em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The short duration of the Doppler signal and noise content in it necessitate a validation scheme to be incorporated in the electronic processor used for frequency measurement, There are several different validation schemes that can be employed in period timing devices. A detailed study of the influence of these validation schemes on the measured frequency has been reported here. These studies were carried out by using a combination of a fast A/D converter and computer. Doppler bursts obtained from an air flow were digitised and stored on magnetic discs. Suitable computer programs were then used to simulate the performance of period timing devices with different validation schemes and the frequency of the stored bursts were evaluated. It is found that best results are obtained when the validation scheme enables frequency measurement to be made over a large number of cycles within the burst.


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A simple technique for determining the energy sensitivities for the thermographic recording of laser beams is described. The principle behind this technique is that, if a laser beam with a known spatial distribution such as a Gaussian profile is used for imaging, the radius of the thermal image formed depends uniquely on the intensity of the impinging beam. Thus by measuring the radii of the images produced for different incident beam intensities the minimum intensity necessary (that is, the threshold) for thermographic imaging is found. The diameter of the laser beam can also be found from this measurement. A simple analysis based on the temperature distribution in the laser heated material shows that there is an inverse square root dependence on pulse duration or period of exposure for the energy fluence of the laser beam required, both for the threshold and the subsequent increase in the size of the recording. It has also been shown that except for low intensity, long duration exposure on very low conductivity materials, heat losses are not very significant.


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We demonstrate a technique for precisely measuring hyperfine intervals in alkali atoms. The atoms form a three-level system in the presence of a strong control laser and a weak probe laser. The dressed states created by the control laser show significant linewidth reduction. We have developed a technique for Doppler-free spectroscopy that enables the separation between the dressed states to be measured with high accuracy even in room temperature atoms. The states go through an avoided crossing as the detuning of the control laser is changed from positive to negative. By studying the separation as a function of detuning, the center of the level-crossing diagram is determined with high precision, which yields the hyperfine interval. Using room temperature Rb vapor, we obtain a precision of 44 kHz. This is a significant improvement over the current precision of similar to1 MHz.


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We demonstrate a straightforward technique to measure the linewidth of a grating-stabilized diode laser system - known as an external cavity diode laser (ECDL) - by beating the output of two independent ECDLs in a Michelson interferometer, and then taking the Fourier transform of the beat signal. The measured linewidth is the sum of the linewidths of the two laser systems. Assuming that the two are equal, we find that the linewidth of each ECDL measured over a time period of 2. s is about 0.3 MHz. This narrow linewidth shows the advantage of using such systems for high-resolution spectroscopy and other experiments in atomic physics.


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Polarization properties of Gaussian laser beams are analyzed in a manner consistent with the Maxwell equations, and expressions are developed for all components of the electric and magnetic field vectors in the beam. It is shown that the transverse nature of the free electromagnetic field demands a nonzero transverse cross-polarization component in addition to the well-known component of the field vectors along the beam axis. The strength of these components in relation to the strength of the principal polarization component is established. It is further shown that the integrated strengths of these components over a transverse plane are invariants of the propagation process. It is suggested that cross- polarization measurement using a null detector can serve as a new method for accurate determination of the center of Gaussian laser beams.


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A period timing device suitable for processing laser Doppler anemometer signals has been described here. The important features of this instrument are: it is inexpensive, simple to operate, and easy to fabricate. When the concentration of scattering particles is low the Doppler signal is in the form of a burst and the Doppler frequency is measured by timing the zero crossings of the signal. But the presence of noise calls for the use of validation criterion, and a 5–8 cycles comparison has been used in this instrument. Validation criterion requires the differential count between the 5 and 8 cycles to be multiplied by predetermined numbers that prescribe the accuracy of measurement. By choosing these numbers to be binary numbers, much simplification in circuit design has been accomplished since this permits the use of shift registers for multiplication. Validation accuracies of 1.6%, 3.2%, 6.3%, and 12.5% are possible with this device. The design presented here is for a 16-bit processor and uses TTL components. By substituting Schottky barrier TTLs the clock frequency can be increased from about 10 to 30 MHz resulting in an extension in the range of the instrument. Review of Scientific Instruments is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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A period timing device suitable for processing laser Doppler anemometer signals has been described here. The important features of this instrument are: it is inexpensive, simple to operate, and easy to fabricate. When the concentration of scattering particles is low the Doppler signal is in the form of a burst and the Doppler frequency is measured by timing the zero crossings of the signal. But the presence of noise calls for the use of validation criterion, and a 5–8 cycles comparison has been used in this instrument. Validation criterion requires the differential count between the 5 and 8 cycles to be multiplied by predetermined numbers that prescribe the accuracy of measurement. By choosing these numbers to be binary numbers, much simplification in circuit design has been accomplished since this permits the use of shift registers for multiplication. Validation accuracies of 1.6%, 3.2%, 6.3%, and 12.5% are possible with this device. The design presented here is for a 16-bit processor and uses TTL components. By substituting Schottky barrier TTLs the clock frequency can be increased from about 10 to 30 MHz resulting in an extension in the range of the instrument. Review of Scientific Instruments is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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We have measured hyperfine structure in the first-excited P state (D lines) of all the naturally occurring alkali atoms. We use high-resolution laser spectroscopy to resolve hyperfine transitions, and measure intervals by locking the frequency shift produced by an acousto-optic modulator to the difference between two transitions. In most cases, the hyperfine coupling constants derived from our measurements improve previous values significantly.


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The microstructural dependence of electrical properties of (Ba, Sr)TiO3(BST) thin films were studied from the viewpoint of dc and ac electrical properties. The films were grown using a pulsed laser deposition technique in a temperature range of 300 to 600 degrees C, inducing changes in grain size, structure, and morphology. Consequently, two different types of films were realized, of which type I, was polycrystalline, multigrained, while type II was [100] oriented possessing a densely packed fibrous microstructure. Leakage current measurements were done at elevated temperatures to provide evidence of the conduction mechanism present in these films. The results revealed a contribution from both electronic and ionic conduction. In the case of type I films, two trapping levels were identified with energies around 0.5 and 2.73 eV, which possibly originate from oxygen vacancies V-O and Ti3+ centers, respectively. These levels act as shallow and deep traps and are reflected in the current-voltage characteristics of the BST thin films. The activation energy associated with oxygen vacancy motion in this case was obtained as 1.28 eV. On the contrary, type II films showed no evidence of deep trap energy levels, while the identified activation energy associated with shallow traps was obtained as 0.38 eV. The activation energy obtained for oxygen vacancy motion in type II films was around 1.02 eV. The dc measurement results were further elucidated through ac impedance analysis, which revealed a grain boundary dominated response in type I in comparison to type II films where grain response is highlighted. A comparison of the mean relaxation time of the two films revealed three orders of magnitude higher relaxation time in the case of type I films. Due to smaller grain size in type I films the grains were considered to be completely depleted giving rise to only grain boundary response for the bulk of the film. The activation energy obtained from conductivity plots agree very well with that of dc measurements giving values 1.3 and 1.07 eV for type I and type II films, respectively. Since oxygen vacancy transport have been identified as the origin of resistance degradation in BST thin films, type I films with their higher value of activation energy for oxygen ion mobility explains the improvement in breakdown characteristics under constant high dc field stress. The role of microstructure in controlling the rate of degradation is found useful in this instance to enhance the film properties under high electric field stresses. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)00418-7].


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We report a precise measurement of the hyperfine interval in the 2P(1/2) state of Li-7. The transition from the ground state (D-1 line) is accessed using a diode laser and the technique of saturated-absorption spectroscopy in hot Li vapor. The interval is measured by locking an acousto-optic modulator to the frequency difference between the two hyperfine peaks. The measured interval of 92.040(6) MHz is consistent with an earlier measurement reported by us using an atomic-beam spectrometer Das and Natarajan, J. Phys. B 41, 035001 (2008)]. The interval yields the magnetic dipole constant in the P-1/2 state as A = 46.047(3), which is discrepant from theoretical calculations by > 80 kHz.


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A computer-controlled laser writing system for optical integrated circuits and data storage is described. The system is characterized by holographic (649F) and high-resolution plates. A minimum linewidth of 2.5 mum is obtained by controlling the system parameters. We show that this system can also be used for data storage applications.


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AlxGa1-xN alloys with x=0.375, 0.398, 0.401, 0.592 and 0.696 were deposited on sapphire substrate by the hydride-vapor-phase epitaxy (HVPE) method. Thermal effusivity measurements were carried out on AlxGa1-xN alloys using a thermal microscope at room temperature. The lag between sinusoidal heating laser wave and thermoreflectance wave was used to measure the thermal diffusivity. Thermal conductivity values of the AlxGa1-xN alloys were also obtained as a function of AIN mole fraction in the alloy. The thermal conductivity was found to decrease with increasing AIN fraction and the experimental data agree with values estimated using the virtual crystal model.


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A novel approach for simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature with a single tapered fiber Bragg grating is proposed. This method is based on the fact that the reflectivity at central wavelength of FBG reflection changes with chirp (strain gradient). A diode laser is locked to the central wavelength of FBG reflection. Central wavelength of the FBG shifts with temperature. Change in reflectivity & wavelength of the diode laser were used to measure strain and temperature on the FBG respectively.


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A novel approach for simultaneous measurement of static/dynamic strain and temperature with a pair of matched fiber Bragg grating(FBG)s is proposed. When a diode laser locked to the mid reflection frequency of reference FBG is used to illuminate the sensor FBG, reflected intensity changes with strain on sensor FBG. Reference FBG responds with temperature on sensor FBG and is immune to strain, hence, wavelength of the diode laser acts as a signature for temperature measurement. Theoretical sensitivity limit for static strain and temperature are 1.2n epsilon / root Hz and 0.0011 degrees C respectively. Proposed sensor shows a great potential in high sensitive strain measurements with a simplified experimental setup.


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A new method based on analysis of a single diffraction pattern is proposed to measure deflections in micro-cantilever (MC) based sensor probes, achieving typical deflection resolutions of 1nm and surface stress changes of 50 mu N/m. The proposed method employs a double MC structure where the deflection of one of the micro-cantilevers relative to the other due to surface stress changes results in a linear shift of intensity maxima of the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of the transilluminated MC. Measurement of such shifts in the intensity maxima of a particular order along the length of the structure can be done to an accuracy of 0.01mm leading to the proposed sensitivity of deflection measurement in a typical microcantilever. This method can overcome the fundamental measurement sensitivity limit set by diffraction and pointing stability of laser beam in the widely used Optical Beam Deflection method (OBDM).