93 resultados para Internal organization

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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We demonstrate the aptitude of supramolecular hydrogel formation using simple bile acid such as lithocholic acid in aqueous solution in the presence of various dimeric or oligomeric amines. By variation of the choice of the amines in such mixtures the gelation properties could be modulated. However, the replacement of lithocholic acid (LCA) by cholic acid or deoxycholic acid resulted in no hydrogel formation. FT-IR studies confirm that the carboxylate and ammonium residues of the two components are involved in the salt (ion-pair) formation. This promotes further assembly of the components reinforced by a continuous hydrogen bonded network leading to gelation. Electron microscopy shows the morphology of the internal organization of gels of two component systems which also depends significantly on the amine part. Variation of the amine component from the simple 1,2-ethanediamine (EDA) to oligomeric amines in such gels of lithocholic acid changes the morphology of the assembly from long one-dimensional nanotubes to three-dimensional complex structures. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis with one of the amine-LCA complexes suggested the motif of fiber formation where the amines interact with the carboxylate and hydroxyl moieties through electrostatic forces and hydrogen bonding. From small angle neutron scattering study, it becomes clear that the weak gel from LCA-EDA shows scattering oscillation due to the presence of non-interacting nanotubules while for gels of LCA with oligomeric amines the individual fibers come together to form complex three-dimensional organizations of higher length scale. The rheological properties of this class of two component system provide clear evidence that the flow behavior can be modulated varying the acid-amine ratio.


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In recent years, identification of sequence patterns has been given immense importance to understand better their significance with respect to genomic organization and evolutionary processes. To this end, an algorithm has been derived to identify all similar sequence repeats present in a protein sequence. The proposed algorithm is useful to correlate the three-dimensional structure of various similar sequence repeats available in the Protein Data Bank against the same sequence repeats present in other databases like SWISS-PROT, PIR and Genome databases.


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Micelles of different dimeric amphiphiles Br-, n-C(16)H(33)NMe(2)(+) -(CH)(m)-N(+)Me(2)-n-C16H33, Br- (where m = 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 12) adapt different morphologies and internal packing arrangements in aqueous media depending on their spacer chain length (m). Detailed measurements of small angle neutron scattering (SANS) cross sections from different bis-cationic, dimeric surfactant micelles in aqueous media (D2O) are reported. The data have been analyzed using the Hayter and Penfold model for macro ion solution to compute the interparticle structure factor S(Q) taking into account the screened Coulomb interactions between the dimeric micelles. The SANS analysis clearly indicated that the extent of aggregate growth and the variations of shapes of the dimeric micelles depend primarily on the spacer chain length. With spacer chain length, m less than or equal to 4, the propensity of micellar growth was particularly pronounced. The effects of the variation of the concentration of dimeric surfactants with m = 5 and 10 on the SANS spectra and the effects of the temperature variation for the micellar system with m = 10 were also examined. The critical micelle concentrations (cmc) and their microenvironmental feature, namely, the microviscosities that the dimeric micellar aggregates offer to a solubilized, extrinsic fluorescence probe, 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene, were also determined. The changes of cmcs and microviscosities as a function of spacer chain length have been explained in terms of conformational variations and progressive looping of the spacer in micellar core upon increasing m values.


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In this paper, we report on the growth and characterization of quantum dot−quantum well nanostructures with photoluminescence (PL) that is tunable over the visible range. The material exhibits a PL efficiency as high as 60% and is prepared by reacting ZnS nanocrystals in turn with precursors for CdSe and ZnS in an attempt to form a simple “ZnS/CdSe/ZnS quantum-well structure”. Through the use of synchrotron radiation-based photoelectron spectroscopy in conjunction with detailed overall compositional analysis and correlation with the size of the final composite nanostructure, the internal structure of the composite nanocrystals is shown to consist of a graded alloy core whose composition gradually changes from ZnS at the very center to CdSe at the onset of a CdSe layer. The outer shell is ZnS with a sharp interface, probably reflecting the relative thermodynamic stabilities of the parent binary phases. These contrasting aspects of the internal structure are discussed in terms of the various reactivities and are shown to be crucial for understanding the optical properties of such complex heterostructured nanomaterials.


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From the proton NMR spectra of Nfl-dimethyluracil oriented in two different nematic solvents, the internal rotation of the methyl groups about the N-C bonds is studied. It has been observed that the preferred conformation of the methyl group having one carbonyl in the vicinity is the one where a C-H bond is in the ring plane pointing toward the carbonyl group. The results are not sensitive to the mode of rotation of the other methyl group. These data are interpreted in terms of the bond polarizations.


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Our current understanding of the evolution of the histone gene family suffers from a lack of information on plant histone genes1. With a view to gathering some much needed information on these genes, we studied a rice genomic clone in pBR322 carrying H2A, H2B and H4 histone genes on a DNA fragment2 of 6.64 kilobases (kb). A restriction map of the insert was constructed and the organization of the three genes on this insert was determined. H2A and H2B histone genes were located at one end of the insert and H4 gene at the other with a 3.1 kb spacer in between. This cluster of three histone genes was found to be transcribed in a bidirectional fashion with H2A and H2B genes being encoded by one strand and the H4 gene by the other. These results indicate that plant histone gene organization differs from that of the sea urchin, but shows many similarities to the systems in other animals.


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The properties of the manifold of a Lie groupG, fibered by the cosets of a sub-groupH, are exploited to obtain a geometrical description of gauge theories in space-timeG/H. Gauge potentials and matter fields are pullbacks of equivariant fields onG. Our concept of a connection is more restricted than that in the similar scheme of Ne'eman and Regge, so that its degrees of freedom are just those of a set of gauge potentials forG, onG/H, with no redundant components. The ldquotranslationalrdquo gauge potentials give rise in a natural way to a nonsingular tetrad onG/H. The underlying groupG to be gauged is the groupG of left translations on the manifoldG and is associated with a ldquotrivialrdquo connection, namely the Maurer-Cartan form. Gauge transformations are all those diffeomorphisms onG that preserve the fiber-bundle structure.


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Amino acid sequences are known to constantly mutate and diverge unless there is a limiting condition that makes such a change deleterious. However, closer examination of the sequence and structure reveals that a few large, cryptic repeats are nevertheless sequentially conserved. This leads to the question of why only certain repeats are conserved at the sequence level. It would be interesting to find out if these sequences maintain their conservation at the three-dimensional structure level. They can play an active role in protein and nucleotide stability, thus not only ensring proper functioning but also potentiating malfunction and disease. Therefore, insights into any aspect of the repeats - be it structure, function or evolution - would prove to be of some importance. This study aims to address the relationship between protein sequence and its three-dimensional structure, by examining if large cryptic sequence repeats have the same structure.


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A stretch of 71 nucleotides in a 1.2 kilobase pair Pst I fragment of rice DNA was identified as tRNA~ gene by hybridization and nucleotide sequence analyses. The hybridization of genomic DNA with the tRNA gene showed that there are about 10 glycine tRNA genes per diploid rice genome. The 3' and 5' internal control regions, where RNA polymerase III and transcription factors bind, were found to be present in the coding sequence. The gene was transcribed into a 4S product in an yeast cell-free extract. The substitution of 5' internal control region with analogous sequences from either M13mpl9 or M13mpl8 DNA did not affect the transcription of the gene in vitro. The changes in three highly conserved nucleotides in the consensus 5' internal control region (RGYNNARYGG; R = purine, Y = pyrimidine, N = any nucleotide) did not affect transcription showing that these nucleotides are not essential for promotion of transcription. There were two 16 base pair repeats, 'TGTTTGTTTCAGCTTA' at - 130 and - 375 positions upstream from the start of the gene. Deletion of 5' flanking sequences including the 16 base pair repeat at - 375 showed increased transcription indicating that these sequences negatively modulate the expression of the gene.


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The stability characteristics of Alfvén Internal gravity waves for an inviscid, nondissipative, Boussinesq fluid undergoing shear in the presence of a density discontinuity with and without a rigid boundary is studied.


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We demonstrate a chain length dependent crossover in the structural properties of linear hydrocarbon (n-alkane) chains using detailed atomistic simulations in explicit water. We identify a number of exotic structures of the polymer chain through energy minimization of representative snapshots collected from molecular dynamics trajectory. While the collapsed state is ring-like (circular) for small chains (CnH2n+2; n <= 20) and spherical for very long ones (n = 100), we find the emergence of ordered helical structures at intermediate lengths (n similar to 40). We find different types of disordered helices and toroid-like structures at n = 60. We also report a sharp transition in the stability of the collapsed state as a function of the chain length through relevant free energy calculations. While the collapsed state is only marginally metastable for C20H42, a clear bistable free energy surface emerges only when the chain is about 30 monomers long. For n = 30, the polymer exhibits an intermittent oscillation between the collapsed and the coil structures, characteristic of two stable states separated by a small barrier.


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Titanium nitride surface layers were prepared by gas-phase thermal nitridation of pure titanium in an ammonia atmosphere at 1373 K for different times. In addition to the surface nitride layer, nitride/hydride formation was observed in the bulk of the specimen. The cross-section of the specimen was characterized by various techniques such as optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, secondary ion mass spectrometry and nanomechanical testing, and the mechanism of formation of these phases is discussed.