18 resultados para Mezza-Garcia

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The crush bands that form during plastic deformation of closed-cell metal foams are often inclined at 11-20 degrees to the loading axis, allowing for shear displacement of one part of the foam with respect to the other. Such displacement is prevented by the presence of a lateral constraint. This was analysed in this study, which shows that resistance against shear by the constraint leads to the strain-hardening effect in the foam that has been reported in a recent experimental study. (C) 2009 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A novel synthesis of inorganic-organic hybrid films containing well dispersed and almost uniform size Ag nanoparticles in agar-agar matrix has been reported. The films are found to be highly stable for more than a year. The colloidal particles of Ag can be obtained in large quantities in the form of a film or in the gel form when dispersed in agar-agar or by dissolving in a suitable solvent as solution. Characterization has been done by UV-visible spectroscopy and TEM. The hybrid may be of interest to study third-order non-linear susceptibility.


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The application of different cooling rates as a strategy to enhance the structure of aluminium foams is studied. The potential to influence the level of morphological defects and cell size non-uniformities is investigated. AlSi6Cu4 alloy was foamed through the powder compact route and then solidified, applying three different cooling rates. Foam development was monitored in situ by means of X-ray radioscopy while foaming inside a closed mould. The macro-structure of the foams was analysed in terms of cell size distribution as determined by X-ray tomography. Compression tests were conducted to assess the mechanical performance of the foams and measured properties were correlated with structural features of the foams. Moreover, possible changes in the ductile brittle nature of deformation with cooling rate were analysed by studying the initial stages of deformation. We observed improvements in the cell size distributions, reduction in microporosity and grain size at higher cooling rates, which in turn led to a notable enhancement in compressive strength. (C) 2010 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report transport and magnetic properties of a different class of highly conducting polyaniline, doped with boron trihalides BX3 (X=F, Cl, and Br). In order to understand the transport mechanism we analyze the temperature dependence of resistivity of a large number of samples, made by pelletizing doped polyaniline powder and by doping films of polyaniline. We find that the charge transport in this class of conducting polyaniline is driven by the charging-energy limited transport of charge carriers, in contrast to the quasi-one-dimensional variable range hopping conduction prevalent in conventional proton-doped polyaniline samples. Magnetic susceptibility provides further insight into the unusually high intrinsic conductivity behavior.


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This article documents the addition of 229 microsatellite marker loci to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Acacia auriculiformis x Acacia mangium hybrid, Alabama argillacea, Anoplopoma fimbria, Aplochiton zebra, Brevicoryne brassicae, Bruguiera gymnorhiza, Bucorvus leadbeateri, Delphacodes detecta, Tumidagena minuta, Dictyostelium giganteum, Echinogammarus berilloni, Epimedium sagittatum, Fraxinus excelsior, Labeo chrysophekadion, Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi, Paratrechina longicornis, Phaeocystis antarctica, Pinus roxburghii and Potamilus capax. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Acacia peregrinalis, Acacia crassicarpa, Bruguiera cylindrica, Delphacodes detecta, Tumidagena minuta, Dictyostelium macrocephalum, Dictyostelium discoideum, Dictyostelium purpureum, Dictyostelium mucoroides, Dictyostelium rosarium, Polysphondylium pallidum, Epimedium brevicornum, Epimedium koreanum, Epimedium pubescens, Epimedium wushanese and Fraxinus angustifolia.


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Static disorder has recently been implicated in the non-exponential kinetics of the unfolding of single molecules of poly-ubiquitin under a constant force Kuo, Garcia-Manyes, Li, Barel, Lu, Berne, Urbakh, Klafter, and Fernandez, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 107, 11336 (2010)]. In the present paper, it is suggested that dynamic disorder may provide a plausible, alternative description of the experimental observations. This suggestion is made on the basis of a model in which the barrier to chain unfolding is assumed to be modulated by a control parameter r that evolves in a parabolic potential under the action of fractional Gaussian noise according to a generalized Langevin equation. The treatment of dynamic disorder within this model is pursued using Zwanzig's indirect approach to noise averaging Acc. Chem. Res. 23, 148 (1990)]. In conjunction with a self-consistent closure scheme developed by Wilemski and Fixman J. Chem. Phys. 58, 4009 (1973); ibid. 60, 866 (1974)], this approach eventually leads to an expression for the chain unfolding probability that can be made to fit the corresponding experimental data very closely. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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A remarkable hardening (similar to 30 cm(-1)) of the normal mode of vibration associated with the symmetric stretching of the oxygen octahedra for the Ba2FeReO6 and Sr2CrReO6 double perovskites is observed below the corresponding magnetic ordering temperatures. The very large magnitude of this effect and its absence for the antisymmetric stretching mode provide evidence against a conventional spin-phonon coupling mechanism. Our observations are consistent with a collective excitation formed by the combination of the vibrational mode with oscillations of Fe or Cr 3d and Re 5d occupations and spin magnitudes.


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The SrNaBi2Nb3O12 (SNBN) powder was prepared via the conventional solid-state reaction method. X-ray structural studies confirmed the phase to be a three-layered member of the Aurivillius family of oxides. The SNBN ceramics exhibited the typical characteristics of relaxor ferroelectrics, associated with broad and dispersive dielectric maxima. The variation of temperature of dielectric maxima (T-m) with frequency obeyed the Vogel-Fulcher relationship. Relaxor behavior was believed to be arising from the cationic disorder at A-site. Pinched ferroelectric hysteresis loops were observed well above T-m.


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We report the results of an experimental and numerical study conducted on a closed-cell aluminium foam that was subjected to uniaxial compression with lateral constraint. X-ray computed tomography was utilized to gain access into the three-dimensional (3-D) structure of the foam and some aspects of the deformation mechanisms. A series of advanced 3-D image analyses are conducted on the 3-D images aimed at characterizing the strain localization regions. We identify the morphological/geometrical features that are responsible for the collapse of the cells and the strain localization. A novel mathematical approach based on a Minkowski tensor analysis along with the mean intercept length technique were utilized to search for signatures of anisotropy across the foam sample and its evolution as a function of loading. Our results show that regions with higher degrees of anisotropy in the undeformed foam have a tendency to initiate the onset of cell collapse. Furthermore, we show that strain hardening occurs predominantly in regions with large cells and high anisotropy. We combine the finite element method with the tomographic images to simulate the mechanical response of the foam. We predict further deformation in regions where the foam is already deformed. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc. All rights reserved.


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We present compelling theoretical results showing that fused azulene molecules are strong candidates for exhibiting room temperature multiferroic behavior, i.e., having both ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties. If this is experimentally proved, these systems will be organic multiferroic materials with important potential applications.


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Polycrystalline powders of Ba1-xCaxBi4Ti4O15 (where x = 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1) were prepared via the conventional solid-state reaction route. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman scattering techniques have been employed to probe into the structural changes on changing x. XRD analyses confirmed the formation of monophasic bismuth layered structure of all the above compositions with an increase in orthorhombic distortion with increase in x. Raman spectra revealed a redshift in A(1g) peak and an increase in the B-2g/B-3g splitting with increasing Ca content. The average grain size was found to increase with increasing x. The temperature of the maximum dielectric constant (T-m) increased linearly with increasing Ca-content whereas the diffuseness of the phase transition was found to decrease with the end member CaBi4Ti4O15 showing a frequency independent sharp phase transition around 1048 K. Ca doping resulted in a decrease in the remnant polarization and an increase in the coercive field. Ba0.75Ca0.25Bi4Ti4O15 ceramics showed an enhanced piezoelectric coefficient d(33) of 15 pC N-1 at room temperature. Low values of dielectric losses and tunability of temperature coefficient of dielectric constant (tau(epsilon)) in the present solid-solution suggest that these compounds can be of potential use in microwave dielectrics at high temperatures. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: A better understanding of the quality of cellular immune responses directed against molecularly defined targets will guide the development of TB diagnostics and identification of molecularly defined, clinically relevant M.tb vaccine candidates. Methods: Recombinant proteins (n = 8) and peptide pools (n = 14) from M. tuberculosis (M.tb) targets were used to compare cellular immune responses defined by IFN-gamma and IL-17 production using a Whole Blood Assay (WBA) in a cohort of 148 individuals, i.e. patients with TB + (n = 38), TB- individuals with other pulmonary diseases (n = 81) and individuals exposed to TB without evidence of clinical TB (health care workers, n = 29). Results: M.tb antigens Rv2958c (glycosyltransferase), Rv2962c (mycolyltransferase), Rv1886c (Ag85B), Rv3804c (Ag85A), and the PPE family member Rv3347c were frequently recognized, defined by IFN-gamma production, in blood from healthy individuals exposed to M.tb (health care workers). A different recognition pattern was found for IL-17 production in blood from M.tb exposed individuals responding to TB10.4 (Rv0288), Ag85B (Rv1886c) and the PPE family members Rv0978c and Rv1917c. Conclusions: The pattern of immune target recognition is different in regard to IFN-gamma and IL-17 production to defined molecular M.tb targets in PBMCs from individuals frequently exposed to M.tb. The data represent the first mapping of cellular immune responses against M.tb targets in TB patients from Honduras.


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Nonlinear dielectric response of BaBi4Ti4O15 ceramics synthesized via the conventional solid-state reaction route has been monitored over a wide range of electric field strengths (E-0 = 0.5 - 5 kV/cm). Dielectric permittivity was found to increase linearly within the range of applied field. Rayleigh relations were employed to interpret the nonlinear dielectric response and the contribution of irreversible domain wall motion to the macroscopic permittivity was separated. The values of room temperature Rayleigh dielectric coefficient (alpha) and relative initial permittivity (epsilon'(init)) were found to be 2.28 +/- 0.02 cm/kV and 146.10 +/- 0.07, respectively. A reasonable agreement between the simulated and measured polarization-electric field (P-E) hysteresis loops was observed at an applied electric field of 5 kV/cm.


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We describe the synthesis and crystal structure of Li3MRuO5 (M = Co and Ni), new rock salt related oxides. Both the oxides crystallize in the layered LiCoO2 (alpha-NaFeO2) structure, as revealed by powder XRD data. Magnetic susceptibility data suggest that the oxidation states of transition metals are Li3Co3+(ls)Ru4+(ls) O-5 (ls = low spin) for the M = Co compound and Li3Ni2+Ru5+O5 for the M = Ni compound. Electrochemical investigations of lithium deintercalation-intercalation behaviour reveal that both Co and Ni phases exhibit attractive specific capacities of ca. 200 mA h g(-1) at an average voltage of 4 V that has been interpreted as due to the oxidation of Co3+ and Ru4+ in Li3CoRuO5 and Ni2+ to Ni4+ in the case of Li3NiRuO5. Thus, a different role of Ru ions is played in the isostructural oxides. Finally, in both cases evidence of irreversible behaviour above 4.2 V is observed and interpreted as formation of high valent ions or alternatively oxidation of oxide ions.


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We describe the synthesis, crystal structure, magnetic and electrochemical characterization of new rock salt-related oxides of formula, Li3M2RuO6 (M=Co, Ni). The M=Co oxide adopts the LiCoO2 (R-3m) structure, where sheets of LiO6 and (Co-2/Ru)O-6 octahedra are alternately stacked along the c-direction. The M=Ni oxide also adopts a similar layered structure related to Li2TiO3, where partial mixing of Li and Ni/Ru atoms lowers the symmetry to monoclinic (C2/c). Magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal that in Li3Co2RuO6, the oxidation states of transition metal ions are Co3+ (S=0), Co2+ (S=1/2) and Ru4+ (S=1), all of them in low-spin configuration and at 10 K, the material orders antiferromagnetically. Analogous Li3Ni2RuO6 presents a ferrimagnetic behavior with a Curie temperature of 100 K. The differences in the magnetic behavior have been explained in terms of differences in the crystal structure. Electrochemical studies correlate well with both magnetic properties and crystal structure. Li-transition metal intermixing may be at the origin of the more impeded oxidation of Li3Ni2RuO6 when compared to Li3CO2RuO6. Interestingly high first charge capacities (between ca. 160 and 180 mAh g(-1)) corresponding to ca. 2/3 of theoretical capacity are reached albeit, in both cases, capacity retention and cyclability are not satisfactory enough to consider these materials as alternatives to LiCoO2. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.