22 resultados para HLA-DR Antigens

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Lymphocytes collected from rhinitis subjects with strong positive skin reactions to the pollen allergens of Parthenium hysterophorus (American feverfew) having moderate to high titres of Parthenium-specific serum IgE were analysed for association of HLA-antigens covering 13 specificities of HLA-A, 17 specificities of HLA-B and eight specificities of HLA-DR loci by the NIH two-stage microlymphocytotoxicity assay. Comparison of the phenotypic frequencies of HLA-A and B antigens between Parthenium rhinitis subjects (n= 22) and control subjects (n= 137) did not suggest any significant association when tested for these antigen specificities. A significant correlation in the association of HLA-DR3 antigen with a relative risk of 11·33, however, was observed in Parthenium rhinitis subjects (n= 30) when compared to controls (n= 50).


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis readily activates both CD4+ and Vdelta2+ gammadelta T cells. Despite similarity in function, these T-cell subsets differ in the antigens they recognize and the manners in which these antigens are presented by M. tuberculosis-infected monocytes. We investigated mechanisms of antigen processing of M. tuberculosis antigens to human CD4 and gammadelta T cells by monocytes. Initial uptake of M. tuberculosis bacilli and subsequent processing were required for efficient presentation not only to CD4 T cells but also to Vdelta2+ gammadelta T cells. For gammadelta T cells, recognition of M. tuberculosis-infected monocytes was dependent on Vdelta2+ T-cell-receptor expression. Recognition of M. tuberculosis antigens by CD4+ T cells was restricted by the class II major histocompatibility complex molecule HLA-DR. Processing of M. tuberculosis bacilli for Vdelta2+ gammadelta T cells was inhibitable by Brefeldin A, whereas processing of soluble mycobacterial antigens for gammadelta T cells was not sensitive to Brefeldin A. Processing of M. tuberculosis bacilli for CD4+ T cells was unaffected by Brefeldin A. Lysosomotropic agents such as chloroquine and ammonium chloride did not affect the processing of M. tuberculosis bacilli for CD4+ and gammadelta T cells. In contrast, both inhibitors blocked processing of soluble mycobacterial antigens for CD4+ T cells. Chloroquine and ammonium chloride insensitivity of processing of M. tuberculosis bacilli was not dependent on the viability of the bacteria, since processing of both formaldehyde-fixed dead bacteria and mycobacterial antigens covalently coupled to latex beads was chloroquine insensitive. Thus, the manner in which mycobacterial antigens were taken up by monocytes (particulate versus soluble) influenced the antigen processing pathway for CD4+ and gammadelta T cells.


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Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is a single stranded RNA virus that infects the central nervous system leading to acute encephalitis in children. Alterations in brain endothelial cells have been shown to precede the entry of this flavivirus into the brain, but infection of endothelial cells by JEV and their consequences are still unclear. Productive JEV infection was established in human endothelial cells leading to IFN-beta and TNF-alpha production. The MHC genes for HLA-A, -B, -C and HLA-E antigens were upregulated in human brain microvascular endothelial cells, the endothelial-like cell line, ECV 304 and human foreskin fibroblasts upon JEV infection. We also report the release/shedding of soluble HLA-E (sHLA-E) from JEV infected human endothelial cells for the first time. This shedding of sHLA-E was blocked by an inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP). In addition, MMP-9, a known mediator of HLA solubilisation was upregulated by JEV. In contrast, human fibroblasts showed only upregulation of cell-surface HLA-E. Addition of UV inactivated JEV-infected cell culture supernatants stimulated shedding of sHLA-E from uninfected ECV cells indicating a role for soluble factors/cytokines in the shedding process. Antibody mediated neutralization of TNF-alpha as well as IFNAR receptor together not only resulted in inhibition of sHLA-E shedding from uninfected cells, it also inhibited HLA-E and MMP-9 gene expression in JEV-infected cells. Shedding of sHLA-E was also observed with purified TNF-alpha and IFN-beta as well as the dsRNA analog, poly (I:C). Both IFN-beta and TNF-alpha further potentiated the shedding when added together. The role of soluble MHC antigens in JEV infection is hitherto unknown and therefore needs further investigation.


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Alveolar macrophages form the first line of defense against inhaled droplets containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis by controlling mycobacterial growth and regulating T cell responses. CD4+ and gamma delta T cells, two major T cell subsets activated by M. tuberculosis, require accessory cells for activation. However, the ability of alveolar macrophages to function as accessory cells for T cell activation remains controversial. We sought to determine the ability of alveolar macrophages to serve as accessory cells for resting (HLA-DR-, IL-2R-) and activated (HLA-DR+, IL-2R+) gamma delta T cells in response to M. tuberculosis and its Ag, and to compare accessory cell function for gamma delta T cells of alveolar macrophages and blood monocytes obtained from the same donor. Alveolar macrophages were found to serve as accessory cells for both resting and activated gamma delta T cells in response to M. tuberculosis Ag. At high alveolar macrophage to T cell ratios (> 3:1), however, expansion of resting gamma delta T cells was inhibited by alveolar macrophages. The inhibition of resting gamma delta T cells by alveolar macrophages was dose-dependent, required their presence during the first 24 h, and was partially overcome by IL-2. Alveolar macrophages did not inhibit activated gamma delta T cells even at high accessory cell to T cell ratios, and alveolar macrophages functioned as well as monocytes as accessory cells. Monocytes were not inhibitory for either resting or activated gamma delta T cells. These findings support the following model. In the normal alveolus the alveolar macrophage to T cell ratio is > or = 9:1, and therefore the threshold for resting gamma delta T cell activation is likely to be high. Once a nonspecific inflammatory response occurs, such as after invasion by M. tuberculosis, this ratio is altered, favoring gamma delta T cell activation by alveolar macrophages.


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Background. Substantial evidence exists for HLA and other host genetic factors being determinants of susceptibility or resistance to infectious diseases. However, very little information is available on the role of host genetic factors in HIV-TB coinfection. Hence, a longitudinal study was undertaken to investigate HLA associations in a cohort of HIV seropositive individuals with and without TB in Bangalore, South India. Methods. A cohort of 238 HIV seropositive subjects were typed for HLA-A, B, and DR by PCR-SSP and followed up for 5 years or till manifestation of Tuberculosis. HLA data of 682 HIV Negative healthy renal donors was used as control. Results. The ratio of males and females in HIV cohort was comparable (50.4% and 49.6%). But the incidence of TB was markedly lower in females (12.6%,) than males (25.6%). Further, HLA-B* 57 frequency in HIV cohort was significantly higher among females without TB (21.6%, 19/88) than males (1.7%, 1/59); P = 0.0046; OR = 38. CD4 counts also were higher among females in this cohort. Conclusion. This study suggests that HIV positive women with HLA-B* 57 have less occurrence of TB as compared to males.


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T-cell responses in humans are initiated by the binding of a peptide antigen to a human leukocyte antigen (HLA) molecule. The peptide-HLA complex then recruits an appropriate T cell, leading to cell-mediated immunity. More than 2000 HLA class-I alleles are known in humans, and they vary only in their peptide-binding grooves. The polymorphism they exhibit enables them to bind a wide range of peptide antigens from diverse sources. HLA molecules and peptides present a complex molecular recognition pattern, as many peptides bind to a given allele and a given peptide can be recognized by many alleles. A powerful grouping scheme that not only provides an insightful classification, but is also capable of dissecting the physicochemical basis of recognition specificity is necessary to address this complexity. We present a hierarchical classification of 2010 class-I alleles by using a systematic divisive clustering method. All-pair distances of alleles were obtained by comparing binding pockets in the structural models. By varying the similarity thresholds, a multilevel classification was obtained, with 7 supergroups, each further subclassifying to yield 72 groups. An independent clustering performed based only on similarities in their epitope pools correlated highly with pocket-based clustering. Physicochemical feature combinations that best explain the basis of clustering are identified. Mutual information calculated for the set of peptide ligands enables identification of binding site residues contributing to peptide specificity. The grouping of HLA molecules achieved here will be useful for rational vaccine design, understanding disease susceptibilities and predicting risk of organ transplants.


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Seven novel antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which had previously been identified based on reactivity to sera from patients with tuberculosis, were characterized. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the genes encoding these seven antigens identified one of them as the FtsH and a second as the aminoimidazole ribotide synthase of M. tuberculosis. Antisera raised to the recombinant forms of each of these seven antigens were used to study the distribution of these proteins within mycobacterial species as well as to determine their subcellular localization and hydrophobicity. Four of the seven antigens were conserved only among pathogenic strains of mycobacteria. Of the seven proteins studied, FtsH and a second protein of unknown identity were localized in membranes. Two were cytosolic, while two others, which had a high proline content, were tightly associated with the cell wall. One protein was secreted. This secreted protein could be identified by serum from a majority of tuberculosis patients but not BCG-vaccinated individuals, suggesting its potential use in the immunodiagnosis of tuberculosis.


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Histones H1a and H1t are two major linker histone variants present at the pachytene interval of mammalian spermatogenesis. The DNA- and chromatin-condensing properties of these two variants isolated from rat testes were studied and compared with those from rat liver. For this purpose, the histone H1 subtypes were purified from the respective tissues using bath acid and salt extraction procedures, Circular dichroism studies revealed that acid exposure during isolation affects the alpha-helical structure of both the globular domain (in the presence of 1 M NaCl) and the C-terminal lambda-tail (in the presence of 60% trifluoroethanol). The condensation of rat oligonucleosomal DNA, as measured by circular dichroism spectroscopy, by the salt-extracted histone H1 was at least 10 times more efficient than condensation by the acid-extracted histone H1. A site size of 16-20 base pairs was calculated for the salt-extracted histone H1. Among the different histone H1 subtypes, somatic histone H1bdec had the highest DNA-condensing property, followed by histone H1a and histone H1t. All the salt-extracted histones condensed rat oligonucleosomal DNA more efficiently than linear pBR-322 DNA, Histones H1bdec and H1a condensed histone H1-depleted chromatin, prepared from rat liver nuclei, with relatively equal efficiency. On the other hand, there was no condensation of histone H1-depleted chromatin with the testes specific histone H1t. A comparison of the amino acid sequences of histone H1d (rat) and histone H1t (rat) revealed several interesting differences in the occurrence of DNA-binding motifs at the C-terminus. A striking observation is the presence of a direct repeat of an octapeptide motif K(A)T(S)PKKA(S)K(T)K(A) in histone H1d that is absent in histone H1t.


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T cell-mediated cytotoxicity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB)-infected macrophages may be a major mechanism of specific host defense, but little is known about such activities in the lung. Thus, the capacity of alveolar lymphocyte MTB-specific cell lines (AL) and alveolar macrophages (AM) from tuberculin skin test-positive healthy subjects to serve as CTL and target cells, respectively, in response to MTB (H37Ra) or purified protein derivative (PPD) was investigated. Mycobacterial Ag-pulsed AM were targets of blood CTL activity at E:T ratios of > or = 30:1 (51Cr release assay), but were significantly more resistant to cytotoxicity than autologous blood monocytes. PPD- plus IL-2-expanded AL and blood lymphocytes were cytotoxic for autologous mycobacterium-stimulated monocytes at E:T ratios of > or = 10:1. The CTL activity of lymphocytes expanded with PPD was predominantly class II MHC restricted, whereas the CTL activity of lymphocytes expanded with PPD plus IL-2 was both class I and class II MHC restricted. Both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were enriched in BL and AL expanded with PPD and IL-2, and both subsets had mycobacterium-specific CTL activity. Such novel cytotoxic responses by CD4+ and CD8+ T cells may be a major mechanism of defense against MTB at the site of disease activity.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of pulmonary tuberculosis, infects one-third of the world's population. Activation of host immune responses for containment of mycobacterial infections involves participation of innate immune cells, such as dendritic cells (DCs). DCs are sentinels of the immune system and are important for eliciting both primary and secondary immune responses to pathogens. In this context, to understand the molecular pathogenesis of tuberculosis and host response to mycobacteria and to conceive prospective vaccine candidates, it is important to understand how cell wall Ags of M.tuberculosis and, in particular, the proline-glutamic acid-polymorphicguanine-cytosine-rich sequence (PE_PGRS) family of proteins modulate DC maturation and function. In this study, we demonstrate that two cell wall-associated/secretory PE_PGRS proteins, PE_PGRS 17 (Rv0978c) and PE_PGRS 11 (Rv0754), recognize TLR2, induce maturation and activation of human DCs, and enhance the ability of DCs to stimulate CD4(+) T cells. We further found that PE_PGRS protein-mediated activation of DCs involves participation of ERK1/2, p38 MAPK, and NF-kappa B signaling pathways. Priming of human DCs with IFN-gamma further augmented PE_PGRS 17 or PE_PGRS 11 Ag-induced DC maturation and secretion of key proinflammatory cytokines. Our results suggest that by activating DCs, PE_PGRS proteins, important mycobacterial cell wall Ags, could potentially contribute in the initiation of innate immune responses during tuberculosis infection and hence regulate the clinical course of tuberculosis. The Journal of Immunology, 2010, 184: 3495-3504.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of pulmonary tuberculosis, infects one-third of the world's population. Activation of host immune responses for containment of mycobacterial infections involves participation of innate immune cells, such as dendritic cells (DCs). DCs are sentinels of the immune system and are important for eliciting both primary and secondary immune responses to pathogens. In this context, to understand the molecular pathogenesis of tuberculosismand host response to mycobacteria and to conceive prospective vaccine candidates, it is important to understand how cell wall Ags of M. tuberculosis and, in particular, the proline-glutamic acid-polymorphic guanine-cytosine-rich sequence (PE_PGRS) family of proteins modulate DC maturation and function. In this study, we demonstrate that two cell wall-associated/secretory PE_PGRS proteins, PE_PGRS 17 (Rv0978c) and PE_PGRS 11 (Rv0754), recognize TLR2, induce maturation and activation of human DCs, and enhance the ability of DCs to stimulate CD4(+) T cells. We further found that PE_PGRS protein-mediated activation of DCs involves participation of ERK1/2, p38 MAPK, and NF-kappa B signaling pathways. Priming of human DCs with IFN-gamma further augmented PE_PGRS 17 or PE_PGRS 11 Ag-induced DC maturation and secretion of key proinflammatory cytokines. Our results suggest that by activating DCs, PE_PGRS proteins, important mycobacterial cell wall Ags, could potentially contribute in the initiation of innate immune responses during tuberculosis infection and hence regulate the clinical course of tuberculosis. The Journal of Immunology, 2010, 184: 3495-3504.


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With biotin labelled and unlabelled immunoglobulin fraction of anticysticercal antibodies raised in rabbits, tandem-enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (T-ELISA), capture-dot immunobinding assay (C-DIA) and reverse passive haemagglutination (RPHA) tests were developed for the detection of cysticercal antigens. The sensitivity levels were respectively, 9 ng ml−1, 2 ng ml−1 and 45 ng ml−1. All three methods were of equal specificity as none of the antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Japanese encephalitis virus and Echinococcus granulosus reacted with anticysticercal IgG. Cysticercal antigens were detected in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of confirmed neurocysticercosis at sensitivity levels of 91·6% by T-ELISA, 83·33% by C-DIA and 75% by RPHA and specificity levels of >93%. Western analysis of these antigens in CSF showed mainly antigens of 64–68 kDa and 24–28 kDA. By crossed immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) with an intermediate gel technique, five circulating antigens were found to be released from scolex and fluid.


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Using a combination of avidin-biotin microELISA and solid phase radioimmunoassay, we examined sera from 23 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), two patients with established sensitivity to ingested shrimp, and 15 healthy normal subjects. In addition to IgG antibodies, varying amounts of IgE antibodies specific for native DNA (nDNA), denatured or single-stranded DNA (dnDNA), RNA, and tRNA were demonstrable in the sera of SLE patients, but not in the sera of normal subjects. A comparison of the specificity of nucleic acid-specific IgE antibodies present in the sera of shrimp-sensitive patients with those present in the sera of seven SLE patients revealed that the IgE antibodies in the sera of shrimp-sensitive patients specifically recognized shrimp tRNA but not yeast tRNA, calf thymus RNA, or calf thymus DNA, while those present in the sera of patients with SLE recognized all these nucleic acid antigens. The IgE antibodies directed against nDNA, dnDNA, RNA, and tRNA may mediate mast cell and basophil degranulation and thus contribute both to immediate-type hypersensitivity phenomena including hives seen in patients with SLE and to the localization of IgE-nucleic acid complexes in target


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The importance of developing effective assays to diagnose, monitor and evaluate human lymphatic filariasis has been emphasized by the World Health Organization. Presently, few immunodiagnostics are available for filarial monitoring programmes. The Wuchereria bancrofti (Wb) SXP-1 parasite protein, with 84% homology to Brugia malayi (Bm) SXP-1, was found to be highly immunogenic. WbSXP-1 is one among the diagnostic candidate molecules that were used for developing a rapid-antibody-flow-through diagnostic kit for filariasis. Studies were initiated with the aim of developing monoclonal antibodies against recombinant WbSXP-1 and prospective applications for the detection of both circulating Wb and Bm antigens in serum samples from infected individuals. The monoclones 1A6C2 of subclass IgG1k, and 2A12F8 of class IgM, specifically detected Wb and Bm microfilaria isolated from patients and did not show cross-reactivity with other filarial recombinant antigens. We anticipate that this work will address the problems faced in the rapid diagnosis of human lymphatic filariasis in endemic areas in developing countries.