49 resultados para Middle facial third

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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By definition, the two faces of a pi bond are equivalent.1 However, they are rendered nonequivalent in most molecules because of the absence of a plane of symmetry encompassing the double bond and the adjacent substituents. As a result, additions to trigonal centers from the two faces need not be equally facile. Exploiting this stereodifferentiation in a controlled manner represents one of the core problems in organic synthesis. Evidently, the factors which determine such diastereoselection need to be delineated in as much detail as possible.


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Animals often behave in a profligate fashion and decimate the populations of plants and animals they depend upon. They may, however, evolve prudent behaviour under special conditions, namely when such prudence greatly enhances the success of populations that are not too prone to invasions by profligate individuals. Cultural evolution in human societies can also lead to the adoption of prudent practices under similar conditions. These are more likely to be realized in stable environments in which the human populations tend to grow close to the carrying capacity, when the human groups are closed, and when the technology is stagnant. These conditions probably prevailed in the hunter—gatherer societies of the tropics and subtropics, and led to the adoption of a number of socially imposed restraints on the use of plant and animal resources. Such practices were rationalized in the form of Nature-worship. The Indian caste society became so organized as to fulfill these conditions, and gave rise to two religions, Buddhism and Jainism, which emphasize compassion towards all forms of life. The pastoral nomads of the middle east, on the other hand, lived in an environment which militated against prudence, and these societies gave rise to religions like Christianity, which declared war on nature. As the ruling elite and state have grown in power, they have tried to wrest control of natural resources from the local communities. This has sometimes resulted in conservation and prudent use under guidance from the state, but has often led to conflicts with local populations to the detriment of prudent behaviour. Modern technological progress has also often removed the need for conservation, as when availability of coal permitted the deforestation of England. While modern scientific understanding has led to a better appreciation of the need for prudence, the prevailing social and economic conditions often militate against any implementation of the understanding, as is seen from the history of whaling. However, the imperative for survival of the poor from the Third-World countries may finally bring about conditions in which ecological prudence may once again come to dominate human cultures as it might once have done with stable societies of hunter—gatherers.


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X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy has been employed to investigate oxides of second- and third-row transition metals, including those of rare earths. Systematics in the spin—orbit splittings and binding energies of core levels of the metals are described. In most of the cases studied, the dependence of the spin—orbit splittings on the atomic number Z is given by the relation ΔE = a(Z - Z0)4, where a is the quantum defect parameter and Z0 is the effective screening. Core-level binding energies are found to increase with the oxidation state of the metal. Most of the core-level binding energies are related to the atomic number Z by the expression E = x(Z - Z0)2, giving rise to linear plots of ln E versus ln Z. Specific features of individual oxides, with respect to satellites, multiplet structure, configuration mixing, and other properties are also discussed. The spectra of PrO2, Pr6O11, TbO2 and Tb4O7 are reported for the first time.


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The third-kind linear integral equation Image where g(t) vanishes at a finite number of points in (a, b), is considered. In general, the Fredholm Alternative theory [[5.]] does not hold good for this type of integral equation. However, imposing certain conditions on g(t) and K(t, t′), the above integral equation was shown [[1.], 49–57] to obey a Fredholm-type theory, except for a certain class of kernels for which the question was left open. In this note a theory is presented for the equation under consideration with some additional assumptions on such kernels.


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In this paper a method of solving certain third-order non-linear systems by using themethod of ultraspherical polynomial approximation is proposed. By using the method of variation of parameters the third-order equation is reduced to three partial differential equations. Instead of being averaged over a cycle, the non-linear functions are expanded in ultraspherical polynomials and with only the constant term retained, the equations are solved. The results of the procedure are compared with the numerical solutions obtained on a digital computer. A degenerate third-order system is also considered and results obtained for the above system are compared with numerical results obtained on the digital computer. There is good agreement between the results obtained by the proposed method and the numerical solution obtained on digital computer.


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Microwave treated water soluble and amide functionalized single walled carbon nanotubes have been investigated using femtosecond degenerate pump-probe and nonlinear transmission experiments. The time resolved differential transmission using 75 femtosecond pulse with the central wavelength of 790 nm shows a bi-exponential ultrafast photo-bleaching with time constants of 160 fs (130 fs) and 920 fs (300 fs) for water soluble (amide functionalized) nanotubes. Open and closed aperture z-scans show saturation absorption and positive (negative) nonlinear refraction for water soluble (amide functionalized) nanotubes. Two photon absorption coefficient, beta(0) similar to 250 cm/GW (650 cm/GW) and nonlinear index, gamma similar to 15 cm(2)/pW (-30 cm(2)/pW) are obtained from the theoretical fit in the saturation limit to the data for two types of nanotubes.


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In this paper the method of ultraspherical polynomial approximation is applied to study the steady-state response in forced oscillations of a third-order non-linear system. The non-linear function is expanded in ultraspherical polynomials and the expansion is restricted to the linear term. The equation for the response curve is obtained by using the linearized equation and the results are presented graphically. The agreement between the approximate solution and the analog computer solution is satisfactory. The problem of stability is not dealt with in this paper.


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In this study, the Krylov-Bogoliubov-Mitropolskii-Popov asymptotic method is used to determine the transient response of third-order non-linear systems. Instead of averaging the non-linear functions over a cycle, they are expanded in ultraspherical polynomials and the constant term is retained. The resulting equations are solved to obtain the approximate solution. A numerical example is considered and the approximate solution is compared with the digital solution. The results show that there is good agreement between the two values.


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In this paper, the transient response of a third-order non-linear system is obtained by first reducing the given third-order equation to three first-order equations by applying the method of variation of parameters. On the assumption that the variations of amplitude and phase are small, the functions are expanded in ultraspherical polynomials. The expansion is restricted to the constant term. The resulting equations are solved to obtain the response of the given third-order system. A numerical example is considered to illustrate the method. The results show that the agreement between the approximate and digital solution is good thus vindicating the approximation.


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A number of papers have appeared on the application of operational methods and in particular the Laplace transform to problems concerning non-linear systems of one kind or other. This, however, has met with only partial success in solving a class of non-linear problems as each approach has some limitations and drawbacks. In this study the approach of Baycura has been extended to certain third-order non-linear systems subjected to non-periodic excitations, as this approximate method combines the advantages of engineering accuracy with ease of application to such problems. Under non-periodic excitations the method provides a procedure for estimating quickly the maximum response amplitude, which is important from the point of view of a designer. Limitations of such a procedure are brought out and the method is illustrated by an example taken from a physical situation.


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The response of a third order non-linear system subjected to a pulse excitation is analysed. A transformation of the displacement variable is effected. The transformation function chosen is the solution of the linear problem subjected to the same pulse. With this transformation the equation of motion is brought into a form in which the method of variation of parameters is applicable for the solution of the problem. The method is applied to a single axis gyrostabilized platform subjected to an exponentially decaying pulse. The analytical results are compared with digital and analog computer solutions.


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The angular-momentum flux from an inspiralling binary system of compact objects moving in quasi-elliptical orbits is computed at the third post-Newtonian (3PN) order using the multipolar post-Minkowskian wave generation formalism. The 3PN angular-momentum flux involves the instantaneous, tail, and tail-of-tails contributions as for the 3PN energy flux, and in addition a contribution due to nonlinear memory. We average the angular-momentum flux over the binary's orbit using the 3PN quasi-Keplerian representation of elliptical orbits. The averaged angular-momentum flux provides the final input needed for gravitational-wave phasing of binaries moving in quasi-elliptical orbits. We obtain the evolution of orbital elements under 3PN gravitational radiation reaction in the quasi-elliptic case. For small eccentricities, we give simpler limiting expressions relevant for phasing up to order e(2). This work is important for the construction of templates for quasi-eccentric binaries, and for the comparison of post-Newtonian results with the numerical relativity simulations of the plunge and merger of eccentric binaries.


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We studied the mating behaviour of the primi-tively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata and the factors that may influence sperm transfer. By introducing a male and a female R. marginata into ventilated transparent plastic boxes, we were able to observe mating behaviour, and it involved mounting and short or long conjugation of the wasps. Dissection of female wasps after the observation indicated that long conjugation is a good behavioural predictor of sperm transfer. This finding makes it possible to obtain mated females without dissecting them every time. We tested the effect of age, season, relatedness, body size and female's ovarian status on mating. Under laboratory conditions, mating success declined rapidly below and above the ages 5-20 days. Within this age range mating success was significantly low in December compared to other months tested. There was no nestmate discrimination, and there was no influence of male and female body size or of the ovarian state of the female on the probability of sperm transfer.