8 resultados para MARROW STROMAL CELLS

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Differences in gene expression of human bone marrow stromal cells (hBMSCs) during culture in three-dimensional (3D) nanofiber scaffolds or on two-dimensional (2D) films were investigated via pathway analysis of microarray mRNA expression profiles. Previous work has shown that hBMSC culture in nanofiber scaffolds can induce osteogenic differentiation in the absence of osteogenic supplements (OS). Analysis using ontology databases revealed that nanofibers and OS regulated similar pathways and that both were enriched for TGF-beta and cell-adhesion/ECM-receptor pathways. The most notable difference between the two was that nanofibers had stronger enrichment for cell-adhesion/ECM-receptor pathways. Comparison of nanofibers scaffolds with flat films yielded stronger differences in gene expression than comparison of nanofibers made from different polymers, suggesting that substrate structure had stronger effects on cell function than substrate polymer composition. These results demonstrate that physical (nanofibers) and biochemical (OS) signals regulate similar ontological pathways, suggesting that these cues use similar molecular mechanisms to control hBMSC differentiation. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Stem cell response to a library of scaffolds with varied 3D structures was investigated. Microarray screening revealed that each type of scaffold structure induced a unique gene expression signature in primary human bone marrow stromal cells (hBMSCs). Hierarchical cluster analysis showed that treatments sorted by scaffold structure and not by polymer chemistry suggesting that scaffold structure was more influential than scaffold composition. Further, the effects of scaffold structure on hBMSC function were mediated by cell shape. Of all the scaffolds tested, only scaffolds with a nanofibrous morphology were able to drive the hBMSCs down an osteogenic lineage in the absence of osteogenic supplements. Nanofiber scaffolds forced the hBMSCs to assume an elongated, highly branched morphology. This same morphology was seen in osteogenic controls where hBMSCs were cultured on flat polymer films in the presence of osteogenic supplements (OS). In contrast, hBMSCs cultured on flat polymer films in the absence of OS assumed a more rounded and less-branched morphology. These results indicate that cells are more sensitive to scaffold structure than previously appreciated and suggest that scaffold efficacy can be optimized by tailoring the scaffold structure to force cells into morphologies that direct them to differentiate down the desired lineage. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Dendritic cells (DC) efficiently phagocytose invading bacteria, but fail to kill intracellular pathogens such as Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium). We analysed the intracellular fate of Salmonella in murine bone marrow-derived DC (BM-DC). The intracellular proliferation and subcellular localization were investigated for wild-type S. Typhimurium and mutants deficient in Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (SPI2), a complex virulence factor that is essential for systemic infections in the murine model and intracellular survival and replication in macrophages. Using a segregative plasmid to monitor intracellular cell division, we observed that, in BM-DC, S. Typhimurium represents a static, non-dividing population. In BM-DC, S. Typhimurium resides in a membrane-bound compartment that has acquired late endosomal markers. However, these bacteria respond to intracellular stimuli, because induction of SPI2 genes was observed. S. Typhimurium within DC are also able to translocate a virulence protein into their host cells. SPI2 function was not required for intracellular survival in DC, but we observed that the maturation of the Salmonella-containing vesicle is different in DC infected with wild-type bacteria and a strain deficient in SPI2. Our observations indicate that S. Typhimurium in DC are able to modify normal processes of their host cells.


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Purpose: Limbal stem cell deficiency is a challenging clinical problem and the current treatment involves replenishing the depleted limbal stem cell (LSC) pool by either limbal tissue transplantation or use of cultivated limbal epithelial cells (LEC). Our experience of cultivating the LEC on denuded human amniotic membrane using a feeder cell free method, led to identification of mesenchymal cells of limbus (MC-L), which showed phenotypic resemblance to bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC-BM). To understand the transcriptional profile of these cells, microarray experiments were carried out.Methods: RNA was isolated from cultured LEC, MC-L and MSC-BM and microarray experiments were carried out by using Agilent chip (4x44 k). The microarray data was validated by using Realtime and semiquntitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Results: The microarray analysis revealed specific gene signature of LEC and MC-L, and also their complementary role related to cytokine and growth factor profile, thus supporting the nurturing roles of the MC-L. We have also observed similar and differential gene expression between MC-L and MSC-BM.Conclusions: This study represents the first extensive gene expression analysis of limbal explant culture derived epithelial and mesenchymal cells and as such reveals new insight into the biology, ontogeny, and in vivo function of these cells.


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We previously reported interferon gamma secretion by human CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells in response to recombinant E. coli-expressed Rv1860 protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) as well as protection of guinea pigs against a challenge with virulent MTB following prime-boost immunization with DNA vaccine and poxvirus expressing Rv1860. In contrast, a Statens Serum Institute Mycobacterium bovis BCG (BCG-SSI) recombinant expressing MTB Rv1860 (BCG-TB1860) showed loss of protective ability compared to the parent BCG strain expressing the control GFP protein (BCG-GFP). Since Rv1860 is a secreted mannosylated protein of MTB and BCG, we investigated the effect of BCG-TB1860 on innate immunity. Relative to BCG-GFP, BCG-TB1860 effected a significant near total reduction both in secretion of cytokines IL-2, IL-12p40, IL-12p70, TNF-alpha, IL-6 and IL-10, and up regulation of co-stimulatory molecules MHC-II, CD40, CD54, CD80 and CD86 by infected bone marrow derived dendritic cells (BMDC), while leaving secreted levels of TGF-beta unchanged. These effects were mimicked by BCG-TB1860His which carried a 6-Histidine tag at the C-terminus of Rv1860, killed sonicated preparations of BCG-TB1860 and purified H37Rv-derived Rv1860 glycoprotein added to BCG-GFP, but not by E. coli-expressed recombinant Rv1860. Most importantly, BMDC exposed to BCG-TB1860 failed to polarize allogeneic as well as syngeneic T cells to secrete IFN-gamma and IL-17 relative to BCG-GFP. Splenocytes from mice infected with BCG-SSI showed significantly less proliferation and secretion of IL-2, IFN-gamma and IL-17, but secreted higher levels of IL-10 in response to in vitro restimulation with BCG-TB1860 compared to BCG-GFP. Spleens from mice infected with BCG-TB1860 also harboured significantly fewer DC expressing MHC-II, IL-12, IL-2 and TNF-alpha compared to mice infected with BCG-GFP. Glycoproteins of MTB, through their deleterious effects on DC may thus contribute to suppress the generation of a TH1- and TH17-dominated adaptive immune response that is vital for protection against tuberculosis.


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The influences of physical stimuli such as surface elasticity, topography, and chemistry over mesenchymal stem cell proliferation and differentiation are well investigated. In this context, a fundamentally different approach was adopted, and we have demonstrated the interplay of inherent substrate conductivity, defined chemical composition of cellular microenvironment, and intermittent delivery of electric pulses to drive mesenchymal stem cell differentiation toward osteogenesis. For this, conducting polyaniline (PANI) substrates were coated with collagen type 1 (Coll) alone or in association with sulfated hyaluronan (sHya) to form artificial extracellular matrix (aECM), which mimics the native microenvironment of bone tissue. Further, bone marrow derived human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) were cultured on these moderately conductive (10(-4)10(-3) S/cm) aECM coated PANI substrates and exposed intermittently to pulsed electric field (PEF) generated through transformer-like coupling (TLC) approach over 28 days. On the basis of critical analysis over an array of end points, it was inferred that Coll/sHya coated PANI (PANI/Coll/sHya) substrates had enhanced proliferative capacity of hMSCs up to 28 days in culture, even in the absence of PEF stimulation. On the contrary, the adopted PEF stimulation protocol (7 ms rectangular pulses, 3.6 mV/cm, 10 Hz) is shown to enhance osteogenic differentiation potential of hMSCs. Additionally, PEF stimulated hMSCs had also displayed different morphological characteristics as their nonstimulated counterparts. Concomitantly, earlier onset of ALP activity was also observed on PANI/Coll/sHya substrates and resulted in more calcium deposition. Moreover, real-time polymerase chain reaction results indicated higher mRNA levels of alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin, whereas the expression of other osteogenic markers such as Runt-related transcription factor 2, Col1A, and osteopontin exhibited a dynamic pattern similar to control cells that are cultured in osteogenic medium. Taken together, our experimental results illustrate the interplay of multiple parameters such as substrate conductivity, electric field stimulation, and aECM coating on the modulation of hMSC proliferation and differentiation in vitro.