18 resultados para Gymnastic for all (General Gymnastics)

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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We investigate viscous two-temperature accretion disc flows around rotating black holes. We describe the global solution of accretion flows with a sub-Keplerian angular momentum profile, by solving the underlying conservation equations including explicit cooling processes self-consistently. Bremsstrahlung, synchrotron and inverse Comptonization of soft photons are considered as possible cooling mechanisms. We focus on the set of solutions for sub-Eddington, Eddington and super-Eddington mass accretion rates around Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes with a Kerr parameter of 0.998. It is found that the flow, during its infall from the Keplerian to sub-Kepleria transition region to the black hole event horizon, passes through various phases of advection: the general advective paradigm to the radiatively inefficient phase, and vice versa. Hence, the flow governs a much lower electron temperature similar to 10(8)-10(9.5) K, in the range of accretion rate in Eddington units 0.01 less than or similar to (M) over dot less than or similar to 100, compared to the hot protons of temperature similar to 10(10.2)-10(11.8) K. Therefore, the solution may potentially explain the hard X-rays and gamma-rays emitted from active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and X-ray binaries. We then compare the solutions for two different regimes of viscosity. We conclude that a weakly viscous flow is expected to be cooling dominated, particularly at the inner region of the disc, compared to its highly viscous counterpart, which is radiatively inefficient. With all the solutions in hand, we finally reproduce the observed luminosities of the underfed AGNs and quasars (e. g. Sgr A*) to ultraluminous X-ray sources (e. g. SS433), at different combinations of input parameters, such as the mass accretion rate and the ratio of specific heats. The set of solutions also predicts appropriately the luminosity observed in highly luminous AGNs and ultraluminous quasars (e. g. PKS 0743-67).


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In the (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Cu-O system we have examined many compositions which are either metallic or semiconducting. In the Bi2-xPbx(Ca, Sr)n+1 Cun O2n+4+δ system, we have established the superconducting properties of the n = 1 to 4 members. The Tc increases from n = 1 to 3 and does not increase further when n = 4. In Bi2Ca1-x,YxSr2Cu2Oy, the Tc decreases with increase in x.


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The Shannon cipher system is studied in the context of general sources using a notion of computational secrecy introduced by Merhav & Arikan. Bounds are derived on limiting exponents of guessing moments for general sources. The bounds are shown to be tight for iid, Markov, and unifilar sources, thus recovering some known results. A close relationship between error exponents and correct decoding exponents formfixed rate source compression on the one hand and exponents for guessing moments on the other hand is established.


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In this article, a general definition of the process average temperature has been developed, and the impact of the various dissipative mechanisms on 1/COP of the chiller evaluated. The present component-by-component black box analysis removes the assumptions regarding the generator outlet temperature(s) and the component effective thermal conductances. Mass transfer resistance is also incorporated into the absorber analysis to arrive at a more realistic upper limit to the cooling capacity. Finally, the theoretical foundation for the absorption chiller T-s diagram is derived. This diagrammatic approach only requires the inlet and outlet conditions of the chiller components and can be employed as a practical tool for system analysis and comparison. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.


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In rapid parallel magnetic resonance imaging, the problem of image reconstruction is challenging. Here, a novel image reconstruction technique for data acquired along any general trajectory in neural network framework, called ``Composite Reconstruction And Unaliasing using Neural Networks'' (CRAUNN), is proposed. CRAUNN is based on the observation that the nature of aliasing remains unchanged whether the undersampled acquisition contains only low frequencies or includes high frequencies too. Here, the transformation needed to reconstruct the alias-free image from the aliased coil images is learnt, using acquisitions consisting of densely sampled low frequencies. Neural networks are made use of as machine learning tools to learn the transformation, in order to obtain the desired alias-free image for actual acquisitions containing sparsely sampled low as well as high frequencies. CRAUNN operates in the image domain and does not require explicit coil sensitivity estimation. It is also independent of the sampling trajectory used, and could be applied to arbitrary trajectories as well. As a pilot trial, the technique is first applied to Cartesian trajectory-sampled data. Experiments performed using radial and spiral trajectories on real and synthetic data, illustrate the performance of the method. The reconstruction errors depend on the acceleration factor as well as the sampling trajectory. It is found that higher acceleration factors can be obtained when radial trajectories are used. Comparisons against existing techniques are presented. CRAUNN has been found to perform on par with the state-of-the-art techniques. Acceleration factors of up to 4, 6 and 4 are achieved in Cartesian, radial and spiral cases, respectively. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A Geodesic Constant Method (GCM) is outlined which provides a common approach to ray tracing on quadric cylinders in general, and yields all the surface ray-geometric parameters required in the UTD mutual coupling analysis of conformal antenna arrays in the closed form. The approach permits the incorporation of a shaping parameter which permits the modeling of quadric cylindrical surfaces of desired sharpness/flatness with a common set of equations. The mutual admittance between the slots on a general parabolic cylinder is obtained as an illustration of the applicability of the GCM.


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A general model of a foam bed reactor has been developed which rigorously accounts for the extent of gas absorption with chemical reaction occurring in both the storage and foam sections. Its applicability extends to a wide spectrum of reaction velocities. The possibilities of the predominance of the bulk-liquid reaction in the storage section or the absorption with reaction in the foam section can be handled as merely special cases of the general analysis. The importance of foam for carrying out a particular gas-liquid reaction is characterised by a criterion in terms of the fractional rate of reaction in the foam section. Trends of variations in the concentrations of dissolved free A, solute B, and gas-phase A with time of operation of the reactor are presented. The nature of the variation in the fractional rate of reaction in the foam section with time, at different reaction velocities, and the effect of the liquid flow rate (across the storage section) on the transience are also illustrated. Finally, the predictions of the general model have been validated using the available experimental data on the oxidation of sodium sulphide in a foam bed reactor. The agreement between the experimental and the present theoretical information is fairly good, apart from being more insightful than all the previous models of this reactor.


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The evolution of the dipole mode (DM) events in the Indian Ocean is examined using an ocean model that is driven by the NCEP fluxes for the period 1975-1998. The positive DM events during 1997, 1994 and 1982 and negative DM events during 1996 and 1984-1985 are captured by the model and it reproduces both the surface and subsurface features associated with these events. In its positive phase, the DM is characterized by warmer than normal SST in the western Indian Ocean and cooler than normal SST in the eastern Indian Ocean. The DM events are accompanied by easterly wind anomalies along the equatorial Indian Ocean and upwelling-favorable alongshore wind anomalies along the coast of Sumatra. The Wyrtki jets are weak during positive DM events, and the thermocline is shallower than normal in the eastern Indian Ocean and deeper in the west. This anomaly pattern reverses during negative DM events. During the positive phase of the DM easterly wind anomalies excite an upwelling equatorial Kelvin wave. This Kelvin wave reflects from the eastern boundary as an upwelling Rossby wave which propagates westward across the equatorial Indian Ocean. The anomalies in the eastern Indian Ocean weaken after the Rossby wave passes. A similar process excites a downwelling Rossby wave during the negative phase. This Rossby wave is much weaker but wind forcing in the central equatorial Indian Ocean amplifies the downwelling and increases its westward phase speed. This Rossby wave initiates the deepening of the thermocline in the western Indian Ocean during the following positive phase of the DM. Rossby wave generated in the southern tropical Indian Ocean by Ekman pumping contributes to this warming. Concurrently, the temperature equation of the model shows upwelling and downwelling to be the most important mechanism during both positive events of 1994 and 1997. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new method of network analysis, a generalization in several different senses of existing methods and applicable to all networks for which a branch-admittance (or impedance) matrix can be formed, is presented. The treatment of network determinants is very general and essentially four terminal rather than three terminal, and leads to simple expressions based on trees of a simple graph associated with the network and matrix, and involving products of low-order, usually(2 times 2)determinants of tree-branch admittances, in addition to tree-branch products as in existing methods. By comparison with existing methods, the total number of trees and of tree pairs is usually considerably reduced, and this fact, together with an easy method of tree-pair sign determination which is also presented, makes the new method simpler in general. The method can be very easily adapted, by the use of infinite parameters, to accommodate ideal transformers, operational amplifiers, and other forms of network constraint; in fact, is thought to be applicable to all linear networks.


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Unlike zero-sum stochastic games, a difficult problem in general-sum stochastic games is to obtain verifiable conditions for Nash equilibria. We show in this paper that by splitting an associated non-linear optimization problem into several sub-problems, characterization of Nash equilibria in a general-sum discounted stochastic games is possible. Using the aforementioned sub-problems, we in fact derive a set of necessary and sufficient verifiable conditions (termed KKT-SP conditions) for a strategy-pair to result in Nash equilibrium. Also, we show that any algorithm which tracks the zero of the gradient of the Lagrangian of every sub-problem provides a Nash strategy-pair. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A current-error space-vector-based hysteresis current controller for a general n-level voltage-source inverter (VSI)-fed three-phase induction motor (IM) drive is proposed here, with control of the switching frequency variation for the full linear modulation range. The proposed current controller monitors the space-vector-based current error of an n-level VSI-fed IM to keep the current error within a parabolic boundary, using the information of the current triangular sector in which the tip of the reference vector lies. Information of the reference voltage vector is estimated using the measured current-error space vectors, along the alpha- and beta-axes. Appropriate dimension and orientation of this parabolic boundary ensure a switching frequency spectrum similar to that of a constant-switching-frequency voltage-controlled space vector pulsewidth modulation (PWM) (SVPWM)-based IM drive. Like SVPWM for multilevel inverters, the proposed controller selects inverter switching vectors, forming a triangular sector in which the tip of the reference vector stays, for the hysteresis PWM control. The sector in the n-level inverter space vector diagram, in which the tip of the fundamental stator voltage stays, is precisely detected, using the sampled reference space vector estimated from the instantaneous current-error space vectors. The proposed controller retains all the advantages of a conventional hysteresis controller such as fast current control, with smooth transition to the overmodulation region. The proposed controller is implemented on a five-level VSI-fed 7.5-kW IM drive.


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Solder joints in electronic packages undergo thermo-mechanical cycling, resulting in nucleation of micro-cracks, especially at the solder/bond-pad interface, which may lead to fracture of the joints. The fracture toughness of a solder joint depends on material properties, process conditions and service history, as well as strain rate and mode-mixity. This paper reports on a methodology for determining the mixed-mode fracture toughness of solder joints with an interfacial starter-crack, using a modified compact mixed mode (CMM) specimen containing an adhesive joint. Expressions for stress intensity factor (K) and strain energy release rate (G) are developed, using a combination of experiments and finite element (FE) analysis. In this methodology, crack length dependent geometry factors to convert for the modified CMM sample are first obtained via the crack-tip opening displacement (CTOD)-based linear extrapolation method to calculate the under far-field mode I and II conditions (f(1a) and f(2a)), (ii) generation of a master-plot to determine a(c), and (iii) computation of K and G to analyze the fracture behavior of joints. The developed methodology was verified using J-integral calculations, and was also used to calculate experimental fracture toughness values of a few lead-free solder-Cu joints. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Frequent episode discovery is one of the methods used for temporal pattern discovery in sequential data. An episode is a partially ordered set of nodes with each node associated with an event type. For more than a decade, algorithms existed for episode discovery only when the associated partial order is total (serial episode) or trivial (parallel episode). Recently, the literature has seen algorithms for discovering episodes with general partial orders. In frequent pattern mining, the threshold beyond which a pattern is inferred to be interesting is typically user-defined and arbitrary. One way of addressing this issue in the pattern mining literature has been based on the framework of statistical hypothesis testing. This paper presents a method of assessing statistical significance of episode patterns with general partial orders. A method is proposed to calculate thresholds, on the non-overlapped frequency, beyond which an episode pattern would be inferred to be statistically significant. The method is first explained for the case of injective episodes with general partial orders. An injective episode is one where event-types are not allowed to repeat. Later it is pointed out how the method can be extended to the class of all episodes. The significance threshold calculations for general partial order episodes proposed here also generalize the existing significance results for serial episodes. Through simulations studies, the usefulness of these statistical thresholds in pruning uninteresting patterns is illustrated. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Despite the long history, so far there is no general theoretical framework for calculating the acoustic emission spectrum accompanying any plastic deformation. We set up a discrete wave equation with plastic strain rate as a source term and include the Rayleigh-dissipation function to represent dissipation accompanying acoustic emission. We devise a method of bridging the widely separated time scales of plastic deformation and elastic degrees of freedom. While this equation is applicable to any type of plastic deformation, it should be supplemented by evolution equations for the dislocation microstructure for calculating the plastic strain rate. The efficacy of the framework is illustrated by considering three distinct cases of plastic deformation. The first one is the acoustic emission during a typical continuous yield exhibiting a smooth stress-strain curve. We first construct an appropriate set of evolution equations for two types of dislocation densities and then show that the shape of the model stress-strain curve and accompanying acoustic emission spectrum match very well with experimental results. The second and the third are the more complex cases of the Portevin-Le Chatelier bands and the Luders band. These two cases are dealt with in the context of the Ananthakrishna model since the model predicts the three types of the Portevin-Le Chatelier bands and also Luders-like bands. Our results show that for the type-C bands where the serration amplitude is large, the acoustic emission spectrum consists of well-separated bursts of acoustic emission. At higher strain rates of hopping type-B bands, the burst-type acoustic emission spectrum tends to overlap, forming a nearly continuous background with some sharp acoustic emission bursts. The latter can be identified with the nucleation of new bands. The acoustic emission spectrum associated with the continuously propagating type-A band is continuous. These predictions are consistent with experimental results. More importantly, our study shows that the low-amplitude continuous acoustic emission spectrum seen in both the type-B and type-A band regimes is directly correlated to small-amplitude serrations induced by propagating bands. The acoustic emission spectrum of the Luders-like band matches with recent experiments as well. In all of these cases, acoustic emission signals are burstlike, reflecting the intermittent character of dislocation-mediated plastic flow.


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In this paper we first derive a necessary and sufficient condition for a stationary strategy to be the Nash equilibrium of discounted constrained stochastic game under certain assumptions. In this process we also develop a nonlinear (non-convex) optimization problem for a discounted constrained stochastic game. We use the linear best response functions of every player and complementary slackness theorem for linear programs to derive both the optimization problem and the equivalent condition. We then extend this result to average reward constrained stochastic games. Finally, we present a heuristic algorithm motivated by our necessary and sufficient conditions for a discounted cost constrained stochastic game. We numerically observe the convergence of this algorithm to Nash equilibrium. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.