59 resultados para Microwave Cavity Perturbation Method

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Lagrange's equation is utilized to show the analogy of a lossless microwave cavity resonator with the conventional LC network. A brief discussion on the resonant frequencies of a microwave cavity resonator and the two degenerate companion modes H01 and E11 appearing in a cavity is given. The first order perturbation theory of a small deformation of the wall of a cavity is discussed. The effects of perturbation, such as the change in the resonant frequency and the Q of a cavity, the change in the electromagnetic field configurations and hence mixing of modes are also discussed. An expression for the coupling coefficient between the two degenerate modes H01 and E11 is derived with the help of the field equations. Results indicate that in the absence of perturbation the above two degenerate modes can co-exist without losing their individual identities. Several applications of the perturbation theory, such as the measurement of the dielectric properties of matter, study of ferromagnetic resonance, etc., are described.


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We report a method for the deposition of thin films and thick coatings of metal oxides through the liquid medium, involving the micro waveirradiation of a solution of a metal-organic complex in a suitable dielectric solvent. The process is a combination of sol-gel and dip-coating methods, wherein coatings can be obtained on nonconducting and semiconducting substrates, within a few minutes. Thin films of nanostructured ZnO (wurtzite) have been obtained on Si(100), glass and polymer substrates, the nanostructure determined by process parameters The coatings are strongly adherent and uniform over 15 mm x 15 mm, the growth rate similar to 0.25 mu m/min Coatings of nanocrystalline Fe2O3 and Ga2O3 have also been obtained The method is scalable to larger substrates, and is promising as a low temperature technique for coating dielectric substrates, including flexible polymers. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Chromium substituted beta diketonate complexes of aluminium have been synthesized and employed as precursors for a novel soft chemistry process wherein microwave irradiation of a solution of the complex yields within minutes well crystallized needles of alpha (Al1 XCrx)(2)O-3 measuring 20 30 nm in diameter and 50 nm long By varying the microwave irradiation parameters and using a surfactant such as polyvinyl pyrrolidone the crystallite size and shape can be controlled and their agglomeration prevented These microstructural parameters as well as the polymorph of the Cr substituted Al2O3 formed may also be controlled by employing a different complex Samples of alpha (Al1 XCrx)(2)O-3 have been characterized by XRD FTIR and TEM The technique results in material of homogeneous metal composition, as shown by EDAX and can be adjusted as desired The technique has been extended to obtain coatings of alpha (Al1 XCrx)(2)O-3 on Si(100)


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Microwave-based methods are widely employed to synthesize metal nanoparticles on various substrates. However, the detailed mechanism of formation of such hybrids has not been addressed. In this paper, we describe the thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of reduction of metal salts by ethylene glycol under microwave heating conditions. On the basis of this analysis, we identify the temperatures above which the reduction of the metal salt is thermodynamically favorable and temperatures above which the rates of homogeneous nucleation of the metal and the heterogeneous nucleation of the metal on supports are favored. We delineate different conditions which favor the heterogeneous nucleation of the metal on the supports over homogeneous nucleation in the solvent medium based on the dielectric loss parameters of the solvent and the support and the metal/solvent and metal/support interfacial energies. Contrary to current understanding, we show that metal particles can be selectively formed on the substrate even under situations where the temperature of the substrate Is lower than that of the surrounding medium. The catalytic activity of the Pt/CeO(2) and Pt/TiO(2) hybrids synthesized by this method for H(2) combustion reaction shows that complete conversion is achieved at temperatures as low as 100 degrees C with Pt-CeO(2) catalyst and at 50 degrees C with Pt-TiO(2) catalyst. Our method thus opens up possibilities for rational synthesis of high-activity supported catalysts using a fast microwave-based reduction method.


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Response analysis of a linear structure with uncertainties in both structural parameters and external excitation is considered here. When such an analysis is carried out using the spectral stochastic finite element method (SSFEM), often the computational cost tends to be prohibitive due to the rapid growth of the number of spectral bases with the number of random variables and the order of expansion. For instance, if the excitation contains a random frequency, or if it is a general random process, then a good approximation of these excitations using polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) involves a large number of terms, which leads to very high cost. To address this issue of high computational cost, a hybrid method is proposed in this work. In this method, first the random eigenvalue problem is solved using the weak formulation of SSFEM, which involves solving a system of deterministic nonlinear algebraic equations to estimate the PCE coefficients of the random eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Then the response is estimated using a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation, where the modal bases are sampled from the PCE of the random eigenvectors estimated in the previous step, followed by a numerical time integration. It is observed through numerical studies that this proposed method successfully reduces the computational burden compared with either a pure SSFEM of a pure MC simulation and more accurate than a perturbation method. The computational gain improves as the problem size in terms of degrees of freedom grows. It also improves as the timespan of interest reduces.


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This article develops a simple analytical expression that relates ion axial secular frequency to field aberration in ion trap mass spectrometers. Hexapole and octopole aberrations have been considered in the present computations. The equation of motion of the ions in a pseudopotential well with these superpositions has the form of a Duffing-like equation and a perturbation method has been used to obtain the expression for ion secular frequency as a function of field imperfections. The expression indicates that the frequency shift is sensitive to the sign of the octopole superposition and insensitive to the sign of the hexapole superposition. Further, for weak multipole superposition of the same magnitude, octopole superposition causes a larger frequency shift in comparison to hexapole superposition.


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The hydrodynamical problem of flow in proximal renal tubule is investigated by considering axisymmetric flow of a viscous, incompressible fluid through a long narrow tube of varying cross-section with reabsorption at the wall. Two cases for reabsorption have been studied (i) when the bulk flow,Q, decays exponentially with the axial distancex, and (ii) whenQ is an arbitrary function ofx such thatQ-Q 0 can be expressed as a Fourier integral (whereQ 0 is the flux atx=0). The analytic expressions for flow variables have been obtained by applying perturbation method in terms of wall parameter ε. The effects of ε on pressure drop across the tube, radial velocity and wall shear have been studied in the case of exponentially decaying bulk flow and it has been found that the results are in agreement with the existing ones for the renal tubules.


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MANY TRANSPORprTo cesses occur in nature and in industrial applications in which the transfer of heat is governed by the process of natural convection. Natural convection arises in fluids when the temperature changes cause density variations leading to buoyancy forces. An excellent review of natural convection flows has been given by Ede [I]. Recently, Minkowycz and Sparrow [2, 31, Cebeci [4], and Aziz and Na [S] have studied the steady, laminar, incompressible, natural convection flow over a vertical cylinder using a local nonsimilarity method, a finite-difference scheme, and an improved perturbation method, respectively. However, they did not take into account the effect ofaxial heat conduction for small Prandtl number. It is known that the axial heat conductioneffect becomesimportant for low-Prandtl-number fluids such as a liquid metal.


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Calculations are reported on the interaction energies in the dimer, the excimers, and the dimer ions of ethylene. The various a- and u-electron terms for different conformations of the dimeric species are determined by using the exchange perturbation method. The results predict that the singlet excimer and the dimer cation are stable primarily because of the large magnitude of the exciton-resonance and charge-resonance terms, respectively, while the neutral dimer, the triplet excimer, and the dimer anion are weakly stable. The variations of the various energy terms with conformations suggest that these dimeric species cannot have identifical structure.


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The paper proposes two methodologies for damage identification from measured natural frequencies of a contiguously damaged reinforced concrete beam, idealised with distributed damage model. The first method identifies damage from Iso-Eigen-Value-Change contours, plotted between pairs of different frequencies. The performance of the method is checked for a wide variation of damage positions and extents. The method is also extended to a discrete structure in the form of a five-storied shear building and the simplicity of the method is demonstrated. The second method is through smeared damage model, where the damage is assumed constant for different segments of the beam and the lengths and centres of these segments are the known inputs. First-order perturbation method is used to derive the relevant expressions. Both these methods are based on distributed damage models and have been checked with experimental program on simply supported reinforced concrete beams, subjected to different stages of symmetric and un-symmetric damages. The results of the experiments are encouraging and show that both the methods can be adopted together in a damage identification scenario.


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Hybrid frictional-kinetic equations are used to predict the velocity, grain temperature, and stress fields in hoppers. A suitable choice of dimensionless variables permits the pseudo-thermal energy balance to be decoupled from the momentum balance. These balances contain a small parameter, which is analogous to a reciprocal Reynolds number. Hence an approximate semi-analytical solution is constructed using perturbation methods. The energy balance is solved using the method of matched asymptotic expansions. The effect of heat conduction is confined to a very thin boundary layer near the exit, where it causes a marginal change in the temperature. Outside this layer, the temperature T increases rapidly as the radial coordinate r decreases. In particular, the conduction-free energy balance yields an asymptotic solution, valid for small values of r, of the form T proportional r-4. There is a corresponding increase in the kinetic stresses, which attain their maximum values at the hopper exit. The momentum balance is solved by a regular perturbation method. The contribution of the kinetic stresses is important only in a small region near the exit, where the frictional stresses tend to zero. Therefore, the discharge rate is only about 2.3% lower than the frictional value, for typical parameter values. As in the frictional case, the discharge rate for deep hoppers is found to be independent of the head of material.


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Nonconservatively loaded columns. which have stochastically distributed material property values and stochastic loadings in space are considered. Young's modulus and mass density are treated to constitute random fields. The support stiffness coefficient and tip follower load are considered to be random variables. The fluctuations of external and distributed loadings are considered to constitute a random field. The variational formulation is adopted to get the differential equation and boundary conditions. The non self-adjoint operators are used at the boundary of the regularity domain. The statistics of vibration frequencies and modes are obtained using the standard perturbation method, by treating the fluctuations to be stochastic perturbations. Linear dependence of vibration and stability parameters over property value fluctuations and loading fluctuations are assumed. Bounds for the statistics of vibration frequencies are obtained. The critical load is first evaluated for the averaged problem and the corresponding eigenvalue statistics are sought. Then, the frequency equation is employed to transform the eigenvalue statistics to critical load statistics. Specialization of the general procedure to Beck, Leipholz and Pfluger columns is carried out. For Pfluger column, nonlinear transformations are avoided by directly expressing the critical load statistics in terms of input variable statistics.


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The Leipholz column which is having the Young modulus and mass per unit length as stochastic processes and also the distributed tangential follower load behaving stochastically is considered. The non self-adjoint differential equation and boundary conditions are considered to have random field coefficients. The standard perturbation method is employed. The non self-adjoint operators are used within the regularity domain. Full covariance structure of the free vibration eigenvalues and critical loads is derived in terms of second order properties of input random fields characterizing the system parameter fluctuations. The mean value of critical load is calculated using the averaged problem and the corresponding eigenvalue statistics are sought. Through the frequency equation a transformation is done to yield load parameter statistics. A numerical study incorporating commonly observed correlation models is reported which illustrates the full potentials of the derived expressions.


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A continuum model based on the critical-state theory of soil mechanics is used to generate stress, density, and velocity profiles, and to compute discharge rates for the flow of granular material in a mass flow bunker. The bin–hopper transition region is idealized as a shock across which all the variables change discontinuously. Comparison with the work of Michalowski (1987) shows that his experimentally determined rupture layer lies between his prediction and that of the present theory. However, it resembles the former more closely. The conventional condition involving a traction-free surface at the hopper exit is abandoned in favour of an exit shock below which the material falls vertically with zero frictional stress. The basic equations, which are not classifiable under any of the standard types, require excessive computational time. This problem is alleviated by the introduction of the Mohr–Coulomb approximation (MCA). The stress, density, and velocity profiles obtained by integration of the MCA converge to asymptotic fields on moving down the hopper. Expressions for these fields are derived by a perturbation method. Computational difficulties are encountered for bunkers with wall angles θw [gt-or-equal, slanted] 15° these are overcome by altering the initial conditions. Predicted discharge rates lie significantly below the measured values of Nguyen et al. (1980), ranging from 38% at θw = 15° to 59% at θw = 32°. The poor prediction appears to be largely due to the exit condition used here. Paradoxically, incompressible discharge rates lie closer to the measured values. An approximate semi-analytical expression for the discharge rate is obtained, which predicts values within 9% of the exact (numerical) ones in the compressible case, and 11% in the incompressible case. The approximate analysis also suggests that inclusion of density variation decreases the discharge rate. This is borne out by the exact (numerical) results – for the parameter values investigated, the compressible discharge rate is about 10% lower than the incompressible value. A preliminary comparison of the predicted density profiles with the measurements of Fickie et al. (1989) shows that the material within the hopper dilates more strongly than predicted. Surprisingly, just below the exit slot, there is good agreement between theory and experiment.