19 resultados para Open-air schools

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Three highly stable, hexacoordinated nonoxidovanadium(IV), V-IV(L)(2), complexes (1-3) have been isolated and structurally characterized with tridentate aroylhydrazonates containing ONO donor atoms. All the complexes are stable in the open air in the solid state as well as in solution, a phenomenon rarely observed in nonoxidovanadium(IV) complexes. The complexes have good solubility in organic solvents, permitting electrochemical and various spectroscopic investigations. The existence of nonoxidovanadium(IV) complexes was confirmed by elemental analysis, ESI mass spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, EPR, and magnetic susceptibility measurements. X-ray crystallography showed the N3O3 donor set to define a trigonal prismatic geometry in each case. All the complexes show in vitro insulin mimetic activity against insulin responsive L6 myoblast cells, with complex 3 being the most potent, which is comparable to insulin at the complex concentration of 4 mu M, while the others have moderate insulin mimetic activity. In addition, the in vitro antiproliferative activity of complexes 1-3 against the He La cell line was assayed. The cytotoxicity of the complexes is affected by the various functional groups attached to the bezoylhydrazone derivative and 2 showed considerable antiproliferative activity compared to the most commonly used chemotherapeutic drugs.


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Rammed earth is a monolithic construction and the construction process involves compaction of processed soil in progressive layers in a rigid formwork. Durable and thinner load bearing walls can be built using stabilised rammed earth. Use of inorganic additives such as cement for rammed earth walls has been in practice since the last 5-6 decades and cement stabilised rammed earth (CSRE) buildings can be seen across the world. The paper deals with the construction aspects, structural design and embodied energy analysis of a three storey load bearing school building complex. The CSRE school complex consists of 15 classrooms, an open air theatre and a service block. The complex has a built-up area of 1691.3 m(2) and was constructed employing manual construction techniques. This case study shows low embodied energy of 1.15 GJ/m(2) for the CSRE building as against 3-4 GJ/m(2) for conventional burnt clay brick load bearing masonry buildings. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Despite being a particularly good emitter, use of divalent Eu has been seriously limited. This is because severe reducing environments or special hosts are needed during synthesis of divalent Eu containing phosphors. In this work we stabilize Eu in its 2+ state (in CaAl2O4) using an open-air solution combustion reaction. The impact of fuel (F) to oxidizer (O) molar ratios (F/O = 0.5-2.0) on luminescence properties is explored. Chromaticity of Eu:CaAl2O4 depends sensitively on the F/O ratio. In general, higher F/O inhibits Eu3+ and promotes Eu2+ formation, which in turn improves the quality of the blue phosphor. EPR spectra show inhomogeneous broadening effects with the increase in F/O ratio, which suggests that disorder creation is promoted when F/O is increase. This is also confirmed by an increase in emission line width in PL spectra, when F/O is increased. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper deals with the characterisation of tar from two configurations of bioresidue thermochemical conversion reactors designed for producer gas based power generation systems. The pulverised fuel reactor is a cyclone system (R1) and the solid bioresidue reactor (denoted R2) is an open top twin air entry system both at 75-90 kg/h capacity (to generate electricity similar to 100 kVA). The reactor, R2, has undergone rigorous test in a major Indo-Swiss programme for the tar quantity at various conditions. The former is a recent technology development. Tars collected from these systems by a standard tar collection apparatus at the laboratory at Indian Institute of Science have been analysed at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden. The results of these analyses show that these thermochemical conversion reactors behave differently from the earlier reactors reported in literature in so far as tar generation is concerned. The extent of tar in hot gas is about 700-800 ppm for R1 and 70-100 ppm for R2. The amounts of the major compounds - naphthalene and phenol-are much lower that what is generally understood to happen in the gasifiers in Europe. It is suggested that the longer residence times at high temperatures allowed for in these reactors is responsible for this behavior. It is concluded the new generation reactor concepts extensively tried out at lower power levels hold promise for high power atmospheric gasification systems for woody as well as pulverisable bioresidues.


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In this study the cooling performance due to air flow and aerodynamics of the Formula Student open wheeled race car has been investigated and optimized with the help of CFD simulations and experimental validation. The race car in context previously suffered from overheating problems. Flow analysis was carried out based on the detailed race car 3D model (NITK Racing 2012 formula student race car). Wind tunnel experiments were carried out on the same. The results obtained from the computer simulations are compared with experimental results obtained from wind tunnel testing of the full car. Through this study it was possible to locate the problem areas and hence choose the best configuration for the cooling duct. The CFD analysis helped in calculating the mass flow rate, pressure and velocity distribution for different velocities of the car which is then used to determine the heat dissipated by the radiator. Area of flow separation could be visualized and made sure smooth airflow into the radiator core area. This significantly increased the cooling performance of the car with reduction in drag.


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A novel type of magnesium-air primary cell has been evolved which employs non-polluting and abundantly available materials. The cell is based on the scheme Mg/Mg(NO3)2, NaNO2, H20/Q(C). The magnesium anode utilization is about 90% at a current density of 20 mAcm -2. The anode has been shown to exhibit a low open-circuit corrosion, a relatively uniform pattern of corrosion and a low negative difference effect in the electrolyte developed above as compared to the conventional halide or perchlorate electrolytes. In the usual air-depolarized mode of operation, the cell has been found to be capable of continuous discharge over several months at a constant cell voltage of about 1 V and a current density of 1 mAcm -2 at the cathode. The long service-life capability arises from the formation of a protective film on the porous carbon cathode and fast sedimentation of the anodic product (magnesium hydroxide) in the electrolyte. The cell has a shelf-life in the activated state of about a year due to the low open-circuit corrosion of the anode. These favourable features suggest the practical feasibility of developing economical, long-life, non-reserve magnesium-air ceils for diverse applications using magnesium anodes with a high surface area and porous carbon-air electrodes.


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A thermoacoustic refrigerator driven by a thermoacoustic primemover is an effective way to produce durable and long lasting refrigeration due to high reliability, no exotic materials, and no moving parts. Resonator geometry is also one of the important factors that influence the performance of a thermoacoustic prime mover, namely, frequency. Computational fluid dynamics simulation of performance comparison of thermoacoustic prime mover with a straight and tapered resonator is chosen for the present study under an identical stack condition with the air as a working fluid. The frequency and pressure amplitude of oscillations obtained from simulation results were found to be more in the tapered resonator than the straight resonator. Apart from computational fluid dynamics simulation, the simulation studies have also been conducted using design environment for low-amplitude thermoacoustic energy conversion, which predicts the performance of thermoacoustic primemover comparatively well. Simulation results from computational fluid dynamics and design environment for low-amplitude thermoacoustic energy conversion were compared and found to be matching well, representing the good validity of computational fluid dynamics modeling.


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We present here observations on diurnal and seasonal variation of mixing ratio and delta C-13 of air CO2, from an urban station-Bangalore (BLR), India, monitored between October 2008 and December 2011. On a diurnal scale, higher mixing ratio with depleted delta C-13 of air CO2 was found for the samples collected during early morning compared to the samples collected during late afternoon. On a seasonal scale, mixing ratio was found to be higher for dry summer months (April-May) and lower for southwest monsoon months (June-July). The maximum enrichment in delta C-13 of air CO2 (-8.04 +/- 0.02aEuro degrees) was seen in October, then delta C-13 started depleting and maximum depletion (-9.31 +/- 0.07aEuro degrees) was observed during dry summer months. Immediately after that an increasing trend in delta C-13 was monitored coincidental with the advancement of southwest monsoon months and maximum enrichment was seen again in October. Although a similar pattern in seasonal variation was observed for the three consecutive years, the dry summer months of 2011 captured distinctly lower amplitude in both the mixing ratio and delta C-13 of air CO2 compared to the dry summer months of 2009 and 2010. This was explained with reduced biomass burning and increased productivity associated with prominent La Nina condition. While compared with the observations from the nearest coastal and open ocean stations-Cabo de Rama (CRI) and Seychelles (SEY), BLR being located within an urban region captured higher amplitude of seasonal variation. The average delta C-13 value of the end member source CO2 was identified based on both diurnal and seasonal scale variation. The delta C-13 value of source CO2 (-24.9 +/- 3aEuro degrees) determined based on diurnal variation was found to differ drastically from the source value (-14.6 +/- 0.7aEuro degrees) identified based on seasonal scale variation. The source CO2 identified based on diurnal variation incorporated both early morning and late afternoon sample; whereas, the source CO2 identified based on seasonal variation included only afternoon samples. Thus, it is evident from the study that sampling timing is one of the important factors while characterizing the composition of end member source CO2 for a particular station. The difference in delta C-13 value of source CO2 obtained based on both diurnal and seasonal variation might be due to possible contribution from cement industry along with fossil fuel / biomass burning as predominant sources for the station along with differential meteorological conditions prevailed.


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Perforated element mufflers have been known to have good acousticp erformancew, henu sedo n automotive xhausst ystemsIn. thel astd ecadea nda half, plugm ufflersc, oncentrihc oler esonators, and three-ductc losed-endp erforatede lementsh ave been studied.T he presenti nvestigation concernso pen-endedt,h ree-ducpt erforatede lementsw, hich are knownt o combineh igh acoustic transmissiolno ss with low back pressuresT. he governinge quationsh ave been solved in the frequencyd omain,u singt he recouplinga pproacha longw ith appropriatbe oundaryc onditionst,o derivet he transferm atrixa ndt hent o calculaten oiser eductiona ndt ransmissiolno ss.T he predicted noiser eductionv aluesh aveb eens hownt o corroboratew ell with experimentallyo bservedv alues. Finally,p arametrics tudiesh aveb eend onet o draw designc urvesf or suchm ufflers.


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A general mathematical model for forced air precooling of spherical food products in bulk is developed. The food products are arranged inline to form a rectangular parallelepiped. Chilled air is blown along the height of the package. The governing equations for the transient two-dimensional conduction with internal heat generation in the product, simultaneous heat and mass transfer at the product-air interface and one-dimensional transient energy and species conservation equations for the moist air are solved numerically using finite difference methods. Results are presented in the form of time-temperature histories. Experiments are conducted with model foods in a laboratory scale air precooling tunnel. The agreement between the theoretical and experimental results is found to be good. In general, a single product analysis fails to predict the precooling characteristics of bulk loads of food products. In the range of values investigated, the respiration heat is found to have a negligible effect.


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Complexes of lanthanide perchlorates with the ligand N,N,N,N-tetra-methyl-3,6,9-trioxaundecane diamide (TUD) of the composition Ln(TUD)2-(ClO4)3 (Ln triple bond; length as m-dash La, Nd, Ho, Er, Y) were isolated. Electrical conductivity values indicate that all the perchlorate groups are ionic. IR and nuclear magnetic resonance (1H and 13C) data prove that the ligand coordinates to the metal via the three ether oxygens and the two carbonyl oxygens. A probable coordination number of ten can be assigned for all the complexes.


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Instability of thin-walled open-section laminated composite beams is studied using the finite element method. A two-noded, 8 df per node thin-walled open-section laminated composite beam finite element has been used. The displacements of the element reference axis are expressed in terms of one-dimensional first order Hermite interpolation polynomials, and line member assumptions are invoked in formulation of the elastic stiffness matrix and geometric stiffness matrix. The nonlinear expressions for the strains occurring in thin-walled open-section beams, when subjected to axial, flexural and torsional loads, are incorporated in a general instability analysis. Several problems for which continuum solutions (exact/approximate) are possible have been solved in order to evaluate the performance of finite element. Next its applicability is demonstrated by predicting the buckling loads for the following problems of laminated composites: (i) two layer (45°/−45°) composite Z section cantilever beam and (ii) three layer (0°/45°/0°) composite Z section cantilever beam.


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Formative time lags in nitrogen, oxygen, and dry air are measured with and without a magnetic field over a range of gas pressures (0.05 ' p ' 20.2 torr 5 kPa to 2 MPa, electric field strengths (1.8xO14 EEs 60xlO V m l) and magnetic field strengths (85xl0-4 < B ' 16x10-2 Tesla). For experiments below the Paschen minimum, the electrodes are designed to ensure that breakdown occurs over longer gaps and for experiments above the Paschen minimum, a coaxial cylindrical system is employed. The experimental technique consists of applying pulse voltages to the gap at various constant values of E/p and B/p and measuring the time lags from which the formative time lags are separated. In the gases studed, formative time lags decrease on application of a magnetic field at a given pressure for conditions below the Paschen minimum. The voltages at which the formative time lags remain the same without and with magnetic fields are determined, and electron molecule collision frequencies (v/p) are determined using the Effective Reduced Electric Field [EREF] concept. With increasing ratio of E/p in crossed fields, v/p decreases in all the three gases. Measurements above the Paschen minimum yield formative time lags which increase on application of a magnetic field. Formative time lags in nitrogen in ExB fields are calculated assuming an average collision frequency of 8.5x109 sec-1 torr 1. It is concluded that the EREF concept can be applied to explain formative time lags in ExB fields.


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This paper develops a seven-level inverter structure for open-end winding induction motor drives. The inverter supply is realized by cascading four two-level and two three-level neutral-point-clamped inverters. The inverter control is designed in such a way that the common-mode voltage (CMV) is eliminated. DC-link capacitor voltage balancing is also achieved by using only the switching-state redundancies. The proposed power circuit structure is modular and therefore suitable for fault-tolerant applications. By appropriately isolating some of the inverters, the drive can be operated during fault conditions in a five-level or a three-level inverter mode, with preserved CMV elimination and DC-link capacitor voltage balancing, within a reduced modulation range.


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It has been shown that it is possible to extend the validity of the Townsend breakdown criterion for evaluating the breakdown voltages in the complete pd range in which Paschen curves are available. Evaluation of the breakdown voltages for air (pd=0.0133 to 1400 kPa · cm), N2(pd=0.0313 to 1400 kPa · cm) and SF6 (pd=0.3000 to 1200 kPa · cm) has been done and in most cases the computed values are accurate to ±3% of the measured values. The computations show that it is also possible to estimate the secondary ionization coefficient ¿ in the pd ranges mentioned above.