14 resultados para Hedge Funds

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Metal Auger intensity ratios of the type Z(CVV)/I(CC'V) and Z(CVV)/Z(CC'C"), where C, C' and C" denote core levels and V stands for a valence level, are shown to increase progressively with the number of valence electrons in the metal in the case of second-row transition metals and their oxides. Metal Auger intensity ratios in chalcogenides of transition metals can be correlated by taking the effective atomic charge on the metal into consideration. The possible use of metal Auger intensity ratios in the study of surface oxidation of second-row transition metals is illustrated in the case of zirconium.


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Methanol adsorbs molecularly on the surfaces of Cu–Pd alloys at low temperatures and transforms to CH3O or CO on warming, depending upon the alloy composition. On oxygen presorbed Cu–Pd alloy surfaces, adsorption of methanol gives rise to H2O and H2CO. CH3OH adsorbed molecularly on the surfaces of Cu–Au alloys and CH3O is formed only at relatively high temperatures.


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L$_{23}$ M$_{45}$ M$_{45}$/L$_{23}$ M$_{23}$ M$_{45}$, L$_{23}$ M$_{45}$ M$_{45}$/L$_{23}$ M$_{23}$ M$_{23}$ and L$_{23}$ M$_{23}$ M$_{45}$/L$_{23}$ M$_{23}$ M$_{23}$ Auger intensity ratios in transition metal oxides and sulphides are shown to be directly related to the number of valence electrons in the metal as well as to its oxidation state. The metal Auger intensity ratios provide a unique probe, independent of O (KLL) intensity, to study surface oxidation states of metals. These intensity ratios have been effectively employed to investigate surface oxidation of nickel, iron and copper. The oxidation studies have unravelled some interesting aspects of surface oxidation.


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Ultraviolet and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy have been employed to investigate the adsorption of methanol, ethanol, diethylether, acetaldehyde, acetone, methyl acetate and methylamine on surfaces of Fe, Ni and Cu. All these molecules adsorb molecularly at low temperatures (≤100 K). Lone pair orbitals of these molecules are stabilized on these metal surfaces (by 0·4–1·0eV) due to molecular chemisorption. The molecules generally undergo transformations as the temperature is raised to 120 K or above. The new species produced seems to depend on the metal surface. Some of the product species identified are methoxy species, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide in the case of methanol and methyl acetate, ethoxy species in the case of ethanol and 2-propanol in the case of acetone.


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Nanotechnology is a new technology which is generating a lot of interest among academicians, practitioners and scientists. Critical research is being carried out in this area all over the world.Governments are creating policy initiatives to promote developments it the nanoscale science and technology developments. Private investment is also seeing a rising trend. Large number of academic institutions and national laboratories has set up research centers that are workingon the multiple applications of nanotechnology. Wide ranges of applications are claimed for nanotechnology. This consists of materials, chemicals, textiles, semiconductors, to wonder drug delivery systems and diagnostics. Nanotechnology is considered to be a next big wave of technology after information technology and biotechnology. In fact, nanotechnology holds the promise of advances that exceed those achieved in recent decades in computers and biotechnology. Much interest in nanotechnology also could be because of the fact that enormous monetary benefits are expected from nanotechnology based products. According to NSF, revenues from nanotechnology could touch $ 1 trillion by 2015. However much of the benefits are projected ones. Realizing claimed benefits require successful development of nanoscience andv nanotechnology research efforts. That is the journey of invention to innovation has to be completed. For this to happen the technology has to flow from laboratory to market. Nanoscience and nanotechnology research efforts have to come out in the form of new products, new processes, and new platforms.India has also started its Nanoscience and Nanotechnology development program in under its 10(th) Five Year Plan and funds worth Rs. One billion have been allocated for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research and Development. The aim of the paper is to assess Nanoscience and Nanotechnology initiatives in India. We propose a conceptual model derived from theresource based view of the innovation. We have developed a structured questionnaire to measure the constructs in the conceptual model. Responses have been collected from 115 scientists and engineers working in the field of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. The responses have been analyzed further by using Principal Component Analysis, Cluster Analysis and Regression Analysis.


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: Within two months of the first report on quasicrystals in PRL in November 1984, Indian research which had a 'premature discovery' in 1978 in this area got under way, In the past nine years these efforts have led to original discoveries relating to new types of quasicrystalline phases as well as extensive investigations involving tiling theory, hyperspace, positron annihilation and electrical properties, These researches have been multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary. Enlightened and generous funding was extended by DST from 1986 by recognizing it as a thrust area in basic research via SERC and US-India Funds. International recognition, subjective though it is, in the form of citation of Indian papers, invited lectures and reviews, books as well as the membership of International Advisory Committee has followed and is among the highest in the fields of condensed matter science covered at the Bangalore meeting, Future directions pertaining to the exploration of mechanical and electronic properties as well as structures beyond the quasicrystalline order will be pointed out.


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The catalytic oxidation and decomposition of NH3 have been carried out over combustion synthesized Al2O3 and CeO2 supported Pt, Pd and Ag catalysts using temperature programmed reaction (TPR) technique in a packed bed tubular reactor. Metals are ionically dispersed over CeO2 and fine metal particles are found on Al2O3. NH3 oxidation occurs over 1% Pt/Al2O3, 1% Pd/Al2O3 and 1% Ag/Al2O3 at 175, 270 and 350 C respectively producing N-2, NO, N2O and H2O, whereas 1% Pt/CeO2, 1% Pd/CeO2 and 1% Ag/CeO2 give N-2 along with NO, N2O and H2O at 200, 225 and 250degreesC respectively. N-2 predominates over other nitrogen-containing products during the reaction on all catalysts. At less O-2 concentration, N-2 and H2O are the only products obtained during NH3 Oxidation. NH3 decomposition over all the catalysts occurs above 450degreesC.


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We address the problem of allocating a single divisible good to a number of agents. The agents have concave valuation functions parameterized by a scalar type. The agents report only the type. The goal is to find allocatively efficient, strategy proof, nearly budget balanced mechanisms within the Groves class. Near budget balance is attained by returning as much of the received payments as rebates to agents. Two performance criteria are of interest: the maximum ratio of budget surplus to efficient surplus, and the expected budget surplus, within the class of linear rebate functions. The goal is to minimize them. Assuming that the valuation functions are known, we show that both problems reduce to convex optimization problems, where the convex constraint sets are characterized by a continuum of half-plane constraints parameterized by the vector of reported types. We then propose a randomized relaxation of these problems by sampling constraints. The relaxed problem is a linear programming problem (LP). We then identify the number of samples needed for ``near-feasibility'' of the relaxed constraint set. Under some conditions on the valuation function, we show that value of the approximate LP is close to the optimal value. Simulation results show significant improvements of our proposed method over the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism without rebates. In the special case of indivisible goods, the mechanisms in this paper fall back to those proposed by Moulin, by Guo and Conitzer, and by Gujar and Narahari, without any need for randomization. Extension of the proposed mechanisms to situations when the valuation functions are not known to the central planner are also discussed. Note to Practitioners-Our results will be useful in all resource allocation problems that involve gathering of information privately held by strategic users, where the utilities are any concave function of the allocations, and where the resource planner is not interested in maximizing revenue, but in efficient sharing of the resource. Such situations arise quite often in fair sharing of internet resources, fair sharing of funds across departments within the same parent organization, auctioning of public goods, etc. We study methods to achieve near budget balance by first collecting payments according to the celebrated VCG mechanism, and then returning as much of the collected money as rebates. Our focus on linear rebate functions allows for easy implementation. The resulting convex optimization problem is solved via relaxation to a randomized linear programming problem, for which several efficient solvers exist. This relaxation is enabled by constraint sampling. Keeping practitioners in mind, we identify the number of samples that assures a desired level of ``near-feasibility'' with the desired confidence level. Our methodology will occasionally require subsidy from outside the system. We however demonstrate via simulation that, if the mechanism is repeated several times over independent instances, then past surplus can support the subsidy requirements. We also extend our results to situations where the strategic users' utility functions are not known to the allocating entity, a common situation in the context of internet users and other problems.


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Expanding energy access to the rural population of India presents a critical challenge for its government. The presence of 364 million people without access to electricity and 726 million who rely on biomass for cooking indicate both the failure of past policies and programs, and the need for a radical redesign of the current system. We propose an integrated implementation framework with recommendations for adopting business principles with innovative institutional, regulatory, financing and delivery mechanisms. The framework entails establishment of rural energy access authorities and energy access funds, both at the national and regional levels, to be empowered with enabling regulatory policies, capital resources and the support of multi-stakeholder partnership. These institutions are expected to design, lead, manage and monitor the rural energy interventions. At the other end, trained entrepreneurs would be expected to establish bioenergy-based micro-enterprises that will produce and distribute energy carriers to rural households at an affordable cost. The ESCOs will function as intermediaries between these enterprises and the international carbon market both in aggregating carbon credits and in trading them under CDM. If implemented, such a program could address the challenges of rural energy empowerment by creating access to modern energy carriers and climate change mitigation. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Users can rarely reveal their information need in full detail to a search engine within 1--2 words, so search engines need to "hedge their bets" and present diverse results within the precious 10 response slots. Diversity in ranking is of much recent interest. Most existing solutions estimate the marginal utility of an item given a set of items already in the response, and then use variants of greedy set cover. Others design graphs with the items as nodes and choose diverse items based on visit rates (PageRank). Here we introduce a radically new and natural formulation of diversity as finding centers in resistive graphs. Unlike in PageRank, we do not specify the edge resistances (equivalently, conductances) and ask for node visit rates. Instead, we look for a sparse set of center nodes so that the effective conductance from the center to the rest of the graph has maximum entropy. We give a cogent semantic justification for turning PageRank thus on its head. In marked deviation from prior work, our edge resistances are learnt from training data. Inference and learning are NP-hard, but we give practical solutions. In extensive experiments with subtopic retrieval, social network search, and document summarization, our approach convincingly surpasses recently-published diversity algorithms like subtopic cover, max-marginal relevance (MMR), Grasshopper, DivRank, and SVMdiv.


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The high level of public accountability attached to Public Sector Enterprises as a result of public ownership makes them socially responsible. The Committee of Public Undertakings in 1992 examined the issue relating to social obligations of Central Public Sector Enterprises and observed that ``being part of the `State', every Public Sector enterprise has a moral responsibility to play an active role in discharging the social obligations endowed on a welfare state, subject to the financial health of the enterprise''. It issued the Corporate Social Responsibility Guidelines in 2010 where all Central Public Enterprises, through a Board Resolution, are mandated to create a CSR budget as a specified percentage of net profit of the previous year. This paper examines the CSR activities of the biggest engineering public sector organization in India, Bharath Heavy Electricals Limited. The objectives are twofold, one, to develop a case study of the organization about the funds allocated and utilized for various CSR activities, and two, to examine its status with regard to other organizations, the 2010 guidelines, and the local socio-economic development. Secondary data analysis results show three interesting trends. One, it reveals increasing organizational social orientation with the formal guidelines in place. Two, Firms can no longer continue to exploit environmental resources and escape from their responsibilities by acting separate entities regardless of the interest of the society and Three the thrust of CSR in public sector is on inclusive growth, sustainable development and capacity building with due attention to the socio-economic needs of the neglected and marginalized sections of the society.


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India's energy challenges are three pronged: presence of majority energy poor lacking access to modern energy; need for expanding energy system to bridge this access gap as well as to meet the requirements of fast-growing economy; and the desire to partner with global economies in mitigating the threat of climate change. The presence of 364 million people without access to electricity and 726 million relying on biomass for cooking out of a total rural population of 809 million indicate the seriousness of challenge. In this paper, we discuss an innovative approach to address this challenge, which intends to take advantage of recent global developments and untapped capabilities possessed by India. Intention is to use climate change mitigation imperative as a stimulus and adopt a public-private-partnership-driven ‘business model' with innovative institutional, regulatory, financing, and delivery mechanisms. Some of the innovations are: creation of rural energy access authorities within the government system as leadership institutions; establishment of energy access funds to enable transitions from the regime of "investment/fuel subsidies" to "incentive-linked" delivery of energy services; integration of business principles to facilitate affordable and equitable energy sales and carbon trade; and treatment of entrepreneurs as implementation targets. This proposal targets 100% access to modern energy carriers by 2030 through a judicious mix of conventional and biomass energy systems with an investment of US$35 billion over 20 years. The estimated annual cost of universal energy access is about US$9 billion for a GHG mitigation potential of 213Tg CO2e at an abatement cost of US$41/tCO2e. It is a win-win situation for all stakeholders. Households benefit from modern energy carriers at affordable cost; entrepreneurs run profitable energy enterprises; carbon markets have access to CERs; the government has the satisfaction of securing energy access to rural people; and globally, there is a benefit of climate change mitigation.


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Tracking systems, that continually orient photovoltaic (PV) panels towards the Sun, are expected to increase the power output from the PV panels. Tremendous amount of research is being done and funds are being spent in order to increase the efficiency of PV cells to generate more power. We report the performance of two almost identical PV systems; one at a fixed latitude tilt and the other on a two-axis tracker. We observed that the fixed axis PV panels generated 336.3 kWh, and the dual-axis Sun-tracked PV panels generated 407.2 kWh during August 2012 March 2013. The tracked panels generated 21.2% more electricity than the optimum tilt angle fixed-axis panels. The cost payback calculations indicate that the additional cost of the tracker can be recovered in 450 days.


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The emission intensity of fluorophore molecule may change in presence of strong plasmon field induced by nanoparticles. The enhancement intensity is optimized through selective clustering or functionalization of nanoparticles in closed vicinity of fluorophore. Our study is aimed at understanding the enhancement mechanism of fluorescence intensity in presence of gold nanoparticles to utilize it in molecular sensing and in situ imaging in the microfluidic lab-on-chip device. Related phenomena are studied in situ in a microfluidic channel via fluorescence imaging. Detailed analysis is carried out to understand the possible mechanism of enhancement of fluorescence due to nanoparticles. In the present experimental study we show that SYTO9 fluorescence intensity increased in presence of Au nanoparticles of similar to 20 nm diameter. The fluorescence intensity is 20 time more compared to that in absence of Au nanoparticles. The enhancement of fluorescence intensity is attributed to the plasmonic resonance of Au nanoparticle at around the fluorescence emission wavelength. Underlying fundamental mechanism via dipole interaction model is explored for quantitative correlation of plasmonic enhancement properties.