35 resultados para Function of locally varying complexity

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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A novel series of vesicle-forming ion-paired amphiphiles, bis(hexadecyldimethylammonium)alkane dipalmitate (1a-1h), containing four chains were synthesized with two isolated headgroups. In each of these amphiphiles, the two headgroup charges are separated by a flexible polymethylene spacer chain -[(CH2)(m)]- of varying lengths (m) such that the length and the conformation of the spacer chain determine the intra-"monomer" headgroup separation. Transmission electron microscopy indicated that each of these forms bilayer membranes upon dispersion in aqueous media. The vesicular properties of these aggregates have been examined by differential scanning calorimetry and temperature-dependent fluorescence anisotropy measurements. Interestingly, their T-m values decreased with the increase in the m value. Thus while the apparent T-m of the lipid with m = 2 (1a) is 74.1 degrees C, the corresponding value observed for the lipid with m = 12 (1h) is 38.9 degrees C. The fluorescence anisotropy values (r) for 1b-1g were quite high (r similar to 0.3) compared to that of 1h (r similar to 0.23) at 20-30 degrees C in their gel states. On the other hand, the r value for vesicular 1b beyond melting was higher (0.1) compared to any of those for 1c-1h (similar to 0.04-0.06). X-ray diffraction of the cast films was performed to understand the nature and the thickness of these membrane organizations. The membrane widths ranged from 30 to 51 A as the m values varied. The entrapment of a small water-soluble solute, riboflavin, by the individual vesicular aggregates, and their sustenance: under an imposed transmembrane pH gradient have also been examined. These results show that all lipid vesicles entrap riboflavin and that generally the resistance to OH- permeation decreases with the increase in m value. Finally,all the above observations were comparatively analyzed, and on the basis of the calculated structures of these lipids, it was possible to conclude that membrane propel-ties can be modulated by spacer chain length variation of the ion-paired amphiphiles.


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We consider an exclusion process on a ring in which a particle hops to an empty neighboring site with a rate that depends on the number of vacancies n in front of it. In the steady state, using the well-known mapping of this model to the zero-range process, we write down an exact formula for the partition function and the particle-particle correlation function in the canonical ensemble. In the thermodynamic limit, we find a simple analytical expression for the generating function of the correlation function. This result is applied to the hop rate u(n) = 1 + (b/n) for which a phase transition between high-density laminar phase and low-density jammed phase occurs for b > 2. For these rates, we find that at the critical density, the correlation function decays algebraically with a continuously varying exponent b - 2. We also calculate the two-point correlation function above the critical density and find that the correlation length diverges with a critical exponent nu = 1/(b - 2) for b < 3 and 1 for b > 3. These results are compared with those obtained using an exact series expansion for finite systems.


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Texture evolution in a low cost beta titanium alloy was studied for different modes of rolling and heat treatments. The alloy was cold rolled by unidirectional and multi-step cross rolling. The cold rolled material was either aged directly or recrystallized and then aged. The evolution of texture in alpha and beta phases were studied. The rolling texture of beta phase that is characterized by the gamma fiber is stronger for MSCR than UDR; while the trend is reversed on recrystallization. The mode of rolling affects alpha transformation texture on aging with smaller alpha lath size and stronger alpha texture in UDR than in MSCR. The defect structure in beta phase influences the evolution of a texture on aging. A stronger defect structure in beta phase leads to variant selection with the rolled samples showing fewer variants than the recrystallized samples.


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Detection of gamma-ray emissions from a class of active galactic nuclei (viz blazars), has been one of the important findings from the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (CGRO). However, their gamma-ray luminosity function has not-been well determined. Few attempts have been made in earlier works, where BL Lacs and Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars (FSRQs) have been considered as a single source class. In this paper, we investigated the evolution and gamma-ray luminosity function of FSRQs and BL Lacs separately. Our investigation indicates no evolution for BL Lacs, however FSRQs show significant evolution. Pure luminosity evolution is assumed for FSRQs and exponential and power law evolution models are examined. Due to the small number of sources, the low luminosity end index of the luminosity function for FSRQs is constrained with an upper limit. BL Lac luminosity function shows no signature of break. As a consistency check, the model source distributions derived from these luminosity functions show no significant departure from the observed source distributions.


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We had earlier proposed a hypothesis to explain the mechanism of perpetuation of immunological memory based on the operation of idiotypic network in the complete absence of antigen. Experimental evidences were provided for memory maintenance through anti-idiotypic antibody (Ab2) carrying the internal image of the antigen. In the present work, we describe a structural basis for such memory perpetuation by molecular modeling and structural analysis studies. A three-dimensional model of Ab2 was generated and the structure of the antigenic site on the hemagglutinin protein H of Rinderpest virus was modeled using the structural template of hemagglutinin protein of Measles virus. Our results show that a large portion of heavy chain containing the CDR regions of Ab2 resembles the domain of the hemagglutinin housing the epitope regions. The similarity demonstrates that an internal image of the H antigen is formed in Ab2, which provides a structural basis for functional mimicry demonstrated earlier. This work brings out the importance of the structural similarity between a domain of hemagglutinin protein to that of its corresponding Ab2. It provides evidence that Ab2 is indeed capable of functioning as surrogate antigen and provides support to earlier proposed relay hypothesis which has provided a mechanism for the maintenance of immunological memory.


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We had earlier proposed a hypothesis to explain the mechanism of perpetuation of immunological memory based on the operation of idiotypic network in the complete absence of antigen. Experimental evidences were provided for memory maintenance through anti-idiotypic antibody (Ab(2)) carrying the internal image of the antigen. In the present work, we describe a structural basis for such memory perpetuation by molecular modeling and structural analysis studies. A three-dimensional model of Ab(2) was generated and the structure of the antigenic site on the hemagglutinin protein H of Rinderpest virus was modeled using the structural template of hemagglutinin protein of Measles virus. Our results show that a large portion of heavy chain containing the CDR regions of Ab(2) resembles the domain of the hemagglutinin housing the epitope regions. The similarity demonstrates that an internal image of the H antigen is formed in Ab(2), which provides a structural basis for functional mimicry demonstrated earlier. This work brings out the importance of the structural similarity between a domain of hemagglutinin protein to that of its corresponding Ab(2). It provides evidence that Ab(2) is indeed capable of functioning as surrogate antigen and provides support to earlier proposed relay hypothesis which has provided a mechanism for the maintenance of immunological memory.


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Investigations on the structure and function of hemoglobin (Hb) confined inside sol-gel template synthesized silica nanotubes (SNTs) have been discussed here. Immobilization of hemoglobin inside SNTs resulted in the enhancement of direct electron transfer during an electrochemical reaction. Extent of influence of nanoconfinement on protein activity is further probed via ligand binding and thermal stability studies. Electrochemical investigations show reversible binding of n-donor liquid ligands, such as pyridine and its derivatives, and predictive variation in their redox potentials suggests an absence of any adverse effect on the structure and function of Hb confined inside nanometer-sized channels of SNTs. Immobilization also resulted in enhanced thermal stability of Hb. The melting or denaturation temperature of Hb immobilized inside SNTs increase by approximately 4 degrees C as compared with that of free Hb in solution.


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The luteotropic action of estrogen (E) was investigated using immature pseudopregnant rat as the model and CGS 16949A (Fadrozole hydrochloride), a potent aromatase inhibitor (AI), to block E synthesis. Aromatase activity could be inhibited by administering CGS 16949A (50 mu g/day/rat) via a mini osmotic Alzet pump (model 2002) for 3 days during pseudopregnancy. This resulted in significant reduction of serum (40%, P < 0.05) and intraovarian (70.6%, P < 0.001) estradiol-17 beta (E(2)) levels. The serum and intraovarian progesterone (P-4) levels as analyzed on day 4 of pseudopregnancy were also reduced by greater than or equal to 50% (for both, P < 0.01). Simultaneous administration of estradiol-3-benzoate (E(2)B) via an Alzet pump during the Al: treatment period at a dose of 1 mu g/day could completely reverse the Al induced reduction in P-4 secretion. The luteal cells of experimental rats depleted of E in vivo showed a significantly reduced response upon incubation with hCG or dbcAMP in vitro (P < 0.05 and 0.001, respectively). Addition of E(2) (500 pg/tube) at the time of in vitro incubation was able to partially increase the responsiveness to hCG. The luteal cell LH/hCG receptor content and the affinity of hCG binding to the receptor remained unchanged following AI treatment in vivo. Both esterified and total cholesterol content of luteal cells of rats treated with Al in vivo was significantly high (P < 0.05) suggesting that E lack results in an impairment in cholesterol utilization for steroidogenesis. The results clearly show that E regulates luteal function in the pseudopregnant rat by acting at a non-cAMP mediated event and this perhaps involves facilitation of cholesterol utilization at the mitochondrial level for P-4 synthesis.


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The process cascade leading to the final accommodation of the carbohydrate ligand in the lectin’s binding site comprises enthalpic and entropic contributions of the binding partners and solvent molecules. With emphasis on lactose, N-acetyllactosamine, and thiodigalactoside as potent inhibitors of binding of galactoside-specific lectins, the question was addressed to what extent these parameters are affected as a function of the protein. The microcalorimetric study of carbohydrate association to the galectin from chicken liver (CG-16) and the agglutinin from Viscum album (VAA) revealed enthalpy–entropy compensation with evident protein type-dependent changes for N-acetyllactosamine. Reduction of the entropic penalty by differential flexibility of loops or side chains and/or solvation properties of the protein will have to be reckoned with to assign a molecular cause to protein type-dependent changes in thermodynamic parameters for lectins sharing the same monosaccharide specificity.


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Steady laminar flow of a non-Newtonian fluid based on couple stress fluid theory, through narrow tubes of varying cross-sections has been studied theoretically. Asymptotic solutions are obtained for the basic equations and the expressions for the velocity field and the wall shear stress are derived for a general cross-section. Computation and discussions are carried out for the geometries which occur in the context of physiological flows or in particular blood flows. The tapered tubes and constricted tubes are of special importance. It is observed that increase in certain parameters results in erratic flow behaviour proximal to the constricted areas which is further enhanced by the increase in the geometric parameters. This elucidates the implications of the flow in the development of vascular lesions.


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While the need for FSH in initiating spermatogenesis in the immature rat is well accepted, its requirement for maintenance of spermatogenesis in adulthood is questioned. In the current study, using gonadotropin antisera to neutralize specifically either endogenous FSH or LH, we have investigated the effect of either FSH or LH deprivation for a 10-day period on (i) testicular macromolecular synthesis in vitro, (ii) the activities of testicular germ cell specific LDH-X and hyaluronidase enzymes, and finally (iii) on the concentration of sulphated glycoprotein (SGP-2), one of the Sertoli cell marker proteins. Both immature (35-day-old) and adult (100-day-old) rats have been used in this study. Since LH deprivation leads to a near total blockade of testosterone production, the ability of exogenous testosterone supplementation to override the effects of LH deficiency has also been evaluated. Deprivation of either of the gonadotropins significantly affected in vitro RNA and protein synthesis by both testicular minces as well as single cell preparations. Fractionation of dispersed testicular cells preincubated with labelled precursors of RNA and protein on Percoll density gradient revealed that FSH deprivation affected specifically the rate of RNA and protein synthesis of germ cell and not Leydig cell fraction. LH but not FSH deprivation inhibited [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA. The inhibitory effect of LH could mostly be overriden by testosterone supplementation. LDH-X and hyaluronidase activities of testicular homogenates of adult rats showed significant reduction (50%; P less than .05) following either FSH or LH deprivation. Again testosterone supplementation was able to reverse the LH inhibitory effect.


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Using path integrals, we derive an exact expression-valid at all times t-for the distribution P(Q,t) of the heat fluctuations Q of a Brownian particle trapped in a stationary harmonic well. We find that P(Q, t) can be expressed in terms of a modified Bessel function of zeroth order that in the limit t > infinity exactly recovers the heat distribution function obtained recently by Imparato et al. Phys. Rev. E 76, 050101(R) (2007)] from the approximate solution to a Fokker-Planck equation. This long-time result is in very good agreement with experimental measurements carried out by the same group on the heat effects produced by single micron-sized polystyrene beads in a stationary optical trap. An earlier exact calculation of the heat distribution function of a trapped particle moving at a constant speed v was carried out by van Zon and Cohen Phys. Rev. E 69, 056121 (2004)]; however, this calculation does not provide an expression for P(Q, t) itself, but only its Fourier transform (which cannot be analytically inverted), nor can it be used to obtain P(Q, t) for the case v=0.


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The nucleotide sequence of cosmid B1790, carrying the Rif-Str regions of the Mycobacterium leprae chromosome, has been determined. Twelve open reading frames were identified in the 36716bp sequence, representing 40% of the coding capacity. Five ribosomal proteins, two elongation factors and the β and β'subunits of RNA polymerase have been characterized and two novel genes were found. One of these encodes a member of the so-called ABC family of ATP-binding proteins while the other appears to encode an enzyme involved in repairing genomic lesions caused by free radicals. This finding may well be significant as M. leprae, an intracellular pathogen, lives within macrophages.


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A geometrically polar granular rod confined in 2D geometry, subjected to a sinusoidal vertical oscillation, undergoes noisy self-propulsion in a direction determined by its polarity. When surrounded by a medium of crystalline spherical beads, it displays substantial negative fluctuations in its velocity. We find that the large-deviation function (LDF) for the normalized velocity is strongly non-Gaussian with a kink at zero velocity, and that the antisymmetric part of the LDF is linear, resembling the fluctuation relation known for entropy production, even when the velocity distribution is clearly non-Gaussian. We extract an analogue of the phase-space contraction rate and find that it compares well with an independent estimate based on the persistence of forward and reverse velocities.