171 resultados para Homologous recombination

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The red genes of phage lambda specify two proteins, exonuclease and beta protein, which are essential for its general genetic recombination in recA- cells. These proteins seem to occur in vivo as an equimolar complex. In addition, beta protein forms a complex with another polypeptide, probably of phage origin, of Mr 70,000. The 70-kDa protein appears to be neither a precursor nor an aggregated form of either exonuclease or beta protein, since antibodies directed against the latter two proteins failed to react with 70-kDa protein on Ouchterlony double diffusion analysis. beta protein promotes Mg2+-dependent renaturation of complementary strands (Kmiec, E., and Holloman, W. K. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 12636-12639). To look for other pairing activities of beta protein, we developed methods of purification to free it of associated exonuclease. Exonuclease-free beta protein appeared unable to cause the pairing of a single strand with duplex DNA; however, like Escherichia coli single strand binding protein (SSB), beta protein stimulated formation of joint molecules by recA protein from linear duplex DNA and homologous circular single strands. Like recA protein, but unlike SSB, beta protein promoted the joining of the complementary single-stranded ends of phage lambda DNA. beta protein specifically protected single-stranded DNA from digestion by pancreatic DNase. The half-time for renaturation catalyzed by beta protein was independent of DNA concentration, unlike renaturation promoted by SSB and spontaneous renaturation, which are second order reactions. Thus, beta protein resembles recA protein in its ability to bring single-stranded DNA molecules together and resembles SSB in its ability to reduce secondary structure in single-stranded DNA.


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The process of recombinational repair is crucial for maintaining genomic integrity and generating biological diversity. In association with RuvB and RuvC, RuvA plays a central role in processing and resolving Holliday junctions, which are a critical intermediate in homologous recombination. Here, the cloning, purification and structure determination of the RuvA protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtRuvA) are reported. Analysis of the structure and comparison with other known RuvA proteins reveal an octameric state with conserved subunit-subunit interaction surfaces, indicating the requirement of octamer formation for biological activity. A detailed analysis of plasticity in the RuvA molecules has led to insights into the invariant and variable regions, thus providing a framework for understanding regional flexibility in various aspects of RuvA function.


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The incorporation of DNA into nucleosomes and higher-order forms of chromatin in vivo creates difficulties with respect to its accessibility for cellular functions such as transcription, replication, repair and recombination. To understand the role of chromatin structure in the process of homologous recombination, we have studied the interaction of nucleoprotein filaments, comprised of RecA protein and ssDNA, with minichromosomes. Using this paradigm, we have addressed how chromatin structure affects the search for homologous DNA sequences, and attempted to distinguish between two mutually exclusive models of DNA-DNA pairing mechanisms. Paradoxically, we found that the search for homologous sequences, as monitored by unwinding of homologous or heterologous duplex DNA, was facilitated by nucleosomes, with no discernible effect on homologous pairing. More importantly, unwinding of minichromosomes required the interaction of nucleoprotein filaments and led to the accumulation of circular duplex DNA sensitive to nuclease P1. Competition experiments indicated that chromatin templates and naked DNA served as equally efficient targets for homologous pairing. These and other findings suggest that nucleosomes do not impede but rather facilitate the search for homologous sequences and establish, in accordance with one proposed model, that unwinding of duplex DNA precedes alignment of homologous sequences at the level of chromatin. The potential application of this model to investigate the role of chromosomal proteins in the alignment of homologous sequences in the context of cellular recombination is considered.


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The ability of E coli recA protein to promote homologous pairing with linear duplex DNA bound to HU protein (Nucleosome cores) was found to be differentially affected. The formation of paranemic joint molecules was not affected whereas the formation of plectomic joint molecules was inhibited from the start of the reaction. The formation of paranemic joint molecules between nucleoprotein filaments of recA protein-circular single stranded DNA and closed circular duplex DNA is believed to generate positive supercoiling in the duplex DNA. We found that the positively superhelical duplex DNA was inert in the formation of joint molecules but could be converted into an active substrate, in situ, by the action of wheat germ topoisomerase I. These observations initiate an understanding of the structural features of E coli chromosome such as DNA supercoiling and nucleosome-like structures in homologous recombination.


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Recent experimental studies have shown that the Rec-A mediated homologous recombination reaction involves a triple helical intermediate, in which the third strand base forms hydrogen bonds with both the bases in the major groove of the Watson-Crick duplex. Such 'mixed' hydrogen bonds allow formation of sequence independent triplexes. DNA triple helices involving 'mixed' hydrogen bonds have been studied, using model building, molecular mechanics (MM) and molecular dynamics (MD). Models were built for a tripler comprising all four possible triplets viz., G.C*C, C.G*G, A.T*T and T.A*A. To check the stability of all the 'mixed' hydrogen bonds in such triplexes and the conformational preferences of such tripler structures, MD studies were carried out starting from two structures with 30 degrees and 36 degrees twist between the basepairs. It was observed that though the two triplexes converged towards a similar structure, the various hydrogen bonds between the WC duplex and the third strand showed differential stabilities. An MD simulation with restrained hydrogen bonds showed that the resulting structure was stable and remained close to the starting structure. These studies help us in defining stable hydrogen bond geometries involving the third strand and the WC duplex. It was observed that in the C.G*G triplets the N7 atom of the second strand is always involved in hydrogen bonding. In the G.C*C triplets, either N3 or O2 in the third strand cytosine can interchangeably act as a hydrogen bond acceptor.


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Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD50, MRE11, and XRS2 genes are essential for telomere length maintenance, cell cycle checkpoint signaling, meiotic recombination, and DNA double-stranded break (DSB) repair via nonhomologous end joining and homologous recombination. The DSB repair pathways that draw upon Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 subunits are complex, so their mechanistic features remain poorly understood. Moreover, the molecular basis of DSB end resection in yeast mre11-nuclease deficient mutants and Mre11 nuclease-independent activation of ATM in mammals remains unknown and adds a new dimension to many unanswered questions about the mechanism of DSB repair. Here, we demonstrate that S. cerevisiae Mre11 (ScMre11) exhibits higher binding affinity for single-over double-stranded DNA and intermediates of recombination and repair and catalyzes robust unwinding of substrates possessing a 3' single-stranded DNA overhang but not of 5' overhangs or blunt-ended DNA fragments. Additional evidence disclosed that ScMre11 nuclease activity is dispensable for its DNA binding and unwinding activity, thus uncovering the molecular basis underlying DSB end processing in mre11 nuclease deficient mutants. Significantly, Rad50, Xrs2, and Sae2 potentiate the DNA unwinding activity of Mre11, thus underscoring functional interaction among the components of DSB end repair machinery. Our results also show that ScMre11 by itself binds to DSB ends, then promotes end bridging of duplex DNA, and directly interacts with Sae2. We discuss the implications of these results in the context of an alternative mechanism for DSB end processing and the generation of single-stranded DNA for DNA repair and homologous recombination.


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Here, we show that PARP inhibitor-mediated cell death of RAD51C-deficient cells occur by NHEJ-driven illegitimate repair of one-ended double-strand breaks, and the hypomorphic RAD51C pathological mutant cells can be targeted by `synergistic toxicity' induced by low-dose PARP inhibitor and IR.Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1) inhibitors are actively under clinical trials for the treatment of breast and ovarian cancers that arise due to mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2. The RAD51 paralog RAD51C has been identified as a breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene. The pathological RAD51C mutants that were identified in cancer patients are hypomorphic with partial repair function. However, targeting cancer cells that express hypomorphic mutants of RAD51C is highly challenging. Here, we report that RAD51C-deficient cells can be targeted by a `synthetic lethal' approach using PARP inhibitor and this sensitivity was attributed to accumulation of cells in the G(2)/M and chromosomal aberrations. In addition, spontaneous hyperactivation of PARP1 was evident in RAD51C-deficient cells. Interestingly, RAD51C-negative cells exhibited enhanced recruitment of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) proteins onto chromatin and this accumulation correlated with increased activity of error-prone NHEJ as well as genome instability leading to cell death. Notably, inhibition of DNA-PKcs or depletion of KU70 or Ligase IV rescued this phenotype. Strikingly, stimulation of NHEJ by low dose of ionizing radiation (IR) in the PARP inhibitor-treated RAD51C-deficient cells and cells expressing pathological RAD51C mutants induced enhanced toxicity `synergistically'. These results demonstrate that cancer cells arising due to hypomorphic mutations in RAD51C can be specifically targeted by a `synergistic approach' and imply that this strategy can be potentially applied to cancers with hypomorphic mutations in other homologous recombination pathway genes.


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RuvA, along with RuvB, is involved in branch migration of heteroduplex DNA in homologous recombination. The structures of three new crystal forms of RuvA from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtRuvA) have been determined. The RuvB-binding domain is cleaved off in one of them. Detailed models of the complexes of octameric RuvA from different species with the Holliday junction have also been constructed. A thorough examination of the structures presented here and those reported earlier brings to light the hitherto unappreciated role of the RuvB-binding domain in determining inter-domain orientation and oligomerization. These structures also permit an exploration of the interspecies variability of structural features such as oligomerization and the conformation of the loop that carries the acidic pin, in terms of amino acid substitutions. These models emphasize the additional role of the RuvB-binding domain in Holliday junction binding. This role along with its role in oligomerization could have important biological implications.


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DNA helicases are present in all kingdoms of life and play crucial roles in processes of DNA metabolism such as replication, repair, recombination, and transcription. To date, however, the role of DNA helicases during homologous recombination in mycobacteria remains unknown. In this study, we show that Mycobacterium tuberculosis UvrD1 more efficiently inhibited the strand exchange promoted by its cognate RecA, compared to noncognate Mycobacterium smegmatis or Escherichia coli RecA proteins. The M. tuberculosis UvrD1(Q276R) mutant lacking the helicase and ATPase activities was able to block strand exchange promoted by mycobacterial RecA proteins but not of E. coil RecA. We observed that M. tuberculosis UvrA by itself has no discernible effect on strand exchange promoted by E. coli RecA but impedes the reaction catalyzed by the mycobacterial RecA proteins. Our data also show that M. tuberculosis UvrA and UvrD1 can act together to inhibit strand exchange promoted by mycobacterial RecA proteins. Taken together, these findings raise the possibility that UvrD1 and UvrA might act together in vivo to counter the deleterious effects of RecA nucleoprotein filaments and/or facilitate the dissolution of recombination intermediates. Finally, we provide direct experimental evidence for a physical interaction between M. tuberculosis UvrD1 and RecA on one hand and RecA and UvrA on the other hand. These observations are consistent with a molecular mechanism, whereby M. tuberculosis UvrA and UvrD1, acting together, block DNA strand exchange promoted by cognate and noncognate RecA proteins.


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DNA helicases are present in all kingdoms of life and play crucial roles in processes of DNA metabolism such as replication, repair, recombination, and transcription. To date, however, the role of DNA helicases during homologous recombination in mycobacteria remains unknown. In this study, we show that Mycobacterium tuberculosis UvrD1 more efficiently inhibited the strand exchange promoted by its cognate RecA, compared to noncognate Mycobacterium smegmatis or Escherichia coli RecA proteins. The M. tuberculosis UvrD1(Q276R) mutant lacking the helicase and ATPase activities was able to block strand exchange promoted by mycobacterial RecA proteins but not of E. coil RecA. We observed that M. tuberculosis UvrA by itself has no discernible effect on strand exchange promoted by E. coli RecA but impedes the reaction catalyzed by the mycobacterial RecA proteins. Our data also show that M. tuberculosis UvrA and UvrD1 can act together to inhibit strand exchange promoted by mycobacterial RecA proteins. Taken together, these findings raise the possibility that UvrD1 and UvrA might act together in vivo to counter the deleterious effects of RecA nucleoprotein filaments and/or facilitate the dissolution of recombination intermediates. Finally, we provide direct experimental evidence for a physical interaction between M. tuberculosis UvrD1 and RecA on one hand and RecA and UvrA on the other hand. These observations are consistent with a molecular mechanism, whereby M. tuberculosis UvrA and UvrD1, acting together, block DNA strand exchange promoted by cognate and noncognate RecA proteins.


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Germline mutations in many of the genes that are involved in homologous recombination (HR)-mediated DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR) are associated with various human genetic disorders and cancer. RAD51 and RAD51 paralogs are important for HR and in the maintenance of genome stability. Despite the identification of five RAD51 paralogs over a decade ago, the molecular mechanism(s) by which RAD51 paralogs regulate HR and genome maintenance remains obscure. In addition to the known roles of RAD51C in early and late stages of HR, it also contributes to activation of the checkpoint kinase CHK2. One recent study identifies biallelic mutation in RAD51C leading to Fanconi anemia-like disorder. Whereas a second study reports monoallelic mutation in RAD51C associated with increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer. These reports show RAD51C is a cancer susceptibility gene. In this review, we focus on describing the functions of RAD51C in HR, DNA damage signaling and as a tumor suppressor with an emphasis on the new roles of RAD51C unveiled by these reports.


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One of the fundamental questions concerning homologous recombination is how RecA or its homologues recognize several DNA sequences with high affinity and catalyze all the diverse biological activities. In this study, we show that the extent of single-stranded DNA binding and strand exchange (SE) promoted by mycobacterial RecA proteins with DNA substrates having various degrees of GC content was comparable with that observed for Escherichia coli RecA. However, the rate and extent of SE promoted by these recombinases showed a strong negative correlation with increasing amounts of sequence divergence embedded at random across the length of the donor strand. Conversely, a positive correlation was seen between SE efficiency and the degree of sequence divergence in the recipient duplex DNA. The extent of heteroduplex formation was not significantly affected when both the pairing partners contained various degrees of sequence divergence, although there was a moderate decrease in the case of mycobacterial RecA proteins with substrates containing larger amounts of sequence divergence. Whereas a high GC content had no discernible effect on E. coli RecA coprotease activity, a negative correlation was apparent between mycobacterial RecA proteins and GC content. We further show clear differences in the extent of SE promoted by E. coli and mycobacterial RecA proteins in the presence of a wide range of ATP:ADP ratios. Taken together, our findings disclose the existence of functional diversity among E. coli and mycobacterial RecA nucleoprotein filaments, and the milieu of sequence divergence (i.e., in the donor or recipient) exerts differential effects on heteroduplex formation, which has implications for the emergence of new genetic variants.


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The occurrence of DNA architectural proteins containing two functional domains derived from two different architectural proteins is an interesting emerging research theme in the field of nucleoid structure and function. Mycobacterium tuberculosis HupB, unlike Escherichia coli HU, is a two-domain protein that, in the N-terminal region, shows broad sequence homology with bacterial HU. The long C-terminal extension, on the other hand, contains seven PAKK/KAAK motifs, which are characteristic of the histone H1/H5 family of proteins. In this article, we describe several aspects of HupB function, in comparison with its truncated derivatives lacking either the C-terminus or N-terminus. We found that HupB binds a variety of DNA repair and replication intermediates with K(d) values in the nanomolar range. By contrast, the N-terminal fragment of M. tuberculosis HupB (HupB(MtbN)) showed diminished DNA-binding activity, with K(d) values in the micromolar range, and the C-terminal domain was completely devoid of DNA-binding activity. Unlike HupB(MtbN), HupB was able to constrain DNA in negative supercoils and introduce negative superhelical turns into relaxed DNA. Similarly, HupB exerted a robust inhibitory effect on DNA strand exchange promoted by cognate and noncognate RecA proteins, whereas HupB(MtbN), even at a 50-fold molar excess, had no inhibitory effect. Considered together, these results suggest that synergy between the N-terminal and C-terminal domains of HupB is essential for its DNA-binding ability, and to modulate the topological features of DNA, which has implications for processes such as DNA compaction, gene regulation, homologous recombination, and DNA repair.


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Mycobacterium leprae is closely related to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, yet causes a very different illness. Detailed genomic comparison between these two species of mycobacteria reveals that the decaying M. leprae genome contains less than half of the M. tuberculosis functional genes. The reduction of genome size and accumulation of pseudogenes in the M. leprae genome is thought to result from multiple recombination events between related repetitive sequences, which provided the impetus to investigate the recombination-like activities of RecA protein. In this study, we have cloned, over-expressed and purified M. leprae RecA and compared its activities with that of M. tuberculosis RecA. Both proteins, despite being 91% identical at the amino acid level, exhibit strikingly different binding profiles for single-stranded DNA with varying GC contents, in the ability to catalyze the formation of D-loops and to promote DNA strand exchange. The kinetics and the extent of single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase and coprotease activities were nearly equivalent between these two recombinases. However, the degree of inhibition exerted by a range of ATP:ADP ratios was greater on strand exchange promoted by M. leprae RecA compared to its M. tuberculosis counterpart. Taken together, our results provide insights into the mechanistic aspects of homologous recombination and coprotease activity promoted by M. lepare RecA, and further suggests that it differs from the M. tuberculosis counterpart. These results are consistent with an emerging concept of DNA-sequence influenced structural differences in RecA nucleoprotein filaments and how these differences reflect on the multiple activities associated with RecA protein. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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RAD51C, a RAD51 paralog, has been implicated in homologous recombination (HR), and germ line mutations in RAD51C are known to cause Fanconi anemia (FA)-like disorder and breast and ovarian cancers. The role of RAD51C in the FA pathway of DNA interstrand cross-link (ICL) repair and as a tumor suppressor is obscure. Here, we report that RAD51C deficiency leads to ICL sensitivity, chromatid-type errors, and G(2)/M accumulation, which are hallmarks of the FA phenotype. We find that RAD51C is dispensable for ICL unhooking and FANCD2 monoubiquitination but is essential for HR, confirming the downstream role of RAD51C in ICL repair. Furthermore, we demonstrate that RAD51C plays a vital role in the HR-mediated repair of DNA lesions associated with replication. Finally, we show that RAD51C participates in ICL and double strand break-induced DNA damage signaling and controls intra-S-phase checkpoint through CHK2 activation. Our analyses with pathological mutants of RAD51C that were identified in FA and breast and ovarian cancers reveal that RAD51C regulates HR and DNA damage signaling distinctly. Together, these results unravel the critical role of RAD51C in the FA pathway of ICL repair and as a tumor suppressor.