224 resultados para Missing Transverse Energy studies

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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A generalization of the isotropic theory of Batchelor & Proudman (1954) is developed to estimate the effect of sudden but arbitrary three-dimensional distortion on homogeneous, initially axisymmetric turbulence. The energy changes due to distortion are expressed in terms of the Fourier coefficients of an expansion in zonal harmonics of the two independent scalar functions that describe the axisymmetric spectral tensor. However, for two special but non-trivial forms of this tensor, which represent possibly the simplest kinds of non-isotropic turbulence and specify the angular distribution but not the wavenumber dependence, the energy ratios have been determined in closed form. The deviation of the ratio from its isotropic value is the product of a factor containing R, the initial value of the ratio of the longitudinal to the transverse energy component, and another factor depending only on the geometry of the distortion. It is found that, in axisymmetric and large two-dimensional contractions, the isotropic theory gives nearly the correct longitudinal energy, but (when R > 1) over-estimates the increase in the transverse energy; the product of the two intensities varies little unless the distortion is very large, thus accounting for the stress-freezing observed in rapidly accelerated shear flows.Comparisons with available experimental data for the spectra and for the energy ratios show reasonable agreement. The different ansatzes predict results in broad qualitative agreement with a simple strategem suggested by Reynolds & Tucker (1975), but the quantitative differences are not always negligible.


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The main objective of this investigation was to understand the strength development of clays below fusion or vitrification temperatures of 900°C. The other objective was to establish threshold temperatures to produce a satisfactory construction material from clayey sediments from the Western Beaufort Sea for shore protection of artificial islands with minimum expense of thermal energy. Studies were, therefore, conducted using kaolinite, bentonite, and a clayey sediment from the Beaufort Sea. Unconfined-compressive-strength tests were conducted on clay samples heat treated from 110 to 700°C. Furthermore, to understand the factors responsible for strength-development-thermogravimetric studies and pore-size analysis, using mercury porosimetry, were also conducted. A gradual increase in strength was obtained with an increase in firing temperature. However, substantial and permanent increase in strength occurred only after dehydroxylation of all the clays studied; Clay samples heated to temperatures above dehydroxylation became resistant to disintegration upon immersion in water. Results indicate that the clayey sediments from Western Beaufort Sea have to be heat treated to about 600°C to produce granular material for use as a fill or shore-protection material for artificial islands.


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The Himalayas are presently holding the largest ice masses outside the polar regions and thus (temporarily) store important freshwater resources. In contrast to the contemplation of glaciers, the role of runoff from snow cover has received comparably little attention in the past, although (i) its contribution is thought to be at least equally or even more important than that of ice melt in many Himalayan catchments and (ii) climate change is expected to have widespread and significant consequences on snowmelt runoff. Here, we show that change assessment of snowmelt runoff and its timing is not as straightforward as often postulated, mainly as larger partial pressure of H2O, CO2, CH4, and other greenhouse gases might increase net long-wave input for snowmelt quite significantly in a future atmosphere. In addition, changes in the short-wave energy balance such as the pollution of the snow cover through black carbon or the sensible or latent heat contribution to snowmelt are likely to alter future snowmelt and runoff characteristics as well. For the assessment of snow cover extent and depletion, but also for its monitoring over the extremely large areas of the Himalayas, remote sensing has been used in the past and is likely to become even more important in the future. However, for the calibration and validation of remotely-sensed data, and even-more so in light of possible changes in snow-cover energy balance, we strongly call for more in-situ measurements across the Himalayas, in particular for daily data on new snow and snow cover water equivalent, or the respective energy balance components. Moreover, data should be made accessible to the scientific community, so that the latter can more accurately estimate climate change impacts on Himalayan snow cover and possible consequences thereof on runoff. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The basic cyclic hexapeptide conformations which accommodate hydrogen bonded β and γ turns in the backbone have been worked out using stereochemical criteria and energy minimization procedures. It was found that cyclic hexapeptides can be made up of all possible combinations of 4 ± 1 hydrogen bonded types I, I', II and II' β turns, giving rise to symmetric conformations having twofold and inversion symmetries as well as nonsymmetric structures. Conformations having exclusive features of 3 ± 1 hydrogen bonded γ turns were found to be possible in threefold and S6 symmetric cyclic hexapeptides. The results show that the cyclic hexapeptides formed by the linking of two β turn tripeptide fragments differ mainly in (a) the hydrogen bonding scheme present in the β turn tripeptides and (b) the conformation at the α-carbon atoms where the two tripeptide fragments link. The different hydrogen bonding schemes found in the component β turns are: 1) a β turn with only a 4 ± 1 hydrogen bond, 2) a type I or I' β turn with 4 ± 1 and 3 ± 1 hydrogen bonds occurring in a bifurcated form and 3) a type II or II' β turn having both the 4 ± 1 and the 3 ± 1 hydrogen bonds with the same acceptor oxygen atom. The conformation at the linking α-carbon atoms was found to lie either in the extended region or in the 3 ± 1 hydrogen bonded γ turn or inverse γ turn regions. Further, the threefold and the S6 symmetric conformations have three γ turns interleaved by three extended regions or three inverse γ turns, respectively. The feasibility of accommodating alanyl residues of both isomeric forms in the CHP minima has been explored. Finally, the available experimental data are reviewed in the light of the present results.


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Conformational studies have been carried out on hydrogenbonded all-trans cyclic pentapeptide backbone. Application of a combination of grid search and energy minimization on this system has resulted in obtaining 23 minimum energy conformations, which are characterized by unique patterns of hydrogen bonding comprising of β- and γ-turns. A study of the minimum energy conformationsvis-a-vis non-planar deviation of the peptide units reveals that non-planarity is an inherent feature in many cases. A study on conformational clustering of minimum energy conformations shows that the minimum energy conformations fall into 6 distinct conformational families. Preliminary comparison with available X-ray structures of cyclic pentapeptide indicates that only some of the minimum energy conformations have formed crystal structures. The set of minimum energy conformations worked out in the present study can form a consolidated database of prototypes for hydrogen bonded backbone and be useful for modelling cyclic pentapeptides both synthetic and bioactive in nature.


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We have measured near normal incidence far-infrared (FIR) reflectivity spectra of a single crystal of TbMnO3 from 10 K to 300 K in the spectral range of 50 cm(-1)-700 cm(-1). Fifteen transverse optic (TO) and longitudinal optic (LO) modes are identified in the imaginary part of the dielectric function epsilon(2)(omega) and energy loss function Im(-1/epsilon(omega)), respectively. Some of the observed phonon modes show anomalous softening below the magnetic transition temperature T-N (similar to 46 K). We attribute this anomalous softening to the spin-phonon coupling caused by phonon modulation of the superexchange integral between the Mn3+ spins. The effective charge of oxygen (Z(O)) calculated using the measured LO-TO splitting increases below TN.


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The ferroelectric Pb(Zr0.48Ti0.52)O-3 (PZT) thin films prepared by the pulsed laser deposition technique were studied for their response to high energy lithium ion irradiation through impedance spectroscopy. The Debye peaks, observed in the impedance and modulus plots of irradiatedfilms, shifts towards higher frequencies compared to those of unirradiated films. This is equivalent to the trend observed with increase in temperature in the unirradiated films due to the dielectric relaxation. The irradiated films showed a decrease in the grain resistance compared to the unirradiated films. The activation energy of dielectric relaxation increases from 1.25 eV of unirradiated film to 1.62 eV of irradiated film. The observed modifications in the irradiated film were ascribed to the modifications in the grain structure due to the high value of electronic energy loss.


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The favoured conformations of the prolyl residue have been obtained by calculating their potential energies arising from bond-angle strain, torsion-angle strain, non-bonded and electrostatic interatomic energies. In addition to the five membered ring, the peptide unit at the amino end (with ω = 180°) and the C′ atom at the carboxyl end have been taken into account. It is found that there are two local minima in the configurational space of the parameters defining the conformation, as is actually observed-one (denoted by B) with Cγ displaced on the same side as C′, which is lower in energy than the other (denoted by A) with Cγ displaced on the opposite side of C′. The other four atoms Cδ, N, Cα, Cβ are nearly in a plane. The conformations of minimum energy (for both A and B) have bond angles very close to the mean observed values while the torsion angles are well within the range observed in various structures for each type. Taking into account the fact that the influence of neighbouring molecules in a crystal structure may make the conformation of a molecule different from the minimal one, the ranges of the conformational parameters for which the energy is within 0.6 kcal/mole above the minimum value (called the "most probable range") and within 1.2 kcal/mole (called the "probable range") have been determined. The ranges thus obtained, agree well with observation, and most of the observed data lie within the most probable ranges, although differing appreciably from the conformation of minimum energy. The study has been extended, in a limited way, to the conformation of the ring in the amino acid proline. Since the nitrogen is tetrahedral in this (as contrasted with being planar in the prolyl residue), it is found that any one of the five atoms can be out of plane (either way), with the other four lying nearly in a plane. These correspond to low energy conformations (up to 1.2 kcal/mole above the minimum). One such example, in which the Cα atom is out of plane is known for dl-proline · HCl. It is also shown that in these calculations energies due to bond length distortions can be neglected to a good degree of approximation, provided the 'best' values of the bond lengths for the particular compound are used in the theoretical calculations.


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Langevin dynamics simulation studies have been employed to calculate the temperature dependent free energy surface and folding characteristics of a 500 monomer long linear alkane (polyethylene) chain with a realistic interaction potential. Both equilibrium and temperature quench simulation studies have been carried out. Using the shape anisotropy parameter (S) of the folded molecule as the order parameter, we find a weakly first order phase transition between the high-temperature molten globule and low-temperature rodlike crystalline states separated by a small barrier of the order of k(B)T. Near the melting temperature (580 K), we observe an intriguing intermittent fluctuation with pronounced ``1/f noise characteristics'' between these two states with large difference in shape and structure. We have also studied the possibilities of different pathways of folding to states much below the melting point. At 300 K starting from the all-trans linear configuration, the chain folds stepwise into a very regular fourfold crystallite with very high shape anisotropy. Whereas, when quenched from a high temperature (900 K) random coil regime, we identify a two step transition from the random coiled state to a molten globulelike state and, further, to a anisotropic rodlike state. The trajectory reveals an interesting coupling between the two order parameters, namely, radius of gyration (R-g) and the shape anisotropy parameter (S). The rodlike final state of the quench trajectory is characterized by lower shape anisotropy parameter and significantly larger number of gauche defects as compared to the final state obtained through equilibrium simulation starting from all-trans linear chain. The quench study shows indication of a nucleationlike pathway from the molten globule to the rodlike state involving an underlying rugged energy landscape. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3509398]


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Bacteriorhodopsin has been the subject of intense study in order to understand its photochemical function. The recent atomic model proposed by Henderson and coworkers based on electron cryo-microscopic studies has helped in understanding many of the structural and functional aspects of bacteriorhodopsin. However, the accuracy of the positions of the side chains is not very high since the model is based on low-resolution data. In this study, we have minimized the energy of this structure of bacteriorhodopsin and analyzed various types of interactions such as - intrahelical and interhelical hydrogen bonds and retinal environment. In order to understand the photochemical action, it is necessary to obtain information on the structures adopted at the intermediate states. In this direction, we have generated some intermediate structures taking into account certain experimental data, by computer modeling studies. Various isomers of retinal with 13-cis and/or 15-cis conformations and all possible staggered orientations of Lys-216 side chain were generated. The resultant structures were examined for the distance between Lys-216-schiff base nitrogen and the carboxylate oxygen atoms of Asp-96 - a residue which is known to reprotonate the schiff base at later stages of photocycle. Some of the structures were selected on the basis of suitable retinal orientation and the stability of these structures were tested by energy minimization studies. Further, the minimized structures are analyzed for the hydrogen bond interactions and retinal environment and the results are compared with those of the minimized rest state structure. The importance of functional groups in stabilizing the structure of bacteriorhodopsin and in participating dynamically during the photocycle have been discussed.


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Studies on redox supercapacitors employing electronically conducting polymers are of great importance for hybrid power sources and pulse power applications. In the present study, polyaniline (PANI) has been potentiodynamically deposited on stainless steel substrate and characterized in a gel polymer electrolyte (GPE). Use of the GPE facilitates a voltage limit of the capacitor to 1 V, instead of 0.75 V in aqueous electrolytes. From charge-discharge studies of the solid-state PANI capacitors, a specific capacitance of 250 F g(-1) has been obtained at a specific power of 7.5 kW kg(-1) of PANI. The values of specific capacitance and specific power are considerably higher than those reported in the literature. High energy and high power characteristics of the PANI are presented. (C) 2002 The Electrochemical Society.


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Symmetrized DMRG calculations on long oligomers of poly- para-phenylene (PPP) and poly-para-phenylene vinylene (PPV) systems within a `U-V' model have been carried out to obtain the one-photon, two-photon and singlet-triplet gaps in these systems. The extrapolated gaps (in eV) are 2.89, 3.76 and 2.72 in PPP and 3.01, 3.61 and 2.23 in PPV for the one- photon, two-photon and spin gaps respectively. By studying doped systems, we have obtained the exciton binding energies. The larger exciton binding energies, compared to strongly dimerized linear chains emphasizes the role of topology in these polymers. Bond orders, charge and spin correlations in the low-lying states bring out the similarities between the lowest one-photon, the lowest triplet and the lowest bipolaronic states in these systems. The two-photon state bond orders show evidence for strong localization of this excitation in both PPP and PPV systems.


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Lightning strike to instrumented and communication towers can be a source of electromagnetic disturbance to the system connected. Long cables running on these towers can get significant induction to their sheath/core, which would then couple to the connected equipments. For a quantitative analysis of the situation, suitable theoretical analysis is necessary. Due to the dominance of the transverse magnetic mode during the fast rising portion of the stroke current, which is the period of significant induction, a full wave solution based on Maxwell's equations is necessary. Owing to the large geometric aspect ratio of tower lattice elements and for feasibility of a numerical solution, the thin-wire formulation for the electric field integral equation is generally adopted. However, the classical thin-wire formulation is not set for handling non-cylindrical conductors like tower lattice elements and the proximity of other conductors. The present work investigates further into a recently proposed method for handling such a situation and optimizes the numerical solution approach.