17 resultados para Marginal upland environments

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The crown ethers, 2,3-benzo-1,4,7,10,13-pentaoxa-cyclopentadeca-2-ene and 2,3, ll,12-dibenzo-l,4,7,10,13,16-hexaoxscyclooctadeca-2,11-diene are incorporated into H,N'-ethylenebis(acetylacetoneimino) nickel(II) and copper(II), phenol, and β-naphthol by diazo coupling reactions. The selective nature of the coupling reaction has-been demonstrated by the isolation of both asymmetric mono- and symmetric bis(glyoxalarylcrownhydrazoneimino) metal(II) complexes. An interesting binuclear complex containing two intramolecularly rearranged (glyoxal-hydrazonearylimino) metal(II) groups joined by 18-crown-6 result8 when bis(arenediazonium)-18-crown-6 is coupled with the metal(I1) Schiff bases. The substituted ethers form cationic salts with NaClO4, KCNS, NH4CNS, 14g(CNS)2 and Ca(CNS)2. All the synthesised ethers exhibit ion selectivity sequence as K+ > Na+ and Ca2+ > Mg2+.


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The crown ethers, 2,3-benzo-1,4,7,10,13-pentaoxa-cyclopentadeca-2-ene and 2,3, ll,12-dibenzo-l,4,7,10,13,16-hexaoxscyclooctadeca-2,11-diene are incorporated into H,N'-ethylenebis(acetylacetoneimino) nickel(II) and copper(II), phenol, and β-naphthol by diazo coupling reactions. The selective nature of the coupling reaction has-been demonstrated by the isolation of both asymmetric mono- and symmetric bis(glyoxalarylcrownhydrazoneimino) metal(II) complexes. An interesting binuclear complex containing two intramolecularly rearranged (glyoxal-hydrazonearylimino) metal(II) groups joined by 18-crown-6 result8 when bis(arenediazonium)-18-crown-6 is coupled with the metal(I1) Schiff bases. The substituted ethers form cationic salts with NaClO4, KCNS, NH4CNS, 14g(CNS)2 and Ca(CNS)2. All the synthesised ethers exhibit ion selectivity sequence as K+ > Na+ and Ca2+ > Mg2+.


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We study the properties of walls of marginal stability for BPS decays in a class of N = 2 theories. These theories arise in N = 2 string compactifications obtained as freely acting orbifolds of N = 4 theories, such theories include the STU model and the FHSV model. The cross sections of these walls for a generic decay in the axion-dilaton plane reduce to lines or circles. From the continuity properties of walls of marginal stability we show that central charges of BPS states do not vanish in the interior of the moduli space. Given a charge vector of a BPS state corresponding to a large black hole in these theories, we show that all walls of marginal stability intersect at the same point in the lower half of the axion-dilaton plane. We isolate a class of decays whose walls of marginal stability always lie in a region bounded by walls formed by decays to small black holes. This enables us to isolate a region in moduli space for which no decays occur within this class. We then study entropy enigma decays for such models and show that for generic values of the moduli, that is when moduli are of order one compared to the charges, entropy enigma decays do not occur in these models.


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By “phenotypic plasticity” we refer to the capacity of a genotype to exhibit different phenotypes, whether in the same or in different environments. We have previously demonstrated that phenotypic plasticity can improve the degree of adaptation achieved via natural selection (Behera & Nanjundiah, 1995). That result was obtained from a genetic algorithm model of haploid genotypes (idealized as one-dimensional strings of genes) evolving in a fixed environment. Here, the dynamics of evolution is examined under conditions of a cyclically varying environment. We find that the rate of evolution, as well as the extent of adaptation (as measured by mean population fitness) is lowered because of environmental cycling. The decrease is adaptation caused by a varying environment can, however, be partly or wholly compensated by an increase in the degree of plasticity that a genotype is capable of. Also, the reduction of population fitness caused by a variable environment can be partially offset by decreasing the total number of genetic loci. We conjecture that an increase in genome size may have been among the factors responsible for the evolution of phenotypic plasticity.


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We present a frontier based algorithm for searching multiple goals in a fully unknown environment, with only information about the regions where the goals are most likely to be located. Our algorithm chooses an ``active goal'' from the ``active goal list'' generated by running a Traveling Salesman Problem (Tsp) routine with the given centroid locations of the goal regions. We use the concept of ``goal switching'' which helps not only in reaching more number of goals in given time, but also prevents unnecessary search around the goals that are not accessible (surrounded by walls). The simulation study shows that our algorithm outperforms Multi-Heuristic LRTA* (MELRTA*) which is a significant representative of multiple goal search approaches in an unknown environment, especially in environments with wall like obstacles.


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We consider the problem of goal seeking by robots in unknown environments. We present a frontier based algorithm for finding a route to a goal in a fully unknown environment, where information about the goal region (GR), the region where the goal is most likely to be located, is available. Our algorithm efficiently chooses the best candidate frontier cell, which is on the boundary between explored space and unexplored space, having the maximum ``goal seeking index'', to reach the goal in minimal number of moves. Modification of the algorithm is also proposed to further reduce the number of moves toward the goal. The algorithm has been tested extensively in simulation runs and results demonstrate that the algorithm effectively directs the robot to the goal and completes the search task in minimal number of moves in bounded as well as unbounded environments. The algorithm is shown to perform as well as a state of the art agent centered search algorithm RTAA*, in cluttered environments if exact location of the goal is known at the beginning of the mission and is shown to perform better in uncluttered environments.


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In this work we explore the application of wireless sensor technologies for the benefit of small and marginal farmers in semi-arid regions. The focus in this paper is to discuss the merits and demerits of data gathering & relay paradigms that collect localized data over a wide area. The data gathered includes soil moisture, temperature, pressure, rain data and humidity. The challenge to technology intervention comes mainly due to two reasons: (a) Farmers in general are interested in crop yield specific to their piece of land. This is because soil texture can vary rapidly over small regions. (b) Due to a high run-off, the soil moisture retention can vary from region to region depending on the topology of the farm. Both these reasons alter the needs drastically. Additionally, small and marginal farms can be sandwiched between rich farm lands. The village has very little access to grid power. Power cuts can extend up to 12 hours in a day and upto 3 or 4 days during some months in the year. In this paper, we discuss 3 technology paradigms for data relaying. These include Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity), GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) and DTN (Delay and Disruption Tolerant Network) technologies. We detail the merits and demerits of each of these solutions and provide our final recommendations. The project site is a village called Chennakesavapura in the state of Karnataka, India.


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Modeling the performance behavior of parallel applications to predict the execution times of the applications for larger problem sizes and number of processors has been an active area of research for several years. The existing curve fitting strategies for performance modeling utilize data from experiments that are conducted under uniform loading conditions. Hence the accuracy of these models degrade when the load conditions on the machines and network change. In this paper, we analyze a curve fitting model that attempts to predict execution times for any load conditions that may exist on the systems during application execution. Based on the experiments conducted with the model for a parallel eigenvalue problem, we propose a multi-dimensional curve-fitting model based on rational polynomials for performance predictions of parallel applications in non-dedicated environments. We used the rational polynomial based model to predict execution times for 2 other parallel applications on systems with large load dynamics. In all the cases, the model gave good predictions of execution times with average percentage prediction errors of less than 20%


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Avoidance of collision between moving objects in a 3-D environment is fundamental to the problem of planning safe trajectories in dynamic environments. This problem appears in several diverse fields including robotics, air vehicles, underwater vehicles and computer animation. Most of the existing literature on collision prediction assumes objects to be modelled as spheres. While the conservative spherical bounding box is valid in many cases, in many other cases, where objects operate in close proximity, a less conservative approach, that allows objects to be modelled using analytic surfaces that closely mimic the shape of the object, is more desirable. In this paper, a collision cone approach (previously developed only for objects moving on a plane) is used to determine collision between objects, moving in 3-D space, whose shapes can be modelled by general quadric surfaces. Exact collision conditions for such quadric surfaces are obtained and used to derive dynamic inversion based avoidance strategies.


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The Southern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Complex is composed of granite-greenstone cratonic rocks reworked by a Neoarchean high-grade tectono-metamorphic event. Petrographic and mineral chemical characterization of an Al-Mg granulite from this zone is presented here. The granulite has a gneissic fabric with distinct Al-rich and Si-rich layers, with the former preserving the unusual lamellar (random and regular subparallel) intergrowths of corundum and symplectic intergrowth of spinel with orthopyroxene. The Al-rich layer preserves mineral assemblages such as rutile with orthopyroxene + sillimanite +/- A quartz, Al-rich orthopyroxene (similar to 11 wt%), spinel + quartz, and corundum in possible equilibrium with quartz, while the Si-rich layer preserves antiperthites and orthopyroxene + sillimanite +/- A quartz, all considered diagnostic of ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism. Application of Al-in-opx thermometry, ternary feldspar thermometry and construction of suitable pressure-temperature phase diagrams, compositional and model proportion isopleth results indicate P-T conditions as high as similar to 1,050-1,100 A degrees C, and similar to 10-12 kbars for the Al-Mg granulite. Our report of ultrahigh-temperature conditions is significant considering that the very high temperature was reached during decompression of an otherwise high-pressure granulite complex (clockwise P-T path), whereas most other ultrahigh-temperature granulites are linked to magma underplating at the base of the crust (counterclockwise P-T path).


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Trace addition of B to Ti and its alloys leads to a marked microstructural refinement, which in turn enhances the tensile and fatigue properties of the as-cast alloys. This can be particularly advantageous in applications wherein Ti alloys are used in the as-cast form. In some of these, the environment containing H and Ti alloy components is susceptible to embrittlement due to H uptake. Whether the addition of B to Ti-6Al-4V improves the relative mechanical performance of such cast components used in H environments is examined in this work. Cast Ti-6Al-4V-xB (0 <= x <= 0.55 wt%) alloys were H charged at 500 and 700 degrees C for up to 4 h. Microstructures and room temperature tensile properties of the resulting alloys have been evaluated. Experimental results show that charging at 700 degrees C for 2 h leads to the formation of titanium hydride in the microstructure, which in turn causes severe embrittlement. For shorter durations of charging, a marginal increase in strength was noted, which is attributed to the solid solution strengthening by H. The mechanical performance of the B modified alloys was found to be relatively higher, implying that B addition not only refines the as-cast microstructure but also is beneficial in applications that involve H environment A direct correlation between the volume fraction of TiB particles in the microstructure and the relative reduction in the strength of H-embrittled alloys suggests that the addition of B to Ti alloys, in optimum quantities, can be utilized as a strategy to design alloys that are more resistant to H embrittlement.


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We present a study of the environments of extended radio sources in the Australia Telescope Low-Brightness Survey (ATLBS). The radio sources were selected from the ATLBS Extended Source Sample, which is a well defined sample containing the most extended of radio sources in the ATLBS sky survey regions. The environments were analysed using 4-m Cerro-Tololo Inter-American Observatory Blanco telescope observations carried out for ATLBS fields in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey r(') band. We have estimated the properties of the environments using smoothed density maps derived from galaxy catalogues constructed using these optical imaging data. The angular distribution of galaxy density relative to the axes of the radio sources has been quantified by defining anisotropy parameters that are estimated using a new method presented here. Examining the anisotropy parameters for a subsample of extended double radio sources that includes all sources with pronounced asymmetry in lobe extents, we find good evidence for environmental anisotropy being the dominant cause for lobe asymmetry in that higher galaxy density occurs almost always on the side of the shorter lobe, and this validates the usefulness of the method proposed and adopted here. The environmental anisotropy parameters have been used to examine and compare the environments of Fanaroff-Riley Class I (FRI) and Fanaroff-Riley Class II (FRII) radio sources in two redshift regimes (z < 0.5 and z > 0.5). Wide-angle tail sources and head-tail sources lie in the most overdense environments. The head-tail source environments (for the HT sources in our sample) display dipolar anisotropy in that higher galaxy density appears to lie in the direction of the tails. Excluding the head-tail and wide-angle tail sources, subsamples of FRI and FRII sources from the ATLBS appear to lie in similar moderately overdense environments, with no evidence for redshift evolution in the regimes studied herein.