254 resultados para Nanowire anisotropic conductive film (NW-ACF)

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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All solid state batteries are essential candidate for miniaturizing the portable electronics devices. Thin film batteries are constructed by layer by layer deposition of electrode materials by physical vapour deposition method. We propose a promising novel method and unique architecture, in which highly porous graphene sheet embedded with SnO2 nanowire could be employed as the anode electrode in lithium ion thin film battery. The vertically standing graphene flakes were synthesized by microwave plasma CVD and SnO2 nanowires based on a vapour-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism via thermal evaporation at low synthesis temperature (620 degrees C). The graphene sheet/SnO2 nanowire composite electrode demonstrated stable cycling behaviours and delivered a initial high specific discharge capacity of 1335 mAh g(-1) and 900 mAh g(-1) after the 50th cycle. Furthermore, the SnO2 nanowire electrode displayed superior rate capabilities with various current densities.


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We report the electrical anisotropic transport properties of poly(methyl methacrylate) infiltrated aligned carbon nanotube mats. The anisotropy in the resistivity increases with decreasing temperature and the conduction mechanism in the parallel and perpendicular direction is different. Magnetoresistance (MR) studies also suggest anisotropic behavior of the infiltrated mats. Though MR is negative, an upturn is observed when the magnetic field is increased. This is due to the interplay of electron weak localization and electron-electron interactions mechanisms. Overall, infiltrated carbon nanotube mat is a good candidate for anisotropically conductive polymer composite and a simple fabrication method has been reported. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3675873]


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Anisotropy plays important roles in various biological phenomena such as adhesion of geckos and grasshoppers enabled by the attachment pods having hierarchical structures like thin longitudinal setae connected with threads mimicked by anisotropic films. We study the contact instability of a transversely isotropic thin elastic film when it comes in contact proximity of another surface. In the present study we investigate the contact stability of a thin incompressible transversely isotropic film by performing linear stability analysis. Based on the linear stability analysis, we show that an approaching contactor renders the film unstable. The critical wavelength of the instability is a function of the total film thickness and the ratio of the Young's modulus in the longitudinal direction and the shear modulus in the plane containing the longitudinal axis. We also analyze the stability of a thin gradient film that is elastically inhomogeneous across its thickness. Compared to a homogeneous elastic film, it becomes unstable with a longer wavelength when the film becomes softer in going from the surface to the substrate.


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We report the evidence for the anisotropic magnetoimpedance behavior in (001) oriented La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) thin films, in low frequency-low magnetic field regime. (001) oriented LSMO thin films were deposited using pulsed laser deposition and characterized with X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent magnetization studies. In the in-plain configuration, an ac magnetoresistance (MRac) of similar to -0.5% was observed at 1000 Oe, at 100 Hz frequency in these films. The MRac was found to decrease with increase in frequency. We observe increases in MRac at low frequency, indicating major contribution for change of permeability from domain wall motion. At higher frequencies, it decreases due to decrease in transverse permeability, resulting from dampening of domain wall motion. Out-of-plane configuration showed MRac similar to 5.5% at 1000 Oe, at 100 Hz frequency. The MRac turned from positive to negative with increase in frequency in out-of-plane configuration. These changes are attributed to the change in permeability of the film with the frequency and applied magnetic field.


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Electric field activated nonlinear transport is investigated in polypyrrole thin film in both in-plane and out-of-plane geometries down to 5 K and strong anisotropy is observed. A morphological model is suggested to explain the anisotropy through inter-chain and intra-chain transport. The deviation from the variable range hopping at low temperature is accounted by fluctuation assisted transport. From Zabrodaskii plots, it is found that electric field can tune the transport from insulating to metallic regime. Glazman-Matveev model is used to describe the nonlinear conduction. Field scaling analysis shows that conductance data at different temperature falls on to a single curve. Nonlinearity exponent, m(T) and characteristic length, L-E are estimated to characterize the transport in both the geometries. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Simple, universally adaptable techniques for fabricating conductive patterns are required to translate laboratory-scale innovations into low-cost solutions for the developing world. Silver nanostructures have emerged as attractive candidates for forming such conductive patterns. We report here the in situ formation of conductive silver-nanowire networks on paper, thereby eliminating the need for either cost-intensive ink formulation or substrate preparation or complex post-deposition sintering steps. Reminiscent of the photographic process of `salt printing', a desktop office printer was used to deposit desired patterns of silver bromide on paper, which were subsequently exposed to light and then immersed in a photographic developer. Percolating silver nanowire networks that conformally coated the paper fibres were formed after 10 min of exposure to light from a commercial halogen lamp. Thus, conductive and patterned films with sheet resistances of the order of 4 Omega/rectangle can be easily formed by combining two widely used processes - inkjet printing and photographic development.


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In this paper, linear stability analysis on a Newtonian fluid film flowing under the effect of gravity over an inclined porous medium saturated with the same fluid in isothermal condition is carried out. The focus is placed on the effect of the anisotropic and inhomogeneous variations in the permeability of the porous medium on the shear mode and surface mode instabilities. The fluid-porous system is modelled by a coupled two-dimensional Navier-Stokes/Darcy problem. The perturbation equations are solved numerically using the Chebyshev collocation method. Detailed stability characteristics as a function of the depth ratio (the ratio of the depth of the fluid layer to that of the porous layer), the anisotropic parameter (the ratio of the permeability in the direction of the basic flow to that in the direction transverse to the basic flow) and the inhomogeneity functions are presented.


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Temperature dependent current-voltage (I-V) measurements of electrochemically prepared zinc oxide nanowire/polypyrrole (ZnONW/PPy) nanocomposite yielded non-linear I-V characteristics at temperatures between 300 and 4.5 K. The low-field conductance (G) of the ZnONW/PPy film exhibits pronounced temperature dependence with room temperature conductance (G(300K)) similar to 10(-3) S and a conductance ratio (G(300)K/G(4.5K)) of similar to 10(4), indicating dominance of significant temperature dependent charge transport processes. The conduction mechanism of the film is satisfactorily understood by extended fluctuation induced tunneling (FIT) model as the non-linear I-V characteristics fit fairly well to the extended FIT model. Further, the temperature dependence of G(o) obtained from fitting followed Sheng's model also. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We study, in two dimensions, the effect of misfit anisotropy on microstructural evolution during precipitation of an ordered beta phase from a disordered alpha matrix; these phases have, respectively, 2- and 6-fold rotation symmetries. Thus, precipitation produces three orientational variants of beta phase particles, and they have an anisotropic (and crystallographically equivalent) misfit strain with the matrix. The anisotropy in misfit is characterized using a parameter t = epsilon(yy)/epsilon(xx), where epsilon(xx) and epsilon(yy) are the principal components of the misfit strain tensor. Our phase field, simulations show that the morphology of beta phase particles is significantly influenced by 1, the level of misfit anisotropy. Particles are circular in systems with dilatational misfit (t = 1), elongated along the direction of lower principal misfit when 0 < t < 1 and elongated along the invariant direction when - 1 <= t <= 0. In the special case of a pure shear misfit strain (t = - 1), the microstructure exhibits star, wedge and checkerboard patterns; these microstructural features are in agreement with those in Ti-Al-Nb alloys.


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In this brief addendum, we clarify a point which we left unaddressed in a previous publication [Phys. Rev. D 78, 066006 (2008)]. In particular, we show that a specific vacuum configuration constructed in one of our models satisfies the condition D=0. In the previous publication, we only showed F=0. Both D=0 and F=0 are necessary to ensure that supersymmetry survives to the weak scale.


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We studied the microstructural evolution of multiple layers of elastically stiff films embedded in an elastically soft matrix using a phase field model. The coherent and planar film/matrix interfaces are rendered unstable by the elastic stresses due to a lattice parameter mismatch between the film and matrix phases, resulting in the break-up of the films into particles. With an increasing volume fraction of the stiff phase, the elastic interactions between neighbouring layers lead to: (i) interlayer correlations from an early stage; (ii) a longer wavelength for the maximally growing wave; and therefore (iii) a delayed break-LIP. Further, they promote a crossover in the mode of instability from a predominantly anti-symmetric (in phase) one to a symmetric (out of phase) one. We have computed a stability diagram for the most probable mode of break-up in terms of elastic modulus Mismatch and Volume fraction. We rationalize our results in terms of the initial driving force for destabilization, and corroborate our conclusions using simulations in elastically anisotropic systems.


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The details of development of the stiffness matrix for a doubly curved quadrilateral element suited for static and dynamic analysis of laminated anisotropic thin shells of revolution are reported. Expressing the assumed displacement state over the middle surface of the shell as products of one-dimensional first order Hermite polynomials, it is possible to ensure that the displacement state for the assembled set of such elements, is geometrically admissible. Monotonic convergence of total potential energy is therefore possible as the modelling is successively refined. Systematic evaluation of performance of the element is conducted, considering various examples for which analytical or other solutions are available.


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The electric field in certain electrostatic devices can be modeled by a grounded plate electrode affected by a corona discharge generated by a series of parallel wires connected to a DC high-voltage supply. The system of differential equations that describe the behaviour (i.e., charging and motion) of the conductive particle in such an electric field has been numerically solved, using several simplifying assumptions. Thus, it was possible to investigate the effect of various electrical and mechanical factors on the trajectories of conductive particles. This model has been employed to study the behaviour of coalparticles in fly-ash corona separators.


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We demonstrate ordered array formation of Au nanoparticles by controlled solid-state dewetting of a metal film on stepped alumina substrates. In situ transmission electron microscopy studies reveal that the dewetting process starts with nucleation of ordered dry regions on the substrate. The chemical potential difference between concave and convex surface regions induces anisotropic metal diffusion leading to the formation of nanowires in the valleys. The nanowires fragment due to Rayleigh instability forming arrays of metal nanoparticles on the substrate. The length scale of reconstruction relative to the starting film thickness is an important parameter in controlling the spatial order of the nanoparticles.