163 resultados para Liquid carbon

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The heat capacity Cp of the binary liquid system CS2 + CH3CN has been studied. This system has an upper critical solution temperature To ≈ 323.4 K and a critical mole fraction of CS2xo ≈ 0.5920. Measurements were made both for mixtures close to and far away from the critical region. The heat capacity of the mixture with x = xo exhibits a symmetric logarithmic anomaly around Tc, which is apparently preserved even for compositions in the immediate vicinity of xc. For compositions far away from xc, only a normal rise in Cp over the covered temperature range is observed.


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The system CS2 + CH3NO2 shows β=0.315±0.004 over 10-6<ε=|T-Tc| / Tc<2�10-1 with no indication of a classical value ½ even far away from Tc. The diameter shows a curvature and is of the form �c+b ε+fε7 / 8exp(-gεh).


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The system CS2 + CH3NO2 shows β=0.315±0.004 over 10-6<ε=|T-Tc| / Tc<2-10-1 with no indication of a classical value ½ even far away from Tc. The diameter shows a curvature and is of the form - c+b ε+fε7 / 8exp(-gεh).


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Vapor-liquid equilibrium data for the systems diisopropyl ether-n-heptane and diisopropyl ether-carbon tetrachloride have been reported at pressures of 760, 1520, and 2280 mm. of Hg. The systems form ideal mixtures under the pressure range studied.


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The spinning sidebands observed in the C-13 MAS NMR spectra of cis,cis-mucononitrile oriented in liquid-crystalline media and of the neat sample in the solid state are studied. There are differences in the sideband intensity patterns in the two cases. These differences arise because the order parameters which characterize the orientation of the solute in the liquid-crystalline media differ for different axes. It is shown that, in general, the relative intensities of the sidebands contain information on the sign and magnitude of an effective chemical-shift parameter which is a function of the sum of the products of the principal components of the chemical-shift tensor and the corresponding order parameters with respect to the director. A method for obtaining the orientation of the carbon chemical-shift tensor is proposed. The carbon chemical-shift tensors obtained from gauge-including atomic orbital calculations are also presented for comparison. (C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.


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Two series of thermotropic main chain discotic liquid crystalline polyethers, PR4m-n, based on rufigallol were prepared starting from the symmetric tetraethers of rufigallol, R4m; m and n represent the number of carbon atoms in the side chain and spacer segment, respectively. The symmetric tetraethers were in turn readily prepared by selective alkylation of rufigallol under controlled phase-transfer conditions. GPC analysis of the polymers suggested that they were all of moderate molecular weights, with M-n varying between 5400 and 17 000. The length of the spacer segment n in these polyethers was systematically varied, and its effect on the phase transition temperatures and the mesophase structure was examined using DSC, polarized light microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. It is noticed that when the spacer lengths are relatively long(n greater than or equal to 2m), the isotropization temperature (TD-i) decreases as the spacer length n increases, an observation that is in accordance with those previously made. However, when the spacer lengths are relatively small (n < 2m), the dependence of TD-i is quite the opposite; TD-i actually increases with an increase in spacer length. Furthermore, X-ray diffraction studies indicate that, in the discotic columnar mesophases that are formed, the columns pack in a hexagonal manner when n greater than or equal to 2m, while they do so in a rectangular lattice when n < 2m, leading to the formation of Dh and Dr mesophases, respectively. Finally, comparison of the discotic polyethers with their low molar mass analogues confirms the role of polymerization in stabilizing the mesophase; while all the polymers exhibit columnar mesophases, some of their low molar mass analogues are not liquid crystalline.


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We present a comparative study of the low temperature electrical transport properties of the carbon matrix containing iron nanoparticles and the films. The conductivity of the nanoparticles located just below the metal-insulator transition exhibits metallic behavior with a logarithmic temperature dependence over a large temperature interval. The zero-field conductivity and the negative magnetoresistance, showing a characteristic upturn at liquid helium temperature, are consistently explained by incorporating the Kondo relation and the two dimensional electron-electron interaction. The films, in contrast, exhibit a crossover of the conductivity from power-law dependence at high temperatures to an activated hopping law dependence in the low temperature region. The transition is attributed to changes in the energy dependence of the density of states near the Fermi level. The observed magnetoresistance is discussed in terms of quantum interference effect on a three-dimensional variable range hopping mechanism.


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The oxidation of sodium sulphide in the presence of fine activated carbon particles (4.33 μm) has been studied at 75°C in a foam bed contactor. The existing single-stage model of a foam bed reactor has been modified to take into account the effect of heterogeneous catalyst particles and the absorption in the storage section. The variables studied are catalyst loading, initial sulphide concentration and the average liquid hold-up in the foam bed. It is seen that the rates of oxidation of sodium sulphide are considerably enhanced by an increase in the loading of activated carbon particles. The rate of conversion of sodium sulphide also increases with an increase in the average liquid hold-up in the foam. The modified model predicts these effects fairly well. The contribution of reaction in the storage section is found to be less than 2% of the overall rate of conversion in the contactor.


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We present a new method for establishing correlation between deuterium and its attached carbon in a deuterated liquid crystal. The method is based on transfer of polarization using the DAPT pulse sequence proposed originally for two spin half nuclei, now extended to a spin-1 and a spin-1/2 nuclei. DAPT utilizes the evolution of magnetization of the spin pair under two blocks of phase shifted BLEW-12 pulses on one of the spins separated by a 90 degree pulse on the other spin. The method is easy to implement and does not need to satisfy matching conditions unlike the Hartmann-Hahn cross-polarization. Experimental results presented demonstrate the efficacy of the method.


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The flow of a liquid on single-walled carbon nanotube bundles induces an electrical signal (voltage/current) in the sample along the direction of the flow. The electrical response is found to be logarithmic in the flow speed over a wide range. The magnitude of the flow induced electrical signal generated depends sensitively on the ionic conductivity and the polar nature of the liquid, and electrical biasing of the nanotubes can control its direction. Our measurements suggest that the dominant mechanism responsible for this highly sub-linear response should involve a direct forcing of the free charge carriers in the nanotubes by the fluctuating Coulombic field of the liquid flowing past it.


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Highly uniform, stable nanobimetallic dispersions are prepared in a single si ep in the form of sols, gels, and monoliths, using organically modified silicates as the matrix and the stabilizer. The Pt-Pd bimetallic dispersions are characterized by W-vis, TEM, SEM, and XRD measurements. The evolution of silicate was followed by IR spectroscopy. XPS and CO adsorption studies reveal that the structure of the particles consists of a palladium core and a platinum shell. Electrocatalysis of ascorbic acid oxidation has been demonstrated using thin films of silicate containing the nanobimetal particles on a glassy carbon electrode.


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The pressure dependence of critical parameters xc, Tc, and β have been analysed in four systems namely cyclohexane + acetic anhydride, n-heptane + acetic anhydride, methanol + n-heptane, and carbon disulphide + acetonitrile. The separation temperature was found to increase linearly with pressure the value of dTc/dP being 28 mK, 11 mK, 22 mK, and 25 mK respectively. These are in fair agreement with earlier measurements available for two systems. For the methanol + n-heptane system dTc/dP is apparently not consistent with the value predicted from the specific heat and thermal expansion data.Die Druckabhängigkeit der kritischen Parameter xc, Tc und β ist in den vier Systemen Cyclohexan + Essigsäureanhydrid, n-Heptan + Essigsäureanhydrid, Methanol + n-Heptan und Schwefelkohlenstoff + Acetonitril analysiert worden. Es wurde gefunden, daß die kritische Temperatur linear mit dem Druck ansteigt. Die Werte für dTc/dP betragen 28 mK, 11 mK, 22 mK und 25 mK. Sie sind in guter überein-stimmung mit früheren Messungen an zweien dieser Systeme. Für Methanol + n-Heptan stimmt der Wert für dT/dP offensichtlich nicht mit Werten, die mit Hilfe von Daten für die spezifische Wärme und die thermische Ausdehnung vorhergesagt wurden, überein.


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The orientational order of nematic 4-alkyl-N-(4-cyanophenyl) piperidines (I) has been determined from H-2 and C-13 NMR spectra. Molecular-order parameters are derived from the carbon-13 chemical shift of the cyano carbon atom in the nematic and the isotropic phases; the sign of the diamagnetic anisotropy is positive. Deuterium quadrupolar splittings from the partially deuterated piperidine ring of I are then related to various C-D bonds.


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The two-phase thermodynamic (2PT) model is used to determine the absolute entropy and energy of carbon dioxide over a wide range of conditions from molecular dynamics trajectories. The 2PT method determines the thermodynamic properties by applying the proper statistical mechanical partition function to the normal modes of a fluid. The vibrational density of state (DoS), obtained from the Fourier transform of the velocity autocorrelation function, converges quickly, allowing the free energy, entropy, and other thermodynamic properties to be determined from short 20-ps MD trajectories. The anharmonic effects in the vibrations are accounted for by the broadening of the normal modes into bands from sampling the velocities over the trajectory. The low frequency diffusive modes, which lead to finite DoS at zero frequency, are accounted for by considering the DoS as a superposition of gas-phase and solid-phase components (two phases). The analytical decomposition of the DoS allows for an evaluation of properties contributed by different types of molecular motions. We show that this 2PT analysis leads to accurate predictions of entropy and energy of CO2 over a wide range of conditions (from the triple point to the critical point of both the vapor and the liquid phases along the saturation line). This allows the equation of state of CO2 to be determined, which is limited only by the accuracy of the force field. We also validated that the 2PT entropy agrees with that determined from thermodynamic integration, but 2PT requires only a fraction of the time. A complication for CO2 is that its equilibrium configuration is linear, which would have only two rotational modes, but during the dynamics it is never exactly linear, so that there is a third mode from rotational about the axis. In this work, we show how to treat such linear molecules in the 2PT framework.