120 resultados para Human Neuronal Protein

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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HCV NS3 protein plays a central role in viral polyprotein processing and RNA replication. We demonstrate that the NS3 protease (NS3(pro)) domain alone can specifically bind to HCV-IRES RNA, predominantly in the SLIV region. The cleavage activity of the NS3 protease domain is reduced upon HCV-RNA binding. More importantly, NS3(pro) binding to the SLIV hinders the interaction of La protein, a cellular IRES-trans acting factor required for HCV IRES-mediated translation, resulting in inhibition of HCV-IRES activity. Although overexpression of both NS3(pro) as well as the full length NS3 protein decreased the level of HCV IRES mediated translation, replication of HCV replicon RNA was enhanced significantly. These observations suggest that the NS3(pro) binding to HCV IRES reduces translation in favor of RNA replication. The competition between the host factor (La) and the viral protein (NS3) for binding to HCV IRES might regulate the molecular switch from translation to replication of HCV.


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J-proteins are obligate cochaperones of Hsp70s and stimulate their ATPase activity via the J-domain. Although the functions of J-proteins have been well understood in the context of Hsp70s, their additional co-evolved ``physiological functions'' are still elusive. We report here the solution structure and mechanism of novel iron-mediated functional roles of human Dph4, a type III J-protein playing a vital role in diphthamide biosynthesis and normal development. The NMR structure of Dph4 reveals two domains: a conserved J-domain and a CSL-domain connected via a flexible linker-helix. The linker-helix modulates the conformational flexibility between the two domains, regulating thereby the protein function. Dph4 exhibits a unique ability to bind iron in tetrahedral coordination geometry through cysteines of its CSL-domain. The oxidized Fe-Dph4 shows characteristic UV-visible and electron paramagnetic resonance spectral properties similar to rubredoxins. Iron-bound Dph4 (Fe-Dph4) also undergoes oligomerization, thus potentially functioning as a transient ``iron storage protein,'' thereby regulating the intracellular iron homeostasis. Remarkably, Fe-Dph4 exhibits vital redox and electron carrier activity, which is critical for important metabolic reactions, including diphthamide biosynthesis. Further, we observed that Fe-Dph4 is conformationally better poised to perform Hsp70-dependent functions, thus underlining the significance of iron binding in Dph4. Yeast Jjj3, a functional ortholog of human Dph4 also shows a similar iron-binding property, indicating the conserved nature of iron sequestration across species. Taken together, our findings provide invaluable evidence in favor of additional co-evolved specialized functions of J-proteins, previously not well appreciated.


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Due to limited available therapeutic options, developing new lead compounds against hepatitis C virus is an urgent need. Human La protein stimulates hepatitis C virus translation through interaction with the hepatitis C viral RNA. A cyclic peptide mimicking the beta-turn of the human La protein that interacts with the viral RNA was synthesized. It inhibits hepatitis C viral RNA translation significantly better than the corresponding linear peptide at longer post-treatment times. The cyclic peptide also inhibited replication as measured by replicon RNA levels using real time RT-PCR. The cyclic peptide emerges as a promising lead compound against hepatitis C.


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Human La protein has been implicated in facilitating the internal initiation of translation as well as replication of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA. Previously, we demonstrated that La interacts with the HCV internal ribosome entry site (IRES) around the GCAC motif near the initiator AUG within stem-loop IV by its RNA recognition motif (RRM) (residues 112 to 184) and influences HCV translation. In this study, we have deciphered the role of this interaction in HCV replication in a hepatocellular carcinoma cell culture system. We incorporated mutation of the GCAC motif in an HCV monocistronic subgenomic replicon and a pJFH1 construct which altered the binding of La and checked HCV RNA replication by reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR). The mutation drastically affected HCV replication. Furthermore, to address whether the decrease in replication is a consequence of translation inhibition or not, we incorporated the same mutation into a bicistronic replicon and observed a substantial decrease in HCV RNA levels. Interestingly, La overexpression rescued this inhibition of replication. More importantly, we observed that the mutation reduced the association between La and NS5B. The effect of the GCAC mutation on the translation-to-replication switch, which is regulated by the interplay between NS3 and La, was further investigated. Additionally, our analyses of point mutations in the GCAC motif revealed distinct roles of each nucleotide in HCV replication and translation. Finally, we showed that a specific interaction of the GCAC motif with human La protein is crucial for linking 5' and 3' ends of the HCV genome. Taken together, our results demonstrate the mechanism of regulation of HCV replication by interaction of the cis-acting element GCAC within the HCV IRES with human La protein.


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Human La protein is known to be an essential host factor for translation and replication of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA. Previously, we have demonstrated that residues responsible for interaction of human La protein with the HCV internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) around the initiator AUG within stem-loop IV form a beta-turn in the RNA recognition motif (RRM) structure. In this study, sequence alignment and mutagenesis suggest that the HCV RNA-interacting beta-turn is conserved only in humans and chimpanzees, the species primarily known to be infected by HCV. A 7-mer peptide corresponding to the HCV RNA-interacting region of human La inhibits HCV translation, whereas another peptide corresponding to the mouse La sequence was unable to do so. Furthermore, IRES-mediated translation was found to be significantly high in the presence of recombinant human La protein in vitro in rabbit reticulocyte lysate. We observed enhanced replication with HCV subgenomic and full-length replicons upon overexpression of either human La protein or a chimeric mouse La protein harboring a human La beta-turn sequence in mouse cells. Taken together, our results raise the possibility of creating an immunocompetent HCV mouse model using human-specific cell entry factors and a humanized form of La protein.


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Three-dimensional (3D) structure determination of proteins is benefitted by long-range distance constraints comprising the methyl groups, which constitute the hydrophobic core of proteins. However, in methyl groups (of Ala, Ile, Leu, Met, Thr and Val) there is a significant overlap of C-13 and H-1 chemical shifts. Such overlap can be resolved using the recently proposed (3,2)D HCCH-COSY, a G-matrix Fourier transform (GFT) NMR based experiment, which facilitates editing of methyl groups into distinct spectral regions by combining their C-13 chemical shifts with that of the neighboring, directly attached, C-13 nucleus. Using this principle, we present three GFT experiments: (a) (4,3)D NOESY-HCCH, (b) (4,3)D H-1-TOCSY-HCCH and (c) (4,3)D C-13-TOCSY-HCCH. These experiments provide unique 4D spectral information rapidly with high sensitivity and resolution for side-chain resonance assignments and NOE analysis of methyl groups. This is exemplified by (4,3)D NOESY-HCCH data acquired for 17.9 kDa non-deuterated cytosolic human J-protein co-chaperone, which provided crucial long-range distance constraints for its 3D structure determination.


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We have investigated the possible role of a conserved cis-acting element, the cryptic AUG, present in the 5' UTR of coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) RNA. CVB3 5' UTR contains multiple AUG codons upstream of the initiator AUG, which are not used for the initiation of translation. The 48S ribosomal assembly takes place upstream of the cryptic AUG. We show here that mutation in the cryptic AUG results in reduced efficiency of translation mediated by the CVB3 IRES; mutation also reduces the interaction of mutant IRES with a well characterized IRES trans-acting factor, the human La protein. Furthermore, partial silencing of the La gene showed a decrease in IRES activity in the case of both the wild-type and mutant. We have demonstrated here that the interaction of the 48S ribosomal complex with mutant RNA was weaker compared with wild-type RNA by ribosome assembly analysis. We have also investigated by chemical and enzymic modifications the possible alteration in secondary structure in the mutant RNA. Results suggest that the secondary structure of mutant RNA was only marginally altered. Additionally, we have demonstrated by generating compensatory and non-specific mutations the specific function of the cryptic AUG in internal initiation. Results suggest that the effect of the cryptic AUG is specific and translation could not be rescued. However, a possibility of tertiary interaction of the cryptic AUG with other cis-acting elements cannot be ruled out. Taken together, it appears that the integrity of the cryptic AUG is important for efficient translation initiation by the CVB3 IRES RNA.


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Translation initiation of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA is the initial obligatory step of the viral life cycle, mediated through the internal ribosome entry site (IRES) present in the 5'-untranslated region (UTR). Initiation on the HCV IRES is mediated by multiple structure-specific interactions between IRES RNA and host 40S ribosomal subunit. In the present study we demonstrate that the SLIIIef domain, in isolation from other structural elements of HCV IRES, retain the ability to interact with 40S ribosome subunit. A small RNA SLRef, mimicking the SLIIIef domain was found to interact specifically with human La protein and the ribosomal protein S5 and selectively inhibit HCV RNA translation. More importantly, SLRef RNA showed significant suppression of replication in HCV monocistronic replicon and decrease of negative strand synthesis in HCV cell culture system. Finally, using Sendai virus based virosome, the targeted delivery of SLRef RNA into mice liver succeeded in selectively inhibiting HCV IRES mediated translation in vivo.


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A newly implemented G-matrix Fourier transform (GFT) (4,3)D HC(C)CH experiment is presented in conjunction with (4,3)D HCCH to efficiently identify H-1/C-13 sugar spin systems in C-13 labeled nucleic acids. This experiment enables rapid collection of highly resolved relay 4D HC(C)CH spectral information, that is, shift correlations of C-13-H-1 groups separated by two carbon bonds. For RNA, (4,3)D HC(C)CH takes advantage of the comparably favorable 1'- and 3'-CH signal dispersion for complete spin system identification including 5'-CH. The (4,3)D HC(C)CH/HCCH based strategy is exemplified for the 30-nucleotide 3'-untranslated region of the pre-mRNA of human U1A protein.


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Recently, we have demonstrated that the protease domain of NS3 alone can bind specifically to hepatitis C virus (HCV) internal ribosome entry site (IRES) near the initiator AUG, dislodges human La protein and inhibits translation in favor of viral RNA replication. Here, by using a computational approach, the contact points of the protease on the HCV IRES were putatively mapped. A 30-mer NS3 peptide was designed from the predicted RNA-binding region that retained RNA-binding ability and also inhibited IRES-mediated translation. This peptide was truncated to 15 mer and this also demonstrated ability to inhibit HCV RNA-directed translation as well as replication. More importantly, its activity was tested in an in vivo mouse model by encapsulating the peptide in Sendai virus virosomes followed by intravenous delivery. The study demonstrates for the first time that the HCV NS3-IRES RNA interaction can be selectively inhibited using a small peptide and reports a strategy to deliver the peptide into the liver.


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The nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor (nAChR) is the major class of neurotransmitter receptors that is involved in many neurodegenerative conditions such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. The N-terminal region or Ligand Binding Domain (LBD) of nAChR is located at pre- and post-synaptic nervous system, which mediates synaptic transmission. nAChR acts as the drug target for agonist and competitive antagonist molecules that modulate signal transmission at the nerve terminals. Based on Acetylcholine Binding Protein (AChBP) from Lymnea stagnalis as the structural template, the homology modeling approach was carried out to build three dimensional model of the N-terminal region of human alpha(7)nAChR. This theoretical model is an assembly of five alpha(7) subunits with 5 fold axis symmetry, constituting a channel, with the binding picket present at the interface region of the subunits. alpha-netlrotoxin is a potent nAChR competitive antagonist that readily blocks the channel resulting in paralysis. The molecular interaction of alpha-Bungarotoxin, a long chain alpha-neurotoxin from (Bungarus multicinctus) and human alpha(7)nAChR seas studied. Agonists such as acetylcholine, nicotine, which are used in it diverse array of biological activities, such as enhancements of cognitive performances, were also docked with the theoretical model of human alpha(7)nAChR. These docked complexes were analyzed further for identifying the crucial residues involved i interaction. These results provide the details of interaction of agonists and competitive antagonists with three dimensional model of the N-terminal region of human alpha(7)nAChR and thereby point to the design of novel lead compounds.


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Addition of estradiol 17-beta to first trimester human placental minces resulted in an increased synthesis of a protein of apparent molecular weight 45 kDa. The specific involvement of estrogen in the stimulation of this protein was established by demonstrating a reduction in the level of this protein by the addition of CCS 16949 A, an inhibitor of aromatase, a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of estradiol 17-beta and ICI 182,780, an estrogen receptor antagonist. The protein was purified to homogeneity and N-terminal sequencing of two of the internal peptides obtained by enzymatic digestion of the protein, as well as the absence of a free N-terminal indicated that it could be actin. This was confirmed by Western blotting using commercially available actin antiserum. The role of estradiol 17-beta in the stimulation of actin synthesis in human placenta was also established by monitoring the quantitative inhibition of DNase I by actin.


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A lack of information on protein-protein interactions at the host-pathogen interface is impeding the understanding of the pathogenesis process. A recently developed, homology search-based method to predict protein-protein interactions is applied to the gastric pathogen, Helicobacter pylori to predict the interactions between proteins of H. pylori and human proteins in vitro. Many of the predicted interactions could potentially occur between the pathogen and its human host during pathogenesis as we focused mainly on the H. pylori proteins that have a transmembrane region or are encoded in the pathogenic island and those which are known to be secreted into the human host. By applying the homology search approach to protein-protein interaction databases DIP and iPfam, we could predict in vitro interactions for a total of 623 H. pylori proteins with 6559 human proteins. The predicted interactions include 549 hypothetical proteins of as yet unknown function encoded in the H. pylori genome and 13 experimentally verified secreted proteins. We have recognized 833 interactions involving the extracellular domains of transmembrane proteins of H. pylori. Structural analysis of some of the examples reveals that the interaction predicted by us is consistent with the structural compatibility of binding partners. Examples of interactions with discernible biological relevance are discussed.


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Background: Protein kinases are involved in diverse spectrum of cellular processes. Availability of draft version of the human genomic data in the year 2001 enabled recognition of repertoire of protein kinases. However, over the years the human genomic data is being refined and the current release of human genomic data has helped us to recognize a larger repertoire of over 900 human protein kinases represented mainly by splice variants. Results: Many of these identified protein kinases are alternatively spliced products. Interestingly, some of the human kinase splice variants appear to be significantly diverged in terms of their functional properties as represented by incorporation or absence of one or more domains. Many sets of protein kinase splice variants have substantially different domain organization and in a few sets of splice variants kinase domains belong to different subfamilies of kinases suggesting potential participation in different signal transduction pathways. Conclusions: Addition or deletion of a domain between splice variants of multi-domain kinases appears to be a means of generating differences in the functional features of otherwise similar kinases. It is intriguing that marked sequence diversity within the catalytic regions of some of the splice variant kinases result in kinases belonging to different subfamilies. These human kinase splice variants with different functions might contribute to diversity of eukaryotic cellular signaling.