74 resultados para Networking and Communications

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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[1] D. Tse and P. Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication.Cambridge University Press, 2006. [2] H. Bolcskei, D. Gesbert, C. B. Papadias, and A.-J. van der Veen, Spacetime Wireless Systems: From Array Processing to MIMO Communications.Cambridge University Press, 2006. [3] Q. H. Spencer, C. B. Peel, A. L. Swindlehurst, and M. Haardt, “An introduction to the multiuser MIMO downlink,” IEEE Commun. Mag.,vol. 42, pp. 60–67, Oct. 2004. [4] K. Kusume, M. Joham,W. Utschick, and G. Bauch, “Efficient tomlinsonharashima precoding for spatial multiplexing on flat MIMO channel,”in Proc. IEEE ICC’2005, May 2005, pp. 2021–2025. [5] R. Fischer, C. Windpassinger, A. Lampe, and J. Huber, “MIMO precoding for decentralized receivers,” in Proc. IEEE ISIT’2002, 2002, p.496. [6] M. Schubert and H. Boche, “Iterative multiuser uplink and downlink beamforming under SINR constraints,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process.,vol. 53, pp. 2324–2334, Jul. 2005. [7] ——, “Solution of multiuser downlink beamforming problem with individual SINR constraints,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 53, pp.18–28, Jan. 2004. [8] A. Wiesel, Y. C. Eldar, and Shamai, “Linear precoder via conic optimization for fixed MIMO receivers,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 52,pp. 161–176, Jan. 2006. [9] N. Jindal, “MIMO broadcast channels with finite rate feed-back,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM’2005, Nov. 2005. [10] R. Hunger, F. Dietrich, M. Joham, and W. Utschick, “Robust transmit zero-forcing filters,” in Proc. ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas, Munich,Mar. 2004, pp. 130–137. [11] M. B. Shenouda and T. N. Davidson, “Linear matrix inequality formulations of robust QoS precoding for broadcast channels,” in Proc.CCECE’2007, Apr. 2007, pp. 324–328. [12] M. Payaro, A. Pascual-Iserte, and M. A. Lagunas, “Robust power allocation designs for multiuser and multiantenna downlink communication systems through convex optimization,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun.,vol. 25, pp. 1392–1401, Sep. 2007. [13] M. Biguesh, S. Shahbazpanahi, and A. B. Gershman, “Robust downlink power control in wireless cellular systems,” EURASIP Jl. Wireless Commun. Networking, vol. 2, pp. 261–272, 2004. [14] B. Bandemer, M. Haardt, and S. Visuri, “Liner MMSE multi-user MIMO downlink precoding for users with multple antennas,” in Proc.PIMRC’06, Sep. 2006, pp. 1–5. [15] J. Zhang, Y. Wu, S. Zhou, and J. Wang, “Joint linear transmitter and receiver design for the downlink of multiuser MIMO systems,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 9, pp. 991–993, Nov. 2005. [16] S. Shi, M. Schubert, and H. Boche, “Downlink MMSE transceiver optimization for multiuser MIMO systems: Duality and sum-mse minimization,”IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 55, pp. 5436–5446, Nov.2007. [17] A. Mezghani, M. Joham, R. Hunger, and W. Utschick, “Transceiver design for multi-user MIMO systems,” in Proc. WSA 2006, Mar. 2006. [18] R. Doostnejad, T. J. Lim, and E. Sousa, “Joint precoding and beamforming design for the downlink in a multiuser MIMO system,” in Proc.WiMob’2005, Aug. 2005, pp. 153–159. [19] N. Vucic, H. Boche, and S. Shi, “Robust transceiver optimization in downlink multiuser MIMO systems with channel uncertainty,” in Proc.IEEE ICC’2008, Beijing, China, May 2008. [20] A. Ben-Tal and A. Nemirovsky, “Selected topics in robust optimization,”Math. Program., vol. 112, pp. 125–158, Feb. 2007. [21] D. Bertsimas and M. Sim, “Tractable approximations to robust conic optimization problems,” Math. Program., vol. 107, pp. 5–36, Jun. 2006. [22] P. Ubaidulla and A. Chockalingam, “Robust Transceiver Design for Multiuser MIMO Downlink,” in Proc. IEEE Globecom’2008, New Orleans, USA, Dec. 2008, to appear. [23] S. Boyd and L. Vandenberghe, Convex Optimization. Cambridge University Press, 2004. [24] G. H. Golub and C. F. V. Loan, Matrix Computations. The John Hopkins University Press, 1996.


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A low correlation interleaved QAM sequence family is presented here. In a CDMA setting, these sequences have the ability to transport a large amount of data as well as enable variable-rate signaling on the reverse link. The new interleaved selected family INQ has period N, normalized maximum correlation parameter thetasmacrmax bounded above by lsim a radicN, where a ranges from 1.17 in the 16-QAM case to 1.99 for large M2-QAM, where M = 2m, m ges 2. Each user is enabled to transfer m + 1 bits of data per period of the spreading sequence. These constructions have the lowest known value of maximum correlation of any sequence family with the same alphabet.


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The possibility of observing gravitational spin precession due to spin-orbit coupling in a binary pulsar system is considered. An analysis is presented which can aid in delineating the relevant physical effects from pulse-structure data. In this analysis, it is assumed that the pulsar radiation emanates from a cone whose axis is tilted with respect to the axis of rotation. It is found that the time-averaged pulse width and polarization sweep vary periodically with time and that this variation has a periodicity of the order of the spin-precession frequency averaged over a complete revolution. It is concluded that for an orbital period of about 180 years, it suffices to measure polarization data with an accuracy of a few parts in 100 over a period of six months to a year in order to uncover the effects of spin precession. The consistency of the analysis is checked, and the calculations are applied to a recently discovered binary pulsar.


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This paper proposes a new approach, wherein multiple populations are evolved on different landscapes. The problem statement is broken down, to describe discrete characteristics. Each landscape, described by its fitness landscape is used to optimize or amplify a certain characteristic or set of characteristics. Individuals from each of these populations are kept geographically isolated from each other Each population is evolved individually. After a predetermined number of evolutions, the system of populations is analysed against a normalized fitness function. Depending on this score and a predefined merging scheme, the populations are merged, one at a time, while continuing evolution. Merging continues until only one final population remains. This population is then evolved, following which the resulting population will contain the optimal solution. The final resulting population will contain individuals which have been optimized against all characteristics as desired by the problem statement. Each individual population is optimized for a local maxima. Thus when populations are merged, the effect is to produce a new population which is closer to the global maxima.


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This paper proposes a new approach, wherein multiple populations are evolved on different landscapes. The problem statement is broken down, to describe discrete characteristics. Each landscape, described by its fitness landscape is used to optimize or amplify a certain characteristic or set of characteristics. Individuals from each of these populations are kept geographically isolated from each other Each population is evolved individually. After a predetermined number of evolutions, the system of populations is analysed against a normalized fitness function. Depending on this score and a predefined merging scheme, the populations are merged, one at a time, while continuing evolution. Merging continues until only one final population remains. This population is then evolved, following which the resulting population will contain the optimal solution. The final resulting population will contain individuals which have been optimized against all characteristics as desired by the problem statement. Each individual population is optimized for a local maxima. Thus when populations are merged, the effect is to produce a new population which is closer to the global maxima.


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The minimum distance of linear block codes is one of the important parameter that indicates the error performance of the code. When the code rate is less than 1/2, efficient algorithms are available for finding minimum distance using the concept of information sets. When the code rate is greater than 1/2, only one information set is available and efficiency suffers. In this paper, we investigate and propose a novel algorithm to find the minimum distance of linear block codes with the code rate greater than 1/2. We propose to reverse the roles of information set and parity set to get virtually another information set to improve the efficiency. This method is 67.7 times faster than the minimum distance algorithm implemented in MAGMA Computational Algebra System for a (80, 45) linear block code.


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We address the problem of computing the level-crossings of an analog signal from samples measured on a uniform grid. Such a problem is important, for example, in multilevel analog-to-digital (A/D) converters. The first operation in such sampling modalities is a comparator, which gives rise to a bilevel waveform. Since bilevel signals are not bandlimited, measuring the level-crossing times exactly becomes impractical within the conventional framework of Shannon sampling. In this paper, we propose a novel sub-Nyquist sampling technique for making measurements on a uniform grid and thereby for exactly computing the level-crossing times from those samples. The computational complexity of the technique is low and comprises simple arithmetic operations. We also present a finite-rate-of-innovation sampling perspective of the proposed approach and also show how exponential splines fit in naturally into the proposed sampling framework. We also discuss some concrete practical applications of the sampling technique.


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In this article, we use some spectral properties of polynomials presented in 1] and map an auto-correlation sequence to a set of Line Spectral Frequencies(LSFs) and reflection coefficients. This novel characterization of an auto-correlation sequence is used to obtain a lattice structure of a Linear-Phase(LP) FIR filter.


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Zero padded systems with linear receivers are shown to be robust and amenable to fast implementations in single antenna scenarios. In this paper, properties of such systems are investigated when multiple antennas are present at both ends of the communication link. In particular, their diversity and complexity are evaluated for precoded transmissions. The linear receivers are shown to exploit multipath and receive diversities, even in the absence of any coding at the transmitter. Use of additional redundancy to improve performance is considered and the effect of transmission rate on diversity order is analyzed. Low complexity implementations of Zero Forcing receivers are devised to further enhance their applicability.


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We provide a filterbank precoding framework (FBP) for frequency selective channels using the minimum mean squared error (MMSE) criterion. The design obviates the need for introducing a guard interval between successive blocks, and hence can achieve the maximum possible bandwidth efficiency. This is especially useful in cases where the channel is of a high order. We treat both the presence and the absence of channel knowledge at the transmitter. In the former case, we obtain the jointly optimal precoder-equalizer pair of the specified order. In the latter case, we use a zero padding precoder, and obtain the MMSE equalizer. No restriction on the dimension or nature of the channel matrix is imposed. Simulation results indicate that the filterbank approach outperforms block based methods like OFDM and eigenmode precoding.


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In this paper we review the most peculiar and interesting information-theoretic and communications features of fading channels. We first describe the statistical models of fading channels which are frequently used in the analysis and design of communication systems. Next, we focus on the information theory of fading channels, by emphasizing capacity as the most important performance measure. Both single-user and multiuser transmission are examined. Further, we describe how the structure of fading channels impacts code design, and finally overview equalization of fading multipath channels.


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In this paper, we compare the experimental results for Tamil online handwritten character recognition using HMM and Statistical Dynamic Time Warping (SDTW) as classifiers. HMM was used for a 156-class problem. Different feature sets and values for the HMM states & mixtures were tried and the best combination was found to be 16 states & 14 mixtures, giving an accuracy of 85%. The features used in this combination were retained and a SDTW model with 20 states and single Gaussian was used as classifier. Also, the symbol set was increased to include numerals, punctuation marks and special symbols like $, & and #, taking the number of classes to 188. It was found that, with a small addition to the feature set, this simple SDTW classifier performed on par with the more complicated HMM model, giving an accuracy of 84%. Mixture density estimation computations was reduced by 11 times. The recognition is writer independent, as the dataset used is quite large, with a variety of handwriting styles.


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We analyze the spectral zero-crossing rate (SZCR) properties of transient signals and show that SZCR contains accurate localization information about the transient. For a train of pulses containing transient events, the SZCR computed on a sliding window basis is useful in locating the impulse locations accurately. We present the properties of SZCR on standard stylized signal models and then show how it may be used to estimate the epochs in speech signals. We also present comparisons with some state-of-the-art techniques that are based on the group-delay function. Experiments on real speech show that the proposed SZCR technique is better than other group-delay-based epoch detectors. In the presence of noise, a comparison with the zero-frequency filtering technique (ZFF) and Dynamic programming projected Phase-Slope Algorithm (DYPSA) showed that performance of the SZCR technique is better than DYPSA and inferior to that of ZFF. For highpass-filtered speech, where ZFF performance suffers drastically, the identification rates of SZCR are better than those of DYPSA.


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The goal of speech enhancement algorithms is to provide an estimate of clean speech starting from noisy observations. The often-employed cost function is the mean square error (MSE). However, the MSE can never be computed in practice. Therefore, it becomes necessary to find practical alternatives to the MSE. In image denoising problems, the cost function (also referred to as risk) is often replaced by an unbiased estimator. Motivated by this approach, we reformulate the problem of speech enhancement from the perspective of risk minimization. Some recent contributions in risk estimation have employed Stein's unbiased risk estimator (SURE) together with a parametric denoising function, which is a linear expansion of threshold/bases (LET). We show that the first-order case of SURE-LET results in a Wiener-filter type solution if the denoising function is made frequency-dependent. We also provide enhancement results obtained with both techniques and characterize the improvement by means of local as well as global SNR calculations.


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Moving shadow detection and removal from the extracted foreground regions of video frames, aim to limit the risk of misconsideration of moving shadows as a part of moving objects. This operation thus enhances the rate of accuracy in detection and classification of moving objects. With a similar reasoning, the present paper proposes an efficient method for the discrimination of moving object and moving shadow regions in a video sequence, with no human intervention. Also, it requires less computational burden and works effectively under dynamic traffic road conditions on highways (with and without marking lines), street ways (with and without marking lines). Further, we have used scale-invariant feature transform-based features for the classification of moving vehicles (with and without shadow regions), which enhances the effectiveness of the proposed method. The potentiality of the method is tested with various data sets collected from different road traffic scenarios, and its superiority is compared with the existing methods. (C) 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.