223 resultados para Hydrophobic

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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In this paper, we present results on water flow past randomly textured hydrophobic surfaces with relatively large surface features of the order of 50 µm. Direct shear stress measurements are made on these surfaces in a channel configuration. The measurements indicate that the flow rates required to maintain a shear stress value vary substantially with water immersion time. At small times after filling the channel with water, the flow rates are up to 30% higher compared with the reference hydrophilic surface. With time, the flow rate gradually decreases and in a few hours reaches a value that is nearly the same as the hydrophilic case. Calculations of the effective slip lengths indicate that it varies from about 50 µm at small times to nearly zero or “no slip” after a few hours. Large effective slip lengths on such hydrophobic surfaces are known to be caused by trapped air pockets in the crevices of the surface. In order to understand the time dependent effective slip length, direct visualization of trapped air pockets is made in stationary water using the principle of total internal reflection of light at the water-air interface of the air pockets. These visualizations indicate that the number of bright spots corresponding to the air pockets decreases with time. This type of gradual disappearance of the trapped air pockets is possibly the reason for the decrease in effective slip length with time in the flow experiments. From the practical point of usage of such surfaces to reduce pressure drop, say, in microchannels, this time scale of the order of 1 h for the reduction in slip length would be very crucial. It would ultimately decide the time over which the surface can usefully provide pressure drop reductions. ©2009 American Institute of Physics


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The crystal structure of the pentapeptide p-toluene-sulfonyl-(α-aminoisobutyryl)5-methyl ester (Tosyl-(Aib)5-OMe) has been determined in the space group PImage . Pentapeptide molecules are folded in the 310 helical conformation and packed together, so as to yield a hydrophobic channel with a minimim diameter of 5.2 �. The channel contains crystallographically disordered material. This structure provides a model for channel formation by hydrophobic peptide aggregates and should prove useful in studies of alamethicin, suzukacillin and related Aib containing membrane channels. Triclinic (PImage ) crystals of the pentapeptide are obtained in the presence of LiClO4 in aqueous methanol, whereas crystallization from methanol alone yields crystals in the space group Pbca. The conformations of the peptide in the two crystal forms are very similar and only the molecular packing is dramatically different.


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Peptide nanotubes with filled and empty pores and close-packed structures are formed in closely related pentapeptides. Enantiomorphic sequences, Boc-(D)Pro-Aib-Xxx-Aib-Val-OMe (Xxx = Leu, 1; Val, 2; Ala, 3; Phe, 4) and Boc-Pro-Aib-(D)Xxx-Aib-(D)Val-OMe ((XXX)-X-D = (D)Leu, 5; (D)Val, 6; (D)Ala, 7; (D)Phe, 8), yield molecular structures with a very similar backbone conformation but varied packing patterns in crystals. Peptides 1, 2, 5, and 6 show tubular structures with the molecules self-assembling along the crystallographic six-fold axis (c-axis) and revealing a honeycomb arrangement laterally (ab plane). Two forms of entrapped water wires have been characterized in 2: 2a with d(O center dot center dot center dot O) = 2.6 angstrom and 2b with d(O center dot center dot center dot O) = 3.5 angstrom. The latter is observed in 6 (6a) also. A polymorphic form of 6 (6b), grown from a solution of methanol-water, was observed to crystallize in a monoclinic system as a close-packed structure. Single-file water wire arrangements encapsulated inside hydrophobic channels formed by peptide nanotubes could be established by modeling the published structures in the cases of a cyclic peptide and a dipeptide. In all the entrapped water wires, each water molecule is involved in a hydrogen bond with a previous and succeeding water molecule. The O-H group of the water not involved in any hydrogen bond does not seem to be involved in an energetically significant interaction with the nanotube interior, a general feature of the one-dimensional water wires encapsulated in hydrophobic environements. Water wires in hydrophobic channels are contrasted with the single-file arrangements in amphipathic channels formed by aquaporins.


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The hydrophobic effect is widely believed to be an important determinant of protein stability. However, it is difficult to obtain unambiguous experimental estimates of the contribution of the hydrophobic driving force to the overall free energy of folding. Thermodynamic and structural studies of large to small substitutions in proteins are the most direct method of measuring this contribution. We have substituted the buried residue Phe8 in RNase S with alanine, methionine, and norleucine, Binding thermodynamics and structures were characterized by titration calorimetry and crystallography, respectively. The crystal structures of the RNase S F8A, F8M, and F8Nle mutants indicate that the protein tolerates the changes without any main chain adjustments, The correlation of structural and thermodynamic parameters associated with large to small substitutions was analyzed for nine mutants of RNase S as well as 32 additional cavity-containing mutants of T4 lysozyme, human lysozyme, and barnase. Such substitutions were typically found to result in negligible changes in Delta C-p and positive values of both Delta Delta H degrees and aas of folding. Enthalpic effects were dominant, and the sign of Delta Delta S is the opposite of that expected from the hydrophobic effect. Values of Delta Delta G degrees and Delta Delta H degrees correlated better with changes in packing parameters such as residue depth or occluded surface than with the change in accessible surface area upon folding. These results suggest that the loss of packing interactions rather than the hydrophobic effect is a dominant contributor to the observed energetics for large to small substitutions. Hence, estimates of the magnitude of the hydrophobic driving force derived from earlier mutational studies are likely to be significantly in excess of the actual value.


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Wettability gradient surfaces play a significant role in control and manipulation of liquid drops. The present work deals with the analysis of water drops impacting onto the junction line between hydrophobic texture and hydrophilic smooth portions of a dual-textured substrate made using stainless steel material. The hydrophobic textured portion of the substrate comprised of unidirectional parallel groove-like and pillar-like structures of uniform dimensions. A high-speed video camera recorded the spreading and receding dynamics of impacting drops. The drop impact dynamics during the early inertia driven impact regime remains unaffected by the dual-texture feature of the substrate. A larger retraction speed of drop liquid observed on the hydrophobic portion of the substrate during the impact of low velocity drops makes the drop liquid on the higher wettability portion to advance further (secondary drop spreading). The net horizontal drop velocity towards the hydrophilic portion of the dual-textured substrate decreases with increasing drop impact velocity. The available experimental results suggest that the movement of bulk drop liquid away from the impact point during drop impact on the dual-textured substrate is larger for the impact of low inertia drops. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The three-dimensional (3D) NMR solution structure (MeOH) of the highly hydrophobic δ-conotoxin δ-Am2766 from the molluscivorous snail Conus amadis has been determined. Fifteen converged structures were obtained on the basis of 262 distance constraints, 25 torsion-angle constraints, and ten constraints based on disulfide linkages and H-bonds. The root-mean-square deviations (rmsd) about the averaged coordinates of the backbone (N, Cα, C) and (all) heavy atoms were 0.62±0.20 and 1.12±0.23 Å, respectively. The structures determined are of good stereochemical quality, as evidenced by the high percentage (100%) of backbone dihedral angles that occupy favorable and additionally allowed regions of the Ramachandran map. The structure of δ-Am2766 consists of a triple-stranded antiparallel β-sheet, and of four turns. The three disulfides form the classical ‘inhibitory cysteine knot’ motif. So far, only one tertiary structure of a δ-conotoxin has been reported; thus, the tertiary structure of δ-Am2766 is the second such example.Another Conus peptide, Am2735 from C. amadis, has also been purified and sequenced. Am2735 shares 96% sequence identity with δ-Am2766. Unlike δ-Am2766, Am2735 does not inhibit the fast inactivation of Na+ currents in rat brain Nav1.2 Na+ channels at concentrations up to 200 nM.


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Experiments and computer simulations demonstrate that water spontaneously fills the hydrophobic cavity of a carbon nanotube. To gain a quantitative thermodynamic understanding of this phenomenon, we use the recently developed two phase thermodynamics method to compute translational and rotational entropies of confined water molecules inside single-walled carbon nanotubes and show that the increase in energy of a water molecule inside the nanotube is compensated by the gain in its rotational entropy. The confined water is in equilibrium with the bulk water and the Helmholtz free energy per water molecule of confined water is the same as that in the bulk within the accuracy of the simulation results. A comparison of translational and rotational spectra of water molecules confined in carbon nanotubes with that of bulk water shows significant shifts in the positions of the spectral peaks that are directly related to the tube radius. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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Ethidium bromide is one of the best known DNA intercalator. Upon intercalation inside DNA, the fluorescence due to ethidium bromide gets enhanced by many orders of magnitude. In this paper, we employed ethidium bromide as a probe for studying surfactant-DNA complexation using fluorescence spectroscopy and agarose gel electrophoresis. Surfactants of different charge types and chain lengths were used and the results were compared with that of the related small organic cations or salts under comparable conditions. The cationic surfactants induced destabilization of the ethidium bromide-DNA complex at concentrations in orders of magnitude lower than that of the small organic cations or salts. In contrast however, the anionic surfactants failed to promote any such destabilization of probe-DNA complex. DNA loses its ethidium bromide stainability in the presence of high concentration of cationic surfactant aggregates as revealed from agarose gel electrophoresis experiments. Inclusion of surfactants and other additives into the DNA generally enhanced the DNA double-strand to single strand transition melting temperatures by a few degrees, in a concentration-dependent manner and at high surfactant concentration melting profiles got broadened.


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A one-dimensional water wire has been characterized by X-ray diffraction in single crystals of the tripeptide Ac-Phe-Pro-Trp-OMe. Crystals in the hexagonal space group P6(5) reveal a central hydrophobic channel lined by aromatic residues which entraps an approximately linear array of hydrogen bonded water molecules. The absence of any significant van der Waals contact with the channel walls suggests that the dominant interaction between the ``water wire'' and ``peptide nanotube'' is electrostatic in origin. An energy difference of 16 KJmol(-1) is estimated for the distinct orientations of the water wire dipole with respect to the macrodipole of the peptide nanotube. The structural model suggests that Grotthuss type proton conduction may, through constricted hydrophobic channels, be facilitated by concerted, rotational reorientation of water molecules.


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Binary mixtures have strong influence on activities of polymers and biopolymers even at low cosolvent concentration. Among the several aqueous binary mixtures studied, water-DMSO especially stands out for its unusual behavior at certain specific concentrations of DMSO. In the present work, we study the effect of water-DMSO binary mixture on polymers and biopolymers by taking a simple linear hydrocarbon chain of intermediate length (n = 30) and the protein lysozyme, respectively. We find that at a mole fraction of 0.05 of DMSO (x(DMSO) = 0.05) in aqueous solution, the hydrocarbon chain adopts the collapsed conformation as the most stable and rigid state. In this case of 0.05 mole fraction of DMSO in bulk, the DMSO concentration in the first hydration layer around the polymer is found to be as large as 17%. Formation of such hydrophobic environment around the polymer is the reason for the collapsed state gaining so much stability. Interestingly, similar quench of conformational fluctuation is also observed for the protein investigated. It is observed that in the case of alkane polymer chains, long wavelength fluctuation gets easily quenched, the polymer being purely hydrophobic. However, in case of the protein, quench of fluctuation is prominent only at the hydrophobic surface, and quench of long wavelength fluctuation becomes insignificant for the full protein. As protein contains both hydrophobic and hydrophilic moieties, the extent of quench of conformational fluctuation with respect to that in pure water is almost half for the biopolymer complex (16.83%) than the same for pure hydrophobic polymer chain (32.43%).


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The interaction of guar gum with the hydrophobic solids namely talc, mica and graphite has been investigated through adsorption, electrokinetic and flotation experiments. The adsorption densities of guar gum onto the above hydrophobic minerals show that they are more or less independent of pH. The adsorption isotherms of guar gum onto talc, mica and graphite indicate that the adsorption densities increase with increase in guar gum concentration and all the isotherms follow the as L1 type according to Giles classification. The magnitude of the adsorption density of guar gum onto the above minerals may be arranged in the following sequence: talc > graphite > mica The effect of particle size on the adsorption density of guar gum onto these minerals has indicated that higher adsorption takes place in the coarser size fraction, consequent to an increase in the surface face-to-edge ratio. In the case of the talc and mica samples pretreated with EDTA and the leached graphite sample, a decrease in the adsorption density of guar gum is observed, due to a reduction in the metallic adsorption sites. The adsorption densities of guar gum increase with decrease in sample weight for all the three minerals. Electrokinetic measurements have indicated that the isoelectric points (iep) of these minerals lie between pH 2-3, Addition of guar gum decreases the negative electrophoretic mobility values in proportion to the guar gum concentration without any observable shift in the iep values, resembling the influence of an indifferent electrolyte. The flotation recovery is diminished in the presence of guar gum for all the three minerals, The magnitude of depression follows the same sequence as observed in the adsorption studies. The floatability of EDTA treated talc and mica samples as well as the leached graphite sample is enhanced, complementing the adsorption data, Possible mechanisms of interaction between the hydrophobic minerals and guar gum are discussed.