105 resultados para Inactive Customers

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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It Is well established that a sequence template along with the database is a powerful tool for identifying the biological function of proteins. Here, we describe a method for predicting the catalytic nature of certain proteins among the several protein structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) For the present study, we considered a catalytic triad template (Ser-His-Asp) found in serine proteases We found that a geometrically optimized active site template can be used as a highly selective tool for differentiating an active protein among several inactive proteins, based on their Ser-His-Asp interactions. For any protein to be proteolytic in nature, the bond angle between Ser O-gamma-Ser H-gamma His N-epsilon 2 in the catalytic triad needs to be between 115 degrees and 140 degrees The hydrogen bond distance between Ser H-gamma His N-epsilon 2 is more flexible in nature and it varies from 2 0 angstrom to 27 angstrom while in the case of His H-delta 1 Asp O-delta 1, it is from 1.6 angstrom to 2.0 angstrom In terms of solvent accessibility, most of the active proteins lie in the range of 10-16 angstrom(2), which enables easy accessibility to the substrate These observations hold good for most catalytic triads and they can be employed to predict proteolytic nature of these catalytic triads (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we use reinforcement learning (RL) as a tool to study price dynamics in an electronic retail market consisting of two competing sellers, and price sensitive and lead time sensitive customers. Sellers, offering identical products, compete on price to satisfy stochastically arriving demands (customers), and follow standard inventory control and replenishment policies to manage their inventories. In such a generalized setting, RL techniques have not previously been applied. We consider two representative cases: 1) no information case, were none of the sellers has any information about customer queue levels, inventory levels, or prices at the competitors; and 2) partial information case, where every seller has information about the customer queue levels and inventory levels of the competitors. Sellers employ automated pricing agents, or pricebots, which use RL-based pricing algorithms to reset the prices at random intervals based on factors such as number of back orders, inventory levels, and replenishment lead times, with the objective of maximizing discounted cumulative profit. In the no information case, we show that a seller who uses Q-learning outperforms a seller who uses derivative following (DF). In the partial information case, we model the problem as a Markovian game and use actor-critic based RL to learn dynamic prices. We believe our approach to solving these problems is a new and promising way of setting dynamic prices in multiseller environments with stochastic demands, price sensitive customers, and inventory replenishments.


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By employing a procedure that combines ELISA and photoacoustic spectroscopy, we have examined the content of 5-methylcytosine (m(5)C) in DNA of individuals who differed from one another in the number of X chromosomes in their genomes. The results show that the human inactive X chromosome (Xi) contains very high amounts of this modified nucleotide. We estimate that in the 46,XX female there is more m(5)C in Xi (similar to3.6 x 10(7)) than in all the remaining chromosomes put together (similar to2.1 x 10(7)). Our results also suggest that nearly one-fifth of all cytosines in Xi are methylated and that, in addition to CpG methylation, there is extensive non-CpG methylation as well.


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We performed Gaussian network model based normal mode analysis of 3-dimensional structures of multiple active and inactive forms of protein kinases. In 14 different kinases, a more number of residues (1095) show higher structural fluctuations in inactive states than those in active states (525), suggesting that, in general, mobility of inactive states is higher than active states. This statistically significant difference is consistent with higher crystallographic B-factors and conformational energies for inactive than active states, suggesting lower stability of inactive forms. Only a small number of inactive conformations with the DFG motif in the ``in'' state were found to have fluctuation magnitudes comparable to the active conformation. Therefore our study reports for the first time, intrinsic higher structural fluctuation for almost all inactive conformations compared to the active forms. Regions with higher fluctuations in the inactive states are often localized to the aC-helix, aG-helix and activation loop which are involved in the regulation and/or in structural transitions between active and inactive states. Further analysis of 476 kinase structures involved in interactions with another domain/protein showed that many of the regions with higher inactive-state fluctuation correspond to contact interfaces. We also performed extensive GNM analysis of (i) insulin receptor kinase bound to another protein and (ii) holo and apo forms of active and inactive conformations followed by multi-factor analysis of variance. We conclude that binding of small molecules or other domains/proteins reduce the extent of fluctuation irrespective of active or inactive forms. Finally, we show that the perceived fluctuations serve as a useful input to predict the functional state of a kinase.


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This paper presents stylized models for conducting performance analysis of the manufacturing supply chain network (SCN) in a stochastic setting for batch ordering. We use queueing models to capture the behavior of SCN. The analysis is clubbed with an inventory optimization model, which can be used for designing inventory policies . In the first case, we model one manufacturer with one warehouse, which supplies to various retailers. We determine the optimal inventory level at the warehouse that minimizes total expected cost of carrying inventory, back order cost associated with serving orders in the backlog queue, and ordering cost. In the second model we impose service level constraint in terms of fill rate (probability an order is filled from stock at warehouse), assuming that customers do not balk from the system. We present several numerical examples to illustrate the model and to illustrate its various features. In the third case, we extend the model to a three-echelon inventory model which explicitly considers the logistics process.


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SHMT (serine hydoxymethyltransferase), a type I pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent enzyme, catalyses the conversion of L-serine and THF (tetrahydrofolate) into glycine and 5,10-methylene THE SHMT also catalyses several THF-independent side reactions such as cleavage of P-hydroxy amino acids, trans-amination, racemization and decarboxylation. In the present study, the residues Asn(341), Tyr(60) and Phe(351), which are likely to influence THF binding, were mutated to alanine, alanine and glycine respectively, to elucidate the role of these residues in THF-dependent and -independent reactions catalysed by SHMT. The N341A and Y60A bsSHMT (Bacillus stearothermophilus SHMT) mutants were inactive for the THF-dependent activity, while the mutations had no effect on THF-independent activity. However, mutation of Phe(351) to glycine did not have any effect oil either of the activities. The crystal structures of the glycine binary complexes of the mutants showed that N341A bsSHMT forms an external aldimine as in bsSHMT, whereas Y60A and F351G bsSHMTs exist as a Mixture of internal/external aldimine and gem-diamine forms. Crystal structures of all of the three Mutants obtained in the presence of L-allo-threonine were similar to the respective glycine binary complexes. The structure of the ternary complex of F351G bsSHMT with glycine and FTHF (5-formyl THF) showed that the monoglutamate side chain of FTHF is ordered in both the subunits of the asymmetric unit, unlike in the wild-type bsSHMT. The present studies demonstrate that the residues Asn(341) and Tyr(60) are pivotal for the binding of THF/FTHF, whereas Phe(351) is responsible for the asymmetric binding of FTHF in the two subunits of the dimer.


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RecJ exonuclease plays crucial roles in several DNA repair and recombination pathways, and its ubiquity in bacterial species points to its ancient origin and vital cellular function. RecJ exonuclease from Haemophilus influenzae is a 575-amino-acid protein that harbors the characteristic motifs conserved among RecJ homologs. The purified protein exhibits a process 5'-3' single-stranded-DNA-specific exonuclease activity. The exonuclease activity of H. influenzae RecJ (HiRecJ) was supported by Mg2+ or Mn2+ and inhibited by Cd2+ suggesting a different mode of metal binding in HiRecJ as compared to Escherichia coli RecJ (EcoRecJ). Site-directed mutagenesis of highly conserved residues in HiRecJ abolished enzymatic activity. Interestingly, substitution of alanine for aspartate 77 resulted in a catalytically inactive enzyme that bound to DNA with a significantly higher affinity as compared to the wild-type enzyme. Noticeably, steady-state kinetic studies showed that H. influenzae single-stranded DNA-binding protein (HiSSB) increased the affinity of HiRecJ for single-stranded DNA and stimulated its exonuclease activity. HiSSB, whose C-terminal tail had been deleted, failed to enhance RecJ exonuclease activity. More importantly, HiRecJ was found to directly associate with its cognate single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB), as demonstrated by various in vitro assays, Interaction studies carried out with the truncated variants of HiRecJ and HiSSB revealed that the two proteins interact via the C-terminus of SSB protein and the core-catalytic domain of RecJ. Taken together, these results emphasize direct interactio between RecJ and SSB, which confers functional cooperativity to these two proteins. In addition, these results implicate SSB as being involved in the recruitment of RecJ to DNA and provide insights into the interplay between these proteins in repair and recombination pathways.


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The ability of various synthetic peptide analogs of. Formyl-Met-Leu-Phe to induce chemotaxis in bull sperm is compared using an inverted capillary assay. The formyl group is essential for chemotactic activity and corresponding t-butyloxycarbonyl tripeptides are inactive. Sequence analogs, Formyl-Met-Phe-Leu, Formyl-Leu-Met-Phe and Formyl-Leu-Phe-Met are active. Replacement of Met and Leu by Pro does not diminish activity. Formyl-Met-Leu-Phe-NH2 is active suggesting that electrostatic interactions involving the carboxyl group may be unimportant in receptor interactions. The studies establish the importance of an amino terminal formyl group and a sequence of at least three hydrophobic residues, for inducing sperm chemotaxis.


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A new indole oxygenase from the leaves of Tecoma stans was isolated and purified to homogenity. The purified enzyme system catalyzes the conversion of indole to anthranilic acid. It is optimally active at pH 5.2 and 30°C. Two moles of oxygen are consumed and one mole of anthranilic acid is formed for every mole of indole oxidized. Dialysis resulted in complete loss of the activity. The inactive enzyme could be reactivated by the addition of concentrated dialysate. The enzyme is not inhibited by copperspecific chelators, non-heme iron chelators or atebrin. It is not a cuproflavoprotein, unlike the other indole oxygenases and oxidases.


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Collections of non-Brownian particles suspended in a viscous fluid and subjected to oscillatory shear at very low Reynolds number have recently been shown to exhibit a remarkable dynamical phase transition separating reversible from irreversible behavior as the strain amplitude or volume fraction are increased. We present a simple model for this phenomenon, based on which we argue that this transition lies in the universality class of the conserved directed percolation models. This leads to predictions for the scaling behavior of a large number of experimental observables. Non-Brownian suspensions under oscillatory shear may thus constitute the first experimental realization of an inactive-active phase transition which is not in the universality class of conventional directed percolation.


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A new indole oxygenase from the leaves of Tecoma stans was isolated and purified to near homogeneity. The purified enzyme system catalyses the conversion of indole to anthranilic acid. It is optimally active at pH 5.2 and at 30°C. Oxygen (2 mol) is consumed and anthranilic acid (1 mol) is formed for every mole of indole oxidized. Neither sulfhydryl reagents nor sulfhydryl compounds inhibited the enzyme activity. The oxygenase also attacks, apart from indole, 5-hydroxyindole, 5-bromoindole and 5-methylindole. It is not inhibited by copper specific chelators or non-heme iron specific chelators. Atebrin did not inhibit the enzyme activity suggesting that it is not a flavoprotein, unlike other indole oxygenases and indole oxidases. Dialysis resulted in complete loss of enzyme activity. The inactive enzyme could not be reactivated by addition of various cofactors.


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The crystalline mung bean nucleotide pyrophosphatase was inhibited nonlinearly by AMP, one of the products of the reaction. The partially inactive enzyme was specifically reactivated by ADP, and V at maximal activation was the same as that of the native enzyme. ATP was a linear, noncompetitive inhibitor. The kinetic evidence suggested that ADP and ATP might not be reacting at the same site as AMP. The electrophoretic mobility of the enzyme was increased by AMP, whereas ADP and ATP were without effect. The enzyme was denatured on treatment with urea or guanidine hydrochloride. The renatured and the native enzyme had the same pH (9.4) and temperature (49 °C) optimum. The Km (0.2 mImage ) and V (3.2) of the native enzyme increased on renaturation to 1.8 mImage and 8.0, respectively. In addition, renaturation resulted in desensitization of the enzyme to inhibition by low concentrations of AMP. Renaturation did not affect the reactivation of the apoenzyme by Zn2+.


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The crystalline mung bean nucleotide pyrophosphatase was inhibited nonlinearly by AMP, one of the products of the reaction. The partially inactive enzyme was specifically reactivated by ADP, and V at maximal activation was the same as that of the native enzyme. ATP was a linear, noncompetitive inhibitor. The kinetic evidence suggested that ADP and ATP might not be reacting at the same site as AMP. The electrophoretic mobility of the enzyme was increased by AMP, whereas ADP and ATP were without effect. The enzyme was denatured on treatment with urea or guanidine hydrochloride. The renatured and the native enzyme had the same pH (9.4) and temperature (49 °C) optimum. The Km (0.2 m ) and V (3.2) of the native enzyme increased on renaturation to 1.8 m and 8.0, respectively. In addition, renaturation resulted in desensitization of the enzyme to inhibition by low concentrations of AMP. Renaturation did not affect the reactivation of the apoenzyme by Zn2+.


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Evidence was obtained for the participation of iron in the double hydroxylation reaction catalyzed by anthranilate hydroxylase from Aspergillus niger (UBC 814). Omission of iron from the growth medium gave inactive preparations of anthranilate hydroxylase which could be reactivated by incubating the enzyme preparations with ferric citrate. The enzyme was susceptible to inhibition by metal chelating agents. The Ki for o-phenanthroline, which inhibited the enzyme activity non-competitively with respect to anthranilate, was calculated to be 0.9 mM. The inhibition by o-phenanthroline was counteracted by ferric complexes such as ferric-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and ferric citrate. Anthranilate afforded protection against inhibition by o-phenanthroline.


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Receptor guanylyl cyclases are multidomain proteins, and ligand binding to the extracellular domain increases the levels of intracellular cGMP. The intracellular domain of these receptors is composed of a kinase homology domain (KHD), a linker of similar to 70 amino acids, followed by the C-terminal guanylyl cyclase domain. Mechanisms by which these receptors are allosterically regulated by ligand binding to the extracellular domain and ATP binding to the KHD are not completely understood. Here we examine the role of the linker region in receptor guanylyl cyclases by a series of point mutations in receptor guanylyl cyclase C. The linker region is predicted to adopt a coiled coil structure and aid in dimerization, but we find that the effects of mutations neither follow a pattern predicted for a coiled coil peptide nor abrogate dimerization. Importantly, this region is critical for repressing the guanylyl cyclase activity of the receptor in the absence of ligand and permitting ligand-mediated activation of the cyclase domain. Mutant receptors with high basal guanylyl cyclase activity show no further activation in the presence of non-ionic detergents, suggesting that hydrophobic interactions in the basal and inactive conformation of the guanylyl cyclase domain are disrupted by mutation. Equivalent mutations in the linker region of guanylyl cyclase A also elevated the basal activity and abolished ligand-and detergent-mediated activation. We, therefore, have defined a key regulatory role for the linker region of receptor guanylyl cyclases which serves as a transducer of information from the extracellular domain via the KHD to the catalytic domain.