34 resultados para Information Systems (IS) and surface level approach

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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This paper presents the site classification of Bangalore Mahanagar Palike (BMP) area using geophysical data and the evaluation of spectral acceleration at ground level using probabilistic approach. Site classification has been carried out using experimental data from the shallow geophysical method of Multichannel Analysis of Surface wave (MASW). One-dimensional (1-D) MASW survey has been carried out at 58 locations and respective velocity profiles are obtained. The average shear wave velocity for 30 m depth (Vs(30)) has been calculated and is used for the site classification of the BMP area as per NEHRP (National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program). Based on the Vs(30) values major part of the BMP area can be classified as ``site class D'', and ``site class C'. A smaller portion of the study area, in and around Lalbagh Park, is classified as ``site class B''. Further, probabilistic seismic hazard analysis has been carried out to map the seismic hazard in terms spectral acceleration (S-a) at rock and the ground level considering the site classes and six seismogenic sources identified. The mean annual rate of exceedance and cumulative probability hazard curve for S. have been generated. The quantified hazard values in terms of spectral acceleration for short period and long period are mapped for rock, site class C and D with 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years on a grid size of 0.5 km. In addition to this, the Uniform Hazard Response Spectrum (UHRS) at surface level has been developed for the 5% damping and 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years for rock, site class C and D These spectral acceleration and uniform hazard spectrums can be used to assess the design force for important structures and also to develop the design spectrum.


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This paper primarily intends to develop a GIS (geographical information system)-based data mining approach for optimally selecting the locations and determining installed capacities for setting up distributed biomass power generation systems in the context of decentralized energy planning for rural regions. The optimal locations within a cluster of villages are obtained by matching the installed capacity needed with the demand for power, minimizing the cost of transportation of biomass from dispersed sources to power generation system, and cost of distribution of electricity from the power generation system to demand centers or villages. The methodology was validated by using it for developing an optimal plan for implementing distributed biomass-based power systems for meeting the rural electricity needs of Tumkur district in India consisting of 2700 villages. The approach uses a k-medoid clustering algorithm to divide the total region into clusters of villages and locate biomass power generation systems at the medoids. The optimal value of k is determined iteratively by running the algorithm for the entire search space for different values of k along with demand-supply matching constraints. The optimal value of the k is chosen such that it minimizes the total cost of system installation, costs of transportation of biomass, and transmission and distribution. A smaller region, consisting of 293 villages was selected to study the sensitivity of the results to varying demand and supply parameters. The results of clustering are represented on a GIS map for the region.


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Systems level modelling and simulations of biological processes are proving to be invaluable in obtaining a quantitative and dynamic perspective of various aspects of cellular function. In particular, constraint-based analyses of metabolic networks have gained considerable popularity for simulating cellular metabolism, of which flux balance analysis (FBA), is most widely used. Unlike mechanistic simulations that depend on accurate kinetic data, which are scarcely available, FBA is based on the principle of conservation of mass in a network, which utilizes the stoichiometric matrix and a biologically relevant objective function to identify optimal reaction flux distributions. FBA has been used to analyse genome-scale reconstructions of several organisms; it has also been used to analyse the effect of perturbations, such as gene deletions or drug inhibitions in silico. This article reviews the usefulness of FBA as a tool for gaining biological insights, advances in methodology enabling integration of regulatory information and thermodynamic constraints, and finally addresses the challenges that lie ahead. Various use scenarios and biological insights obtained from FBA, and applications in fields such metabolic engineering and drug target identification, are also discussed. Genome-scale constraint-based models have an immense potential for building and testing hypotheses, as well as to guide experimentation.


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We propose to develop a 3-D optical flow features based human action recognition system. Optical flow based features are employed here since they can capture the apparent movement in object, by design. Moreover, they can represent information hierarchically from local pixel level to global object level. In this work, 3-D optical flow based features a re extracted by combining the 2-1) optical flow based features with the depth flow features obtained from depth camera. In order to develop an action recognition system, we employ a Meta-Cognitive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (McFIS). The m of McFIS is to find the decision boundary separating different classes based on their respective optical flow based features. McFIS consists of a neuro-fuzzy inference system (cognitive component) and a self-regulatory learning mechanism (meta-cognitive component). During the supervised learning, self-regulatory learning mechanism monitors the knowledge of the current sample with respect to the existing knowledge in the network and controls the learning by deciding on sample deletion, sample learning or sample reserve strategies. The performance of the proposed action recognition system was evaluated on a proprietary data set consisting of eight subjects. The performance evaluation with standard support vector machine classifier and extreme learning machine indicates improved performance of McFIS is recognizing actions based of 3-D optical flow based features.


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The impulse response of wireless channels between the N-t transmit and N-r receive antennas of a MIMO-OFDM system are group approximately sparse (ga-sparse), i.e., NtNt the channels have a small number of significant paths relative to the channel delay spread and the time-lags of the significant paths between transmit and receive antenna pairs coincide. Often, wireless channels are also group approximately cluster-sparse (gac-sparse), i.e., every ga-sparse channel consists of clusters, where a few clusters have all strong components while most clusters have all weak components. In this paper, we cast the problem of estimating the ga-sparse and gac-sparse block-fading and time-varying channels in the sparse Bayesian learning (SBL) framework and propose a bouquet of novel algorithms for pilot-based channel estimation, and joint channel estimation and data detection, in MIMO-OFDM systems. The proposed algorithms are capable of estimating the sparse wireless channels even when the measurement matrix is only partially known. Further, we employ a first-order autoregressive modeling of the temporal variation of the ga-sparse and gac-sparse channels and propose a recursive Kalman filtering and smoothing (KFS) technique for joint channel estimation, tracking, and data detection. We also propose novel, parallel-implementation based, low-complexity techniques for estimating gac-sparse channels. Monte Carlo simulations illustrate the benefit of exploiting the gac-sparse structure in the wireless channel in terms of the mean square error (MSE) and coded bit error rate (BER) performance.


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This paper describes the design and implementation of ADAMIS (‘A database for medical information systems’). ADAMIS is a relational database management system for a general hospital environment. Apart from the usual database (DB) facilities of data definition and data manipulation, ADAMIS supports a query language called the ‘simplified medical query language’ (SMQL) which is completely end-user oriented and highly non-procedural. Other features of ADAMIS include provision of facilities for statistics collection and report generation. ADAMIS also provides adequate security and integrity features and has been designed mainly for use on interactive terminals.


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We have compared the total as well as fine mode aerosol optical depth (tau and tau(fine)) retrieved by Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard Terra and Aqua (2001-2005) with the equivalent parameters derived by Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) at Kanpur (26.45 degrees N, 80.35 degrees E), northern India. MODIS Collection 005 (C005)-derived tau(0.55) was found to be in good agreement with the AERONET measurements. The tau(fine) and eta (tau(fine)/tau) were, however, biased low significantly in most matched cases. A new set of retrieval with the use of absorbing aerosol model (SSA similar to 0.87) with increased visible surface reflectance provided improved tau and tau(fine) at Kanpur. The new derivation of eta also compares well qualitatively with an independent set of in situ measurements of accumulation mass fraction over much of the southern India. This suggests that though MODIS land algorithm has limited information to derive size properties of aerosols over land, more accurate parameterization of aerosol and surface properties within the existing C005 algorithm may improve the accuracy of size-resolved aerosol optical properties. The results presented in this paper indicate that there is a need to reconsider the surface parameterization and assumed aerosol properties in MODIS C005 algorithm over the Indian region in order to retrieve more accurate aerosol optical and size properties, which are essential to quantify the impact of human-made aerosols on climate.


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Ethidium bromide is one of the best known DNA intercalator. Upon intercalation inside DNA, the fluorescence due to ethidium bromide gets enhanced by many orders of magnitude. In this paper, we employed ethidium bromide as a probe for studying surfactant-DNA complexation using fluorescence spectroscopy and agarose gel electrophoresis. Surfactants of different charge types and chain lengths were used and the results were compared with that of the related small organic cations or salts under comparable conditions. The cationic surfactants induced destabilization of the ethidium bromide-DNA complex at concentrations in orders of magnitude lower than that of the small organic cations or salts. In contrast however, the anionic surfactants failed to promote any such destabilization of probe-DNA complex. DNA loses its ethidium bromide stainability in the presence of high concentration of cationic surfactant aggregates as revealed from agarose gel electrophoresis experiments. Inclusion of surfactants and other additives into the DNA generally enhanced the DNA double-strand to single strand transition melting temperatures by a few degrees, in a concentration-dependent manner and at high surfactant concentration melting profiles got broadened.


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Common mode voltage (CMV) variations in PWM inverter-fed drives generate unwanted shaft and bearing current resulting in early motor failure. Multilevel inverters reduce this problem to some extent, with higher number of levels. But the complexity of the power circuit increases with an increase in the number of inverter voltage levels. In this paper a five-level inverter structure is proposed for open-end winding induction motor (IM) drives, by cascading only two conventional two-level and three-level inverters, with the elimination of the common mode voltage over the entire modulation range. The DC link power supply requirement is also optimized by means of DC link capacitor voltage balancing, with PWM control, using only inverter switching state redundancies. The proposed power circuit gives a simple power bus structure.


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Common-mode voltage generated by the PWM inverter causes shaft voltage, bearing current and ground leakage current in induction motor drive system, resulting in an early motor failure. This paper presents a common-mode elimination scheme for a five-level inverter with reduced power circuit complexity. The proposed scheme is realised by cascading conventional two-level and conventional NPC three-level inverters in conjunction with an open-end winding three-phase induction motor drive and the common-mode voltage (CMV) elimination is achieved by using only switching states that result in zero CMV, for the entire modulation range.


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This study proposes an inverter circuit topology capable of generating multilevel dodecagonal (12-sided polygon) voltage space vectors by the cascaded connection of two-level and three-level inverters. By the proper selection of DC-link voltages and resultant switching states for the inverters, voltage space vectors whose tips lie on three concentric dodecagons, are obtained. A rectifier circuit for the inverter is also proposed, which significantly improves the power factor. The topology offers advantages such as the complete elimination of the fifth and seventh harmonics in phase voltages and an extension of the linear modulation range. In this study, a simple method for the calculation of pulse width modulation timing was presented along with extensive simulation and experimental results in order to validate the proposed concept.


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In the present investigation, efforts were made to study the different frictional responses of materials with varying crystal structure and hardness during sliding against a relatively harder material of different surface textures and roughness. In the experiments, pins were made of pure metals and alloys with significantly different hardness values. Pure metals were selected based on different class of crystal structures, such as face centered cubic (FCC), body centered cubic (BCC), body centered tetragonal (BCT) and hexagonal close packed (HCP) structures. The surface textures with varying roughness were generated on the counterpart plate which was made of H-11 die steel. The experiments were conducted under dry and lubricated conditions using an inclined pin-on-plate sliding tester for various normal loads at ambient environment. In the experiments, it was found that the coefficient of friction is controlled by the surface texture of the harder mating surfaces. Further, two kinds of frictional response, namely steady-state and stick-slip, were observed during sliding. More specifically, stead-state frictional response was observed for the FCC metals, alloys and materials with higher hardness. Stick-slip frictional response was observed for the metals which have limited number of slip systems such as BCT and HCP. In addition, the stick-slip frictional response was dependent on the normal load, lubrication, hardness and surface texture of the counterpart material. However, for a given kind of surface texture, the roughness of the surface affects neither the average coefficient of friction nor the amplitude of stick-slip oscillation significantly.


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We consider a server serving a time-slotted queued system of multiple packet-based flows, where not more than one flow can be serviced in a single time slot. The flows have exogenous packet arrivals and time-varying service rates. At each time, the server can observe instantaneous service rates for only a subset of flows ( selected from a fixed collection of observable subsets) before scheduling a flow in the subset for service. We are interested in queue length aware scheduling to keep the queues short. The limited availability of instantaneous service rate information requires the scheduler to make a careful choice of which subset of service rates to sample. We develop scheduling algorithms that use only partial service rate information from subsets of channels, and that minimize the likelihood of queue overflow in the system. Specifically, we present a new joint subset-sampling and scheduling algorithm called Max-Exp that uses only the current queue lengths to pick a subset of flows, and subsequently schedules a flow using the Exponential rule. When the collection of observable subsets is disjoint, we show that Max-Exp achieves the best exponential decay rate, among all scheduling algorithms that base their decision on the current ( or any finite past history of) system state, of the tail of the longest queue. To accomplish this, we employ novel analytical techniques for studying the performance of scheduling algorithms using partial state, which may be of independent interest. These include new sample-path large deviations results for processes obtained by non-random, predictable sampling of sequences of independent and identically distributed random variables. A consequence of these results is that scheduling with partial state information yields a rate function significantly different from scheduling with full channel information. In the special case when the observable subsets are singleton flows, i.e., when there is effectively no a priori channel state information, Max-Exp reduces to simply serving the flow with the longest queue; thus, our results show that to always serve the longest queue in the absence of any channel state information is large deviations optimal.


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Demagnetization to zero remanent value or to a predetermined value is of interest to magnet manufacturers and material users. Conventional methods of demagnetization using a varying alternating demagnetizing field, under a damped oscillatory or conveyor system, result in either high cost for demagnetization or large power dissipation. A simple technique using thyristors is presented for demagnetizing the material. Power consumption is mainly in the first two half-cycles of applied voltage. Hence power dissipation is very much reduced. An optimum value calculation for a thyristor triggering angle for demagnetizing high coercive materials is also presented.