64 resultados para Males.

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The intense interest in social Hymenoptera, on account of their elaborate sociality and the paradox of altruism, has often suffered from considerable gender imbalance. This is partly due to the fact that worker behaviour and altruism are restricted to the females and partly because males often live off the nest. Yet, understanding the males, especially in the context of mating biology is essential even for understanding the evolution of sociality. Mating patterns have a direct bearing on the levels of intra-colony genetic relatedness, which in turn, along with the associated costs and benefits of worker behaviour, are central to our understanding of the evolution of sociality. Although mating takes place away from the nest in natural colonies of the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata, mating can be observed in the laboratory if a male and a female are placed in a transparent, aerated plastic container, and both wasps are in the range of 5-20 days of age. Here, we use this setup and show that males, but not females, mate serially with multiple partners. The multiple mating behaviour of the males is not surprising because in nature males have to mate with a number of females, only a few of whom will go on to lay eggs. The reluctance of R. marginata females to mate with multiple partners is consistent with the expectation of monogamy in primitively eusocial species with totipotent females, although the apparent discrepancy with a previous work with allozyme markers in natural colonies suggesting that females may sometimes mate with two or three different males remains to be resolved.


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In the tree cricket Oecanthus henryi, females are attracted by male calls and can choose between males. To make a case for female choice based on male calls, it is necessary to examine male call variation in the field and identify repeatable call features that are reliable indicators of male size or symmetry. Female preference for these reliable call features and the underlying assumption behind this choice, female preference for larger males, also need to be examined. We found that females did prefer larger males during mating, as revealed by the longer mating durations and longer spermatophore retention times. We then examined the correlation between acoustic and morphological features and the repeatability of male calls in the field across two temporal scales, within and across nights. We found that carrier frequency was a reliable indicator of male size, with larger males calling at lower frequencies at a given temperature. Simultaneous playback of male calls differing in frequency, spanning the entire range of natural variation at a given temperature, revealed a lack of female preference for low carrier frequencies. The contrasting results between the phonotaxis and mating experiments may be because females are incapable of discriminating small differences in frequency or because the change in call carrier frequency with temperature renders this cue unreliable in tree crickets. (C) 2012 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A principal hypothesis for the evolution of leks (rare and intensely competitive territorial aggregations) is that leks result from females preferring to mate with clustered males. This hypothesis predicts more female visits and higher mating success per male on larger leks. Evidence for and against this hypothesis has been presented by different studies, primarily of individual populations, but its generality has not yet been formally investigated. We took a meta-analytical approach towards formally examining the generality of such a female bias in lekking species. Using available published data and using female visits as an index of female mating bias, we estimated the shape of the relationship between lek size and total female visits to a lek, female visits per lekking male and, where available, per capita male mating success. Individual analyses showed that female visits generally increased with lek size across the majority of taxa surveyed; the meta-analysis indicated that this relationship with lek size was disproportionately positive. The findings from analysing per capita female visits were mixed, with an increase with lek size detected in half of the species, which were, however, widely distributed taxonomically. Taken together, these findings suggest that a female bias for clustered males may be a general process across lekking species. Nevertheless, the substantial variation seen in these relationships implies that other processes are also important. Analyses of per capita copulation success suggested that, more generally, increased per capita mating benefits may be an important selective factor in lek maintenance.


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Males that produce conspicuous mate attraction signals are often at high risk of predation from eavesdropping predators. Females of such species typically search for signalling males and their higher motility may also place them at risk. The relative predation risk faced by males and females in the context of mate-finding using long-distance signals has rarely been investigated. In this study, we show, using a combination of diet analysis and behavioural experiments, that katydid females, who do not produce acoustic signals, are at higher risk of predation from a major bat predator, Megaderma spasma, than calling males. Female katydids were represented in much higher numbers than males in the culled remains beneath roosts of M. spasma. Playback experiments using katydid calls revealed that male calls were approached in only about one-third of the trials overall, whereas tethered, flying katydids were always approached and attacked. Our results question the idea that necessary costs of mate-finding, including risk of predation, are higher in signalling males than in searching females.


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Sex pheromones are vital in communication between individuals belonging to opposite sexes and form an integral part of the reproductive biology of various species. Among insects, sexual dimorphism in CHCs has been reported from diverse taxa spanning seven different orders, and thereby CHCs have been implicated as sex pheromones. Because males and females of the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata touch each other with their antennae during mating, before engaging in sperm transfer, a sex pheromone that is perceived via contact chemosensation through the antennae can possibly exist in this species. Since CHCs have been implied as sex pheromones in various insects (including hymenopterans), and since sexual dimorphism of CHCs should be an obligatory prerequisite for them to act as sex pheromones, we investigated whether males and females of R. marginata differ in their CHC profiles. We found only nonvolatile CHCs, and our results show absence of sexual dimorphism in CHCs, suggesting that CHCs do not function as sex pheromone in this species. A behavioral assay failed to show presence of mate attraction at a distance, thereby showing the absence of volatile long-distance mate attraction cues (that may originate from sources other than and in addition to CHCs).


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The precise timing of individual signals in response to those of signaling neighbors is seen in many animal species. Synchrony is the most striking of the resultant timing patterns. One of the best examples of acoustic synchrony is in katydid choruses where males produce chirps with a high degree of temporal overlap. Cooperative hypotheses that speculate on the evolutionary origins of acousti synchrony include the preservation of the species-specific call pattern, reduced predation risks, and increased call intensity. An alternative suggestion is that synchrony evolved as an epiphenomenon of competition between males in response to a female preference for chirps that lead other chirps. Previous models investigating the evolutionary origins of synchrony focused only on intrasexual competitive interactions. We investigated both competitive and cooperative hypotheses for the evolution of synchrony in the katydid Mecopoda ``Chirper'' using physiologically and ecologically realistic simulation models incorporating the natural variation in call features, ecology, female preferences, and spacing patterns, specifically aggregation. We found that although a female preference for leading chirps enables synchronous males to have some selective advantage, it is the female preference for the increased intensity of aggregations of synchronous males that enables synchrony to evolve as an evolutionarily stable strategy.


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Evolutionarily stable sex ratios are determined for social hymenoptera under local mate competition (LMC) and when the brood size is finite. LMC is modelled by the parameter d. Of the reproductive progeny from a single foundress nest, a fraction d disperses (outbreeding), while (1-d) mate amongst themselves (sibmating). When the brood size is finite, d is taken to be the probability of an offspring dispersing, and similarly, r, the proportion of male offspring, the probability of a haploid egg being laid. Under the joint influence of these two stochastic processes, there is a nonzero probability that some females remain unmated in the nest. As a result, the optimal proportion of males (corresponding to the evolutionarily stable strategy, ESS) is higher than that obtained when the brood size is infinite. When the queen controls the sex ration, the ESS becomes more female biased under increased inbreeding (lower d), However, the ESS under worker control shows an unexpected pattern, including an increase in the proportion of males with increased inbreeding. This effect is traced to the complex interaction between inbreeding and local mate competition.


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Circulatory concentrations of riboflavin carrier protein (RCP) were quantitated in bonnet macaques by employing a heterologous radioimmunoassay involving 125I-labelled chicken RCP and its antiserum. The levels of monkey RCP in the serum seem to be governed by the estrogenic status of the animals. An increase in concentration of serum estradiol in the adult females during the menstrual cycle and early pregnancy could be correlated with enhanced serum RCP levels. Estadiol-17β administered to both immature female and male monkeys, specifically brought about elevated levels of RCP with a slower time course of response in males than in females. These results could be a reflection of a more rapid decline of both circulatory estrogen and RCP concentrations in male serum. Repeated administration of estradiol-17β to male animals led to prolonged elevated levels of RCP following estrogen administration. Thus, it would appear that the evolutionary conservation of RCPs from the aves to the primates encompasses not only their physicochemical similarities but also extends to the estrogenic modulation of their elaboration.


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We propose a molecular mechanism for the intra-cellular measurement of the ratio of the number of X chromosomes to the number of sets of autosomes, a process central to both sex determination and dosage compensation in Drosophila melanogaster. In addition to the two loci, da and Sxl, which have been shown by Cline (Genetics, 90, 683, 1978)and others to be involved in these processes, we postulate two other loci, one autosomal (ω) and the other, X-linked (π). The product of the autosomal locus da stimulates ω and initiates synthesis of a limited quantity of repressor. Sxl and π ,both of which are X-linked, compete for this repressor as well as for RNA polymerase. It is assumed that Sxl has lower affinity than π for repressor as well as polymerase and that the binding of polymerase to one of these sites modulates the binding affinity of the other site for the enzyme. It can be shown that as a result of these postulated interactions transcription from the Sxl site is proportional to the X/A ratio such that the levels of Sxl+ product are low in males, high in females and intermediate in the intersexes. If, as proposed by Cline, the Sxl- product is an inhibitor of X chromosome activity, this would result in dosage compensation. The model leads to the conclusion that high levels of Sxl+ product promote a female phenotype and low levels, a male phenotype. One interesting consequence of the assumptions on which the model is based is that the level of Sxl+ product in the cell, when examined as a function of increasing repressor concentration, first goes up and then decreases, yielding a bell-shaped curve. This feature of the model provides an explanation for some of the remarkable interactions among mutants at the Sxl, da and mle loci and leads to several predictions. The proposed mechanism may also have relevance to certain other problems, such as size regulation during development, which seem to involve measurement of ratios at the cellular level.


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Technological forecasting, defined as quantified probabilistic prediction of timings and degree of change in the technological parameters, capabilities desirability or needs at different times in the future, is applied to birth control technology (BCT) as a means of revealing the paths of most promising research through identifying the necessary points for breakthroughs. The present status of BCT in the areas of pills and the IUD, male contraceptives, immumological approaches, post-coital pills, abortion, sterilization, luteolytic agents, laser technologies, and control of the sex of the child, are each summarized and evaluated in turn. Fine mapping is done to identify the most potentially promising areas of BCT. These include efforts to make oral contraception easier, improvement of the design of the IUD, clinical evaluation of the male contraceptive danazol, the effecting of biochemical changes in the seminal fluid, and researching of immunological approaches and the effects of other new drugs such as prostaglandins. The areas that require immediate and large research inputs are oral contraception and the IUD. On the basis of population and technological forecasts, it is deduced that research efforts could most effectively aid countries like India through the immediate production of an oral contraceptive pill or IUD with long-lasting effects. Development of a pill for males or an immunization against pre gnancy would also have a significant impact. However, the major impediment to birth control programs to date is attitudes, which must be changed through education.


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Chital or axis deer (Axis axis) form fluid groups that change in size temporally and in relation to habitat. Predictions of hypotheses relating animal density, rainfall, habitat structure, and breeding seasonality, to changes in chital group size were assessed simultaneously using multiple regression models of monthly data collected over a 2 yr period in Guindy National Park, in southern India. Over 2,700 detections of chital groups were made during four seasons in three habitats (forest, scrubland and grassland). In scrubland and grassland, chital group size was positively related to animal density, which increased with rainfall. This suggests that in these habitats, chital density increases in relation to food availability, and group sizes increase due to higher encounter rate and fusion of groups. The density of chital in forest was inversely related to rainfall, but positively to the number of fruiting tree species and availability of fallen litter, their forage in this habitat. There was little change in mean group size in the forest, although chital density more than doubled during the dry season and summer. Dispersion of food items or the closed nature of the forest may preclude formation of larger groups. At low densities, group sizes in all three habitats were similar. Group sizes increased with chital density in scrubland and grassland, but more rapidly in the latter—leading to a positive relationship between openness and mean group size at higher densities. It is not clear, however, that this relationship is solely because of the influence of habitat structure. The rutting index (monthly percentage of adult males in hard antler) was positively related to mean group size in forest and scrubland, probably reflecting the increase in group size due to solitary males joining with females during the rut. The fission-fusion system of group formation in chital is thus interactively influenced by several factors. Aspects that need further study, such as interannual variability, are highlighted.


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Synchronising bushcricket males achieve synchrony by delaying their chirps in response to calling neighbours. In multi-male choruses, males that delay chirps in response to all their neighbours would remain silent most of the time and be unable to attract mates. This problem could be overcome if the afferent auditory system exhibited selective attention, and thus a male interacted only with a subset of neighbours. We investigated whether individuals of the bushcricket genus Mecopoda restricted their attention to louder chirps neurophysiologically, behaviourally and through spacing. We found that louder leading chirps were preferentially represented in the omega neuron but the representation of softer following chirps was not completely abolished. Following chirps that were 20 dB louder than leading chirps were better represented than leading chirps. During acoustic interactions, males synchronised with leading chirps even when the following chirps were 20 dB louder. Males did not restrict their attention to louder chirps during interactions but were affected by all chirps above a particular threshold. In the field, we found that males on average had only one or two neighbours whose calls were above this threshold. Selective attention is thus achieved in this bushcricket through spacing rather than neurophysiological filtering of softer signals.


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Synchronising bushcricket males achieve synchrony by delaying their chirps in response to calling neighbours. In multi-male choruses, males that delay chirps in response to all their neighbours would remain silent most of the time and be unable to attract mates. This problem could be overcome if the afferent auditory system exhibited selective attention, and thus a male interacted only with a subset of neighbours. We investigated whether individuals of the bushcricket genus Mecopoda restricted their attention to louder chirps neurophysiologically, behaviourally and through spacing. We found that louder leading chirps were preferentially represented in the omega neuron but the representation of softer following chirps was not completely abolished. Following chirps that were 20 dB louder than leading chirps were better represented than leading chirps. During acoustic interactions, males synchronised with leading chirps even when the following chirps were 20 dB louder. Males did not restrict their attention to louder chirps during interactions but were affected by all chirps above a particular threshold. In the field, we found that males on average had only one or two neighbours whose calls were above this threshold. Selective attention is thus achieved in this bushcricket through spacing rather than neurophysiological filtering of softer signals.


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Synchronising bushcricket males achieve synchrony by delaying their chirps in response to calling neighbours. In multi-male choruses, males that delay chirps in response to all their neighbours would remain silent most of the time and be unable to attract mates. This problem could be overcome if the afferent auditory system exhibited selective attention, and thus a male interacted only with a subset of neighbours. We investigated whether individuals of the bushcricket genus Mecopoda restricted their attention to louder chirps neurophysiologically, behaviourally and through spacing. We found that louder leading chirps were preferentially represented in the omega neuron but the representation of softer following chirps was not completely abolished. Following chirps that were 20 dB louder than leading chirps were better represented than leading chirps. During acoustic interactions, males synchronised with leading chirps even when the following chirps were 20 dB louder. Males did not restrict their attention to louder chirps during interactions but were affected by all chirps above a particular threshold. In the field, we found that males on average had only one or two neighbours whose calls were above this threshold. Selective attention is thus achieved in this bushcricket through spacing rather than neurophysiological filtering of softer signals.