164 resultados para Multilevel inverter

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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This paper proposes a multilevel inverter which produces hexagonal voltage space vector structure in lower modulation region and a 12-sided polygonal space vector structure in the over-modulation region. Normal conventional multilevel inverter produces 6n +/- 1 (n=odd) harmonics in the phase voltage during over-modulation and in the extreme square wave mode operation. However, this inverter produces a 12-sided polygonal space vector location leading to the elimination of 6n 1 (n=odd) harmonics in over-modulation region extending to a final 12-step mode operation. The inverter consists of three conventional cascaded two level inverters with asymmetric dc bus voltages. The switching frequency of individual inverters is kept low throughout the modulation index. In the low speed region, hexagonal space phasor based PWM scheme and in the higher modulation region, 12-sided polygonal voltage space vector structure is used. Experimental results presented in this paper shows that the proposed converter is suitable for high power applications because of low harmonic distortion and low switching losses.


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A multilevel inverter with 12-sided polygonal voltage space vector structure is proposed in this paper. The present scheme provides elimination of common mode voltage variation and 5(th) and 7(th) order harmonics in the entire operating range of the drive. The proposed multi level structure is achieved by cascading only the conventional two-level inverters with asymmetrical DC link voltages. The bandwidths problems associated with conventional hexagonal voltage space vector structure current controllers, due to the presence of 5(th) and 7(th) harmonics, in the over modulation region, is absent in the present 12-sided structure. So a linear voltage control up to 12-step operation is possible, from the present twelve sided scheme, with less current control complexity. An open-end winding structure is used for the induction motor drive.


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In this paper, a new five-level inverter topology for open-end winding induction-motor (IM) drive is proposed. The open-end winding IM is fed from one end with a two-level inverter in series with a capacitor-fed H-bridge cell, while the other end is connected to a conventional two-level inverter. The combined inverter system produces voltage space-vector locations identical to that of a conventional five-level inverter. A total of 2744 space-vector combinations are distributed over 61 space-vector locations in the proposed scheme. With such a high number of switching state redundancies, it is possible to balance the H-bridge capacitor voltages under all operating conditions including overmodulation region. In addition to that, the proposed topology eliminates 18 clamping diodes having different voltage ratings compared with the neutral point clamped inverter. On the other hand, it requires only one capacitor bank per phase, whereas the flying-capacitor scheme for a five-level topology requires more than one capacitor bank per phase. The proposed inverter topology can be operated as a three-level inverter for full modulation range, in case of any switch failure in the capacitor-fed H-bridge cell. This will increase the reliability of the system. The proposed scheme is experimentally verified on a four-pole 5-hp IM drive.


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Common mode voltage (CMV) variations in PWM inverter-fed drives generate unwanted shaft and bearing current resulting in early motor failure. Multilevel inverters reduce this problem to some extent, with higher number of levels. But the complexity of the power circuit increases with an increase in the number of inverter voltage levels. In this paper a five-level inverter structure is proposed for open-end winding induction motor (IM) drives, by cascading only two conventional two-level and three-level inverters, with the elimination of the common mode voltage over the entire modulation range. The DC link power supply requirement is also optimized by means of DC link capacitor voltage balancing, with PWM control, using only inverter switching state redundancies. The proposed power circuit gives a simple power bus structure.


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Dodecagonal (12-sided) space vector pulsewidth modulation (PWM) schemes are characterized by the complete absence of (6n +/- 1)th-order harmonics (for odd n) in the phase voltages, within the linear modulation range and beyond, including over-modulation. This paper presents a new topology suitable for the realization of such multilevel inverter schemes for induction motor (IM) drives, by cascading two-level inverters with flying-capacitor-inverter fed floating H-bridge cells. Now, any standard IM may be used to get the dodecagonal operation which hitherto was possible only with open-end winding IM. To minimize the current total harmonic distortion (THD), a strategy for synchronous PWM is also proposed. It is shown that the proposed method is capable of obtaining better THD figures, compared to conventional dodecagonal schemes. The topology and the PWM strategy are validated through analysis and subsequently verified experimentally.


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This paper presents a multilevel inverter topology suitable for the generation of dodecagonal space vectors instead of hexagonal space vectors as in the case of conventional schemes. This feature eliminates all the 6n +/- 1 (n = odd) harmonics from the phase voltages and currents in the entire modulation range with an increase in the linear modulation range. The topology is realized by flying capacitor-based three-level inverters feeding from two ends of an open-end winding induction motor with asymmetric dc links. The flying capacitor voltages are tightly controlled throughout the modulation range using redundant switching states for any load power factor. A simple and fast carrier-based space-vector pulsewidth modulation (PWM) scheme is also proposed for the topology which utilizes only the sampled amplitudes of the reference wave for the PWM timing computation.


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A regenerative or circulating-power method is presented in this paper for heat run test on the legs of a three-level neutral point clamped (NPC) inverter. This test ensures that only losses are drawn from the dc supply, while rated power is circulated between the two legs, thus minimising wastage of energy. A proportional-resonant (PR) controller based current control scheme is proposed here for the circulating power test setup in NPC inverter. Simulation and experimental results are presented to validate the controller design at various operating conditions. Results of thermal test on the inverter legs are presented at two different operating conditions.


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A new hybrid multilevel power converter topology is presented in this paper. The proposed power converter topology uses only one DC source and floating capacitors charged to asymmetrical voltage levels, are used for generating different voltage levels. The SVPWM based control strategy used in this converter maintains the capacitor voltages at the required levels in the entire modulation range including the over-modulation region. For the voltage levels: nine and above, the number of components required in the proposed topology is significantly lower, compared to the conventional multilevel inverter topologies. The number of capacitors required in this topology reduces drastically compared to the conventional flying capacitor topology, when the number of levels in the inverter output increases. This topology has better fault tolerance, as it is capable of operating with reduced number of levels, in the entire modulation range, in the event of any failure in the H-bridges. The transient as well as the steady state performance of the nine-level version of the proposed topology is experimentally verified in the entire modulation range including the over-modulation region.


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In this study, analysis of extending the linear modulation range of a zero common-mode voltage (CMV) operated n-level inverter by allowing reduced CMV switching is presented. A new hybrid seven-level inverter topology with a single DC supply is also presented in this study and inverter operation for zero and reduced CMV is analysed. Each phase of the inverter is realised by cascading two three-level flying capacitor inverters with a half-bridge module in between. Proposed inverter topology is operated with zero CMV for modulation index <86% and is operated with a CMV magnitude of V-dc/18 to extend the modulation range up to 96%. Experimental results are presented for zero CMV operation and for reduced common voltage operation to extend the linear modulation range. A capacitor voltage balancing algorithm is designed utilising the pole voltage redundancies of the inverter, which works for every sampling instant to correct the capacitor voltage irrespective of load power factor and modulation index. The capacitor voltage balancing algorithm is tested for different modulation indices and for various transient conditions, to validate the proposed topology.


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Cascaded multilevel inverters synthesize a medium-voltage output based on a series connection of power cells which use standard low-voltage component configurations. This characteristic allows one to achieve high-quality output voltages and input currents and also outstanding availability due to their intrinsic component redundancy. Due to these features, the cascaded multilevel inverter has been recognized as an important alternative in the medium-voltage inverter market. This paper presents a survey of different topologies, control strategies and modulation techniques used by these inverters. Regenerative and advanced topologies are also discussed. Applications where the mentioned features play a key role are shown. Finally, future developments are addressed.


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A multilevel inverter topology for seven-level space vector generation is proposed in this paper. In this topology, the seven-level structure is realized using two conventional two-level inverters and six capacitor-fed H-bridge cells. It needs only two isolated dc-voltage sources of voltage rating V(dc)/2 where V(dc) is the dc voltage magnitude required by the conventional neutral point clamped (NPC) seven-level topology. The proposed topology is capable of maintaining the H-bridge capacitor voltages at the required level of V(dc)/6 under all operating conditions, covering the entire linear modulation and overmodulation regions, by making use of the switching state redundancies. In the event of any switch failure in H-bridges, this inverter can operate in three-level mode, a feature that enhances the reliability of the drive system. The two-level inverters, which operate at a higher voltage level of V(dc)/2, switch less compared to the H-bridges, which operate at a lower voltage level of V(dc)/6, resulting in switching loss reduction. The experimental verification of the proposed topology is carried out for the entire modulation range, under steady state as well as transient conditions.


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A multilevel inverter for generating 17 voltage levels using a three-level flying capacitor inverter and cascaded H-bridge modules with floating capacitors has been proposed. Various aspects of the proposed inverter like capacitor voltage balancing have been presented in the present paper. Experimental results are presented to study the performance of the proposed converter. The stability of the capacitor balancing algorithm has been verified both during transients and steady-state operation. All the capacitors in this circuit can be balanced instantaneously by using one of the pole voltage combinations. Another advantage of this topology is its ability to generate all the voltages from a single dc-link power supply which enables back-to-back operation of converter. Also, the proposed inverter can be operated at all load power factors and modulation indices. Additional advantage is, if one of the H-bridges fail, the inverter can still be operated at full load with reduced number of levels. This configuration has very low dv/dt and common-mode voltage variation.


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This paper is a study of Multilevel Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (MSPWM) methods; Phase Disposition (PD), Alternate Phase Opposition Disposition (APOD), Phase Opposition Disposition (POD) on a single phase Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel inverter. Various factors such as amplitude modulation index (Ma), frequency modulation index (M-f), phase angle between carrier and reference modulating wave (phi) have been considered for simulation. Variation in these factors and their effect on inverter performance is evaluated. Factors such as DC bus utilization, output r.m.s voltage, total harmonic distortion (%THD), dominant harmonic order, switching losses are evaluated based on simulation results.


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This paper proposes a multilevel inverter configuration which produces a hexagonal voltage space vector structure in the lower modulation region and a 12-sided polygonal space vector structure in the overmodulation region. A conventional multilevel inverter produces 6n plusmn 1 (n = odd) harmonics in the phase voltage during overmodulation and in the extreme square-wave mode of operation. However, this inverter produces a 12-sided polygonal space vector location, leading to the elimination of 6n plusmn 1 (n = odd) harmonics in the overmodulation region extending to a final 12-step mode of operation with a smooth transition. The benefits of this arrangement are lower losses and reduced torque pulsation in an induction motor drive fed from this converter at higher modulation indexes. The inverter is fabricated by using three conventional cascaded two-level inverters with asymmetric dc-bus voltages. A comparative simulation study of the harmonic distortion in the phase voltage and associated losses in conventional multilevel inverters and that of the proposed inverter is presented in this paper. Experimental validation on a prototype shows that the proposed converter is suitable for high-power applications because of low harmonic distortion and low losses.


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In this paper, a current error space vector (CESV)-based hysteresis current controller for a multilevel 12-sided voltage space vector-based inverter-fed induction motor (IM) drive is proposed. The proposed controller gives a nearly constant switching frequency operation throughout different speeds in the linear modulation region. It achieves the elimination of 6n +/- 1, n = odd harmonics from the phase voltages and currents in the entire modulation range, with an increase in the linear modulation range. It also exhibits fast dynamic behavior under different transient conditions and has a simple controller implementation. Nearly constant switching frequency is obtained by matching the steady-state CESV boundaries of the proposed controller with that of a constant switching frequency SVPWM-based drive. In the proposed controller, the CESV reference boundaries are computed online, using the switching dwell time and voltage error vector of each applied vector. These quantities are calculated from estimated sampled reference phase voltages. Vector change is decided by projecting the actual current error along the computed hysteresis space vector boundary of the presently applied vector. The estimated reference phase voltages are found from the stator current error ripple and the parameters of the IM.