21 resultados para Nostoc flagelliforme Born. et Flah. thylakoid membrane chlorophyll-protein complex

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Retinol-binding protein and its complex with prealbumin were isolated from goat serum by chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex A-50, gel filtration and immuno-affinity chromatography on antigoat-serum albumin-Sepharose 4B. The homogeneous prealbumin-retinol-binding protein complex had a molecular weight of 75 000. Both on electrophoresis and in the presence of 2 M urea, the complex dissociated into retinol-binding protein and prealbumin. The molecular weight, electrophoretic behaviour, ultraviolet and fluorescence spectra of goat retinol-binding protein were similar to those isolated from other sources. On sodium dodecyl sulphate gel electrophoresis, goat prealbumin (molecular weight ≈ 55 000) exhibited two bands corresponding to molecular weights 26 000 and 13 000. This suggests that either goat prealbumin consists of two non-identical sub-units or perhaps complete dissociation might not have occurred. Goat prealbumin was able to bind Image -thyroxine and retinol-binding protein.


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An effective transcriptional response to redox stimuli is of particular importance for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, as it adapts to the environment of host alveoli and macrophages. The M. tuberculosis a factor sigma(L) regulates the expression of genes involved in cell-wall and polyketide syntheses. sigma(L) interacts with the cytosolic anti-sigma domain of a membrane-associated protein, RslA. Here we demonstrate that RslA binds Zn2+ and can sequester sigma(L) in a reducing environment. In response to an oxidative stimulus, proximal cysteines in the CXXC motif of RslA form a disulfide bond, releasing bound Zn2+. This results in a substantial rearrangement of the sigma(L)/RslA complex, leading to an 8-fold decrease in the affinity of RslA for sigma(L). The crystal structure of the -35-element recognition domain of sigma(L), sigma(L)(4), bound to RslA reveals that RslA inactivates sigma(L) by sterically occluding promoter DNA and RNpolymerase binding sites. The crystal structure further reveals that the cysteine residues that coordinate Zn2+ in RslA are solvent exposed in the complex, thus providing a structural basis for the redox sensitivity of RslA. The biophysical parameters of sigma(L)/RslA interactions provide a template for understanding how variations in the rate of Zn2+ release and associated conformational changes could regulate the activity of a Zn2+-associated anti-sigma factor. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We suggest a method of studying coherence in finite-level systems coupled to the environment and use it for the Hamiltonian that has been used to describe the light-harvesting pigment-protein complex. The method works with the adiabatic states and transforms the Hamiltonian to a form in which the terms responsible for decoherence and population relaxation are separated out. Decoherence is then accounted for nonperturbatively and population relaxation using a Markovian master equation. Almost analytical results can be obtained for the seven-level system, and the calculations are very simple for systems with more levels. We apply the treatment to the seven-level system, and the results are in excellent agreement with the exact numerical results of Nalbach et al. Nalbach, Braun, and Thorwart, Phys. Rev. E 84, 041926 (2011)]. Our approach is able to account for decoherence and population relaxation separately. It is found that decoherence causes only damping of oscillations and does not lead to transfer to the reaction center. Population relaxation is necessary for efficient transfer to the reaction center, in agreement with earlier findings. Our results show that the transformation to the adiabatic basis followed by a Redfield type of approach leads to results in good agreement with exact simulation.


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Lamins are intermediate filament proteins of type V constituting a nuclear lamina or filamentous meshwork which lines the nucleoplasmic side of the inner nuclear membrane. This protein mesh provides a supporting scaffold for the nuclear envelope and tethers interphase chromosome to the nuclear periphery. Mutations of mainly A-type lamins are found to be causative for at least 11 human diseases collectively termed as laminopathies majority of which are characterised by aberrant nuclei with altered structural rigidity, deformability and poor mechanotransduction behaviour. But the investigation of viscoelastic behavior of lamin A continues to elude the field. In order to address this problem, we hereby present the very first report on viscoelastic properties of wild type human lamin A and some of its mutants linked with Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) using quantitative rheological measurements. We observed a dramatic strain-softening effect on lamin A network as an outcome of the strain amplitude sweep measurements which could arise from the large compliance of the quasi-cross-links in the network or that of the lamin A rods. In addition, the drastic stiffening of the differential elastic moduli on superposition of rotational and oscillatory shear stress reflect the increase in the stiffness of the laterally associated lamin A rods. These findings present a preliminary insight into distinct biomechanical properties of wild type lamin A protein and its mutants which in turn revealed interesting differences.


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Objective: In this study, we report the role of miRNAs involved under nitrogen starvation from widely grown vegetable crop, French bean. In recent years, a great deal of attention has been paid to the elucidation of miRNAs involved in low nitrate stress. Methods: To identify miRNAs expressed under stress, cDNA libraries were analyzed. Results: We reported the nine potential miRNAs with 67 targets involved in nutrient transporters and other stress specific genes. Among the miRNA sequences obtained 6 sequences belong to miR172 family, one with miR169. RT-PCR analysis of expression of miR172 family was induced upon low nitrate stress while miR169 family was repressed. In addition, Pvu-SN7b and Pvu-miR16 may be new members of miRNA172 and miR169 families, respectively. Conclusion: The targets of Pvu-SN7b were major protein kinases, one among which is the Protein Kinase CK2. CK2 Kinase is found to involve in transcription-directed signaling, gene control and cell-cycle regulation. Other targets of Pvu-SN7b were involved in DNA-dependent transcription regulation, photo-periodism, calcium-mediated signaling. Pvu-miR16 targets Thymidine kinase, the key enzyme of deoxy-nucleotide synthesis. The cleavage of these targets affects cell proliferation there by affecting nodule formation. Pvu-miR8 inhibits translation of its target protein Pre-protein translocase, a membrane-bound protein transporter involved in trans-membrane protein transportation. Together these results denote the response and role of miRNAs to nitrate-limiting conditions in French bean.


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Glyoxalase I which is synonymously known as lactoylglutathione lyase is a critical enzyme in methylglyoxal (MG) detoxification. We assessed the STM3117 encoded lactoylglutathione lyase (Lgl) of Salmonella Typhimurium, which is known to function as a virulence factor, due in part to its ability to detoxify methylglyoxal. We found that STM3117 encoded Lgl isomerises the hemithioacetal adduct of MG and glutathione (GSH) into S-lactoylglutathione. Lgl was observed to be an outer membrane bound protein with maximum expression at the exponential growth phase. The deletion mutant of S. Typhimurium (lgl) exhibited a notable growth inhibition coupled with oxidative DNA damage and membrane disruptions, in accordance with the growth arrest phenomenon associated with typical glyoxalase I deletion. However, growth in glucose minimal medium did not result in any inhibition. Endogenous expression of recombinant Lgl in serovar Typhi led to an increased resistance and growth in presence of external MG. Being a metalloprotein, Lgl was found to get activated maximally by Co2+ ion followed by Ni2+, while Zn2+ did not activate the enzyme and this could be attributed to the geometry of the particular protein-metal complex attained in the catalytically active state. Our results offer an insight on the pivotal role of the virulence associated and horizontally acquired STM3117 gene in non-typhoidal serovars with direct correlation of its activity in lending survival advantage to Salmonella spp.


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Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS) is a group of disorders characterized by the malformation of lysosome-related organelles, such as pigment cell melanosomes. Three of nine characterized HPS subtypes result from mutations in subunits of BLOC-2, a protein complex with no known molecular function. In this paper, we exploit melanocytes from mouse HPS models to place BLOC-2 within a cargo transport pathway from recycling endosomal domains to maturing melanosomes. In BLOC-2-deficient melanocytes, the melanosomal protein TYRP1 was largely depleted from pigment granules and underwent accelerated recycling from endosomes to the plasma membrane and to the Golgi. By live-cell imaging, recycling endosomal tubules of wild-type melanocytes made frequent and prolonged contacts with maturing melanosomes; in contrast, tubules from BLOC-2-deficient cells were shorter in length and made fewer, more transient contacts with melanosomes. These results support a model in which BLOC-2 functions to direct recycling endosomal tubular transport intermediates to maturing melanosomes and thereby promote cargo delivery and optimal pigmentation.


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Plant viruses exploit the host machinery for targeting the viral genome-movement protein complex to plasmodesmata (PD). The mechanism by which the non-structural protein m (NSm) of Groundnut bud necrosis virus (GBNV) is targeted to PD was investigated using Agrobacterium mediated transient expression of NSm and its fusion proteins in Nicotiana benthamiana. GFP:NSm formed punctuate structures that colocalized with mCherry:plasmodesmata localized protein la (PDLP la) confirming that GBNV NSm localizes to PD. Unlike in other movement proteins, the C-terminal coiled coil domain of GBNV NSm was shown to be involved in the localization of NSm to PD, as deletion of this domain resulted in the cytoplasmic localization of NSm. Treatment with Brefeldin A demonstrated the role of ER in targeting GFP NSm to PD. Furthermore, mCherry:NSm co-localized with ER-GFP (endoplasmic reticulum targeting peptide (HDEL peptide fused with GFP). Co-expression of NSm with ER-GFP showed that the ER-network was transformed into vesicles indicating that NSm interacts with ER and remodels it. Mutations in the conserved hydrophobic region of NSm (residues 130-138) did not abolish the formation of vesicles. Additionally, the conserved prolines at positions 140 and 142 were found to be essential for targeting the vesicles to the cell membrane. Further, systematic deletion of amino acid residues from N- and C-terminus demonstrated that N-terminal 203 amino acids are dispensable for the vesicle formation. On the other hand, the C-terminal coiled coil domain when expressed alone could also form vesicles. These results suggest that GBNV NSm remodels the ER network by forming vesicles via its interaction through the C-terminal coiled coil domain. Interestingly, NSm interacts with NP in vitro and coexpression of these two proteins in planta resulted in the relocalization of NP to PD and this relocalization was abolished when the N-terminal unfolded region of NSm was deleted. Thus, the NSm interacts with NP via its N-terminal unfolded region and the NSm-NP complex could in turn interact with the ER membrane via the C-terminal coiled coil domain of NSm to form vesicles that are targeted to PD and there by assist the cell to cell movement of the viral genome complex. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The suzukacillin fragments, Boc-Ala-Aib-Aib-Gln-Aib-Leu-Aib-Gly-Leu-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-Aib-OMe (14), Boc-Ala-Aib-Ala-Aib-Aib-Gln-Aib-Leu-Aib-Gly-Leu-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-Aib-OMe (16G) and the completely apolar 16-residue peptide in which the glutamine residue has been replaced by alanine (16A) have been studied by 270 MHz 1H-HMR, in C2HCl3 and (C2H3)2SO solution. Intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded NH groups have been identified by temperature and solvent dependence of chemical shifts. Peptides 14 and 16A adopt folded 310 helical conformations stabilized by 11 and 13 hydrogen bonds, respectively. In peptide 16G there are 12 intramolecular hydrogen bonds, with the glycine NH being solvent-exposed, in contrast to 14 and 16A.


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Recent work of Jones et al. giving the long-range behaviour of the pair correlation function is used to confirm that the critical ratio Pc/nckBTc = 1/2 in the Born-Green theory. This deviates from experimental results on simple insulating liquids by more than the predictions of the van der Waals equation of state. A brief discussion of conditions for thermodynamic consistency, which the Born-Green theory violates, is then given. Finally, the approach of the Ornstein-Zernike correlation function to its critical point behaviour is discussed within the Born-Green theory.


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The linear polypeptide antibiotic alamethicin is known to form channels in artificial lipid membranes. Synthetic 13- and 17-residue alamethicin fragments, labelled with a fluorescent dansyl group at the N-terminus, have been shown to translocate divalent cations across phospholipid membranes and to uncouple oxidative phosphorylation in rat liver mitochondria, in a manner analogous to the parent peptides. From studies of the aqueous phase aggregation behavior of the peptides, as well as their interaction with rat liver mitochondria, it is concluded that the interaction of the peptides with membranes is a complex process, probably involving both aqueous and membrane phase aggregation.


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Anti-deoxyadenylate antibodies were produced in rabbits by injecting a conjugate of deoxyadenosine 5′-phosphate with bovine serum albumin. The antisera, as analyzed by double diffusion in agar and the quantitative precipitin reaction, showed hapten-specific antibodies. The specific interaction between [3H]deoxyadenylate and antiserum was studied by a sensitive nitrocellulose membrane-binding assay. The specificity of the antibodies was analyzed by measuring the effectiveness of other nucleotides or derivatives to inhibit the hapten-antibody binding. The requirements for recognition by the antibody sites were studied by using a series of naturally occurring nucleic acid components as well as some synthetic derivatives as inhibitors. The antibodies were found to show a high degree of specificity for the whole nucleotide, the base, sugar and phosphate playing almost equally important roles. There was cross reactivity with other mononucleotides, although of a low order. The antibodies were able to react with DNA and tRNA.


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The rate of NADH oxidation with oxygen as the acceptor is very low in mouse liver plasma membrane and erythrocyte membrane. When vanadate is added, this rate is stimulated 10- to 20-fold. The absorption spectrum of vanadate does not change with the disappearance of NADH. The reaction is inhibited by superoxide dismutase, and there is no activity under an argon atmosphere. This indicates that oxygen is the electron acceptor and the reaction is mediated by superoxide. The vanadate stimulation is not limited to plasma membrane. Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum show similar increase in NADH oxidase activity when vanadate is added. The endomembranes have significant vanadate-stimulated activity with both NADH and NADPH. The vanadate-stimulated NADH oxidase in plasma membrane is inhibited by compounds, which inhibit NADH dehydrogenase activity: catechols, anthracycline drugs and manganese. This activity is stimulated by high phosphate and sulfate anion concentrations.


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Fenvalerate is a commonly used pyrethroid insecticide, used to control a wide range of pests. We have studied its interaction with the membrane using fluorescence polarization and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) techniques. Fenvalerate was found to decrease the DPH fluorescence polarization value of synaptosomal and microsomal membrane, implicating that it makes the membrane more fluid. At different concentrations of fenvalerate, the activation energy of the probe molecule in the membrane also changes revealed from the change in slope of the Arrhenius plot. At higher concentrations the insecticide slowly saturates the membrane. The effects of fenvalerate on model membrane were also studied with liposomes reconstituted with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC). Fenvalerate decreased the phase transition temperature (Tm) of DPPC by 1.5 °C at 40 μM concentration, but there was no effect on the cooperativity of the transition as interpreted from the DSC thermogram. From the change in the thermogram profile with fenvalerate it has been interpreted that it localizes in the acyl chain region of the lipid, possibly between C10 and C16 region and weakens the acyl chain packing. Fenvalerate was also found to interact with DPPC liposomes containing cholesterol to fluidize it.