85 resultados para NON-ADDITIVE ENTROPY

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The von Neumann entropy of a generic quantum state is not unique unless the state can be uniquely decomposed as a sum of extremal or pure states. As pointed out to us by Sorkin, this happens if the GNS representation (of the algebra of observables in some quantum state) is reducible, and some representations in the decomposition occur with non-trivial degeneracy. This non-unique entropy can occur at zero temperature. We will argue elsewhere in detail that the degeneracies in the GNS representation can be interpreted as an emergent broken gauge symmetry, and play an important role in the analysis of emergent entropy due to non-Abelian anomalies. Finally, we establish the analogue of an H-theorem for this entropy by showing that its evolution is Markovian, determined by a stochastic matrix.


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It is now well known that in extreme quantum limit, dominated by the elastic impurity scattering and the concomitant quantum interference, the zero-temperature d.c. resistance of a strictly one-dimensional disordered system is non-additive and non-self-averaging. While these statistical fluctuations may persist in the case of a physically thin wire, they are implicitly and questionably ignored in higher dimensions. In this work, we have re-examined this question. Following an invariant imbedding formulation, we first derive a stochastic differential equation for the complex amplitude reflection coefficient and hence obtain a Fokker-Planck equation for the full probability distribution of resistance for a one-dimensional continuum with a Gaussian white-noise random potential. We then employ the Migdal-Kadanoff type bond moving procedure and derive the d-dimensional generalization of the above probability distribution, or rather the associated cumulant function –‘the free energy’. For d=3, our analysis shows that the dispersion dominates the mobilitly edge phenomena in that (i) a one-parameter B-function depending on the mean conductance only does not exist, (ii) an approximate treatment gives a diffusion-correction involving the second cumulant. It is, however, not clear whether the fluctuations can render the transition at the mobility edge ‘first-order’. We also report some analytical results for the case of the one dimensional system in the presence of a finite electric fiekl. We find a cross-over from the exponential to the power-low length dependence of resistance as the field increases from zero. Also, the distribution of resistance saturates asymptotically to a poissonian form. Most of our analytical results are supported by the recent numerical simulation work reported by some authors.


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This paper considers the on-line identification of a non-linear system in terms of a Hammerstein model, with a zero-memory non-linear gain followed by a linear system. The linear part is represented by a Laguerre expansion of its impulse response and the non-linear part by a polynomial. The identification procedure involves determination of the coefficients of the Laguerre expansion of correlation functions and an iterative adjustment of the parameters of the non-linear gain by gradient methods. The method is applicable to situations involving a wide class of input signals. Even in the presence of additive correlated noise, satisfactory performance is achieved with the variance of the error converging to a value close to the variance of the noise. Digital computer simulation establishes the practicability of the scheme in different situations.


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Additive induced polymorphism of a conformationally locked tetraacetate 3 in presence of its diastereomer 4 is described. The ester 3 was specially crafted on a trans-decalin backbone to relegate the O-H center dot center dot center dot O H-bond donors to the molecular interior and have the peripheral H-bond acceptors in 1,3-syndiaxial relationship. The supramolecular assembly of 3 was destined to evolve along two mutually exclusive pathways, namely one, which employs intermolecular O-H center dot center dot center dot O H-bonds (pathway 1) and the other that sacrifices these for intramolecular O-H center dot center dot center dot O H-bonds and settles for a crystal packing dictated by weak intermolecular interactions alone (pathway 2). Exploiting the similarity between the self-assemblies of 4 and the two recently reported dimorphs of 3, the ester 3 has been stimulated to follow the elusive non-hierarchical pathway 2 through preferential inhibition of pathway 1. Interestingly, the inhibitor 4 was obtained serendipitously en route 3 via an apparent breakdown of Furst-Plattner rule.


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The criterion for the design of a temperature-compensated reference electrode for non-isothermal galvanic sensors is deduced from the basic flux equations of irreversible thermodynamics. It is shown that when the Seebeck coefficient of the non-isothermal cell using a solid oxygen ion-conducting electrolyte under pure oxygen is equal to the relative partial molar entropy of oxygen in the reference electrode divided by 4F, then the EMF of the non-isothermal cell is the same as that of an isothermal cell with the same electrodes operating at the higher temperature. By measuring the temperature of the melt alone and the EMF of the non-isothermal galvanic sensor, one can derive the chemical potential or the concentration of oxygen in a corrosive medium. The theory is experimentally checked using sensors for oxygen in liquid copper constructed with various metal+oxide electrodes and fully stabilised (CaO)ZrO2 as the electrolyte. To satisfy the exact condition for temperature compensation it is often necessary to have the metal or oxide as a solid solution in the reference electrode.


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We present analytic results to show that the Schwinger-boson hole-fermion mean-field state exhibits non-Fermi liquid behavior due to spin-charge separation. The physical electron Green's function consists of three additive components. (a) A Fermi-liquid component associated with the bose condensate. (b) A non-Fermi liquid component which has a logarithmic peak and a long tail that gives rise to a linear density of states that is symmetric about the Fermi level and a momentum distribution function with a logarithmic discontinuity at the Fermi surface. (c) A second non-Fermi liquid component associated with the thermal bosons which leads to a constant density of states. It is shown that zero-point fluctuations associated with the spin-degrees of freedom are responsible for the logarithmic instabilities and the restoration of particle-hole symmetry close to the Fermi surface.


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We report a universal large deviation behavior of spatially averaged global injected power just before the rejuvenation of the jammed state formed by an aging suspension of laponite clay under an applied stress. The probability distribution function (PDF) of these entropy consuming strongly non-Gaussian fluctuations follow an universal large deviation functional form described by the generalized Gumbel (GG) distribution like many other equilibrium and nonequilibrium systems with high degree of correlations but do not obey the Gallavotti-Cohen steady-state fluctuation relation (SSFR). However, far from the unjamming transition (for smaller applied stresses) SSFR is satisfied for both Gaussian as well as non-Gaussian PDF. The observed slow variation of the mean shear rate with system size supports a recent theoretical prediction for observing GG distribution.


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The present paper discusses the effect of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) on the structural relaxation and the intermolecular cooperativity in dynamically asymmetric blends of PS/PVME (polystyrene/poly(vinyl methyl ether)). The temperature regime where chain connectivity effects dominate the thermodynamic concentration fluctuation (T/T-g > 0.75, T-g is the glass transition temperature of the blends) was studied using dielectric spectroscopy (DS). Interestingly, in the blends with MWNTs a bimodal distribution of relaxation was obtained in the loss modulus spectra. This plausibly is due to different environments experienced by the faster component (PVME) in the presence of MWNTs. The segmental dynamics of PVME was observed to be significantly slowed down in the presence of MWNTs and an Arrhenius-type behavior, weakly dependent on temperature, is observed at higher frequencies. This non-equilibrium dynamics of PVME is presumed to be originating from interphase regions near the surface of MWNTs. The length scale of the cooperative rearranging region (xi CRR) at T-g, assessed by calorimetric measurements, was observed to be higher in the case of blends with MWNTs. An enhanced molecular level miscibility driven by MWNTs in the blends corroborates with the larger xi CRR and comparatively more number of segments in CRR (in contrast to neat blends) around T-g. The configurational entropy and length scale of the cooperative volume was mapped as a function of temperature in the temperature regime, Tg < T < T-g + 60 K. The blends phase separated by spinodal decomposition which further led to an interconnected PVME network in PS. This further led to materials with very high electrical conductivity upon demixing.


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We consider free fermion and free boson CFTs in two dimensions, deformed by a chemical potential mu for the spin-three current. For the CFT on the infinite spatial line, we calculate the finite temperature entanglement entropy of a single interval perturbatively to second order in mu in each of the theories. We find that the result in each case is given by the same non-trivial function of temperature and interval length. Remarkably, we further obtain the same formula using a recent Wilson line proposal for the holographic entanglement entropy, in holomorphically factorized form, associated to the spin-three black hole in SL(3, R) x SL(3, R) Chern-Simons theory. Our result suggests that the order mu(2) correction to the entanglement entropy may be universal for W-algebra CFTs with spin-three chemical potential, and constitutes a check of the holographic entanglement entropy proposal for higher spin theories of gravity in AdS(3).


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Crystals of Boc-gamma y(4)(R)Val-Val-OH undergo a reversible first-order single crystal to single crystal phase transition at T-c approximate to 205 K from the orthorhombic space group P22(1)2(1) (Z' = 1) to the monoclinic space group P2(1) (Z' = 2) with a hysteresis of similar to 2.1 K. The low-temperature monoclinic form is best described as a nonmerohedral twin with similar to 50% contributions from its two components. The thermal behavior of the dipeptide crystals was characterized by differential scanning calorimetry experiments. Visual changes in birefringence of the sample during heating and cooling cycles on a hot-stage microscope with polarized light supported the phase transition. Variable-temperature unit cell check measurements from 300 to 100 K showed discontinuity in the volume and cell parameters near the transition temperature, supporting the first-order behavior. A detailed comparison of the room-temperature orthorhombic form with the low-temperature (100 K) monoclinic form revealed that the strong hydrogen-bonding motif is retained in both crystal systems, whereas the non-covalent interactions involving side chains of the dipeptide differ significantly, leading to a small change in molecular conformation in the monoclinic form as well as a small reorientation of the molecules along the ac plane. A rigid-body thermal motion analysis (translation, libration, screw; correlation of translation and libration) was performed to study the crystal entropy. The reversible nature of the phase transition is probably the result of an interplay between enthalpy and entropy: the low-temperature monoclinic form is enthalpically favored, whereas the room-temperature orthorhombic form is entropically favored.


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We compute the logarithmic correction to black hole entropy about exponentially suppressed saddle points of the Quantum Entropy Function corresponding to Z(N) orbifolds of the near horizon geometry of the extremal black hole under study. By carefully accounting for zero mode contributions we show that the logarithmic contributions for quarter-BPS black holes in N = 4 supergravity and one-eighth BPS black holes in N = 8 supergravity perfectly match with the prediction from the microstate counting. We also find that the logarithmic contribution for half-BPS black holes in N = 2 supergravity depends non-trivially on the Z(N) orbifold. Our analysis draws heavily on the results we had previously obtained for heat kernel coefficients on Z(N) orbifolds of spheres and hyperboloids in arXiv:1311.6286 and we also propose a generalization of the Plancherel formula to Z(N) orbifolds of hyperboloids to an expression involving the Harish-Chandra character of sl (2, R), a result which is of possible mathematical interest.


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Using generalized bosons, we construct the fuzzy sphere S-F(2) and monopoles on S-F(2) in a reducible representation of SU(2). The corresponding quantum states are naturally obtained using the GNS-construction. We show that there is an emergent nonabelian unitary gauge symmetry which is in the commutant of the algebra of observables. The quantum states are necessarily mixed and have non-vanishing von Neumann entropy, which increases monotonically under a bistochastic Markov map. The maximum value of the entropy has a simple relation to the degeneracy of the irreps that constitute the reducible representation that underlies the fuzzy sphere.


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We study the free fermion theory in 1+1 dimensions deformed by chemical potentials for holomorphic, conserved currents at finite temperature and on a spatial circle. For a spin-three chemical potential mu, the deformation is related at high temperatures to a higher spin black hole in hs0] theory on AdS(3) spacetime. We calculate the order mu(2) corrections to the single interval Renyi and entanglement entropies on the torus using the bosonized formulation. A consistent result, satisfying all checks, emerges upon carefully accounting for both perturbative and winding mode contributions in the bosonized language. The order mu(2) corrections involve integrals that are finite but potentially sensitive to contact term singularities. We propose and apply a prescription for defining such integrals which matches the Hamiltonian picture and passes several non-trivial checks for both thermal corrections and the Renyi entropies at this order. The thermal corrections are given by a weight six quasi-modular form, whilst the Renyi entropies are controlled by quasi-elliptic functions of the interval length with modular weight six. We also point out the well known connection between the perturbative expansion of the partition function in powers of the spin-three chemical potential and the Gross-Taylor genus expansion of large-N Yang-Mills theory on the torus. We note the absence of winding mode contributions in this connection, which suggests qualitatively different entanglement entropies for the two systems.


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The von Neumann entropy of a generic quantum state is not unique unless the state can be uniquely decomposed as a sum of extremal or pure states. Therefore one reaches the remarkable possibility that there may be many entropies for a given state. We show that this happens if the GNS representation (of the algebra of observables in some quantum state) is reducible, and some representations in the decomposition occur with non-trivial degeneracy. This ambiguity in entropy, which can occur at zero temperature, can often be traced to a gauge symmetry emergent from the non-trivial topological character of the configuration space of the underlying system. We also establish the analogue of an H-theorem for this entropy by showing that its evolution is Markovian, determined by a stochastic matrix. After demonstrating this entropy ambiguity for the simple example of the algebra of 2 x 2 matrices, we argue that the degeneracies in the GNS representation can be interpreted as an emergent broken gauge symmetry, and play an important role in the analysis of emergent entropy due to non-Abelian anomalies. We work out the simplest situation with such non-Abelian symmetry, that of an ethylene molecule.


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Objectives: Disuse by bed rest, limb immobilization or space flight causes rapid bone loss. We conducted the present study to investigate the therapeutic effects of zoledronic acid (ZOL), alone and in combination with alfacalcidol (ALP) in a rat model of disuse osteoporosis. Methods: In the present study, 3-month-old male Wistar rats had their right hind-limb immobilized (RHLI) for 10 weeks to induce osteopenia, then were divided into four groups: 1 - RHLI positive control; 2 - RHLI plus ZOL (50 mu g/kg, i.v. single dose); 3 - RHLI plus ALP (0.5 mu g/kg, oral gauge daily); 4- RHLI plus ALP (0.5 mu g/kg, oral gauge daily) plus ZOL (50 mu g/kg, i.v. single dose) for another 10 weeks. One group of non-immobilized rats was used as negative control. At the end of the treatment, the femurs were removed and tested for bone porosity, bone mechanical properties, and bone dry and ash weight. Results: Combination therapy with ZOL plus ALP was more effective in decreasing bone porosity than each drug administered as monotherapy in RHLI rats. With respect to improvement in the mechanical strength of the femoral mid-shaft, the combination treatment of ZOL plus ALP was more effective than each drug administered as a monotherapy. Moreover, combination therapy using ZOL plus ALF was more effective in improving dry bone and ash weight, than single-drug therapy using ZOL or ALP in RHLI rats. Conclusions: These data suggest that combination therapy with ZOL plus ALP represents a potentially useful therapeutic option for the treatment of disuse osteoporosis. (C) 2014 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.