4 resultados para Odour

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The perception of ultraviolet (UV) light by spiders has so far been only demonstrated in salticids. Crab spiders (Thomisidae) hunt mostly on flowers and need to find appropriate hunting sites. Previous studies have shown that some crab spiders that reflect UV light use UV contrast to enhance prey capture. The high UV contrast can be obtained either by modulation of body colouration or active selection of appropriate backgrounds for foraging. We show that crab spiders (Thomisus sp.)hunting on Spathiphyllum plants use chromatic contrast, especially UV contrast, to make themselves attractive to hymenopteran prey. Apart from that, they are able to achieve high UV contrast by active selection of non-UV reflecting surfaces when given a choice of UV-reflecting and non-UV reflecting surfaces in the absence of odour cues. Honeybees (Apis cerana) approached Spathiphyllum plants bearing crab spiders on which the spiders were high UV-contrast targets with greater frequency than those plants on which the UV-contrast of the spiders was low. Thus, crab spiders can perceive UV and may use it to choose appropriate backgrounds to enhance prey capture, by exploiting the attraction of prey such as honeybees to UV.


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The interaction between figs and their pollinating or parasitic fig wasps is mediated largely by chemical communication. These fig wasps are often preyed upon by predatory ants. In this study, we found that predatory ants (Oecophylla smaragdina) patrolling Ficus racemosa trees were attracted to the odour from fig syconia at different developmental phases, as well as to the odours of fig wasps, whereas other predatory ants (Technomyrmex albipes) responded only to odours of syconia from which fig wasps were dispersing and to fig wasp odour. However, trophobiont-tending ants (Myrmicaria brunnea) patrolling the same trees and exposed to the same volatiles were unresponsive to fig or fig wasp odours. The predatory ants demonstrated a concentration-dependent response towards volatiles from figs receptive to pollinators and those from which wasps were dispersing while the trophobiont-tending ants were unresponsive to such odours at all concentrations. Naive predatory ants failed to respond to the volatiles to which the experienced predatory ants responded, indicating that the response to fig-related odours is learned. We suggest that predatory ants could use fig-associated volatiles to enhance their probability of wasp encounter and can eavesdrop on signals meant for pollinators. (C) 2009 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.


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The total solids of samples of ass's milk ranged from 7·80 to 9·10, the solids-not-fat from 7·14 to 8·50, and the fat from 0·54 to 0·71%. The nitrogen distribution in ass's milk is: casein 39·5, albumin 35·0, globulin 2·7 and non-protein nitrogen 22·8% of the total nitrogen. Ass's milk contains: casein 0·70, albumin 0·62 and globulin 0·07%. The total protein content is 1·39%. Ass's milk is therefore characterized by a low casein, a low globulin and a high albumin content. The non-protein nitrogen consists of amino nitrogen 8·1, urea nitrogen 24·3 and uric acid 0·7 mg./100 ml. of milk. The urea content is twice that present in cow's milk. The mean chloride and lactose contents of the milk samples are 0·037 and 6·1% respectively. The average calcium and phosphorus content of ass's milk are 0·081 and 0·059% respectively. Half the calcium is ionic, and half is in colloidal form. The phosphorus distribution is: total acid soluble 84·0, acid soluble organic 38·5, easily hydrolysable ester 27·4, inorganic 46·0, and colloidal inorganic 23·0 % of the total phosphorus. The ratio of CaO: P2O5 is 1:1. 46 % of the total phosphorus is in ester form; this is high when compared with only 12 % in cow's milk; most of the phosphoric ester forms soluble barium salts, which is a distinguishing feature of ass's milk. The total sulphur content is 15·8 mg./100 ml. The fat has a penetrating odour and is coloured orange-yellow. It has an iodine value of about 86, which is much higher than that for human milk fat. The Reichert (9·5) and Kirschner values (5·7) are low. In general, the composition of ass's milk resembles that of human rather than of cow's milk.


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Plants emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from most parts of their anatomy. Conventionally, the volatiles of leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds have been investigated separately. This review presents an integrated perspective of volatiles produced by fruits and seeds in the context of selection on the whole plant. It suggests that fruit and seed volatiles may only be understood in the light of the chemistry of the whole plant. Fleshy fruit may be viewed as an ecological arena within which several evolutionary games are being played involving fruit VOCs. Fruit odour and colour may be correlated and interact via multimodal signalling in influencing visits by frugivores. The hypothesis of volatile crypsis in the evolution of hard seeds as protection against volatile diffusion and perception by seed predators is reviewed. Current views on the role of volatiles in ant dispersal of seeds or myrmecochory are summarised, especially the suggestion that ants are being manipulated by plants in the form of a sensory trap while providing this service. Plant VOC production is presented as an emergent phenotype that could result from multiple selection pressures acting on various plant parts; the ``plant'' phenotype and VOC profile may receive significant contributions from symbionts within the plant. Viewing the plant as a holobiont would benefit an understanding of the emergent plant phenotype.