22 resultados para Holography

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Digital holography is the direct recording of holograms using a CCD camera and is an alternative to the use of a film or a plate. In this communication in-line digital holographic microscopy has been explored for its application in particle imaging in 3D. Holograms of particles of about 10 mu m size have been digitally reconstructed. Digital focusing was done to image the particles in different planes along the depth of focus. Digital holographic particle imaging results were compared with conventional optical microscope imaging. A methodology for dynamic analysis of microparticles in 3D using in-line digital holography has been proposed.


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Complex amplitude encoded in any digital hologram must undergo quantization, usually in either polar or rectangular format . In this paper these two schemes are compared under the constraints and conditions inherent in digital holography . For Fourier transform holograms when the spectrum is levelled through phase coding, the rectangular format is shown to be optimal . In the absence of phase coding, and also if the amplitude spectrum has a large dynamic range, the polar format may be preferable .


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We present experimental validation of a new reconstruction method for off-axis digital holographic microscopy (DHM). This method effectively suppresses the object autocorrelation,namely, the zero-order term,from holographic data,thereby improving the reconstruction bandwidth of complex wavefronts. The algorithm is based on nonlinear filtering and can be applied to standard DHM setups with realistic recording conditions.We study the robustness of the technique under different experimental configurations,and quantitatively demonstrate its enhancement capabilities on phase signals.


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This paper describes the application of lensless in-line digital holographic microscopy (DHM) to carry out thermo-mechanical characterization of microheaters fabricated through PolyMUMPs three-layer polysilicon surface micromachining process and subjected to a high thermal load. The mechanical deformation of the microheaters on the electrothermal excitation due to thermal stress is analyzed. The numerically reconstructed holographic images of the microheaters clearly indicate the regions under high stress. A double-exposure method has been used to obtain the quantitative measurements of the deformations, from the phase analysis of the hologram fringes. The measured deformations correlate well with the theoretical values predicted by a thermo-mechanical analytical model. The results show that lensless in-line DHM with Fourier analysis is an effective method for evaluating the thermo-mechanical characteristics of MEMS components.


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One of the problems encountered when photographic emulsions are used as the recording medium in holography is the appreciable time delay before the reconstruction can be viewed. This is largely due to the number of steps involved in processing and can be annoying in many applications.


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Some very simple, compact optical systems for holography of diffusely reflecting objects, using off-axis, double-focus elements as beam splitters, are described. These are free from disadvantages inherent in earlier systems of this type.


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We address the problem of exact complex-wave reconstruction in digital holography. We show that, by confining the object-wave modulation to one quadrant of the frequency domain, and by maintaining a reference-wave intensity higher than that of the object, one can achieve exact complex-wave reconstruction in the absence of noise. A feature of the proposed technique is that the zero-order artifact, which is commonly encountered in hologram reconstruction, can be completely suppressed in the absence of noise. The technique is noniterative and nonlinear. We also establish a connection between the reconstruction technique and homomorphic signal processing, which enables an interpretation of the technique from the perspective of deconvolution. Another key contribution of this paper is a direct link between the reconstruction technique and the two-dimensional Hilbert transform formalism proposed by Hahn. We show that this connection leads to explicit Hilbert transform relations between the magnitude and phase of the complex wave encoded in the hologram. We also provide results on simulated as well as experimental data to validate the accuracy of the reconstruction technique. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America


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We consider counterterms for odd dimensional holographic conformal field theories (CFTs). These counterterms are derived by demanding cutoff independence of the CFT partition function on S-d and S-1 x Sd-1. The same choice of counterterms leads to a cutoff independent Schwarzschild black hole entropy. When treated as independent actions, these counterterm actions resemble critical theories of gravity, i.e., higher curvature gravity theories where the additional massive spin-2 modes become massless. Equivalently, in the context of AdS/CFT, these are theories where at least one of the central charges associated with the trace anomaly vanishes. Connections between these theories and logarithmic CFTs are discussed. For a specific choice of parameters, the theories arising from counterterms are nondynamical and resemble a Dirac-Born-Infeld generalization of gravity. For even dimensional CFTs, analogous counterterms cancel log-independent cutoff dependence.


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We consider holographic entanglement entropy in higher derivative gravity theories. Recently Lewkowycz and Maldacena 1] have provided a method to derive the equations for the entangling surface from first principles. We use this method to compute the entangling surface in four derivative gravity. Certain interesting differences compared to the two derivative case are pointed out. For Gauss-Bonnet gravity, we show that in the regime where this method is applicable, the resulting equations coincide with proposals in the literature as well as with what follows from considerations of the stress tensor on the entangling surface. Finally we demonstrate that the area functional in Gauss-Bonnet holography arises as a counterterm needed to make the Euclidean action free of power law divergences.


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We consider generalized gravitational entropy in various higher derivative theories of gravity dual to four dimensional CFTs using the recently proposed regularization of squashed cones. We derive the universal terms in the entanglement entropy for spherical and cylindrical surfaces. This is achieved by constructing the Fefferman-Graham expansion for the leading order metrics for the bulk geometry and evaluating the generalized gravitational entropy. We further show that the Wald entropy evaluated in the bulk geometry constructed for the regularized squashed cones leads to the correct universal parts of the entanglement entropy for both spherical and cylindrical entangling surfaces. We comment on the relation with the Iyer-Wald formula for dynamical horizons relating entropy to a Noether charge. Finally we show how to derive the entangling surface equation in Gauss-Bonnet holography.


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We compute the leading corrections to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the Flat Space Cosmological (FSC) solutions in 3D flat spacetimes, which are the flat analogues of the BTZ black holes in AdS(3). The analysis is done by a computation of density of states in the dual 2D Galilean Conformal Field Theory and the answer obtained by this matches with the limiting value of the expected result for the BTZ inner horizon entropy as well as what is expected for a generic thermodynamic system. Along the way, we also develop other aspects of holography of 3D flat spacetimes.


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We analytically evaluate the Renyi entropies for the two dimensional free boson CFT. The CFT is considered to be compactified on a circle and at finite temperature. The Renyi entropies S-n are evaluated for a single interval using the two point function of bosonic twist fields on a torus. For the case of the compact boson, the sum over the classical saddle points results in the Riemann-Siegel theta function associated with the A(n-1) lattice. We then study the Renyi entropies in the decompactification regime. We show that in the limit when the size of the interval becomes the size of the spatial circle, the entanglement entropy reduces to the thermal entropy of free bosons on a circle. We then set up a systematic high temperature expansion of the Renyi entropies and evaluate the finite size corrections for free bosons. Finally we compare these finite size corrections both for the free boson CFT and the free fermion CFT with the one-loop corrections obtained from bulk three dimensional handlebody spacetimes which have higher genus Riemann surfaces as its boundary. One-loop corrections in these geometries are entirely determined by quantum numbers of the excitations present in the bulk. This implies that the leading finite size corrections contributions from one-loop determinants of the Chern-Simons gauge field and the Dirac field in the dual geometry should reproduce that of the free boson and the free fermion CFT respectively. By evaluating these corrections both in the bulk and in the CFT explicitly we show that this expectation is indeed true.


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In this paper, based on the AdS(4)/CFT3 duality, we have explored the precise connection between the abelian Chern-Simons (CS) Higgs model in (2 + 1) dimensions to that with its dual gravitational counterpart living in one higher dimension. It has been observed that theU(1) current computed at the boundary of the AdS(4) could be expressed as the local function of the vortex solution that has the remarkable structural similarity to that with the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) type local expression for the current associated with the Maxwell-CS type vortices in (2 + 1) dimensions. In order to explore this duality a bit further we have also computed the coherence length as well as the magnetic penetration depth associated with these vortices. Finally using the knowledge of both the coherence length as well as the magnetic penetration depth we have computed the Ginzburg-Landau coefficient for the Maxwell-CS type vortices in (2 + 1) dimensions.


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We consider a system consisting of 5 dimensional gravity with a negative cosmological constant coupled to a massless scalar, the dilaton. We construct a black brane solution which arises when the dilaton satisfies linearly varying boundary conditions in the asymptotically AdS(5) region. The geometry of this black brane breaks rotational symmetry while preserving translational invariance and corresponds to an anisotropic phase of the system. Close to extremality, where the anisotropy is big compared to the temperature, some components of the viscosity tensor become parametrically small compared to the entropy density. We study the quasi normal modes in considerable detail and find no instability close to extremality. We also obtain the equations for fluid mechanics for an anisotropic driven system in general, working upto first order in the derivative expansion for the stress tensor, and identify additional transport coefficients which appear in the constitutive relation. For the fluid of interest we find that the parametrically small viscosity can result in a very small force of friction, when the fluid is enclosed between appropriately oriented parallel plates moving with a relative velocity.


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We examine relative entropy in the context of the higher spin/CFT duality. We consider 3D bulk configurations in higher spin gravity which are dual to the vacuum and a high temperature state of a CFT with W-algebra symmetries in the presence of a chemical potential for a higher spin current. The relative entropy between these states is then evaluated using the Wilson line functional for holographic entanglement entropy. In the limit of small entangling intervals, the relative entropy should vanish for a generic quantum system. We confirm this behavior by showing that the difference in the expectation values of the modular Hamiltonian between the states matches with the difference in the entanglement entropy in the short-distance regime. Additionally, we compute the relative entropy of states corresponding to smooth solutions in the SL(2, Z) family with respect to the vacuum.