115 resultados para Order systems

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The response of a third order non-linear system subjected to a pulse excitation is analysed. A transformation of the displacement variable is effected. The transformation function chosen is the solution of the linear problem subjected to the same pulse. With this transformation the equation of motion is brought into a form in which the method of variation of parameters is applicable for the solution of the problem. The method is applied to a single axis gyrostabilized platform subjected to an exponentially decaying pulse. The analytical results are compared with digital and analog computer solutions.


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We consider numerical solutions of nonlinear multiterm fractional integrodifferential equations, where the order of the highest derivative is fractional and positive but is otherwise arbitrary. Here, we extend and unify our previous work, where a Galerkin method was developed for efficiently approximating fractional order operators and where elements of the present differential algebraic equation (DAE) formulation were introduced. The DAE system developed here for arbitrary orders of the fractional derivative includes an added block of equations for each fractional order operator, as well as forcing terms arising from nonzero initial conditions. We motivate and explain the structure of the DAE in detail. We explain how nonzero initial conditions should be incorporated within the approximation. We point out that our approach approximates the system and not a specific solution. Consequently, some questions not easily accessible to solvers of initial value problems, such as stability analyses, can be tackled using our approach. Numerical examples show excellent accuracy. DOI: 10.1115/1.4002516]


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Equations for the computation of integral and partial thermodynamic properties of mixing in quarternary systems are derived using data on constituent binary systems and shortest distance composition paths to the binaries. The composition path from a quarternary composition to the i-j binary is characterized by a constant value of (Xi − Xj). The merits of this composition path over others with constant values for View the MathML source or Xi are discussed. Finally the equations are generalized for higher order systems. They are exact for regular solutions, but may be used in a semiempirical mode for non-regular solutions.


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A first order optical system is investigated in full generality within the context of wave optics. The problem is reduced to a study of the ray transfer matrices. The simplest such systems correspond to axially symmetric propagation. Realization of such systems by centrally located lenses separated by finite distances is studied. It is shown that, contrary to the commonly held view, the set of first order systems that can be realized using axially symmetric thin lenses exhausts the entire SL(2, R) group; at most three lenses are needed to realize any element of this group. In particular, the inverse of free propagation can be so realized. Among anisotropic systems it is again shown that every element of the lens group Sp(4, R) can be realized using a finite number of thin lenses.


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A general asymptotic method based on the work of Krylov-Bogoliubov is developed to obtain the response of nonlinear over damped systems. A second-order system with both roots real is treated first and the method is then extended to higher-order systems. Two illustrative examples show good agreement with results obtained by numerical integration.


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Equivalence of certain classes of second-order non-linear distributed parameter systems and corresponding linear third-order systems is established through a differential transformation technique. As linear systems are amenable to analysis through existing techniques, this study is expected to offer a method of tackling certain classes of non-linear problems which may otherwise prove to be formidable in nature.


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Use of some new planes such as the R-x, R2-x (where R represents in the n-dimensional phase space, the radius vector from the origin to any point on the trajectory described by the system) is suggested for analysis of nonlinear systems of any kind. The stability conditions in these planes are given. For easy understanding of the method, the transformation from the phase plane to the R-x, R2-x planes is brought out for second-order systems. In general, while these planes serve as useful as the phase plane, they have proved to be simpler in determining quickly the general behavior of certain classes of second-order nonlinear systems. A chart and a simple formula are suggested to evaluate time easily from the R-x and R2-x trajectories, respectively. A means of solving higher-order nonlinear systems is also illustrated. Finally, a comparative study of the trajectories near singular points on the phase plane and on the new planes is made.


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This paper discusses the consistent regularization property of the generalized α method when applied as an integrator to an initial value high index and singular differential-algebraic equation model of a multibody system. The regularization comes from within the discretization itself and the discretization remains consistent over the range of values the regularization parameter may take. The regularization involves increase of the smallest singular values of the ill-conditioned Jacobian of the discretization and is different from Baumgarte and similar techniques which tend to be inconsistent for poor choice of regularization parameter. This regularization also helps where pre-conditioning the Jacobian by scaling is of limited effect, for example, when the scleronomic constraints contain multiple closed loops or singular configuration or when high index path constraints are present. The feed-forward control in Kane's equation models is additionally considered in the numerical examples to illustrate the effect of regularization. The discretization presented in this work is adopted to the first order DAE system (unlike the original method which is intended for second order systems) for its A-stability and same order of accuracy for positions and velocities.


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We review work initiated and inspired by Sudarshan in relativistic dynamics, beam optics, partial coherence theory, Wigner distribution methods, multimode quantum optical squeezing, and geometric phases. The 1963 No Interaction Theorem using Dirac's instant form and particle World Line Conditions is recalled. Later attempts to overcome this result exploiting constrained Hamiltonian theory, reformulation of the World Line Conditions and extending Dirac's formalism, are reviewed. Dirac's front form leads to a formulation of Fourier Optics for the Maxwell field, determining the actions of First Order Systems (corresponding to matrices of Sp(2,R) and Sp(4,R)) on polarization in a consistent manner. These groups also help characterize properties and propagation of partially coherent Gaussian Schell Model beams, leading to invariant quality parameters and the new Twist phase. The higher dimensional groups Sp(2n,R) appear in the theory of Wigner distributions and in quantum optics. Elegant criteria for a Gaussian phase space function to be a Wigner distribution, expressions for multimode uncertainty principles and squeezing are described. In geometric phase theory we highlight the use of invariance properties that lead to a kinematical formulation and the important role of Bargmann invariants. Special features of these phases arising from unitary Lie group representations, and a new formulation based on the idea of Null Phase Curves, are presented.


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Floquet analysis is widely used for small-order systems (say, order M < 100) to find trim results of control inputs and periodic responses, and stability results of damping levels and frequencies, Presently, however, it is practical neither for design applications nor for comprehensive analysis models that lead to large systems (M > 100); the run time on a sequential computer is simply prohibitive, Accordingly, a massively parallel Floquet analysis is developed with emphasis on large systems, and it is implemented on two SIMD or single-instruction, multiple-data computers with 4096 and 8192 processors, The focus of this development is a parallel shooting method with damped Newton iteration to generate trim results; the Floquet transition matrix (FTM) comes out as a byproduct, The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the FTM are computed by a parallel QR method, and thereby stability results are generated, For illustration, flap and flap-lag stability of isolated rotors are treated by the parallel analysis and by a corresponding sequential analysis with the conventional shooting and QR methods; linear quasisteady airfoil aerodynamics and a finite-state three-dimensional wake model are used, Computational reliability is quantified by the condition numbers of the Jacobian matrices in Newton iteration, the condition numbers of the eigenvalues and the residual errors of the eigenpairs, and reliability figures are comparable in both the parallel and sequential analyses, Compared to the sequential analysis, the parallel analysis reduces the run time of large systems dramatically, and the reduction increases with increasing system order; this finding offers considerable promise for design and comprehensive-analysis applications.


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In this study, the Krylov-Bogoliubov-Mitropolskii-Popov asymptotic method is used to determine the transient response of third-order non-linear systems. Instead of averaging the non-linear functions over a cycle, they are expanded in ultraspherical polynomials and the constant term is retained. The resulting equations are solved to obtain the approximate solution. A numerical example is considered and the approximate solution is compared with the digital solution. The results show that there is good agreement between the two values.


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In this paper, the transient response of a third-order non-linear system is obtained by first reducing the given third-order equation to three first-order equations by applying the method of variation of parameters. On the assumption that the variations of amplitude and phase are small, the functions are expanded in ultraspherical polynomials. The expansion is restricted to the constant term. The resulting equations are solved to obtain the response of the given third-order system. A numerical example is considered to illustrate the method. The results show that the agreement between the approximate and digital solution is good thus vindicating the approximation.


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A number of papers have appeared on the application of operational methods and in particular the Laplace transform to problems concerning non-linear systems of one kind or other. This, however, has met with only partial success in solving a class of non-linear problems as each approach has some limitations and drawbacks. In this study the approach of Baycura has been extended to certain third-order non-linear systems subjected to non-periodic excitations, as this approximate method combines the advantages of engineering accuracy with ease of application to such problems. Under non-periodic excitations the method provides a procedure for estimating quickly the maximum response amplitude, which is important from the point of view of a designer. Limitations of such a procedure are brought out and the method is illustrated by an example taken from a physical situation.