7 resultados para Indiana

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Clustering techniques are used in regional flood frequency analysis (RFFA) to partition watersheds into natural groups or regions with similar hydrologic responses. The linear Kohonen's self‐organizing feature map (SOFM) has been applied as a clustering technique for RFFA in several recent studies. However, it is seldom possible to interpret clusters from the output of an SOFM, irrespective of its size and dimensionality. In this study, we demonstrate that SOFMs may, however, serve as a useful precursor to clustering algorithms. We present a two‐level. SOFM‐based clustering approach to form regions for FFA. In the first level, the SOFM is used to form a two‐dimensional feature map. In the second level, the output nodes of SOFM are clustered using Fuzzy c‐means algorithm to form regions. The optimal number of regions is based on fuzzy cluster validation measures. Effectiveness of the proposed approach in forming homogeneous regions for FFA is illustrated through application to data from watersheds in Indiana, USA. Results show that the performance of the proposed approach to form regions is better than that based on classical SOFM.


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Let M be the completion of the polynomial ring C(z) under bar] with respect to some inner product, and for any ideal I subset of C (z) under bar], let I] be the closure of I in M. For a homogeneous ideal I, the joint kernel of the submodule I] subset of M is shown, after imposing some mild conditions on M, to be the linear span of the set of vectors {p(i)(partial derivative/partial derivative(w) over bar (1),...,partial derivative/partial derivative(w) over bar (m)) K-I] (., w)vertical bar(w=0), 1 <= i <= t}, where K-I] is the reproducing kernel for the submodule 2] and p(1),..., p(t) is some minimal ``canonical set of generators'' for the ideal I. The proof includes an algorithm for constructing this canonical set of generators, which is determined uniquely modulo linear relations, for homogeneous ideals. A short proof of the ``Rigidity Theorem'' using the sheaf model for Hilbert modules over polynomial rings is given. We describe, via the monoidal transformation, the construction of a Hermitian holomorphic line bundle for a large class of Hilbert modules of the form I]. We show that the curvature, or even its restriction to the exceptional set, of this line bundle is an invariant for the unitary equivalence class of I]. Several examples are given to illustrate the explicit computation of these invariants.


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We report high aspect-ratio micromechanical structures made of SU-8 polymer, which is a negative photoresist. Mask-less direct writing with 405 nm laser is used to pattern spin-cast SU-8 films of thickness of more than 600 um. As compared with X-ray lithography, which helps pattern material to give aspect ratios of 1:50 or higher, laser writing is a less expensive and more accessible alternative. In this work, aspect ratios up to 1:30 were obtained on narrow pillars and cantilever structures. Deep vertical patterning was achieved in multiple exposures of the surface with varying dosages given at periodic intervals of sufficient duration. It was found that a time lag between successive exposures at the same location helps the material recover from the transient changes that occur during exposure to the laser. This gives vertical sidewalls to the resulting structures. The time-lags and dosages were determined by conducting several trials. The micromechanical structures obtained with laser writing are compared with those obtained with traditional UV lithography as well as e-beam lithography. Laser writing gives not only high aspect ratios but also narrow gaps whereas e-beam can only give narrow gaps over very small depths. Unlike traditional UV lithography, laser writing does not need a mask. Furthermore, there is no adjustment for varying the dosage in traditional UV lithography. A drawback of this method compared to UV lithography is that the writing time increases. Some test structures as well as a compliant microgripper are fabricated.


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The tetrablock, roughly speaking, is the set of all linear fractional maps that map the open unit disc to itself. A formal definition of this inhomogeneous domain is given below. This paper considers triples of commuting bounded operators (A,B,P) that have the tetrablock as a spectral set. Such a triple is named a tetrablock contraction. The motivation comes from the success of model theory in another inhomogeneous domain, namely, the symmetrized bidisc F. A pair of commuting bounded operators (S,P) with Gamma as a spectral set is called a Gamma-contraction, and always has a dilation. The two domains are related intricately as the Lemma 3.2 below shows. Given a triple (A, B, P) as above, we associate with it a pair (F-1, F-2), called its fundamental operators. We show that (A,B,P) dilates if the fundamental operators F-1 and F-2 satisfy certain commutativity conditions. Moreover, the dilation space is no bigger than the minimal isometric dilation space of the contraction P. Whether these commutativity conditions are necessary, too, is not known. what we have shown is that if there is a tetrablock isometric dilation on the minimal isometric dilation space of P. then those commutativity conditions necessarily get imposed on the fundamental operators. En route, we decipher the structure of a tetrablock unitary (this is the candidate as the dilation triple) and a tertrablock isometry (the restriction of a tetrablock unitary to a joint invariant sub-space). We derive new results about r-contractions and apply them to tetrablock contractions. The methods applied are motivated by 11]. Although the calculations are lengthy and more complicated, they beautifully reveal that the dilation depends on the mutual relationship of the two fundamental operators, so that certain conditions need to be satisfied. The question of whether all tetrablock contractions dilate or not is unresolved.


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Let R be a (commutative) local principal ideal ring of length two, for example, the ring R = Z/p(2)Z with p prime. In this paper, we develop a theory of normal forms for similarity classes in the matrix rings M-n (R) by interpreting them in terms of extensions of R t]-modules. Using this theory, we describe the similarity classes in M-n (R) for n <= 4, along with their centralizers. Among these, we characterize those classes which are similar to their transposes. Non-self-transpose classes are shown to exist for all n > 3. When R has finite residue field of order q, we enumerate the similarity classes and the cardinalities of their centralizers as polynomials in q. Surprisingly, the polynomials representing the number of similarity classes in M-n (R) turn out to have non-negative integer coefficients.


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Scaling approaches are widely used by hydrologists for Regional Frequency Analysis (RFA) of floods at ungauged/sparsely gauged site(s) in river basins. This paper proposes a Recursive Multi-scaling (RMS) approach to RFA that overcomes limitations of conventional simple- and multi-scaling approaches. The approach involves identification of a separate set of attributes corresponding to each of the sites (being considered in the study area/region) in a recursive manner according to their importance, and utilizing those attributes to construct effective regional regression relationships to estimate statistical raw moments (SMs) of peak flows. The SMs are then utilized to arrive at parameters of flood frequency distribution and quantile estimate(s) corresponding to target return period(s). Effectiveness of the RMS approach in arriving at flood quantile estimates for ungauged sites is demonstrated through leave-one-out cross-validation experiment on watersheds in Indiana State, USA. Results indicate that the approach outperforms index-flood based Region-of-Influence approach, simple- and multi-scaling approaches and a multiple linear regression method. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Index-flood related regional frequency analysis (RFA) procedures are in use by hydrologists to estimate design quantiles of hydrological extreme events at data sparse/ungauged locations in river basins. There is a dearth of attempts to establish which among those procedures is better for RFA in the L-moment framework. This paper evaluates the performance of the conventional index flood (CIF), the logarithmic index flood (LIF), and two variants of the population index flood (PIF) procedures in estimating flood quantiles for ungauged locations by Monte Carlo simulation experiments and a case study on watersheds in Indiana in the U.S. To evaluate the PIF procedure, L-moment formulations are developed for implementing the procedure in situations where the regional frequency distribution (RFD) is the generalized logistic (GLO), generalized Pareto (GPA), generalized normal (GNO) or Pearson type III (PE3), as those formulations are unavailable. Results indicate that one of the variants of the PIF procedure, which utilizes the regional information on the first two L-moments is more effective than the CIF and LIF procedures. The improvement in quantile estimation using the variant of PIF procedure as compared with the CIF procedure is significant when the RFD is a generalized extreme value, GLO, GNO, or PE3, and marginal when it is GPA. (C) 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers.