19 resultados para Merritton Pen Centre Lions (Baseball team)

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Observations of the H272α recombination line towards the galactic centre show features near VLSR= 0, -50 and + 36 kms-1 . We have combined the parameters of these features with the available -166 measurements to obtain the properties of the ionized gas present along the line of sight and also in the -3 kpc arm-. For the line-of-sight ionized gas we get an electron density around 7 cm-3 and a pathlength through it 10-60 pc. The emission measure and the electron temperature are in the range 500-2900 pc cm-6 and 2000-6000 - respectively. The ionized gas in the 3 kpc arm has an electron density of 30 cm-3 and extends over 9 pc along the line of sight if we assume an electron temperature of 104 K. Using the available upper limit to the intensity of the H351α recombination line, we show that the distributed ionized gas responsible for the dispersion of pulsar signals should have a temperature > 4500 - and a minimum filling factor of 20 per cent. We also show that recombination lines from the -warm ionized- gas proposed by McKee & Ostriker (1977) should be detectable in the frequency range 100-150 MHz towards the galactic centre with the sensitivity available at present.


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Linalool-8-monoxygenase, a typical bacterial P-450 heme thiolase, shows a high degree of substrate specificity towards linalool. The active site of the pure enzyme has been probed with a large number of substrate analogues with systematic alterations or conformational variations in the linalool molecule. The comparison of three parameters, the mo→mos conversion of the enzyme as a result of substrate binding monitored at 392 nm, theK D of the analogues giving information about energies of association and the relative turnover as substrate have given information about the space-filling characteristics of the substrates in the enzyme cleft, the number of contacts the molecules make with the respective domains of the enzyme and the distance of the site undergoing hydroxylation from the oxygen site, respectively. The data permit the conclusion that linalool makes contact with the enzyme by hydrogen bonding with the hydroxyl group as well through hydrophobic association with all the eight carbons carrying hydrogen in the molecules.


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A study on the conformational aspects of cyclo-hexaglycyl having inversion symmetry has been made. The cyclic backbone has been assumed to have two internal 4→1 types of NH... O hydrogen bonds. This molecule has been found to take up two types of conformations designated asA* andB* having nearly the same energy values. The theoretical conformations have been compared with the conformations of cyclohexaglycyl hemihydrate observed in the crystal structure. Two molecules with an approximate inversion symmetry are close to the conformation of the typeB* and two other molecules with exact inversino symmetry correspond nearly to the typesB* andA*. comparison with the theoretically possible conformations of cyclohexaglycyl molecule with 2-fold symmetry has been made. The preference of inversion symmetry and preferred ranges ofψ for glycyl molecules is discussed.


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X-band electron spin resonance (ESR) studies of (CrO4)2- doped, X-irradiated single crystals of ferroelectric ammonium sulphate ((NH4)2SO4, TC = 223 K) at 300 and 208 K are reported. The paramagnetic centre responsible for the ESR spectrum is identified to be Cr5+. Superhyperfine interaction of the unpaired electron with two equivalent protons is observed. The spin-Hamiltonian parameters which are nearly axial at 300 K, with g < g indicating a dx2-y2 orbital ground state, acquired rhombic character below TC indicating a distortion of the sulphate tetrahedron. An increase in the value of the proton superhyperfine constant in the ferroelectric phase is indicative of stronger hydrogen bonding.


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Learning automata are adaptive decision making devices that are found useful in a variety of machine learning and pattern recognition applications. Although most learning automata methods deal with the case of finitely many actions for the automaton, there are also models of continuous-action-set learning automata (CALA). A team of such CALA can be useful in stochastic optimization problems where one has access only to noise-corrupted values of the objective function. In this paper, we present a novel formulation for noise-tolerant learning of linear classifiers using a CALA team. We consider the general case of nonuniform noise, where the probability that the class label of an example is wrong may be a function of the feature vector of the example. The objective is to learn the underlying separating hyperplane given only such noisy examples. We present an algorithm employing a team of CALA and prove, under some conditions on the class conditional densities, that the algorithm achieves noise-tolerant learning as long as the probability of wrong label for any example is less than 0.5. We also present some empirical results to illustrate the effectiveness of the algorithm.


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Interactions between carnivores during the defence of kills may be one reason why certain carnivores live in groups. This is especially true of lions, hyaenas and the African wild dog, The dhole or the Asiatic wild dog, primarily a pack living animal, has been observed to regularly interact with both tigers and leopards, Such interactions have taken place over kills and otherwise. In this report, five such interactions are described, It was found that the pack's behaviour of surrounding bushes acid trees on which the cat was confined precluded immediate escape. The presence of sentinels, while the pack was resting, warned the pack of the presence of a big cat and the pack grouped when a big cat appeared, Costs to both individuals within the dhole packs and the cats involved in the encounters were found to be slight, The reasons for such potentially costly encounters could be competition for finite food resources or thwarting predation, Dholes have a significant diet overlap with both leopards and tigers and aggressively encounter with leopards but not with tigers, Differences between diet overlaps may not be the basis behind the differences in aggression, It is more likely that, the small size of leopards and the fact that they predate more often on dholes, cause dhole packs to be more aggressive to leopards than to tigers, The size of carnivore groups may thus pose an advantage during competitive interactions among carnivore species.


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Before the onset of the south Asian summer monsoon, sea surface temperature (SST) of the north Indian Ocean warms to 30–32°C. Climatological mean mixed layer depth in spring (March–May) is 10–20 m, and net surface heat flux (Q net ) is 80–100 W m−2 into the ocean. Previous work suggests that observed spring SST warming is small mainly because of (1) penetrative flux of solar radiation through the base of the mixed layer (Q pen ) and (2) advective cooling by upper ocean currents. We estimate the role of these two processes in SST evolution from a two-week Arabian Sea Monsoon Experiment process experiment in April–May 2005 in the southeastern Arabian Sea. The upper ocean is stratified by salinity and temperature, and mixed layer depth is shallow (6 to 12 m). Current speed at 2 m depth is high even under light winds. Currents within the mixed layer are quite distinct from those at 25 m. On subseasonal scales, SST warming is followed by rapid cooling, although the ocean gains heat at the surface: Q net is about 105 W m−2 in the warming phase and 25 W m−2 in the cooling phase; penetrative loss Q pen is 80 W m−2 and 70 W m−2. In the warming phase, SST rises mainly because of heat absorbed within the mixed layer, i.e., Q net minus Q pen ; Q pen reduces the rate of SST warming by a factor of 3. In the second phase, SST cools rapidly because (1) Q pen is larger than Q net and (2) advective cooling is ∼85 W m−2. A calculation using time-averaged heat fluxes and mixed layer depth suggests that diurnal variability of fluxes and upper ocean stratification tends to warm SST on subseasonal timescale. Buoy and satellite data suggest that a typical premonsoon intraseasonal cooling event occurs under clear skies when the ocean is gaining heat through the surface. In this respect, premonsoon SST cooling in the north Indian Ocean is different from that due to the Madden-Julian oscillation or monsoon intraseasonal oscillation.


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This work describes the parallelization of High Resolution flow solver on unstructured meshes, HIFUN-3D, an unstructured data based finite volume solver for 3-D Euler equations. For mesh partitioning, we use METIS, a software based on multilevel graph partitioning. The unstructured graph used for partitioning is associated with weights both on its vertices and edges. The data residing on every processor is split into four layers. Such a novel procedure of handling data helps in maintaining the effectiveness of the serial code. The communication of data across the processors is achieved by explicit message passing using the standard blocking mode feature of Message Passing Interface (MPI). The parallel code is tested on PACE++128 available in CFD Center


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Observations from moored buoys during spring of 1998-2000 suggest that the warming of the mixed layer (similar to20 m deep) of the north Indian Ocean warm pool is a response to net surface heat flux Q(net) (similar to100 W m(-2)) minus penetrative solar radiation Q(pen) (similar to45 W m(-2)). A residual cooling due to vertical mixing and advection is indirectly estimated to be about 25 W m(-2). The rate of warming due to typical values of Q(net) minus Q(pen) is not very sensitive to the depth of the mixed layer if it lies between 10 m and 30 m.


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The relaxor ferroelectric compositions Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O-3 (PEN) and [Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O-3](0.8)-[PbTiO3](0.2) (PMN-PT) are studied for their radiation response to the high energy heavy ions (50 MeV Li3+, fluence 1 X 10(13)-1 X 10(14) ions/cm(2)) in terms of their structural, dielectric and piezoelectric properties. There was no change in the crystallinity of both the compositions after irradiation as seen from the XRD. The PEN composition did not show much change in the dielectric constant but the value of T-m decreased by 8degreesC. The PMN-PT composition showed an increase in the dielectric constant with increase in the irradiation fluence from 1 x 10(13) to 1 X 10(14) ions/cm(2) with no change in the value of T-m. The piezoelectric coefficient decreased in both the samples after irradiation. Among the compositions studied, PEN is observed to be more radiation resistant to changes in structural and dielectric properties than PM-PT. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To investigate the use of centre of gravity location on reducing cyclic pitch control for helicopter UAV's (unmanned air vehicles) and MAV's (micro air vehicles). Low cyclic pitch is a necessity to implement the swashplateless rotor concept using trailing edge flaps or active twist using current generation low authority piezoceramic actuators. Design/methodology/approach – An aeroelastic analysis of the helicopter rotor with elastic blades is used to perform parametric and sensitivity studies of the effects of longitudinal and lateral center of gravity (cg) movements on the main rotor cyclic pitch. An optimization approach is then used to find cg locations which reduce the cyclic pitch at a given forward speed. Findings – It is found that the longitudinal cyclic pitch and lateral cyclic pitch can be driven to zero at a given forward speed by shifting the cg forward and to the port side, respectively. There also exist pairs of numbers for the longitudinal and lateral cg locations which drive both the cyclic pitch components to zero at a given forward speed. Based on these results, a compromise optimal cg location is obtained such that the cyclic pitch is bounded within ±5° for a BO105 helicopter rotor. Originality/value – The reduction in the cyclic pitch due to helicopter cg location is found to significantly reduce the maximum magnitudes of the control angles in flight, facilitating the swashplateless rotor concept. In addition, the existence of cg locations which drive the cyclic pitches to zero allows for the use of active cg movement as a way to replace the cyclic pitch control for helicopter MAV's.


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The paper reports the operational experience from a 100 kWe gasification power plant connected to the grid in Karnataka. Biomass Energy for Rural India (BERI) is a program that implemented gasification based power generation with an installed capacity of 0.88 MWe distributed over three locations to meet the electrical energy needs in the district of Tumkur. The operation of one 100 kWe power plant was found unsatisfactory and not meeting the designed performance. The Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, the technology developer, took the initiative to ensure the system operation, capacity building and prove the designed performance. The power plant connected to the grid consists of the IISc gasification system which includes reactor, cooling, cleaning system, fuel drier and water treatment system to meet the producer gas quality for an engine. The producer gas is used as a fuel in Cummins India Limited, GTA 855 G model, turbo charged engine and the power output is connected to the grid. The system has operated for over 1000 continuous hours, with only about 70 h of grid outages. The total biomass consumption for 1035 h of operation was 111 t at an average of 107 kg/h. Total energy generated was 80.6 MWh reducing over loot of CO(2) emissions. The overall specific fuel consumption was about 1.36 kg/kWh, amounting to an overall efficiency from biomass to electricity of about 18%. The present operations indicate that a maintenance schedule for the plant can be at the end of 1000 h. The results for another 1000 h of operation by the local team are also presented. (C) 2011 International Energy Initiative. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A multiple UAV search and attack mission in a battlefield involves allocating UAVs to different target tasks efficiently. This task allocation becomes difficult when there is no communication among the UAVs and the UAVs sensors have limited range to detect the targets and neighbouring UAVs, and assess target status. In this paper, we propose a team theoretic approach to efficiently allocate UAVs to the targets with the constraint that UAVs do not communicate among themselves and have limited sensor range. We study the performance of team theoretic approach for task allocation on a battle field scenario. The performance obtained through team theory is compared with two other methods, namely, limited sensor range but with communication among all the UAVs, and greedy strategy with limited sensor range and no communication. It is found that the team theoretic strategy performs the best even though it assumes limited sensor range and no communication.


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This work analyses the influence of several design methods on the degree of creativity of the design outcome. A design experiment has been carried out in which the participants were divided into four teams of three members, and each team was asked to work applying different design methods. The selected methods were Brainstorming, Functional Analysis, and SCAMPER method. The `degree of creativity' of each design outcome is assessed by means of a questionnaire offered to a number of experts and by means of three different metrics: the metric of Moss, the metric of Sarkar and Chakrabarti, and the evaluation of innovative potential. The three metrics share the property of measuring the creativity as a combination of the degree of novelty and the degree of usefulness. The results show that Brainstorming provides more creative outcomes than when no method is applied, while this is not proved for SCAMPER and Functional Analysis.