87 resultados para Illumination globale

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Mn2+ doped (0-50.0 molar %) ZnS d-dots have been synthesized in water medium by using an environment friendly low cost chemical technique. Tunable dual emission in UV and yellow-orange regions is achieved by tailoring the Mn2+ doping concentration in the host ZnS nanocrystal. The optimum doping concentration for achieving efficient photoluminescence (PL) emission is determined to be similar to 1.10 (at. %) corresponding to 40.0 (molar %) of Mn2+ doping concentration used during synthesis. The mechanism of charge transfer from the host to the dopant leading to the intensity modulated tunable (594-610 nm) yellow-orange PL emission is straightforwardly understood as no capping agent is used. The temperature dependent PL emission measurements are carried out, viz., in 1.10 at. % Mn2+ doped sample and the experimental results are explained by using a theoretical PL emission model. It is found that the ratio of non-radiative to radiative recombination rates is temperature dependent and this phenomenon has not been reported, so far, in Mn2+ doped ZnS system. The colour tuning of the emitted light from the samples are evident from the calculated chromaticity coordinates. UV light irradiation for 150 min in 40.0 (molar %) Mn2+ doped sample shows an enhancement of 33% in PL emission intensity. (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4795779]


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Cell-phone based imaging flow cytometry can be realized by flowing cells through the microfluidic devices, and capturing their images with an optically enhanced camera of the cell-phone. Throughput in flow cytometers is usually enhanced by increasing the flow rate of cells. However, maximum frame rate of camera system limits the achievable flow rate. Beyond this, the images become highly blurred due to motion-smear. We propose to address this issue with coded illumination, which enables recovery of high-fidelity images of cells far beyond their motion-blur limit. This paper presents simulation results of deblurring the synthetically generated cell/bead images under such coded illumination.


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The photo-induced effects of Ge12Sb25S63 films illuminated with 532 nm laser light are investigated from transmission spectra measured by FTIR spectroscopy. The material exhibits photo-bleaching (PB) when exposed to band gap light for a prolonged time in a vacuum. The PB is ascribed to structural changes inside the film as well as surface photooxidation. The amorphous nature of thin films was detected by x-ray diffraction. The chemical composition of the deposited thin films was examined by energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDAX). The refractive indices of the films were obtained from the transmission spectra based on an inverse synthesis method and the optical band gaps were derived from optical absorption spectra using the Tauc plot. The dispersion of the refractive index is discussed in terms of the single-oscillator Wemple-DiDomenico model. It was found that the mechanism of the optical absorption follows the rule of the allowed non-direct transition. Raman and x-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) were measured and decomposed into several peaks that correspond to the different structural units which support the optical changes.


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We experimentally demonstrate photobleaching (PB) in Ge22As22Se56 thin films, when illuminated with a diode pumped solid state laser (DPSSL) of wavelength 671 nm, which is far below the optical bandgap of the sample. Interestingly, we found that PB is a slow process and occurs even at moderate pump beam intensity of 0.2 W/cm(2), however the kinetics remain rather different.


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Illumination plays an important role in optical microscopy. Kohler illumination, introduced more than a century ago, has been the backbone of optical microscopes. The last few decades have seen the evolution of new illumination techniques meant to improve certain imaging capabilities of the microscope. Most of them are, however, not amenable for wide-field observation and hence have restricted use in microscopy applications such as cell biology and microscale profile measurements. The method of structured illumination microscopy has been developed as a wide-field technique for achieving higher performance. Additionally, it is also compatible with existing microscopes. This method consists of modifying the illumination by superposing a well-defined pattern on either the sample itself or its image. Computational techniques are applied on the resultant images to remove the effect of the structure and to obtain the desired performance enhancement. This method has evolved over the last two decades and has emerged as a key illumination technique for optical sectioning, super-resolution imaging, surface profiling, and quantitative phase imaging of microscale objects in cell biology and engineering. In this review, we describe various structured illumination methods in optical microscopy and explain the principles and technologies involved therein. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America


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In this article, the SrFeO3-delta photocatalyst was synthesized by a solution combustion method and applied for the photocatalytic degradation of aqueous nitrobenzene in the presence and absence of H2O2. The SrFeO3-delta photocatalyst was characterized by XRD, FT-IR, FE-SEM, TEM, TG-DTG, XPS, and UV visible spectroscopy. The band gap energy of SrFeO3-delta was found to be 3.75 eV which lies in the UV region. The XPS results indicate that the oxidation state of Sr and Fe in SrFeO3-delta was 2+ and 3+, respectively, and the surface atomic ratio of Sr and Fe is 0.995. The photocatalytic activity reveals that the degradation of nitrobenzene over the SrFeO3-delta catalyst itself (UV/SFO) is superior compared to SrFeO3-delta in the presence of H2O2 (UV/SFO/H2O2) with a degradation efficiency of 99-96%. The degradation of nitrobenzene obeys first-order kinetics in both UV/SFO and UV/SFO/H2O2 processes. The decrease in degradation efficiency with UV/SFO/H2O2 was attributed due to the formation of strontium carbonate on the photocatalyst surface.


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We propose a completely automatic approach for recognizing low resolution face images captured in uncontrolled environment. The approach uses multidimensional scaling to learn a common transformation matrix for the entire face which simultaneously transforms the facial features of the low resolution and the high resolution training images such that the distance between them approximates the distance had both the images been captured under the same controlled imaging conditions. Stereo matching cost is used to obtain the similarity of two images in the transformed space. Though this gives very good recognition performance, the time taken for computing the stereo matching cost is significant. To overcome this limitation, we propose a reference-based approach in which each face image is represented by its stereo matching cost from a few reference images. Experimental evaluation on the real world challenging databases and comparison with the state-of-the-art super-resolution, classifier based and cross modal synthesis techniques show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.


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Total tRNAs isolated from chloroplasts and etioplasts of cucumber cotyledons were compared with respect toamino acid acceptance, isoacceptor distribution and extent of modification. Aminoacylation of the tRNAs with nine different amino acids studied indicated that the relative acceptor activities of chloroplast total tRNAs for four amino acids are significantly higher than etioplast total tRNAs. Two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(2D-PAGE) of chloroplast total tRNAs separated at least 32 spots, while approximately 41 spots were resolved from etioplast total tRNAs. Comparison of the reversed-phase chromatography (RPC-5) profiles of chloroplast and etioplast leucyl-, lysyl-, phenylalanyl-, and valyl-tRNA species showed no qualitative differences in the elution profiles. However, leucyl-, lysyl- and valyl-tRNA species showed quantitative differences in the relative amounts of the isoaccepting species present in chloroplasts and etioplasts. The analysis of modified nucleotides of total tRNAs from the two plastid types indicated that total tRNA from etioplasts was undermodified with respect to ribothymidine, isopentenyladenosine/hydroxy-isopentenyladenosine, 1 -methylguanosine and 2-o-methylguanosine. This indicates that illumination may cause de novo synthesis of chloroplast tRNAmodifying enzymes encoded for by nuclear genes leading to the formation of highly modified tRNAs in chloroplasts. Based on these results, we speculate that the observed decrease in levels of aminoacylation, variations in the relative amounts of certain isoacceptors, and differences in the electrophoretic mobilities of some extra tRNA spots in the etioplast total tRNAs as compared to chloroplast total tRNAs could be due to some partially undermodified etioplast tRNAs. Taken together, the data suggested that the light-induced transformation of etioplasts into chloroplasts is accompanied by increases in the relative levels of some functional chloroplast tRNAs by post transcriptional nucleotide modifications.


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We propose a robust method for mosaicing of document images using features derived from connected components. Each connected component is described using the Angular Radial Tran. form (ART). To ensure geometric consistency during feature matching, the ART coefficients of a connected component are augmented with those of its two nearest neighbors. The proposed method addresses two critical issues often encountered in correspondence matching: (i) The stability of features and (ii) Robustness against false matches due to the multiple instances of characters in a document image. The use of connected components guarantees a stable localization across images. The augmented features ensure a successful correspondence matching even in the presence of multiple similar regions within the page. We illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on camera captured document images exhibiting large variations in viewpoint, illumination and scale.


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We report the fabrication of assembled nanostructures from the pre-synthesized nanocrystals building blocks through optical means of exciton formation and dissociation. We demonstrate that Li (x) CoO2 nanocrystals assemble to an acicular architecture, upon prolonged exposure to ultraviolet-visible radiation emitted from a 125 W mercury vapor lamp, through intermediate excitation of excitons. The results obtained in the present study clearly show how nanocrystals of various materials with band gaps appropriate for excitations of excitons at given optical wavelengths can be assembled to unusual nanoarchitectures through illumination with incoherent light sources. The disappearance of exciton bands due to Li (x) CoO2 phase in the optical spectrum of the irradiated film comprising acicular structure is consistent with the proposed mechanism of exciton dissociation in the observed light-induced assembly process. The assembly process occurs through attractive Coulomb interactions between charged dots created upon exciton dissociation. Our work presents a new type of nanocrystal assembly process that is driven by light and exciton directed.


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The theoretical optimization of the design parametersN A ,N D andW P has been done for efficient operation of Au-p-n Si solar cell including thermionic field emission, dependence of lifetime and mobility on impurity concentrations, dependence of absorption coefficient on wavelength, variation of barrier height and hence the optimum thickness ofp region with illumination. The optimized design parametersN D =5×1020 m−3,N A =3×1024 m−3 andW P =11.8 nm yield efficiencyη=17.1% (AM0) andη=19.6% (AM1). These are reduced to 14.9% and 17.1% respectively if the metal layer series resistance and transmittance with ZnS antireflection coating are included. A practical value ofW P =97.0 nm gives an efficiency of 12.2% (AM1).


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Some new observations on the phenomenon of photocapacitane on n-type silicon MOS structures under low intensities of illumination are reported. The difference between the illuminated and dark C---characteristics is automatically followed as a function of the applied bias thereby obtaining the differential photocapacitance and the resulting characteristics has been termed as the Low Intensity Differential Photocapacitance (LIDP). For an MOS capacitor, the LIDP characteristics is seen to go through a well defined maximum. The phenomenon has been investigated under different ambient conditions like light intensity, temperature, dependance of the frequency of the light etc. and it has been found that the phenomenon is due to a band excband excitation. In this connection, a novel sensitive technique for the measurement of the capacitance based upon following the frequency changes of a tank circuit is also described in some detail. It is also shown that the phenomenon can be understood by a simple theoretical model.


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Ultrafine powders of SrTiO3 are prepared at 100–150°C by the hydrothermal method, starting from TiO2·xH2O gel and Sr(OH)2 and H2O-isopropanol mixed solvent as the medium, The X-ray diffractograms of the powder show line broadening. The minimum crystallite size obtained ranges from 5 to 20nm with 20% H2O-80% C3H7OH as the reaction medium, as estimated from X-ray half-peak widths and TEM studies. The electron diffraction results indicate high concentration of lattice defects in these crystallites. The optical spectra of the particle suspensions in water show that the absorption around the band gap is considerably broadened, together with the appearance of maxima in the far ultraviolet. Aqueous suspensions of SrTiO3 powders, as such, do not produce H2 or O2 on UV irradiation. After coating with rhodium, H2 and O2 are evolved on illumination. However, the turn over number of O2 is lower than the stoichiometrically expected values from the corresponding values of H2. No correlation of the photocatalytic activity with surface area is observed. The activity of Rh-SrTiO3 slowly deteriorates with extended period of irradiation.


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The often discussed role of surface hydroxylation of TiO2 particles as an essential characterestics for their photocatalytic activity can be verified by preparing TiO2 powders by hydrothermal method since hydroxylated surface layers will be better retained on these particles formed in superheated water. Thus, fine powders of TiO2 (rutile) with high degree of crystallinity are formed from titanium oxychloride in the mixed solvent of water and 2-propanol at 160–230°C and 20–120 atm. The anatase phase is produced from the same medium when sulfate ion impurity is present, with Image . TiO2 powders are washed free of anions and 2-propanol by ultrafiltration and are Pt mounted by a photochemical method. Aqueous suspensions of both forms of TiO2 neither as such nor after Pt-loading, do not produce H2 on band gap illumination whereas, H2 is generated in presence of hole scavengers such as EDTA, TEOA, sulfite or hypophosphite. The effects of hole scavenger concentration, Pt : TiO2 ratio, particulate suspension density and the nature of hole scavengers on H2 production are presented. Platinised rutile powders are equally active as anatase in sacrificial systems.


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Molybdenum trioxide (MoO3) has been deposited onto single-crystal p-type silicon by neutralized ion-beam sputter techniques. The results indicate that the diode behavior is a function of oxygen partial pressure during the reactive sputtering. Film thickness, deposition rate, index of refraction, resistivity, and integrated transmission have been measured under AM1 illumination. It appears that thin films of MoO3 could serve as an n-type transparent semiconductor for photovoltaic applications. Applied Physics Letters is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.