10 resultados para Non-competitive labor markets

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Nucleoside di- and triphosphates and adenosine regulate several components of the mucocilairy clearance process (MCC) that protects the lung against infections, via activation of epithelial purinergic receptors. However, assessing the contribution of individual nucleotides to MCC functions remains difficult due to the complexity of the mechanisms of nucleotide release and metabolism. Enzymatic activities involved in the metabolism of extracellular nucleotides include ecto-ATPases and secreted nucleoside diphosphokinase (NDPK) and adenyl kinase, but potent and selective inhibitors of these activities are sparse. In the present study, we discovered that ebselen markedly reduced NDPK activity while having negligible effect on ecto-ATPase and adenyl kinase activities. Addition of radiotracer gamma P-32]ATP to human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cells resulted in rapid and robust accumulation of P-32]-inorganic phosphate ((32)Pi). Inclusion of UDP in the incubation medium resulted in conversion of gamma P-32]ATP to P-32]UTP, while inclusion of AMP resulted in conversion of gamma P-32]ATP to P-32]ADP. Ebselen markedly reduced P-32]UTP formation but displayed negligible effect on (32)Pi or P-32]ADP accumulations. Incubation of HBE cells with unlabeled UTP and ADP resulted in robust ebselen-sensitive formation of ATP (IC50=6.9 +/- 2 mu M). This NDPK activity was largely recovered in HBE cell secretions and supernatants from lung epithelial A549 cells. Kinetic analysis of NDPK activity indicated that ebselen reduced the V-max of the reaction (K-i=7.6 +/- 3 mu M), having negligible effect on KM values. Our study demonstrates that ebselen is a potent noncompetitive inhibitor of extracellular NDPK.


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The cupric and ferric complexes of isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH) inhibit the DNA synthesis catalysed by avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV) reverse transcriptase. The inhibition was to the extent of 95% by 50 μM of cupric-INH complex and 55% by 100 μM of ferric-INH complex. These complexes have been found to bind preferentially to the enzyme than to the template-primer. Kinetic analysis showed that the cupric-INH complex is a non-competitive inhibitor with respect to dTTP. The time course of inhibition has revealed that the complexes are inhibitory even after the initiation of polynucleotide synthesis. In vivo toxicity studies in 1-day-old chicks have shown that the complexes are not toxic up to a concentration of 500 μg per chick. Infection of the 1-day-old chicks with AMV pretreated with 150 μg of either of the complexes prevented symptoms of leukemia due to virus inactivation.


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5,10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (EC was purified from the cytosolic fraction of sheep liver by (NH4)2 SO4 fractionation, acid precipitation, DEAE-Sephacel chromatography and Blue Sepharose affinity chromatography. The homogeneity of the enzyme was established by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, ultracentrifugation and Ouchterlony immunodiffusion test. The enzyme was a dimer of molecular weight 1,66,000 ± 5,000 with a subunit molecular weight of 87,000 ±5,000. The enzyme showed hyperbolic saturation pattern with 5-methyltetrahydrofolate.K 0.5 values for 5-methyltetrahydrofolate menadione and NADPH were determined to be 132 ΜM, 2.45 ΜM and 16 ΜM. The parallel set of lines in the Lineweaver-Burk plot, when either NADPH or menadione was varied at different fixed concentrations of the other substrate; non-competitive inhibition, when NADPH was varied at different fixed concentrations of NADP; competitive inhibition, when menadione was varied at different fixed concentrations of NADP and the absence of inhibition by NADP at saturating concentration of menadione, clearly established that the kinetic mechanism of the reaction catalyzed by this enzyme was ping-pong.


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Glucoamylase (1,4-alpha-D-glucan glucohydrolase, EC was purified from the culture filtrates of the thermophilic fungus Thermomyces lanuginosus and was established to be homogeneous by a number of criteria. The enzyme was a glycoprotein with an average molecular weight of about 57 000 and a carbohydrate content of 10-12%. The enzyme hydrolysed successive glucose residues from the non-reducing ends of the starch molecule. It did not exhibit any glucosyltransferase activity. The enzyme appeared to hydrolyse maltotriose by the multi-chain mechanism. The enzyme was unable to hydrolyse 1,6-alpha-D-glucosidic linkages of isomaltose and dextran. It was optimally active at 70 degrees C. The enzyme exhibited increase in the Vmax. and decreased in Km values with increasing chain length of the substrate molecule. The enzyme was inhibited by the substrate analogue D-glucono-delta-lactone in a non-competitive manner. The enzyme inhibited remarkable resistance towards chemical and thermal denaturation.


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Sirtuins are NAD(+) dependent deacetylases that modulate various essential cellular functions. Development of peptide based inhibitors of Sir2s would prove useful both as pharmaceutical agents and as effectors by which downstream cellular alterations can be monitored. Click chemistry that utilizes Huisgen's 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition permits attachment of novel modifications onto the side chain of lysine. Herein, we report the synthesis of peptide analogues prepared using click reactions on N epsilon-propargyloxycarbonyl protected lysine residues and their characterization as inhibitors of Plasmodium falciparum Sir2 activity. The peptide based inhibitors exhibited parabolic competitive inhibition with respect to acetylated-peptide substrate and parabolic non-competitive inhibition with NAD(+) supporting the formation of EI2 and E.NAD(+).I-2 complexes. Cross-competition inhibition analysis with the non-competitive inhibitor nicotinamide (NAM) ruled out the possibility of the NAM-binding site being the second inhibitor binding site, suggesting the presence of a unique alternate pocket commodating the inhibitor. One of these compounds was also found to be a potent inhibitor of the intraerythrocytic growth of P. falciparum with 50% inhibitory concentration in the micromolar range.


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The mechanism by which the hinge regions of glycoprotein hormone receptors couple hormone binding to activation of downstream effecters is not clearly understood. In the present study, agonistic (311.62) and antagonistic (311.87) monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed against the TSH receptor extracellular domain were used to elucidate role of the hinge region in receptor activation. MAb 311.62 which identifies the LRR/Cb-2 junction (aa 265-275), increased the affinity of TSHR for the hormone while concomitantly decreasing its efficacy, whereas MAb 311.87 recognizing LRR 7-9 (aa 201-259) acted as a non-competitive inhibitor of Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) binding. Binding of MAbs was sensitive to the conformational changes caused by the activating and inactivating mutations and exhibited differential effects on hormone binding and response of these mutants. By studying the effects of these MAbs on truncation and chimeric mutants of thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR), this study confirms the tethered inverse agonistic role played by the hinge region and maps the interactions between TSHR hinge region and exoloops responsible for maintenance of the receptor in its basal state. Mechanistic studies on the antibody-receptor interactions suggest that MAb 311.87 is an allosteric insurmountable antagonist and inhibits initiation of the hormone induced conformational changes in the hinge region, whereas MAb 311.62 acts as a partial agonist that recognizes a conformational epitope critical for coupling of hormone binding to receptor activation. The hinge region, probably in close proximity with the alpha-subunit in the hormone-receptor complex, acts as a tunable switch between hormone binding and receptor activation.


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We describe a method to fabricate high-density biological microarrays using lithographic patterning of polyelectrolyte multi layers formed by spin assisted electrostatic layer-by-layer assembly. Proteins or DNA can be immobilized on the polyelectrolyte patterns via electrostatic attachment leading to functional microarrays. As the immobilization is done using electrostatically assembled polyelectrolyte anchor, this process is substrate independent and is fully compatible with a standard semiconductor fabrication process flow. Moreover, the electrostatic assembly of the anchor layer is a fast process with reaction saturation times of the order of a few minutes unlike covalent schemes that typically require hours to reach saturation. The substrate independent nature of this technique is demonstrated by functionalizing glass slides as well as regular transparency sheets using the same procedure. Using a model protein assay, we demonstrate that the non-covalent immobilization scheme described here has competitive performance compared to conventional covalent immobilization schemes described in literature. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Primates exhibit laterality in hand usage either in terms of (a) hand with which an individual solves a task or while solving a task that requires both hands, executes the most complex action, that is, hand preference, or (b) hand with which an individual executes actions most efficiently, that is, hand performance. Observations from previous studies indicate that laterality in hand usage might reflect specialization of the two hands for accomplishing tasks that require maneuvering dexterity or physical strength. However, no existing study has investigated handedness with regard to this possibility. In this study, we examined laterality in hand usage in urban free-ranging bonnet macaques, Macaca radiata with regard to the above possibility. While solving four distinct food extraction tasks which varied in the number of steps involved in the food extraction process and the dexterity required in executing the individual steps, the macaques consistently used one hand for extracting food (i.e., task requiring maneuvering dexterity)the maneuvering hand, and the other hand for supporting the body (i.e., task requiring physical strength)the supporting hand. Analogously, the macaques used the maneuvering hand for the spontaneous routine activities that involved maneuvering in three-dimensional space, such as grooming, and hitting an opponent during an agonistic interaction, and the supporting hand for those that required physical strength, such as pulling the body up while climbing. Moreover, while solving a task that ergonomically forced the usage of a particular hand, the macaques extracted food faster with the maneuvering hand as compared to the supporting hand, demonstrating the higher maneuvering dexterity of the maneuvering hand. As opposed to the conventional ideas of handedness in non-human primates, these observations demonstrate division of labor between the two hands marked by their consistent usage across spontaneous and experimental tasks requiring maneuvering in three-dimensional space or those requiring physical strength. Am. J. Primatol. 76:576-585, 2014. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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We consider the problem of optimizing the workforce of a service system. Adapting the staffing levels in such systems is non-trivial due to large variations in workload and the large number of system parameters do not allow for a brute force search. Further, because these parameters change on a weekly basis, the optimization should not take longer than a few hours. Our aim is to find the optimum staffing levels from a discrete high-dimensional parameter set, that minimizes the long run average of the single-stage cost function, while adhering to the constraints relating to queue stability and service-level agreement (SLA) compliance. The single-stage cost function balances the conflicting objectives of utilizing workers better and attaining the target SLAs. We formulate this problem as a constrained parameterized Markov cost process parameterized by the (discrete) staffing levels. We propose novel simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA)-based algorithms for solving the above problem. The algorithms include both first-order as well as second-order methods and incorporate SPSA-based gradient/Hessian estimates for primal descent, while performing dual ascent for the Lagrange multipliers. Both algorithms are online and update the staffing levels in an incremental fashion. Further, they involve a certain generalized smooth projection operator, which is essential to project the continuous-valued worker parameter tuned by our algorithms onto the discrete set. The smoothness is necessary to ensure that the underlying transition dynamics of the constrained Markov cost process is itself smooth (as a function of the continuous-valued parameter): a critical requirement to prove the convergence of both algorithms. We validate our algorithms via performance simulations based on data from five real-life service systems. For the sake of comparison, we also implement a scatter search based algorithm using state-of-the-art optimization tool-kit OptQuest. From the experiments, we observe that both our algorithms converge empirically and consistently outperform OptQuest in most of the settings considered. This finding coupled with the computational advantage of our algorithms make them amenable for adaptive labor staffing in real-life service systems.


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Bacterial biofilms display a collective lifestyle, wherein the cells secrete extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) that helps in adhesion, aggregation, stability, and to protect the bacteria from antimicrobials. We asked whether the BPS could act as a public good for the biofilm and observed that infiltration of cells that do not produce matrix components weakened the biofilm of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. PS production was costly for the producing cells, as indicated by a significant reduction in the fitness of wild type (WT) cells during competitive planktonic growth relative to the non-producers. Infiltration frequency of non-producers in the biofilm showed a concomitant decrease in overall productivity. It was apparent in the confocal images that the non producing cells benefit from the BPS produced by the Wild Type (WT) to stay in the biofilm. The biofilm containing non-producing cells were more significantly susceptible to sodium hypochlorite and ciprofloxacin treatment than the WT biofilm. Biofilm infiltrated with non-producers delayed the pathogenesis, as tested in a murine model. The cell types were spatially assorted, with non producers being edged out in the biofilm. However, cellulose was found to act as a barrier to keep the non-producers away from the WT microcolony. Our results show that the infiltration of non-cooperating cell types can substantially weaken the biofilm making it vulnerable to antibacterials and delay their pathogenesis. Cellulose, a component of BPS, was shown to play a pivotal role of acting as the main public good, and to edge-out the non-producers away from the cooperating microcolony.