35 resultados para Initial teacher of Physics

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Many previous studies regarding the estimation of mechanical properties of single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) report that, the modulus of SWCNTs is chirality, length and diameter dependent. Here, this dependence is quantitatively described in terms of high accuracy curve fit equations. These equations allow us to estimate the modulus of long SWCNTs (lengths of about 100-120 nm) if the value at the prescribed low lengths (lengths of about 5-10 nm) is known. This is supposed to save huge computational time and expense. Also, based on the observed length dependent behavior of SWCNT initial modulus, we predict that, SWCNT mechanical properties such as Young's modulus, secant modulus, maximum tensile strength, failure strength, maximum tensile strain and failure strain might also exhibit the length dependent behavior along with chirality and length dependence. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The short-lived radionuclide Ca-41 plays an important role in constraining the immediate astrophysical environment and the formation timescale of the nascent solar system due to its extremely short half-life (0.1 Myr). Nearly 20 years ago, the initial ratio of Ca-41/Ca-40 in the solar system was determined to be (1.41 +/- 0.14) x 10(-8), primarily based on two Ca-Al-rich Inclusions (CAIs) from the CV chondrite Efremovka. With an advanced analytical technique for isotopic measurements, we reanalyzed the potassium isotopic compositions of the two Efremovka CAIs and inferred the initial ratios of Ca-41/Ca-40 to be (2.6 +/- 0.9) x 10(-9) and (1.4 +/- 0.6) x 10(-9) (2 sigma), a factor of 7-10 lower than the previously inferred value. Considering possible thermal processing that led to lower Al-26/Al-27 ratios in the two CAIs, we propose that the true solar system initial value of Ca-41/Ca-40 should have been similar to 4.2 x 10(-9). Synchronicity could have existed between Al-26 and Ca-41, indicating a uniform distribution of the two radionuclides at the time of CAI formation. The new initial Ca-41 abundance is 4-16 times lower than the calculated value for steady-state galactic nucleosynthesis. Therefore, Ca-41 could have originated as part of molecular cloud materials with a free decay time of 0.2-0.4 Myr. Alternative possibilities, such as a last-minute input from a stellar source and early solar system irradiation, could not be definitively ruled out. This underscores the need for more data from diverse CAIs to determine the true astrophysical origin of Ca-41.


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Densely compacted bentonite or bentonite-sand mixture has been identified as suitable buffer in deep geological repositories as its exceptionally high swelling capacity enables tight contact between the waste canister and surrounding rock. The degree of saturation of the compacted bentonite buffer can increase upon ingress of groundwater from the surrounding rock mass or decrease from evaporation due to high temperature (50-210 degrees C) derived from the waste canister. Available studies indicate that the influence of initial moisture content or degree of saturation on the swell pressure or swell potential of compacted bentonites is unclear. Some studies suggest that initial degree of saturation has an influence, while others suggest that it does not have bearing on the swell pressure of compacted bentonites. This paper examines the influence of initial degree of saturation in montmorillonite voids (termed,S-r,S-MF) on swell pressure of compacted Barmer bentonite-sand mixtures (dry density range: 1.4-2 Mg/m(3)) from micro-structural considerations. The experimental results bring out that, constant dry density specimens that developed similar number of hydration layers upon wetting developed comparable swell pressures and were unaffected by variations in initial S-r,S-MF values. Comparatively, constant dry density specimens that developed dis-similar number of hydration layers upon wetting established different swell pressures and were responsive to variations in initial S-r,S-MF. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pseudotwo-dimensional wakes are generated by introducing spanwise cellular structures into an otherwise plane turbulent wake by means of the castellated blunt trailing edges of different configurations. The transverse growths of these coflowing cellular wakes are found to be independent of each other without any noticeable spanwise interaction. This wake growth is examined in the light of the plane equilibrium wake analysis. Though these wakes are not found to be exactly self-similar, their growth shows a nonmonotonous approach toward the asymptotic state appropriate to that of a plane wake. The dye emission in the wakes illustrated a coherent vortical structure in the transverse plane, similar to that of the usual two-dimensional wake, in spite of the initial spanwise irregularities.


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Through the analysis of a set of numerical simulations of major mergers between initially non-rotating, pressure-supported progenitor galaxies with a range of central mass concentrations, we have shown that: (1) it is possible to generate elliptical-like galaxies, with outside one effective radius, as a result of the conversion of orbital- into internal-angular momentum; (2) the outer regions acquire part of the angular momentum first; (3) both the baryonic and the dark matter components of the remnant galaxy acquire part of the angular momentum, the relative fractions depending on the initial concentration of the merging galaxies. For this conversion to occur the initial baryonic component must be sufficiently dense and/or the encounter should take place on an orbit with high angular momentum. Systems with these hybrid properties have recently been observed through a combination of stellar absorption lines and planetary nebulae for kinematic studies of early-type galaxies. Our results are in qualitative agreement with these observations and demonstrate that even mergers composed of non rotating, pressure-supported progenitor galaxies can produce early-type galaxies with significant rotation at large radii.


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Free vibrationo f annularp latesh asb eens tudiedu singt he methodo f initial functionsN. umericalr esultso f the naturalf requencieasr e obtainedfo r two typicals upportc onditionsT. he presenrt esultsd epartf rom the classicapll atet heoryf or higherm odesa s wella sf or thickerp latesb, ut is in gooda greemenwt ith Mindlin's improve,pdl ateth eory.


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The decay of sound in a rectangular room is analyzed for various boundary conditions on one of its walls. It is shown that the decay of the sound-intensity level is in general nonlinear. But for specific areas and impedances of the material it is possible to obtain a linear initial decay. It is also shown that the coefficients derived from the initial decay rates neither correspond to the predictions of Sabine's or Eyring's geometrical theories nor to the normal coefficients of Morse's wave theory. The dependence of the coefficients on the area of the material is discussed. The influence of the real and the imaginary parts of the specific acoustic impedance of the material on the coefficients is also discussed. Finally, the existence of a linear initial decay corresponding to the decay of a diffuse field in the case of a highly absorbing material partially covering a wall is explained on the basis of modal coupling.


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Surface oxidation of three metglasses in the Cu-Zr system has been investigated by employing X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy with a view to comparing their oxidation behaviour with that of the corresponding crystalline states of the alloys. Surface oxidation of pure Zr metal has also been examined in detail using these techniques. Sub-oxides of Zr are formed during the initial stages of oxidation of Zr (at oxygen exposures <10L), while at higher exposures, ZrO2 is formed together with the highest possible sub-oxide which the authors designate as 'ZrO'. The relative proportion of 'ZrO' goes through a maximum in the range 25-50 L. Both the glassy and the crystalline states of the Cu-Zr alloys exhibit preferential oxidation of Zr. The glassy alloys exhibit a higher rate of oxidation at intermediate exposures compared with the crystalline states of the alloys; the extent of oxidation at higher oxygen exposures is, however, higher for crystalline alloys. Interatomic Auger transitions have been found in the Zr+O2 system as well as in Cu-Zr alloys.


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Recently, a novel stress-induced phase transformation in an initial < 100 >/{100} B2-CuZr nanowire has been reported for the first time [Sutrakar and Mahapatra, Mater. Lett. 63, 1289 (2009)]. Following this, a martenisitic phase transformation in Cu-Zr nanowire was shown [Cheng et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 021911 (2009)] using the same idea (Sutrakar and Mahapatra, Mater. Lett. 63, 1289 (2009)]. The pseudoelastic recovery of the bct phase of Cu-Zr by unloading has also been shown [Cheng et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 021911 (2009)]. They also tested the epitaxial bain path [Alippi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 3892 (1997)] and reported that the bct phase in the nanowire is metastable, whereas the bulk counterpart is unstable. This aspect is re-examined in this comment with corrected results.


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We study the possibility of using W pair production and leptonic decay of one of the W's at the ILC with polarized beams as a probe of the Littlest Higgs Model. We consider cross-sections, polarization fractions of the W's, leptonic decay energy and angular distributions, and left-right polarization asymmetry as probes of the model. With parameter values allowed by present experimental constraints detectable effects on these observables at typical ILC energies of 500 GeV and 800 GeV will be present. Beam polarization is further found to enhance the sensitivity.


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In order to study the effect of the Coriolis force due to solar rotation on rising magnetic flux, the authors consider a flux ring, azimuthally symmetric around the rotation axis, starting from rest at the bottom of the convection zone, and then follow the trajectory of the flux ring as it rises. If it is assumed that the flux ring remains azimuthally symmetric during its ascent, then the problem can be described essentially in terms of two parameters: the value of the initial magnetic field in the ring when it starts, and the effective drag experienced by it. For field strengths at the bottom of the convection zone of order 10,000 G or less, it is found that the Coriolis force plays a dominant role and flux rings starting from low latitudes at the bottom are deflected and emerge at latitudes significantly poleward of sunspot zones.


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Choudhuri and Gilman (1987) considered certain implications of the hypothesis that the magnetic flux within the Sun is generated at the bottom of the convection zone and then rises through it. Taking flux rings symmetric around the rotation axis and using reasonable values of different parameters, they found that the Coriolis force deflects these flux rings into trajectories parallel to the rotation axis so that they emerge at rather high latitudes. This paper looks into the question of whether the action of the Coriolis force is subdued when the initial configuration of the flux ring has non-axisymmetries in the form of loop structures. The results depend dramatically on whether the flux ring with the loops lies completely within the convection zone or whether the lower parts of it are embedded in the stable layers underneath the convection zone. In the first case, the Coriolis force supresses the non-axisymmetric perturbations so that the flux ring tends to remain symmetric and the trajectories are very similar to those of Choudhuri and Gilman (1987). In the second case, however, the lower parts of the flux ring may remain anchored underneath the bottom of the convection zone, but the upper parts of the loops still tend to move parallel to the rotation axis and emerge at high latitudes. Thus the problem of the magnetic flux not being able to come out at the sunspot latitudes still persists after the non-axisymmetries in the flux rings are taken into account.


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The propagation of a shock wave, originating in a stellar interior, is considered when it approaches the surface of the star and assumes a self-similar character, "forgetting" its initial conditions. The flow behind the shock is assumed to be spatially isothermal rather than adiabatic to simulate the conditions of large radiative transfer near the stellar surface. The adiabatic and isothermal flows behind such a shock are compared. The exact shock-propagation laws, obtained by solving the equations in similarity variables, for different values of the parameter δ in the undisturbed density law, ρ0 ∝ xδ, and γ, the ratio of specific heats, are compared with the approximate values calculated by Whitham's characteristic rule and the two show a generally good agreement.


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Free vibration of circular plates of arbitrary thickness is investigated using the method of initial functions. State-space approach is used to derive the governing equations of the above method. The formulation is such that theories of any desired order can be obtained by deleting higher terms in the infinite-order differential equations. Numerical results are obtained for flexural and extensional vibration of circular plates. Results are also computed using Mindlin's theory and they are in agreement with the present analysis.


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We investigate the effects of new physics scenarios containing a high mass vector resonance on top pair production at the LHC, using the polarization of the produced top. In particular we use kinematic distributions of the secondary lepton coming from top decay, which depends on top polarization, as it has been shown that the angular distribution of the decay lepton is insensitive to the anomalous tbW vertex and hence is a pure probe of new physics in top quark production. Spin sensitive variables involving the decay lepton are used to reconstruct the top polarization. Some sensitivity is found for the new couplings of the top.