values has been explained on the basis of orientation and degradation of the polymer.


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The mutual influence of the components on the crystallization behaviour of polyblends, namely, isotactic polybutene-1 (PB) with low-density and high-density polyethylene (LDPE and HDPE), has been studied using techniques such as differential scanning calorimetry, infra-red spectroscopy, wide-angle X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, etc. Each component in the blend is observed to crystallize independently. There is phase separation and incompatibility, as shown from tensile properties and scanning electron microscopic observation of the fracture surface of the blend. For HDPE-PE blends (<30% HDPE), unusual form I′ crystals of PB are observed along with the usual form II.


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Diluents (either low molecular weight compounds orother polymers) are known to modify the morphology, the rates of nucleation and growth of polymers 1- 4. Recentlybinary systems in which both the components crystallize simultaneously to give a eutectic solid have been studied with great interest. Carbonnei et al.


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The thermal degradation behavior of banana fiber and polypropylene/banana fiber composites has been studied by thermogravimetric analysis. Banana fiber was found to be decomposing in two stages, first one around 320 degrees C and the second one around 450 degrees C. For chemically treated banana fiber, the decomposition process has been at a higher temperature, indicating thermal stability for the treated fiber. Activation energies for thermal degradation were estimated using Coats and Redfern method. Calorific value of the banana fiber was measured using a constant volume isothermal bomb calorimeter. rystallization studies exhibited an increase in the crystallization temperature and crystallinity of polypropylene upon the addition of banana fiber. POLYM. COMPOS., 31:1113-1123, 2010. (C) 2009 Society of Plastics Engineers.


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A series of polyesters based on 2-propargyl-1,3-propanediol or 2,2-dipropargyl-1,3-propanediol or 2-allyl-2-propargyl-1,3-propanediol and 1,20-eicosanedioic acid were prepared by solution polycondensation using the corresponding diacid chloride; these polyesters were quantitatively ``clicked'' with a fluoroalkyl, azide, namely CF3(CF2)(7)CH2CH2N3, to yield polyesters carrying long-chain alkylene segments in the backbone and either one or two perfluoroalkyl segments located at periodic intervals along the polymer chain. The immiscibility of the alkylene and fluoroalkyl segments causes the polymer chains to fold in a zigzag fashion to facilitate the segregation of these segments; the folded chains further organize in the solid state to form a lamellar structure with alternating domains of alkyl (HC) and fluoroalkyl (FC) segments. Evidence for the self-segregation is provided by DSC, SAXS, WAXS, and TEM studies; in two of the samples, the DSC thermograms showed two distinct endotherms associated with the melting of the individual domains, while the WAXS patterns confirm the existence of two separate peaks corresponding to the interchain distances within the crystalline lattices of the HC and FC domains. SAXS data, on the other hand, reveal the formation of an extended lamellar morphology with an interlamellar spacing that matches reasonably well with those estimated from TEM studies. Interestingly, a smectic-type liquid crystalline phase is observed at temperatures between the two melting transitions. These systems present a unique opportunity to develop interesting nanostructured polymeric materials with precise control over both the domain size and morphology; importantly, the domain sizes are far smaller than those typically observed in traditional block copolymers.


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In this study, a unique method was adopted to design porous membranes through crystallization induced phase separation in PVDF/PMMA (poly(vinylidene fluoride)/poly(methyl methacrylate)) blends. By etching out PMMA, which segregates either in the interlamellar and/or in the interspherulitic regions of the blends, nanoporous hierarchical structures can be derived. Different nanoparticles like titanium dioxide (TiO2), silver nanoparticle (Ag) decorated carbon nanotubes (Ag-CNTs), TiO2 decorated CNTs (TiO2-CNTs), Ag decorated TiO2 (Ag-TiO2) and Ag-TiO2 decorated CNTs (Ag@TiO2-CNTs) were synthesized and melt mixed with 80/20 PVDF/PMMA blends to render antibacterial activity to the membranes. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to study the crystalline morphology of the membranes. A significant improvement in the trans-membrane flux was obtained in the blends with Ag@TiO2 decorated CNTs as compared to the membranes derived from the neat blends, which can be attributed to the interconnected pores in these membranes. Both qualitative and quantitative studies of antifouling and antibacterial activity (using E. coli as a model bacterium) were performed using the standard plate count method. SEM micrographs clearly showed that the antifouling activity of the membranes was improved with addition of Ag@TiO2-CNTs. In the quantitative standard plate count method, the bacterial colony significantly decreased with the addition of Ag@TiO2-CNTs as against neat blends. This study opens a new avenue in the fabrication of polymer blend based membranes for water filtration.


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in this contribution we present a soft matter solid electrolyte which was obtained by inclusion of a polymer (polyacrylonitrile, PAN) in LiClO4/LiTFSI-succinonitrile (SN), a semi-solid organic plastic electrolyte. Addition of the polymer resulted in considerable enhancement in ionic conductivity as well as mechanical strength of LiX-SN (X=ClO4, TFSI) plastic electrolyte. Ionic conductivity of 92.5%-[1 M LiClO4-SN]:7.5%-PAN (PAN amount as per SN weight) composite at 25 degrees C recorded a remarkably high value of 7 x 10(-3) Omega(-1) cm(-1), higher by few tens of order in magnitude compared to 1 M LiClO4-SN. Composite conductivity at sub-ambient temperature is also quite high. At -20 degrees C, the ionic conductivity of (100 -x)%-[1 M LiClO4-SN]:x%-PAN composites are in the range 3 x 10(-5)-4.5 x 10(-4) Omega(-1) cm(-1), approximately one to two orders of magnitude higher with respect to 1 M LiClO4-SN electrolyte conductivity. Addition of PAN resulted in an increase of the Young's modulus (Y) from Y -> 0 for LiClO4-SN to a maximum of 0.4MPa for the composites. Microstructural studies based on X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy suggest that enhancement in composite ionic conductivity is a combined effect of decrease in crystallinity and enhanced trans conformer concentration. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present measurements of the rheology of suspensions of rigid spheres in a semi-dilute polymer solution from experiments of steady and oscillatory shear. For a given value of the shear rate gamma, addition of particles enhances the viscosity and the first normal stress difference but decreases the magnitude of the second normal stress difference. The viscosity eta exhibits a power law variation in gamma for a range of gamma that grows with phi. The first normal stress N-1 is positive and its value grows with phi; it exhibits a clear power law variation for the entire range of gamma that was studied. The second normal stress difference N-2 is negative for the pure polymer solution and much smaller in magnitude than N-1; on addition of particles, its magnitude further decreases, and it appears to change sign at large phi. The behavior of N-1 and N-2 is at odds with the findings of recent studies on particle-loaded dilute polymer solutions and polymer melts. The small-amplitude oscillatory shear experiments show the linear viscoelastic properties, G(') and G('), increasing with phi at a given value of the angular frequency omega. The dynamic viscosity of the suspension differs substantially from its steady shear viscosity, and the difference increases as gamma, omega -> 0.


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Polymer nanocomposites offer the potential to create a new type of hybrid material with unique thermal, optical, or electrical properties. Understanding their structure, phase behavior, and dynamics is crucial for realizing such potentials. In this work we provide an experimental insight into the dynamics of such composites in terms of the temperature, wave vector, and volume fraction of nanoparticles, using multispeckle synchrotron x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy measurements on gold nanoparticles embedded in polymethylmethacrylate. Detailed analysis of the intermediate scattering functions reveals possible existence of an intrinsic length scale for dynamic heterogeneity in polymer nanocomposites similar to that seen in other soft materials like colloidal gels and glasses.


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The mechanical properties of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)-matrix composites reinforced by functionalized few-layer graphene (FG) have been evaluated using the nano-indentation technique. A significant increase in both the elastic modulus and hardness is observed with the addition of 0.6 wt% of graphene. The crystallinity of PVA also increases with the addition of FG. This and the good mechanical interaction between the polymer and the FG, which provides better load transfer between the matrix and the fiber, are suggested to be responsible for the observed improvement in mechanical properties of the polymers.


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Electrochemical capacitors are electrochemical devices with fast and highly reversible charge-storage and discharge capabilities. The devices are attractive for energy storage particularly in applications involving high-power requirements. Electrochemical capacitors employ two electrodes and an aqueous or a non-aqueous electrolyte, either in liquid or solid form; the latter provides the advantages of compactness, reliability, freedom from leakage of any liquid component and a large operating potential-window. One of the classes of solid electrolytes used in capacitors is polymer-based and they generally consist of dry solid-polymer electrolytes or gel-polymer electrolyte or composite-polymer electrolytes. Dry solid-polymer electrolytes suffer from poor ionic-conductivity values, between 10(-8) and 10(-7) S cm(-1) under ambient conditions, but are safer than gel-polymer electrolytes that exhibit high conductivity of ca. 10(-3) S cm(-1) under ambient conditions. The aforesaid polymer-based electrolytes have the advantages of a wide potential window of ca. 4 V and hence can provide high energy-density. Gel-polymer electrolytes are generally prepared using organic solvents that are environmentally malignant. Hence, replacement of organic solvents with water in gel-polymer electrolytes is desirable which also minimizes the device cost substantially. The water containing gel-polymer electrolytes, called hydrogel-polymer electrolytes, are, however, limited by a low operating potential-window of only about 1.23 V. This article reviews salient features of electrochemical capacitors employing hydrogel-polymer electrolytes.


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Bread staling is a very complex phenomenon that is not yet completely understood. The present work explains how the electrical impedance spectroscopy technique can be utilized to investigate the effect of staling on the physicochemical properties of wheat bread during storage. An instrument based on electrical impedance spectroscopy technique is developed to study the electrical properties of wheat bread both at its crumb and crust with the help of designed multi-channel ring electrodes. Electrical impedance behavior, mainly capacitance and resistance, of wheat bread at crust and crumb during storage (up to 120 h) is investigated. The variation in capacitance showed the glass transition phenomenon at room temperature in bread crust after 96 h of storage with 18% of moisture in it. The resistance changes at bread crumb showed the starch recrystallization during staling.


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Semieonducting GaxTe~oo-x (17 -< x _< 25) glasses have been prepared by melt quenching method and thermal crystallization studies carried out using differential scanning calorimetry. On heating, virgin GaxTel0o-x glasses exhibit one glass transition and two crystallization reactions.The first crystallization reaction corresponds to the precipitation of hexagonal Te and the second one to the crystallization of the matrix into zinc blende Ga2Te3 phase. If GaxTeloo-x glasses are quenched to ambient temperature from Tcrl and reheated, they exhibit the phenomenon of double glass transition.