134 resultados para Gas-bearing fluid influx system

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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A fuzzy logic intelligent system is developed for gas-turbine fault isolation. The gas path measurements used for fault isolation are exhaust gas temperature, low and high rotor speed, and fuel flow. These four measurements are also called the cockpit parameters and are typically found in almost all older and newer jet engines. The fuzzy logic system uses rules developed from a model of performance influence coefficients to isolate engine faults while accounting for uncertainty in gas path measurements. It automates the reasoning process of an experienced powerplant engineer. Tests with simulated data show that the fuzzy system isolates faults with an accuracy of 89% with only the four cockpit measurements. However, if additional pressure and temperature probes between the compressors and before the burner, which are often found in newer jet engines, are considered, the fault isolation accuracy rises to as high as 98%. In addition, the additional sensors are useful in keeping the fault isolation system robust as quality of the measured data deteriorates.


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Alternating Differential Scanning Calorimetric (ADSC) studies on quaternary Ge15Te80-xIn5Agx glasses show the non-reversing enthalpy (Delta H-NR) at T-g to exhibit a broad global minimum in the 8% <= x <= 16% range of Ag, an observation that is taken evidence for existence of an Intermediate Phase (IP) in that range. Glasses at x < 8% are in the flexible phase while those at x > 16% in the stressed-rigid phase. The nature of crystalline phases formed upon crystallization of bulk glasses are elucidated by XRD studies, and reveal presence of Te, GeTe, Ag8GeTe6, AgTe, In2Te3 and In4Te3 phases. These experiments also reveal that the fraction of Ag- bearing phases increases while those of Te- bearing ones decreases with increasing x, suggesting progressive replacement of Te-Te bonds by Ag-Te bonds. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new coupled approach is presented for modeling the hydrogen bubble evolution and engulfment during an aluminum alloy solidification process in a micro-scale domain. An explicit enthalpy scheme is used to model the solidification process which is coupled with a level-set method for tracking the hydrogen bubble evolution. The volume averaging techniques are used to model mass, momentum, energy and species conservation equations in the chosen micro-scale domain. The interaction between the solid, liquid and gas interfaces in the system have been studied. Using an order-of-magnitude study on growth rates of bubble and solid interfaces, a criterion is developed to predict bubble elongation which can occur during the engulfment phase. Using this model, we provide further evidence in support of a conceptual thought experiment reported in literature, with regard to estimation of final pore shape as a function of typical casting cooling rates. The results from the proposed model are qualitatively compared with in situ experimental observations reported in literature. The ability of the model to predict growth and movement of a hydrogen bubble and its subsequent engulfment by a solidifying front has been demonstrated for varying average cooling rates encountered in typical sand, permanent mold, and various casting processes. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, linear stability analysis on a Newtonian fluid film flowing under the effect of gravity over an inclined porous medium saturated with the same fluid in isothermal condition is carried out. The focus is placed on the effect of the anisotropic and inhomogeneous variations in the permeability of the porous medium on the shear mode and surface mode instabilities. The fluid-porous system is modelled by a coupled two-dimensional Navier-Stokes/Darcy problem. The perturbation equations are solved numerically using the Chebyshev collocation method. Detailed stability characteristics as a function of the depth ratio (the ratio of the depth of the fluid layer to that of the porous layer), the anisotropic parameter (the ratio of the permeability in the direction of the basic flow to that in the direction transverse to the basic flow) and the inhomogeneity functions are presented.


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The linear stability analysis of a plane Couette flow of an Oldroyd-B viscoelastic fluid past a flexible solid medium is carried out to investigate the role of polymer addition in the stability behavior. The system consists of a viscoelastic fluid layer of thickness R, density rho, viscosity eta, relaxation time lambda, and retardation time beta lambda flowing past a linear elastic solid medium of thickness HR, density rho, and shear modulus G. The emphasis is on the high-Reynolds-number wall-mode instability, which has recently been shown in experiments to destabilize the laminar flow of Newtonian fluids in soft-walled tubes and channels at a significantly lower Reynolds number than that for flows in rigid conduits. For Newtonian fluids, the linear stability studies have shown that the wall modes become unstable when flow Reynolds number exceeds a certain critical value Re c which scales as Sigma(3/4), where Reynolds number Re = rho VR/eta, V is the top-plate velocity, and dimensionless parameter Sigma = rho GR(2)/eta(2) characterizes the fluid-solid system. For high-Reynolds-number flow, the addition of polymer tends to decrease the critical Reynolds number in comparison to that for the Newtonian fluid, indicating a destabilizing role for fluid viscoelasticity. Numerical calculations show that the critical Reynolds number could be decreased by up to a factor of 10 by the addition of small amount of polymer. The critical Reynolds number follows the same scaling Re-c similar to Sigma(3/4) as the wall modes for a Newtonian fluid for very high Reynolds number. However, for moderate Reynolds number, there exists a narrow region in beta-H parametric space, corresponding to very dilute polymer solution (0.9 less than or similar to beta < 1) and thin solids (H less than or similar to 1.1), in which the addition of polymer tends to increase the critical Reynolds number in comparison to the Newtonian fluid. Thus, Reynolds number and polymer properties can be tailored to either increase or decrease the critical Reynolds number for unstable modes, thus providing an additional degree of control over the laminar-turbulent transition.


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This paper is concerned with the optimal flow control of an ATM switching element in a broadband-integrated services digital network. We model the switching element as a stochastic fluid flow system with a finite buffer, a constant output rate server, and a Gaussian process to characterize the input, which is a heterogeneous set of traffic sources. The fluid level should be maintained between two levels namely b1 and b2 with b1


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Interfacial area measurement has been carried out experimentally by measuring the bubble size and holdup for air-sodium chloride solution system. The size of the bubble is predominantly established by the air hold up. High speed photography technique for bubble size measurement and gamma ray attenuation method for holdup measurements are followed. The measured values are compared with the theoretically predicted values. Interracial area as a function of the liquid flow rate and also its distance from the nozzle of the ejector has been reported in this paper. The results obtained for this non-reactive system are also compared with those of air-water system.


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Galerkin representations and integral representations are obtained for the linearized system of coupled differential equations governing steady incompressible flow of a micropolar fluid. The special case of 2-dimensional Stokes flows is then examined and further representation formulae as well as asymptotic expressions, are generated for both the microrotation and velocity vectors. With the aid of these formulae, the Stokes Paradox for micropolar fluids is established.


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The design and implementation of a complete gas sensor system for liquified petroleum gas (LPG) gas sensing are presented. The system consists of a SnO2 transducer, a lowcost heater, an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) with front-end interface circuitry, and a microcontroller interface for data logging. The ASIC includes a relaxation-oscillator-based heater driver circuit that is capable of controlling the sensor operating temperature from 100degC to 425degC. The sensor readout circuit in the ASIC, which is based on the resistance to time conversion technique, has been designed to measure the gas sensor response over three orders of resistance change during its interaction with gases.


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The complex three-dimensional flowfield produced by secondary injection of hot gases in a rocket nozzle for thrust vector control is analyzed by solving unsteady three-dimensional Euler equations with appropriate boundary conditions. Various system performance parameters like secondary jet amplification factor and axial thrust augmentation are deduced by integrating the nozzle wall pressure distributions obtained as part of the flowfield solution and compared with measurements taken in actual static tests. The agreement is good within the practical range of secondary injectant flow rates for thrust vector control applications.


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This paper proposes a hybrid solar cooking system where the solar energy is transported to the kitchen. The thermal energy source is used to supplement the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) that is in common use in kitchens. Solar energy is transferred to the kitchen by means of a circulating fluid. Energy collected from sun is maximized by changing the flow rate dynamically. This paper proposes a concept of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) for the solar thermal collector. The diameter of the pipe is selected to optimize the overall energy transfer. Design and sizing of different components of the system are explained. Concept of MPPT is validated with simulation and experimental results. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A fully automated, versatile Temperature Programmed Desorption (TDP), Temperature Programmed Reaction (TPR) and Evolved Gas Analysis (EGA) system has been designed and fabricated. The system consists of a micro-reactor which can be evacuated to 10−6 torr and can be heated from 30 to 750°C at a rate of 5 to 30°C per minute. The gas evolved from the reactor is analysed by a quadrupole mass spectrometer (1–300 amu). Data on each of the mass scans and the temperature at a given time are acquired by a PC/AT system to generate thermograms. The functioning of the system is exemplified by the temperature programmed desorption (TPD) of oxygen from YBa2Cu3−xCoxO7 ± δ, catalytic ammonia oxidation to NO over YBa2Cu3O7−δ and anaerobic oxidation of methanol to CO2, CO and H2O over YBa2Cu3O7−δ (Y123) and PrBa2Cu3O7−δ (Pr123) systems.


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This paper proposes a hybrid solar cooking system where the solar energy is brought to the kitchen. The energy source is a combination of the solar thermal energy and the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) that is in common use in kitchens. The solar thermal energy is transferred to the kitchen by means of a circulating fluid. The transfer of solar heat is a twofold process wherein the energy from the collector is transferred first to an intermediate energy storage buffer and the energy is subsequently transferred from the buffer to the cooking load. There are three parameters that are controlled in order to maximize the energy transfer from the collector to the load viz, the fluid flow rate from collector to buffer, fluid flow rate from buffer to load and the diameter of the pipes. This is a complex multi energy domain system comprising energy flow across several domains such as thermal, electrical and hydraulic. The entire system is modeled using the bond graph approach with seamless integration of the power flow in these domains. A method to estimate different parameters of the practical cooking system is also explained. Design and life cycle costing of the system is also discussed. The modeled system is simulated and the results are validated experimentally. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.