235 resultados para MD simulation

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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In this article, we present a novel application of a quantum clustering (QC) technique to objectively cluster the conformations, sampled by molecular dynamics simulations performed on different ligand bound structures of the protein. We further portray each conformational population in terms of dynamically stable network parameters which beautifully capture the ligand induced variations in the ensemble in atomistic detail. The conformational populations thus identified by the QC method and verified by network parameters are evaluated for different ligand bound states of the protein pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase (DhPylRS) from D. hafniense. The ligand/environment induced re-distribution of protein conformational ensembles forms the basis for understanding several important biological phenomena such as allostery and enzyme catalysis. The atomistic level characterization of each population in the conformational ensemble in terms of the re-orchestrated networks of amino acids is a challenging problem, especially when the changes are minimal at the backbone level. Here we demonstrate that the QC method is sensitive to such subtle changes and is able to cluster MD snapshots which are similar at the side-chain interaction level. Although we have applied these methods on simulation trajectories of a modest time scale (20 ns each), we emphasize that our methodology provides a general approach towards an objective clustering of large-scale MD simulation data and may be applied to probe multistate equilibria at higher time scales, and to problems related to protein folding for any protein or protein-protein/RNA/DNA complex of interest with a known structure.


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Unambiguous evidence for the engagement of CF3 group in N-H center dot center dot center dot F-C hydrogen bond in a low polarity solvent, the first observation of its kind, is reported. The presence of such weak molecular interactions in the solution state is convincingly established by one and two-dimensional H-1, F-19, and natural abundant N-15 NMR spectroscopic studies. The strong and direct evidence is derived by the observation of through-space couplings, such as, (1h)J(FH), (1h)J(FN), and (2h)J(FF), where the spin polarization is transmitted through hydrogen bond. In an interesting example of a molecule containing two CF3 groups getting simultaneously involved in hydrogen bond, where hydrogen bond mediated couplings are not reflected in the NMR spectrum, F-19-F-19 NOESY experiment yielded confirmatory evidence. Significant deviations in the strengths of (1)J(NH), variable temperature, and the solvent induced perturbations yielded additional support. The NMR results are corroborated by both DFT calculations and MD simulations, where the quantitative information on different ways of involvement of fluorine in two and three centered hydrogen bonds, their percentage of occurrences, and geometries have been obtained. The hydrogen bond interaction energies have also been calculated.


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Human Guanine Monophosphate Synthetase (hGMPS) converts XMP to GMP, and acts as a bifunctional enzyme with N-terminal ``glutaminase'' (GAT) and C-terminal ``synthetase'' domain. The enzyme is identified as a potential target for anticancer and immunosuppressive therapies. GAT domain of enzyme plays central role in metabolism, and contains conserved catalytic residues Cys104, His190, and Glu192. MD simulation studies on GAT domain suggest that position of oxyanion in unliganded conformation is occupied by one conserved water molecule (W1), which also stabilizes that pocket. This position is occupied by a negatively charged atom of the substrate or ligand in ligand bound crystal structures. In fact, MD simulation study of Ser75 to Val indicates that W1 conserved water molecule is stabilized by Ser75, while Thr152, and His190 also act as anchor residues to maintain appropriate architecture of oxyanion pocket through water mediated H-bond interactions. Possibly, four conserved water molecules stabilize oxyanion hole in unliganded state, but they vacate these positions when the enzyme (hGMPS)-substrate complex is formed. Thus this study not only reveals functionally important role of conserved water molecules in GAT domain, but also highlights essential role of other non-catalytic residues such as Ser75 and Thr152 in this enzymatic domain. The results from this computational study could be of interest to experimental community and provide a testable hypothesis for experimental validation. Conserved sites of water molecules near and at oxyanion hole highlight structural importance of water molecules and suggest a rethink of the conventional definition of chemical geometry of inhibitor binding site.


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The aggregation property of multiheaded surfactants has been investigated by constant pressure molecular dynamics (MD) simulation in aqueous medium. The model multiheaded surfactants contain more than one headgroup (x = 2, 3, and 4) for a single tail group. This increases the hydrophilic charge progressively over the hydrophobic tail which has dramatic consequences in the aggregation behavior. In particular, we have looked at the change in the aggregation property such as critical micellar concentration (cmc), aggregation number, and size of the micelles for the multiheaded surfactants in water. We find with increasing number of headgroups of the Multiheaded surfactants that the cmc values increase and the aggregation numbers as well as the size of the micelles decrease. These trends are in agreement with the experimental findings as reported earlier with x = 1, 2, and 3. We also predict the aggregation properties of multiheaded surfactant With four headgroups (x = 4) for which no experimental studies exist yet.


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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are reported for an anchored bilayer formed by the intercalation of cetyl trimethyl ammonium (CTA) and CH3(CH2)15N+(CH3) ions in a layered solid, CdPS3. The intercalated CTA ions are organized with the cationic headgroups tethered to the inorganic sheet and the hydrocarbon tails arranged as bilayers. Simulations were performed at three temperatures, 65, 180, and 298 K, using an isothermal−isobaric ensemble that was subsequently switched once macroscopic parameters had converged to a canonical isothermal−isochoric ensemble. The simulations are able to reproduce the experimental features of this system, including the formation of the bilayer and layer-to-layer separation distance. An analysis of the conformation of the chains showed that at all three temperatures a fraction of the alkyl chains retained a planar all-trans conformation, and that gauche bonds occurred as part of a “kink” (gauche+−trans−gauche−) sequence and not as isolated gauche bonds. Trans−gauche isomerization rates for the alkyl chains in the anchored bilayer are slower than those in lipid bilayers at the same temperature and show a progressive increase as the torsion numbers approach the tail. A two-dimensional periodic Voronoi tessellation analysis was performed to obtain the single-molecular area of an alkyl chain in the bilayer. The single-molecular area relaxation times are an order of magnitude longer than the trans−gauche isomerization times. The results indicate that the trans−gauche isomerization is associated with the creation and annihilation of a kink defect sequence. The results of the present MD simulation explain the apparent conflicting estimates of the gauche disorder in this system as obtained from infrared and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance measurements.


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ingle tract guanine residues can associate to form stable parallel quadruplex structures in the presence of certain cations. Nanosecond scale molecular dynamics simulations have been performed on fully solvated fibre model of parallel d(G(7)) quadruplex structures with Na+ or K+ ions coordinated in the cavity formed by the O6 atoms of the guanine bases. The AMBER 4.1 force field and Particle Mesh Ewald technique for electrostatic interactions have been used in all simulations. There quadruplex structures are stable during the simulation, with the middle four base tetrads showing root mean square deviation values between 0.5 to 0.8 Angstrom from the initial structure as well the high resolution crystal structure. Even in the absence of any coordinated ion in the initial structure, the G-quadruplex structure remains intact throughout the simulation. During the 1.1 ns MD simulation, one Nai counter ion from the solvent as well as several water molecules enter the central cavity to occupy the empty coordination sites within the parallel quadruplex and help stabilize the structure. Hydrogen bonding pattern depends on the nature of the coordinated ion, with the G-tetrad undergoing local structural variation to accommodate cations of different sizes. in the absence of any coordinated ion. due to strong mutual repulsion, O6 atoms within G-tetrad are forced farther apart from each other, which leads to a considerably different hydrogen bonding scheme within the G-tetrads and very favourable interaction energy between the guanine bases constituting a G-tetrad. However, a coordinated ion between G-tetrads provides extra stacking energy for the G-tetrads and makes the quadruplex structure more rigid. Na+ ions, within the quadruplex cavity, are more mobile than coordinated K+ ions. A number of hydrogen bonded water molecules are observed within the grooves of all quadruplex structures.


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In this article, an ultrasonic wave propagation in graphene sheet is studied using nonlocal elasticity theory incorporating small scale effects. The graphene sheet is modeled as an isotropic plate of one-atom thick. For this model, the nonlocal governing differential equations of motion are derived from the minimization of the total potential energy of the entire system. An ultrasonic type of wave propagation model is also derived for the graphene sheet. The nonlocal scale parameter introduces certain band gap region in in-plane and flexural wave modes where no wave propagation occurs. This is manifested in the wavenumber plots as the region where the wavenumber tends to infinite or wave speed tends to zero. The frequency at which this phenomenon occurs is called the escape frequency. The explicit expressions for cutoff frequencies and escape frequencies are derived. The escape frequencies are mainly introduced because of the nonlocal elasticity. Obviously these frequencies are function of nonlocal scaling parameter. It has also been obtained that these frequencies are independent of y-directional wavenumber. It means that for any type of nanostructure, the escape frequencies are purely a function of nonlocal scaling parameter only. It is also independent of the geometry of the structure. It has been found that the cutoff frequencies are function of nonlocal scaling parameter (e(0)a) and the y-directional wavenumber (k(y)). For a given nanostructure, nonlocal small scale coefficient can be obtained by matching the results from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and the nonlocal elasticity calculations. At that value of the nonlocal scale coefficient, the waves will propagate in the nanostructure at that cut-off frequency. In the present paper, different values of e(o)a are used. One can get the exact e(0)a for a given graphene sheet by matching the MD simulation results of graphene with the results presented in this paper. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nanosecond scale molecular dynamics simulations have been performed on antiparallel Greek key type d(G(7)) quadruplex structures with different coordinated ions, namely Na+ and K+ ion, water and Na+ counter ions, using the AMBER force field and Particle Mesh Ewald technique for electrostatic interactions. Antiparallel structures are stable during the simulation, with root mean square deviation values of similar to1.5 Angstrom from the initial structures. Hydrogen bonding patterns within the G-tetrads depend on the nature of the coordinated ion, with the G-tetrad undergoing local structural variation to accommodate different cations. However, alternating syn-anti arrangement of bases along a chain as well as in a quartet is maintained through out the MD simulation. Coordinated Na+ ions, within the quadruplex cavity are quite mobile within the central channel and can even enter or exit from the quadruplex core, whereas coordinated K+ ions are quite immobile. MD studies at 400 K indicate that K+ ion cannot come out from the quadruplex core without breaking the terminal G-tetrads. Smaller grooves in antiparallel structures are better binding sites for hydrated counter ions, while a string of hydrogen bonded water molecules are observed within both the small and large grooves. The hydration free energy for the K+ ion coordinated structure is more favourable than that for the Na+ ion coordinated antiparallel quadruplex structure.


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Single tract guanine residues can associate to form stable parallel quadruplex structures in the presence of certain cations. Nanosecond scale molecular dynamics simulations have been performed on fully solvated fibre model of parallel d(G7) quadruplex structures with Na+ or K+ ions coordinated in the cavity formed by the 06 atoms of the guanine bases. The AMBER 4.1 force field and Particle Mesh Ewald technique for electrostatic interactions have been used in all simulations. These quadruplex structures are stable during the simulation, with the middle four base tetrads showing root mean square deviation values between 0.5 to 0.8 A from the initial structure as well the high resolution crystal structure. Even in the absence of any coordinated ion in the initial structure, the G-quadruplex structure remains intact throughout the simulation. During the 1.1 ns MD simulation, one Na+ counter ion from the solvent as well as several water molecules enter the central cavity to occupy the empty coordination sites within the parallel quadruplex and help stabilize the structure. Hydrogen bonding pattern depends on the nature of the coordinated ion, with the G-tetrad undergoing local structural variation to accommodate cations of different sizes. In the absence of any coordinated ion, due to strong mutual repulsion, 06 atoms within G-tetrad are forced farther apart from each other, which leads to a considerably different hydrogen bonding scheme within the G-tetrads and very favourable interaction energy between the guanine bases constituting a G-tetrad. However, a coordinated ion between G-tetrads provides extra stacking energy for the G-tetrads and makes the quadruplex structure more rigid. Na+ ions, within the quadruplex cavity, are more mobile than coordinated K+ ions. A number of hydrogen bonded water molecules are observed within the grooves of all quadruplex structures


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Molecular dynamics (MD) studies have been carried out on the Hoogsteen hydrogen bonded parallel and the reverse Hoogsteen hydrogen banded antiparallel C.G*G triplexes. Earlier, the molecular mechanics studies had shown that the parallel structure was energetically more favourable than the antiparallel structure. To characterize the structural stability of the two triplexes and to investigate whether the antiparallel structure can transit to an energetically more favourable structure, due to the local fluctuations in the structure during the MD simulation, the two structures were subjected to 200ps of constant temperature vacuum MD simulations at 300K. Initially no constraints were applied to the structures and it was observed that for the antiparallel tripler, the structure showed a large root mean square deviation from the starting structure within the first 12ps and the N4-H41-O6 hydrogen bond in the WC duplex got distorted due to a high propeller twist and a moderate increase in the opening angle in the basepairs. Starting from an initial value of 30 degrees, helical twist of the average structure from this simulation had a value of 36 degrees, while the parallel structure stabilized at a twist of 33 degrees. In spite of the hydrogen bond distortions in the antiparallel tripler, it was energetically comparable to the parallel tripler. To examine the structural characteristics of an undistorted structure, another MD simulation was performed on the antiparallel tripler by constraining all the hydrogen bonds. This structure stabilized at an average twist of 33 degrees. In the course of the dynamics though the energy of the molecule - compared to the initial structure - improved, it did not become comparable to the parallel structure. Energy minimization studies performed in the presence of explicit water and counterions also showed the two structures to be equally favourable energetically Together these results indicate that the parallel C.G*G tripler with Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds also represents a stereochemically and energetically favourable structure for this class of triplexes.


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Recent experimental studies have shown that the Rec-A mediated homologous recombination reaction involves a triple helical intermediate, in which the third strand base forms hydrogen bonds with both the bases in the major groove of the Watson-Crick duplex. Such 'mixed' hydrogen bonds allow formation of sequence independent triplexes. DNA triple helices involving 'mixed' hydrogen bonds have been studied, using model building, molecular mechanics (MM) and molecular dynamics (MD). Models were built for a tripler comprising all four possible triplets viz., G.C*C, C.G*G, A.T*T and T.A*A. To check the stability of all the 'mixed' hydrogen bonds in such triplexes and the conformational preferences of such tripler structures, MD studies were carried out starting from two structures with 30 degrees and 36 degrees twist between the basepairs. It was observed that though the two triplexes converged towards a similar structure, the various hydrogen bonds between the WC duplex and the third strand showed differential stabilities. An MD simulation with restrained hydrogen bonds showed that the resulting structure was stable and remained close to the starting structure. These studies help us in defining stable hydrogen bond geometries involving the third strand and the WC duplex. It was observed that in the C.G*G triplets the N7 atom of the second strand is always involved in hydrogen bonding. In the G.C*C triplets, either N3 or O2 in the third strand cytosine can interchangeably act as a hydrogen bond acceptor.


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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of lithium phosphate (Li2O-P2O5) glasses with varying Li2O content has been carried out. Two different P-O distances corresponding to phosphorus coordination with bridging oxygen (BO) and non-bridging oxygen (NBO) were identified in the simulated glasses. NBO-BO interconversion or bond switching was noted, which results in a dynamic equilibration of the tetrahedral phosphate units (P-n, n = 1,3 indicates the number of bridging oxygen atoms in the coordination of phosphorus). The NBO-BO bond switching is mildly activated with an effective activation barrier of 0.03-0.05 eV. Lithium ion jumps do not appear to be strongly coupled to bond switching. But the number of Li+ ions coordinated to an optimum number of NBOs and the number of Li+ ions jumping out of their sites appear to be correlated. Detailed analysis was made of the dynamics of P-n species and new insights have been obtained regarding ion migration in network-modified phosphate glasses.


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We have developed a graphical user interface based dendrimer builder toolkit (DBT) which can be used to generate the dendrimer configuration of desired generation for various dendrimer architectures. The validation of structures generated by this tool was carried out by studying the structural properties of two well known classes of dendrimers: ethylenediamine cored poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimer, diaminobutyl cored poly(propylene imine) (PPI) dendrimer. Using full atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulation we have calculated the radius of gyration, shape tensor and monomer density distribution for PAMAM and PPI dendrimer at neutral and high pH. A good agreement between the available simulation and experimental (small angle X-ray and neutron scattering; SAXS, SANS) results and calculated radius of gyration was observed. With this validation we have used DBT to build another new class of nitrogen cored poly(propyl ether imine) dendrimer and study it's structural features using all atomistic MD simulation. DBT is a versatile tool and can be easily used to generate other dendrimer structures with different chemistry and topology. The use of general amber force field to describe the intra-molecular interactions allows us to integrate this tool easily with the widely used molecular dynamics software AMBER. This makes our tool a very useful utility which can help to facilitate the study of dendrimer interaction with nucleic acids, protein and lipid bilayer for various biological applications. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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We have developed a graphical user interface based dendrimer builder toolkit (DBT) which can be used to generate the dendrimer configuration of desired generation for various dendrimer architectures. The validation of structures generated by this tool was carried out by studying the structural properties of two well known classes of dendrimers: ethylenediamine cored poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimer, diaminobutyl cored poly(propylene imine) (PPI) dendrimer. Using full atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulation we have calculated the radius of gyration, shape tensor and monomer density distribution for PAMAM and PPI dendrimer at neutral and high pH. A good agreement between the available simulation and experimental (small angle X-ray and neutron scattering; SAXS, SANS) results and calculated radius of gyration was observed. With this validation we have used DBT to build another new class of nitrogen cored poly(propyl ether imine) dendrimer and study it's structural features using all atomistic MD simulation. DBT is a versatile tool and can be easily used to generate other dendrimer structures with different chemistry and topology. The use of general amber force field to describe the intra-molecular interactions allows us to integrate this tool easily with the widely used molecular dynamics software AMBER. This makes our tool a very useful utility which can help to facilitate the study of dendrimer interaction with nucleic acids, protein and lipid bilayer for various biological applications. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Wave propagation in graphene sheet embedded in elastic medium (polymer matrix) has been a topic of great interest in nanomechanics of graphene sheets, where the equivalent continuum models are widely used. In this manuscript, we examined this issue by incorporating the nonlocal theory into the classical plate model. The influence of the nonlocal scale effects has been investigated in detail. The results are qualitatively different from those obtained based on the local/classical plate theory and thus, are important for the development of monolayer graphene-based nanodevices. In the present work, the graphene sheet is modeled as an isotropic plate of one-atom thick. The chemical bonds are assumed to be formed between the graphene sheet and the elastic medium. The polymer matrix is described by a Pasternak foundation model, which accounts for both normal pressure and the transverse shear deformation of the surrounding elastic medium. When the shear effects are neglected, the model reduces to Winkler foundation model. The normal pressure or Winkler elastic foundation parameter is approximated as a series of closely spaced, mutually independent, vertical linear elastic springs where the foundation modulus is assumed equivalent to stiffness of the springs. For this model, the nonlocal governing differential equations of motion are derived from the minimization of the total potential energy of the entire system. An ultrasonic type of flexural wave propagation model is also derived and the results of the wave dispersion analysis are shown for both local and nonlocal elasticity calculations. From this analysis we show that the elastic matrix highly affects the flexural wave mode and it rapidly increases the frequency band gap of flexural mode. The flexural wavenumbers obtained from nonlocal elasticity calculations are higher than the local elasticity calculations. The corresponding wave group speeds are smaller in nonlocal calculation as compared to local elasticity calculation. The effect of y-directional wavenumber (eta(q)) on the spectrum and dispersion relations of the graphene embedded in polymer matrix is also observed. We also show that the cut-off frequencies of flexural wave mode depends not only on the y-direction wavenumber but also on nonlocal scaling parameter (e(0)a). The effect of eta(q) and e(0)a on the cut-off frequency variation is also captured for the cases of with and without elastic matrix effect. For a given nanostructure, nonlocal small scale coefficient can be obtained by matching the results from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and the nonlocal elasticity calculations. At that value of the nonlocal scale coefficient, the waves will propagate in the nanostructure at that cut-off frequency. In the present paper, different values of e(0)a are used. One can get the exact e(0)a for a given graphene sheet by matching the MD simulation results of graphene with the results presented in this article. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.