11 resultados para Iosaaf, Metropolitan of Bdin, 14th century.

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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We believe the Babcock-Leighton process of poloidal field generation to be the main source of irregularity in the solar cycle. The random nature of this process may make the poloidal field in one hemisphere stronger than that in the other hemisphere at the end of a cycle. We expect this to induce an asymmetry in the next sunspot cycle. We look for evidence of this in the observational data and then model it theoretically with our dynamo code. Since actual polar field measurements exist only from the 1970s, we use the polar faculae number data recorded by Sheeley (1991, 2008) as a proxy of the polar field and estimate the hemispheric asymmetry of the polar field in different solar minima during the major part of the twentieth century. This asymmetry is found to have a reasonable correlation with the asymmetry of the next cycle. We then run our dynamo code by feeding information about this asymmetry at the successive minima and compare the results with observational data. We find that the theoretically computed asymmetries of different cycles compare favorably with the observational data, with the correlation coefficient being 0.73. Due to the coupling between the two hemispheres, any hemispheric asymmetry tends to get attenuated with time. The hemispheric asymmetry of a cycle either from observational data or from theoretical calculations statistically tends to be less than the asymmetry in the polar field (as inferred from the faculae data) in the preceding minimum. This reduction factor turns out to be 0.43 and 0.51 respectively in observational data and theoretical simulations.


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As editors of the book Lilavati's Daughters: The Women Scientists of India, reviewed by Asha Gopinathan (Nature 460, 1082; 2009), we would like to elaborate on the background to its title. Lilavati was a mathematical treatise of the twelfth century, composed by the mathematician and astronomer Bhaskaracharya (1114–85) — also known as Bhaskara II — who was a teacher of repute and author of several other texts. The name Lilavati, which literally means 'playful', is a surprising title for an early scientific book. Some of the mathematical problems posed in the book are in verse form, and are addressed to a girl, the eponymous Lilavati. However, there is little real evidence concerning Lilavati's historicity. Tradition holds that she was Bhaskaracharya's daughter and that he wrote the treatise to console her after an accident that left her unable to marry. But this could be a later interpolation, as the idea was first mentioned in a Persian commentary. An alternative view has it that Lilavati was married at an inauspicious time and was widowed shortly afterwards. Other sources have implied that Lilavati was Bhaskaracharya's wife, or even one of his students — raising the possibility that women in parts of the Indian subcontinent could have participated in higher education as early as eight centuries ago. However, given that Bhaskara was a poet and pedagogue, it is also possible that he chose to address his mathematical problems to a doe-eyed girl simply as a whimsical and charming literary device.


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Despite a significant growth in food production over the past half-century, one of the most important challenges facing society today is how to feed an expected population of some nine billion by the middle of the 20th century. To meet the expected demand for food without significant increases in prices, it has been estimated that we need to produce 70-100 per cent more food, in light of the growing impacts of climate change, concerns over energy security, regional dietary shifts and the Millennium Development target of halving world poverty and hunger by 2015. The goal for the agricultural sector is no longer simply to maximize productivity, but to optimize across a far more complex landscape of production, rural development, environmental, social justice and food consumption outcomes. However, there remain significant challenges to developing national and international policies that support the wide emergence of more sustainable forms of land use and efficient agricultural production. The lack of information flow between scientists, practitioners and policy makers is known to exacerbate the difficulties, despite increased emphasis upon evidence-based policy. In this paper, we seek to improve dialogue and understanding between agricultural research and policy by identifying the 100 most important questions for global agriculture. These have been compiled using a horizon-scanning approach with leading experts and representatives of major agricultural organizations worldwide. The aim is to use sound scientific evidence to inform decision making and guide policy makers in the future direction of agricultural research priorities and policy support. If addressed, we anticipate that these questions will have a significant impact on global agricultural practices worldwide, while improving the synergy between agricultural policy, practice and research. This research forms part of the UK Government's Foresight Global Food and Farming Futures project.


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A waste fungal biomass containing killed cells of Aspergillus niger was efficiently used in the removal of toxic metal ions such as nickel, calcium, iron and chromium from aqueous solutions. The role of different parameters such as initial metal ion concentration, solution pH and biomass concentration on biosorption capacity was established. The maximum metal uptake was found to be dependent on solution pH and increased with biomass loading upto 10g/L. The adsorption densities for various metal ions could be arranged as Ca>Cr (III)>Ni>Fe>Cr (VI). The effect of the presence of various metal ions in binary, ternary and quaternary combinations on biosorption was also assessed. Ni uptake was significantly affected, while that of Cr (VI) the least, in the presence of other metal ions. Uptake of base metals from an industrial cyanide effluent was studied using different species of fungi such as Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus terreus and Penicillium funiculosum and yeast such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae which were isolated from a gold mine. Traces of gold present in the cyanide effluent could be efficiently recovered. Among the four base metal contaminants present in the cyanide effluent, zinc was found to be most efficiently biosorbed, followed by iron, copper and lead. The role of both living and dead biomass on biosorption was distinguished and probable mechanisms illustrated.


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The utility of a soil microbe, namely Bacillus polymyxa, in the removal of organic reagents such as dodecylamine, ether diamine, isopropyl xanthate and sodium oleate from aqueous solutions is demonstrated. Time-bound removal of the above organic reagents from an alkaline solution was investigated under different experimental conditions during bacterial growth and in the presence of metabolites by frequent monitoring of residual concentrations as a function of time, reagent concentration and cell density. The stages and mechanisms in the biodegradation process were monitored through UV-visible and FTIR spectroscopy. Surface chemistry of the bacterial cells as well as the biosorption tendency for various organics were also established through electrokinetic and adsorption density measurements. Both the cationic amines were found to be biosorbed followed by their degradation through bacterial metabolism. The presence of the organic reagents promoted bacterial growth through effective bacterial utilization of nitrogen and carbon from the organics. Under optimal conditions, complete degradation and bioremoval of all the organics could be achieved.


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A bacterium Bacillus polymyxa was found to be capable of selective removal of calcium and iron from bauxite. The bioleached residue was found to be enriched in its alumina content with insignificant amounts of iron and calcium as impurities. The developed bio- process was found to be capable of producing a bauxite product which meets the specifica- tions as a raw material for the manufacture of alumina based ceramics and refractories. The role of bacterial cells and metabolic products in the selective dissolution of calcium (present as calcite) and iron (present as hematite and goethite) from bauxite was assessed and possi- ble mechanisms illustrated. The effect of different parameters such as sucrose concentra- tion, pH, pulp density and time on selective biodissolution was studied. It was observed that periodic decantation and replenishment of the leach medium was beneficial in improving the dissolution kinetics. Calcium removal involves chelation with bacterial exopolysaccha- tides and acidolysis by organic acid generation. Hematite could be solubilized through a reductive dissolution mechanism.


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Detecting and quantifying the presence of human-induced climate change in regional hydrology is important for studying the impacts of such changes on the water resources systems as well as for reliable future projections and policy making for adaptation. In this article a formal fingerprint-based detection and attribution analysis has been attempted to study the changes in the observed monsoon precipitation and streamflow in the rain-fed Mahanadi River Basin in India, considering the variability across different climate models. This is achieved through the use of observations, several climate model runs, a principal component analysis and regression based statistical downscaling technique, and a Genetic Programming based rainfall-runoff model. It is found that the decreases in observed hydrological variables across the second half of the 20th century lie outside the range that is expected from natural internal variability of climate alone at 95% statistical confidence level, for most of the climate models considered. For several climate models, such changes are consistent with those expected from anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases. However, unequivocal attribution to human-induced climate change cannot be claimed across all the climate models and uncertainties in our detection procedure, arising out of various sources including the use of models, cannot be ruled out. Changes in solar irradiance and volcanic activities are considered as other plausible natural external causes of climate change. Time evolution of the anthropogenic climate change ``signal'' in the hydrological observations, above the natural internal climate variability ``noise'' shows that the detection of the signal is achieved earlier in streamflow as compared to precipitation for most of the climate models, suggesting larger impacts of human-induced climate change on streamflow than precipitation at the river basin scale.


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There have been several studies on the performance of TCP controlled transfers over an infrastructure IEEE 802.11 WLAN, assuming perfect channel conditions. In this paper, we develop an analytical model for the throughput of TCP controlled file transfers over the IEEE 802.11 DCF with different packet error probabilities for the stations, accounting for the effect of packet drops on the TCP window. Our analysis proceeds by combining two models: one is an extension of the usual TCP-over-DCF model for an infrastructure WLAN, where the throughput of a station depends on the probability that the head-of-the-line packet at the Access Point belongs to that station; the second is a model for the TCP window process for connections with different drop probabilities. Iterative calculations between these models yields the head-of-the-line probabilities, and then, performance measures such as the throughputs and packet failure probabilities can be derived. We find that, due to MAC layer retransmissions, packet losses are rare even with high channel error probabilities and the stations obtain fair throughputs even when some of them have packet error probabilities as high as 0.1 or 0.2. For some restricted settings we are also able to model tail-drop loss at the AP. Although involving many approximations, the model captures the system behavior quite accurately, as compared with simulations.


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Global efforts in macromolecular crystallography started in the thirties of the last century. However, definitive results began to emerge only in the late fifties and the early sixties. India has a long tradition in crystallography. The country had a head start in theoretical and computational structural biology, thanks to the efforts of G.N. Ramachandran and his colleagues in the fifties and the sixties. However, macromolecular crystallography got off the ground in India only in the eighties, particularly after the Bangalore group received adequate support from the Department of Science and Technology under their Thrust Area Programme. The Bangalore centre was also identified as a national nucleus for the development of the area in the country. Since then work in the area has spread widely and is being carried out by several groups, mainly led by scientists trained at Bangalore or their descendents, in about thirty institutions in India. In addition to the Department of Science and Technology, the effort is now supported by other agencies like the Department of Biotechnology and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. The problems addressed by macromolecular crystallographers in India encompass almost all aspects of modern biology. Indian efforts in macromolecular crystallography have also become an important component of the international efforts in the area.


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The estimation of water and solute transit times in catchments is crucial for predicting the response of hydrosystems to external forcings (climatic or anthropogenic). The hydrogeochemical signatures of tracers (either natural or anthropogenic) in streams have been widely used to estimate transit times in catchments as they integrate the various processes at stake. However, most of these tracers are well suited for catchments with mean transit times lower than about 4-5 years. Since the second half of the 20th century, the intensification of agriculture led to a general increase of the nitrogen load in rivers. As nitrate is mainly transported by groundwater in agricultural catchments, this signal can be used to estimate transit times greater than several years, even if nitrate is not a conservative tracer. Conceptual hydrological models can be used to estimate catchment transit times provided their consistency is demonstrated, based on their ability to simulate the stream chemical signatures at various time scales and catchment internal processes such as N storage in groundwater. The objective of this study was to assess if a conceptual lumped model was able to simulate the observed patterns of nitrogen concentration, at various time scales, from seasonal to pluriannual and thus if it was relevant to estimate the nitrogen transit times in headwater catchments. A conceptual lumped model, representing shallow groundwater flow as two parallel linear stores with double porosity, and riparian processes by a constant nitrogen removal function, was applied on two paired agricultural catchments which belong to the Research Observatory ORE AgrHys. The Global Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) approach was used to estimate parameter values and uncertainties. The model performance was assessed on (i) its ability to simulate the contrasted patterns of stream flow and stream nitrate concentrations at seasonal and inter-annual time scales, (ii) its ability to simulate the patterns observed in groundwater at the same temporal scales, and (iii) the consistency of long-term simulations using the calibrated model and the general pattern of the nitrate concentration increase in the region since the beginning of the intensification of agriculture in the 1960s. The simulated nitrate transit times were found more sensitive to climate variability than to parameter uncertainty, and average values were found to be consistent with results from others studies in the same region involving modeling and groundwater dating. This study shows that a simple model can be used to simulate the main dynamics of nitrogen in an intensively polluted catchment and then be used to estimate the transit times of these pollutants in the system which is crucial to guide mitigation plans design and assessment. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.