75 resultados para Non-normal process

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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A study has been made of the problem of steady, one-dimensional, laminar flame propagation in premixed gases, with the Lewis number differing from (and equal to) unity. Analytical solutions, using the method of matched asymptotic expansions, have been obtained for large activation energies. Numerical solutions have been obtained for a wide range of the reduced activation temperature parameter (n {geometrically equal to} E/RTb), and the Lewis number δ. The studies reveal that the flame speed eigenvalue is linear in Lewis number for first order and quadratic in Lewis number for second order reactions. For a quick determination of flame speeds, with reasonable accuracy, a simple rule, expressing the flame speed eigenvalue as a function of the Lewis number and the centroid of the reaction rate function, is proposed. Comparisons have been made with some of the earlier works, for both first and second order reactions.


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We derive a very general expression of the survival probability and the first passage time distribution for a particle executing Brownian motion in full phase space with an absorbing boundary condition at a point in the position space, which is valid irrespective of the statistical nature of the dynamics. The expression, together with the Jensen's inequality, naturally leads to a lower bound to the actual survival probability and an approximate first passage time distribution. These are expressed in terms of the position-position, velocity-velocity, and position-velocity variances. Knowledge of these variances enables one to compute a lower bound to the survival probability and consequently the first passage distribution function. As examples, we compute these for a Gaussian Markovian process and, in the case of non-Markovian process, with an exponentially decaying friction kernel and also with a power law friction kernel. Our analysis shows that the survival probability decays exponentially at the long time irrespective of the nature of the dynamics with an exponent equal to the transition state rate constant.


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Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) is one of the ways to probe highly scattering media such as tissue using low-energy near infra-red light (NIR) to reconstruct a map of the optical property distribution. The interaction of the photons in biological tissue is a non-linear process and the phton transport through the tissue is modelled using diffusion theory. The inversion problem is often solved through iterative methods based on nonlinear optimization for the minimization of a data-model misfit function. The solution of the non-linear problem can be improved by modeling and optimizing the cost functional. The cost functional is f(x) = x(T)Ax - b(T)x + c and after minimization, the cost functional reduces to Ax = b. The spatial distribution of optical parameter can be obtained by solving the above equation iteratively for x. As the problem is non-linear, ill-posed and ill-conditioned, there will be an error or correction term for x at each iteration. A linearization strategy is proposed for the solution of the nonlinear ill-posed inverse problem by linear combination of system matrix and error in solution. By propagating the error (e) information (obtained from previous iteration) to the minimization function f(x), we can rewrite the minimization function as f(x; e) = (x + e)(T) A(x + e) - b(T)(x + e) + c. The revised cost functional is f(x; e) = f(x) + e(T)Ae. The self guided spatial weighted prior (e(T)Ae) error (e, error in estimating x) information along the principal nodes facilitates a well resolved dominant solution over the region of interest. The local minimization reduces the spreading of inclusion and removes the side lobes, thereby improving the contrast, localization and resolution of reconstructed image which has not been possible with conventional linear and regularization algorithm.


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Sufficient conditions for obtaining an equivalent linear model to classes of non-linear, bi-state, social interaction processes are derived. These parametric constraints, when satisfied, permit analytical determination of the dynamics of the non-linear process of social interaction.


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1] The poor predictability of the Indian summer monsoon ( ISM) appears to be due to the fact that a large fraction of interannual variability (IAV) is governed by unpredictable "internal'' low frequency variations. Mechanisms responsible for the internal IAV of the monsoon have not been clearly identified. Here, an attempt has been made to gain insight regarding the origin of internal IAV of the seasonal ( June - September, JJAS) mean rainfall from "internal'' IAV of the ISM simulated by an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) driven by fixed annual cycle of sea surface temperature (SST). The underlying hypothesis that monsoon ISOs are responsible for internal IAV of the ISM is tested. The spatial and temporal characteristics of simulated summer intraseasonal oscillations ( ISOs) are found to be in good agreement with those observed. A long integration with the AGCM forced with observed SST, shows that ISO activity over the Asian monsoon region is not modulated by the observed SST variations. The internal IAV of ISM, therefore, appears to be decoupled from external IAV. Hence, insight gained from this study may be useful in understanding the observed internal IAV of ISM. The spatial structure of the ISOs has a significant projection on the spatial structure of the seasonal mean and a common spatial mode governs both intraseasonal and interannual variability. Statistical average of ISO anomalies over the season ( seasonal ISO bias) strengthens or weakens the seasonal mean. It is shown that interannual anomalies of seasonal mean are closely related to the seasonal mean of intraseasonal anomalies and explain about 50% of the IAV of the seasonal mean. The seasonal mean ISO bias arises partly due to the broad-band nature of the ISO spectrum allowing the time series to be aperiodic over the season and partly due to a non-linear process where the amplitude of ISO activity is proportional to the seasonal bias of ISO anomalies. The later relation is a manifestation of the binomial character of rainfall time series. The remaining 50% of the IAV may arise due to land-surface processes, interaction between high frequency variability and ISOs, etc.


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Rotating shear flows, when angular momentum increases and angular velocity decreases as functions of radiation coordinate, are hydrodynamically stable under linear perturbation. The Keplerian flow is an example of such a system, which appears in an astrophysical context. Although decaying eigenmodes exhibit large transient energy growth of perturbation which could govern nonlinearity in the system, the feedback of inherent instability to generate turbulence seems questionable. We show that such systems exhibiting growing pseudo-eigenmodes easily reach an upper bound of growth rate in terms of the logarithmic norm of the involved non-normal operators, thus exhibiting feedback of inherent instability. This supports the existence of turbulence of hydrodynamic origin in the Keplerian accretion disc in astrophysics. Hence, this answers the question of the mismatch between the linear theory and experimental/observed data and helps in resolving the outstanding question of the origin of turbulence therein.


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Wave pipelining is a design technique for increasing the throughput of a digital circuit or system without introducing pipelining registers between adjacent combinational logic blocks in the circuit/system. However, this requires balancing of the delays along all the paths from the input to the output which comes the way of its implementation. Static CMOS is inherently susceptible to delay variation with input data, and hence, receives a low priority for wave pipelined digital design. On the other hand, ECL and CML, which are amenable to wave pipelining, lack the compactness and low power attributes of CMOS. In this paper we attempt to exploit wave pipelining in CMOS technology. We use a single generic building block in Normal Process Complementary Pass Transistor Logic (NPCPL), modeled after CPL, to achieve equal delay along all the propagation paths in the logic structure. An 8×8 b multiplier is designed using this logic in a 0.8 ?m technology. The carry-save multiplier architecture is modified suitably to support wave pipelining, viz., the logic depth of all the paths are made identical. The 1 mm×0.6 mm multiplier core supports a throughput of 400 MHz and dissipates a total power of 0.6 W. We develop simple enhancements to the NPCPL building blocks that allow the multiplier to sustain throughputs in excess of 600 MHz. The methodology can be extended to introduce wave pipelining in other circuits as well


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Thermodynamic analysis of a non-polluting process for the effective treatment of lean multimetallic sulphide ores is presented. The sulphide ore is roasted with sodium chloride in air. Metal sulphides are converted to chlorides that can be separated from the unaffected gangue material. At a temperature of 1100 K the chlorides are present both in gaseous and in condensed states. Volatile chlorides can be easily removed and subsequently condensed. The chlorides present in the condensed state can be leached to separate them from the gangue. The sulphur is trapped as Na2SO4 and thus SO2 emission is minimized. Ellingham diagrams are used to compare data for a large number of elements. The major thermodynamic driving force is provided by the higher stability of Na2SO4 relative to NaCl.


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A wet chemical route is developed for the preparation of Sr2CeO4 denoted the carbonate-gel composite technique. This involves the coprecipitation of strontium as fine particles of carbonates within hydrated gels of ceria (CeO2.xH(2)O, 40process involving exchange interaction. Yb3+-substituted Sr2CeO4 does not show any line emission because the energy of Yb3+-O2- CT level is higher than that of the Ce4+-O2- CT level. Sr2-xEuxCeO4+x/2 shows white emission at xless than or equal to0.02 because of the dominant intensities of D-5(2)-F-7(0-3) transitions in blue-green region whereas the intensities of D-5(0)-F-7(0-3) transitions in orange-red regions dominate at concentrations xgreater than or equal to0.03 and give red emission. The appearance of all the emissions from D-5(2), D-5(1) and D-5(0) excited states to the F-7(0-3) ground multiplets of Eu3+ is explained on the basis of the shift from the hypersensitive electric-dipole to magnetic-dipole related transitions with the variation in site symmetry with increasing concentration of Eu3+. White emission of Sr2-x SmxCeO4+x/2 at xless than or equal to0.02 is due the co-existence of Ce4+-O2- CT emission and (4)G(4)(5/2)-H-6(J) Sm3+ transitions whereas only the Sm3+ red emission prevails for xgreater than or equal to0.03. The above unique changes in PL emission features are explained in terms of the changes in NNN environments of Ce4+. Quenching of Ce4+-O2- CT emission by other Ln(3+) is due to the ground state crossover arising out of the NNN interactions.


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The origin of linear instability resulting in rotating sheared accretion flows has remained a controversial subject for a long time. While some explanations of such non-normal transient growth of disturbances in the Rayleigh stable limit were available for magnetized accretion flows, similar instabilities in the absence of magnetic perturbations remained unexplained. This dichotomy was resolved in two recent publications by Chattopadhyay and co-workers Mukhopadhyay and Chattopadhyay, J. Phys. A 46, 035501 (2013); Nath et al., Phys. Rev. E 88, 013010 (2013)] where it was shown that such instabilities, especially for nonmagnetized accretion flows, were introduced through interaction of the inherent stochastic noise in the system (even a ``cold'' accretion flow at 3000Kis too ``hot'' in the statistical parlance and is capable of inducing strong thermal modes) with the underlying Taylor-Couette flow profiles. Both studies, however, excluded the additional energy influx (or efflux) that could result from nonzero cross correlation of a noise perturbing the velocity flow, say, with the noise that is driving the vorticity flow (or equivalently the magnetic field and magnetic vorticity flow dynamics). Through the introduction of such a time symmetry violating effect, in this article we show that nonzero noise cross correlations essentially renormalize the strength of temporal correlations. Apart from an overall boost in the energy rate (both for spatial and temporal correlations, and hence in the ensemble averaged energy spectra), this results in mutual competition in growth rates of affected variables often resulting in suppression of oscillating Alfven waves at small times while leading to faster saturations at relatively longer time scales. The effects are seen to be more pronounced with magnetic field fluxes where the noise cross correlation magnifies the strength of the field concerned. Another remarkable feature noted specifically for the autocorrelation functions is the removal of energy degeneracy in the temporal profiles of fast growing non-normal modes leading to faster saturation with minimum oscillations. These results, including those presented in the previous two publications, now convincingly explain subcritical transition to turbulence in the linear limit for all possible situations that could now serve as the benchmark for nonlinear stability studies in Keplerian accretion disks.


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numerical study of the free energy gap (FEG) dependence of the electron-transfer rate in polar solvents is presented. This study is based on the generalized multidimensional hybrid model, which not only includes the solvent polarization and the molecular vibration modes, but also the biphasic polar response of the solvent. The free energy gap dependence is found to be sensitive to several factors, including the solvent relaxation rate, the electronic coupling between the surfaces, the frequency of the high-frequency quantum vibrational mode, and the magnitude of the solvent reorganization energy. It is shown that in some cases solvent relaxation can play an important role even in the Marcus normal regime. The minimal hybrid model involves a large number of parameters, giving rise to a diverse non-Marcus FEG behavior which is often determined collectively by these parameters. The model gives the linear free energy gap dependence of the logarithmic rate over a substantial range of FEG, spanning from the normal to the inverted regime. However, even for favorable values of the relevant parameters, a linear free energy gap dependence of the rate could be obtained only over a range of 5000-6000 cm(-1) (compared to the experimentally observed range of 10000 cm(-1) reported by Benniston et al.). The present work suggests several extensions/generalizations of the hybrid model which might be necessary to fully understand the observed free energy gap dependence.


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Adult male bonnet monkeys exhibit nychthemeral rhythms in testosterone (T) secretion but the precise role of this heightened level of T secretion in regulating spermatogenesis is not known. Intranasal administration of microdoses (500 mu g or 250 mu g/day) of Norethisterone (IN-NET) to adult monkeys (n = 6) at 1600 h each day selectively and completely suppressed the nocturnal surge levels of serum T. Concomitant with this was a significant reduction (P<0.01) in serum LH but not FSH levels. DNA flow cytometric analysis of testicular biopsy tissue showed by week 10 of IN-NET treatment an arrest in meiotic transformation of primary spermatocytes (4C) to round/elongate (1C/HC) spermatids and by week 20 there was a complete absence of 4C, 1C and HC cells (with a relative accumulation in 2C cells). The accumulated meiotic (4C) cells at week 10 showed an increase (>80%, P<0.01) in coefficient of variation and a decrease in intensity of DNA-bound ethidium bromide fluorescence, parameters characteristic of degenerating 'apoptotic' subpopulation of germ cells. While two monkeys exhibited acute oligozoospermia 4 became azoospermic by 20 weeks of IN-NET treatment. A complete, qualitative reversal in the regressive changes in spermatogenesis and near-normal sperm output were apparent at the end of a 20-week recovery phase. These data demonstrate that prolonged, selective suppression of nocturnal surge levels of serum T secretion exerts a primary effect on meiosis in spermatogenesis leading to oligo/azoospermic status in adult bonnet monkeys.


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In the present study a two dimensional model is first developed to show the behaviour of dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPL) within a rough fracture. To consider the rough fracture, the fracture is imposed with variable apertures along its plane. It is found that DNAPL follows preferential pathways. In next part of the study the above model is further extended for non-isothermal DNAPL flow and DNAPL-water interphase mass transfer phenomenon. These two models are then coupled with joint deformation due to normal stresses. The primary focus of these models is specifically to elucidate the influence of joint alteration due to external stress and fluid pressures on flow driven energy transport and interphase mass transfer. For this, it is assumed that the critical value for joint alteration is associated with external stress and average of water and DNAPL pressures in multiphase system and the temporal and spatial evolution of joint alteration are determined for its further influence on energy transport and miscible phase transfer. The developed model has been studied to show the influence of deformation on DNAPL flow. Further this preliminary study demonstrates the influence of joint deformation on heat transport and phase miscibility via multiphase flow velocities. It is seen that the temperature profile changes and shows higher diffusivity due to deformation and although the interphase miscibility value decreases but the lateral dispersion increases to a considerably higher extent.


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Non-Abelian quantum Hall states are characterized by the simultaneous appearance of charge and neutral gapless edge modes, with the structure of the latter being intricately related to the existence of bulk quasiparticle excitations obeying non-Abelian statistics. Here we propose a scenario for detecting the neutral modes by having two point contacts in series separated by a distance set by the thermal equilibration length of the charge mode. We show that by using the first point contact as a heating device, the excess charge noise measured at the second point contact carries a nontrivial signature of the presence of the neutral mode. We also obtain explicit expressions for the thermal conductance and corresponding Lorentz number for transport across a quantum point contact between two edges held at different temperatures and chemical potentials.


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TiO2 films are extensively used in various applications including optical multi-layers, sensors, photo catalysis, environmental purification, and solar cells etc. These are prepared by both vacuum and non-vacuum methods. In this paper, we present the results on TiO2 thin films prepared by a sol-gel spin coating process in non-aqueous solvent. Titanium isopropoxide is used as TiO2 precursor. The films were annealed at different temperatures up to 3000 C for 5 hours in air. The influence of the various deposition parameters like spinning speed, spinning time and annealing temperature on the thickness of the TiO2 films has been studied. The variation of film thickness with time in ambient atmosphere was also studied. The optical, structural and morphological characteristics were investigated by optical transmittance-reflectance measurements, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) respectively. The refractive index and extinction coefficient of the films were determined by envelope technique and spectroscopic ellipsometry. TiO2 films exhibited high transparency (92%) in the visible region with a refractive index of 2.04 at 650 nm. The extinction coefficient was found to be negligibly small. The X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the TiO2 film deposited on glass substrate changes from amorphous to crystalline (anatase) phase with annealing temperature above 2500 C. SEM results show that the deposited films are uniform and crack free.