50 resultados para One-point Quadrature

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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This Paper deals with the analysis of liquid limit of soils, an inferential parameter of universal acceptance. It has been undertaken primarily to re-examine one-point methods of determination of liquid limit water contents. It has been shown by basic characteristics of soils and associated physico-chemical factors that critical shear strengths at liquid limit water contents arise out of force field equilibrium and are independent of soil type. This leads to the formation of a scientific base for liquid limit determination by one-point methods, which hitherto was formulated purely on statistical analysis of data. Available methods (Norman, 1959; Karlsson, 1961; Clayton & Jukes, 1978) of one-point liquid limit determination have been critically re-examined. A simple one-point cone penetrometer method of computing liquid limit has been suggested and compared with other methods. Experimental data of Sherwood & Ryley (1970) have been employed for comparison of different cone penetration methods. Results indicate that, apart from mere statistical considerations, one-point methods have a strong scientific base on the uniqueness of modified flow line irrespective of soil type. Normalized flow line is obtained by normalization of water contents by liquid limit values thereby nullifying the effects of surface areas and associated physico-chemical factors that are otherwise reflected in different responses at macrolevel.Cet article traite de l'analyse de la limite de liquidité des sols, paramètre déductif universellement accepté. Cette analyse a été entreprise en premier lieu pour ré-examiner les méthodes à un point destinées à la détermination de la teneur en eau à la limite de liquidité. Il a été démontré par les caractéristiques fondamentales de sols et par des facteurs physico-chimiques associés que les résistances critiques à la rupture au cisaillement pour des teneurs en eau à la limite de liquidité résultent de l'équilibre des champs de forces et sont indépendantes du type de sol concerné. On peut donc constituer une base scientifique pour la détermination de la limite de liquidité par des méthodes à un point lesquelles, jusqu'alors, n'avaient été formulées que sur la base d'une analyse statistique des données. Les méthodes dont on dispose (Norman, 1959; Karlsson, 1961; Clayton & Jukes, 1978) pour la détermination de la limite de liquidité à un point font l'objet d'un ré-examen critique. Une simple méthode d'analyse à un point à l'aide d'un pénétromètre à cône pour le calcul de la limite de liquidité a été suggérée et comparée à d'autres méthodes. Les données expérimentales de Sherwood & Ryley (1970) ont été utilisées en vue de comparer différentes méthodes de pénétration par cône. En plus de considérations d'ordre purement statistque, les résultats montrent que les méthodes de détermination à un point constituent une base scientifique solide en raison du caractère unique de la ligne de courant modifiée, quel que soit le type de sol La ligne de courant normalisée est obtenue par la normalisation de la teneur en eau en faisant appel à des valeurs de limite de liquidité pour, de cette manière, annuler les effets des surfaces et des facteurs physico-chimiques associés qui sans cela se manifesteraient dans les différentes réponses au niveau macro.


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We have presented a new low dissipative kinetic scheme based on a modified Courant Splitting of the molecular velocity through a parameter φ. Conditions for the split fluxes derived based on equilibrium determine φ for a one point shock. It turns out that φ is a function of the Left and Right states to the shock and that these states should satisfy the Rankine-Hugoniot Jump condition. Hence φ is utilized in regions where the gradients are sufficiently high, and is switched to unity in smooth regions. Numerical results confirm a discrete shock structure with a single interior point when the shock is aligned with the grid.


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For an operator T in the class B-n(), introduced by Cowen and Douglas, the simultaneous unitary equivalence class of the curvature and the covariant derivatives up to a certain order of the corresponding bundle E-T determine the unitary equivalence class of the operator T. In a subsequent paper, the authors ask if the simultaneous unitary equivalence class of the curvature and these covariant derivatives are necessary to determine the unitary equivalence class of the operator T is an element of B-n(). Here we show that some of the covariant derivatives are necessary. Our examples consist of homogeneous operators in B-n(). For homogeneous operators, the simultaneous unitary equivalence class of the curvature and all its covariant derivatives at any point w in the unit disc are determined from the simultaneous unitary equivalence class at 0. This shows that it is enough to calculate all the invariants and compare them at just one point, say 0. These calculations are then carried out in number of examples. One of our main results is that the curvature along with its covariant derivative of order (0, 1) at 0 determines the equivalence class of generic homogeneous Hermitian holomorphic vector bundles over the unit disc.


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We present the concept, prototypes, and an optimal design method for a compliant mechanism kit as a parallel to the kits available for rigid-body mechanisms. The kit consists of flexible beams and connectors that can be easily hand-assembled using snap fits. It enables users, using their creativity and mechanics intuition, to quickly realize a compliant mechanism. The mechanisms assembled in this manner accurately capture the essential behavior of the topology, shape, size and material aspects and thereby can lead the way for a real compliant mechanism for practical use. Also described in this paper are the design of the connector to which flexible beams can be added in eight different directions; and prototyping of the spring steel connectors as well as beams using wire-cut electro discharge machining. It is noted in this paper that the concept of the kit also resolves a discrepancy in the finite element (FE) modeling of beam-based compliant mechanisms. The discrepancy arises when two or more beams are joining at one point and thus leading to increased stiffness. After resolving this discrepancy, this work extends the topology optimization to automatically generate designs that can be assembled with the kit. Thus, the kit and the accompanying analysis and optimal synthesis procedures comprise a self-contained educational as well as a research and pragmatic toolset for compliant mechanisms. The paper also illustrates how human creativity finds new ways of using the kit beyond the original intended use and how it is useful even for a novice to design compliant mechanisms.


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Given two independent Poisson point processes ©(1);©(2) in Rd, the AB Poisson Boolean model is the graph with points of ©(1) as vertices and with edges between any pair of points for which the intersection of balls of radius 2r centred at these points contains at least one point of ©(2). This is a generalization of the AB percolation model on discrete lattices. We show the existence of percolation for all d ¸ 2 and derive bounds for a critical intensity. We also provide a characterization for this critical intensity when d = 2. To study the connectivity problem, we consider independent Poisson point processes of intensities n and cn in the unit cube. The AB random geometric graph is de¯ned as above but with balls of radius r. We derive a weak law result for the largest nearest neighbour distance and almost sure asymptotic bounds for the connectivity threshold.


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We present a compliant mechanism kit as a parallel to the kits available for rigid-body mechanisms. The kit consists of flexible beams and connectors that can be easily hand-assembled using snap fits. The mechanisms assembled using the kit accurately capture the aspects of the topology, shape, and size of joint-free compliant mechanisms. Thus, the kit enables designers to conceive and design new, practicable, single-piece compliant mechanisms that do not require assembly. The concept of the kit also resolves a discrepancy in the finite element (FE) modeling of beam-based compliant mechanisms. The discrepancy arises when two or more beams are joined at one point and thus leading to increased stiffness. After resolving this discrepancy, this work extends the topology optimization to automatically generate designs that can be assembled with the kit for quick and easy validation instead of time-consuming prototyping. Thus, the kit and the accompanying analysis and optimal synthesis procedures comprise a self-contained educational as well as a research and practice toolset for compliant mechanisms. The paper also illustrates how human creativity finds new ways of using the kit beyond the original intended use and how it enables even a novice to design compliant mechanisms. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Given two independent Poisson point processes Phi((1)), Phi((2)) in R-d, the AB Poisson Boolean model is the graph with the points of Phi((1)) as vertices and with edges between any pair of points for which the intersection of balls of radius 2r centered at these points contains at least one point of Phi((2)). This is a generalization of the AB percolation model on discrete lattices. We show the existence of percolation for all d >= 2 and derive bounds fora critical intensity. We also provide a characterization for this critical intensity when d = 2. To study the connectivity problem, we consider independent Poisson point processes of intensities n and tau n in the unit cube. The AB random geometric graph is defined as above but with balls of radius r. We derive a weak law result for the largest nearest-neighbor distance and almost-sure asymptotic bounds for the connectivity threshold.


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We study Majorana modes and transport in one-dimensional systems with a p-wave superconductor (SC) and normal metal leads. For a system with an SC lying between two leads, it is known that there is a Majorana mode at the junction between the SC and each lead. If the p-wave pairing Delta changes sign or if a strong impurity is present at some point inside the SC, two additional Majorana modes appear near that point. We study the effect of all these modes on the sub-gap conductance between the leads and the SC. We derive an analytical expression as a function of Delta and the length L of the SC for the energy shifts of the Majorana modes at the junctions due to hybridization between them; the shifts oscillate and decay exponentially as L is increased. The energy shifts exactly match the location of the peaks in the conductance. Using bosonization and the renormalization group method, we study the effect of interactions between the electrons on Delta and the strengths of an impurity inside the SC or the barriers between the SC and the leads; this in turn affects the Majorana modes and the conductance. Finally, we propose a novel experimental realization of these systems, in particular of a system where Delta changes sign at one point inside the SC.


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As the conventional MOSFET's scaling is approaching the limit imposed by short channel effects, Double Gate (DG) MOS transistors are appearing as the most feasible candidate in terms of technology in sub-45nm technology nodes. As the short channel effect in DG transistor is controlled by the device geometry, undoped or lightly doped body is used to sustain the channel. There exits a disparity in threshold voltage calculation criteria of undoped-body symmetric double gate transistors which uses two definitions, one is potential based and the another is charge based definition. In this paper, a novel concept of "crossover point'' is introduced, which proves that the charge-based definition is more accurate than the potential based definition.The change in threshold voltage with body thickness variation for a fixed channel length is anomalous as predicted by potential based definition while it is monotonous for charge based definition.The threshold voltage is then extracted from drain currant versus gate voltage characteristics using linear extrapolation and "Third Derivative of Drain-Source Current'' method or simply "TD'' method. The trend of threshold voltage variation is found same in both the cases which support charge-based definition.


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As the conventional MOSFETs scaling is approaching the limit imposed by short channel effects, Double Gate (DG) MOS transistors are appearing as the most feasible andidate in terms of technology in sub-45nm technology nodes. As the short channel effect in DG transistor is controlled by the device geometry, undoped or lightly doped body, is used to sustain the channel. There exits a disparity in threshold voltage calculation criteria of undoped-body symmetric double gate transistors which uses two definitions, one is potential based and the another is charge based definition. In this paper, a novel concept of "crossover point" is introduced, which proves that the charge-based definition is more accurate than the potential based definition. The change in threshold voltage with body thickness variation for a fixed channel length is anomalous as predicted by, potential based definition while it is monotonous for change based definition. The threshold voltage is then extracted from drain currant versus gate voltage characteristics using linear extrapolation and "Third Derivative of Drain-Source Current" method or simply "TD" method. The trend of threshold voltage variation is found some in both the cases which support charge-based definition.


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Two different definitions, one is potential based and the other is charge based, are used in the literatures to define the threshold voltage of undoped body symmetric double gate transistors. This paper, by introducing a novel concept of crossover point, proves that the charge based definition is more accurate than the potential based definition. It is shown that for a given channel length the potential based definition predicts anomalous change in threshold voltage with body thickness variation while the charge based definition results in monotonous change. The threshold voltage is then extracted from drain current versus gate voltage characteristics using linear extrapolation, transconductance and match-point methods. In all the three cases it is found that trend of threshold voltage variation support the charge based definition.


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A switched DC voltage three level NPC is proposed in this paper to eliminate capacitor balancing problems in conventional three-level Neutral Point Clamped (NPC) inverter. The proposed configuration requires only one DC link with a voltage V-dc/2, where V-dc is the DC link voltage in a onventional NPC inverter. To get rated DC link voltage (V-dc), the voltage source is alternately onnected in parallel to one of the two series capacitors using two switches and two diodes with device voltage rating of V-dc/2. The frequency at which the voltage source is switched is independent and will not affect the operation of NPC inverter. The switched voltage source in this configuration balances the capacitors automatically. The proposed configuration can also be used as a conventional two level inverter in lower modulation range, thereby increases the reliability of the drive system. A space vector based PWM scheme is used to verify this proposed topology.


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Protein-protein interactions play a Crucial role in Virus assembly and stability. With the view of disrupting capsid assembly and capturing smaller oligomers, interfacial residue mutations were carried Out in the coat protein gene of Sesbania Mosaic Virus, a T=3 ss (+) RNA plant virus. A single point mutation of a Trp 170 present at the five-fold interface of the virus to a charged residue (Glu or Lys) arrested assembly of virus like particles and resulted in stable Soluble dimers of the capsid Protein. The X-ray crystal structure of one of the isolated dimer mutants - rCP Delta N65W170K was determined to a resolution of 2.65 angstrom. Detailed analysis of the dimeric mutant protein structure revealed that a number of Structural changes take place, especially in the loop and interfacial regions during the course of assembly. The isolated chiller was ``more relaxed'' than the dimer found in the T=3 or T=1 capsids. The isolated dimer does not bind Ca2+ ion and consequently four C-terminal residues are disordered. The FG loop, which interacts with RNA in the Virus, has different conformations in the isolated dimer and the intact Virus Suggesting its flexible nature and the conformational changes that accompany assembly. The isolated choler mutant was much less stable when compared to the assembled capsids, suggesting the importance of inter-subunit interactions and Ca2+ mediated interactions in the stability of the capsids. With this study, SeMV becomes the first icosahedral virus for which X-ray crystal Structures of T=3, T=1 capsids as well as a smaller oligomer of the capsid protein have been determined.


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A competitive scenario between Myers-Saito (MS) and Garraff-Braverman (GB) cyclization has been created in a molecule. High-level computations indicate a preference for GB over MS cyclization. The activation energies for the rate-determining steps of the GB and MS cyclizations were found to be the same (24.4 kcal/mol) at the B3LYP/6-31G* level of theory; thus, from the kinetic point of view, both reactions are feasible. However, the main biradical intermediate GB2 of the GB reaction is 6.2 kcal/mol lower in energy than the biradical MS2, which is the main intermediate of MS reaction, so GB cyclization is thermodynamically favored over MS cyclization. To verify the prediction by computational techniques, bisenediynyl sulfones 1-4 and bisenediynyl sulfoxide 17 were synthesized. Under basic conditions, these molecules isomerized to a system possessing both the ene-yne-allene and the bisallenic sulfone. The isolation of only one product, identified as the corresponding naphthalene- or benzene-fused sulfone 8-11, indicated the occurrence of GB cyclization as the sole reaction pathway. No product corresponding to the MS cyclization pathway could be isolated. Though the theoretical prediction showed a preference for the GB pathway over the MS pathway, the exclusive preference for GB over MS cyclization is very striking. Further analysis showed that the intramolecular self-quenching nature of the GB pathway may play an important role in the complete preference for this reaction. Apart from the mechanistic studies, these sulfones showed DNA cleavage activity that had an inverse relation with the reactivity order. Our findings are important for the design of artificial DNA-cleaving agents.


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Adiabatic quantum computation is based on the adiabatic evolution of quantum systems. We analyze a particular class of quantum adiabatic evolutions where either the initial or final Hamiltonian is a one-dimensional projector Hamiltonian on the corresponding ground state. The minimum-energy gap, which governs the time required for a successful evolution, is shown to be proportional to the overlap of the ground states of the initial and final Hamiltonians. We show that such evolutions exhibit a rapid crossover as the ground state changes abruptly near the transition point where the energy gap is minimum. Furthermore, a faster evolution can be obtained by performing a partial adiabatic evolution within a narrow interval around the transition point. These results generalize and quantify earlier works.