47 resultados para Full discretization

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Finite volume methods traditionally employ dimension by dimension extension of the one-dimensional reconstruction and averaging procedures to achieve spatial discretization of the governing partial differential equations on a structured Cartesian mesh in multiple dimensions. This simple approach based on tensor product stencils introduces an undesirable grid orientation dependence in the computed solution. The resulting anisotropic errors lead to a disparity in the calculations that is most prominent between directions parallel and diagonal to the grid lines. In this work we develop isotropic finite volume discretization schemes which minimize such grid orientation effects in multidimensional calculations by eliminating the directional bias in the lowest order term in the truncation error. Explicit isotropic expressions that relate the cell face averaged line and surface integrals of a function and its derivatives to the given cell area and volume averages are derived in two and three dimensions, respectively. It is found that a family of isotropic approximations with a free parameter can be derived by combining isotropic schemes based on next-nearest and next-next-nearest neighbors in three dimensions. Use of these isotropic expressions alone in a standard finite volume framework, however, is found to be insufficient in enforcing rotational invariance when the flux vector is nonlinear and/or spatially non-uniform. The rotationally invariant terms which lead to a loss of isotropy in such cases are explicitly identified and recast in a differential form. Various forms of flux correction terms which allow for a full recovery of rotational invariance in the lowest order truncation error terms, while preserving the formal order of accuracy and discrete conservation of the original finite volume method, are developed. Numerical tests in two and three dimensions attest the superior directional attributes of the proposed isotropic finite volume method. Prominent anisotropic errors, such as spurious asymmetric distortions on a circular reaction-diffusion wave that feature in the conventional finite volume implementation are effectively suppressed through isotropic finite volume discretization. Furthermore, for a given spatial resolution, a striking improvement in the prediction of kinetic energy decay rate corresponding to a general two-dimensional incompressible flow field is observed with the use of an isotropic finite volume method instead of the conventional discretization. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we generalize the existing rate-one space frequency (SF) and space-time frequency (STF) code constructions. The objective of this exercise is to provide a systematic design of full-diversity STF codes with high coding gain. Under this generalization, STF codes are formulated as linear transformations of data. Conditions on these linear transforms are then derived so that the resulting STF codes achieve full diversity and high coding gain with a moderate decoding complexity. Many of these conditions involve channel parameters like delay profile (DP) and temporal correlation. When these quantities are not available at the transmitter, design of codes that exploit full diversity on channels with arbitrary DIP and temporal correlation is considered. Complete characterization of a class of such robust codes is provided and their bit error rate (BER) performance is evaluated. On the other hand, when channel DIP and temporal correlation are available at the transmitter, linear transforms are optimized to maximize the coding gain of full-diversity STF codes. BER performance of such optimized codes is shown to be better than those of existing codes.


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A switched DC voltage three level NPC is proposed in this paper to eliminate capacitor balancing problems in conventional three-level Neutral Point Clamped (NPC) inverter. The proposed configuration requires only one DC link with a voltage V-dc/2, where V-dc is the DC link voltage in a onventional NPC inverter. To get rated DC link voltage (V-dc), the voltage source is alternately onnected in parallel to one of the two series capacitors using two switches and two diodes with device voltage rating of V-dc/2. The frequency at which the voltage source is switched is independent and will not affect the operation of NPC inverter. The switched voltage source in this configuration balances the capacitors automatically. The proposed configuration can also be used as a conventional two level inverter in lower modulation range, thereby increases the reliability of the drive system. A space vector based PWM scheme is used to verify this proposed topology.


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Numerically discretized dynamic optimization problems having active inequality and equality path constraints that along with the dynamics induce locally high index differential algebraic equations often cause the optimizer to fail in convergence or to produce degraded control solutions. In many applications, regularization of the numerically discretized problem in direct transcription schemes by perturbing the high index path constraints helps the optimizer to converge to usefulm control solutions. For complex engineering problems with many constraints it is often difficult to find effective nondegenerat perturbations that produce useful solutions in some neighborhood of the correct solution. In this paper we describe a numerical discretization that regularizes the numerically consistent discretized dynamics and does not perturb the path constraints. For all values of the regularization parameter the discretization remains numerically consistent with the dynamics and the path constraints specified in the, original problem. The regularization is quanti. able in terms of time step size in the mesh and the regularization parameter. For full regularized systems the scheme converges linearly in time step size.The method is illustrated with examples.


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This paper deals with low maximum-likelihood (ML)-decoding complexity, full-rate and full-diversity space-time block codes (STBCs), which also offer large coding gain, for the 2 transmit antenna, 2 receive antenna (2 x 2) and the 4 transmit antenna, 2 receive antenna (4 x 2) MIMO systems. Presently, the best known STBC for the 2 2 system is the Golden code and that for the 4 x 2 system is the DjABBA code. Following the approach by Biglieri, Hong, and Viterbo, a new STBC is presented in this paper for the 2 x 2 system. This code matches the Golden code in performance and ML-decoding complexity for square QAM constellations while it has lower ML-decoding complexity with the same performance for non-rectangular QAM constellations. This code is also shown to be information-lossless and diversity-multiplexing gain (DMG) tradeoff optimal. This design procedure is then extended to the 4 x 2 system and a code, which outperforms the DjABBA code for QAM constellations with lower ML-decoding complexity, is presented. So far, the Golden code has been reported to have an ML-decoding complexity of the order of for square QAM of size. In this paper, a scheme that reduces its ML-decoding complexity to M-2 root M is presented.


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The problem of designing high rate, full diversity noncoherent space-time block codes (STBCs) with low encoding and decoding complexity is addressed. First, the notion of g-group encodable and g-group decodable linear STBCs is introduced. Then for a known class of rate-1 linear designs, an explicit construction of fully-diverse signal sets that lead to four-group encodable and four-group decodable differential scaled unitary STBCs for any power of two number of antennas is provided. Previous works on differential STBCs either sacrifice decoding complexity for higher rate or sacrifice rate for lower decoding complexity.


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We present a case study of formal verification of full-wave rectifier for analog and mixed signal designs. We have used the Checkmate tool from CMU [1], which is a public domain formal verification tool for hybrid systems. Due to the restriction imposed by Checkmate it necessitates to make the changes in the Checkmate implementation to implement the complex and non-linear system. Full-wave rectifier has been implemented by using the Checkmate custom blocks and the Simulink blocks from MATLAB from Math works. After establishing the required changes in the Checkmate implementation we are able to efficiently verify, the safety properties of the full-wave rectifier.


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It is known that by employing space-time-frequency codes (STFCs) to frequency selective MIMO-OFDM systems, all the three diversity viz spatial, temporal and multipath can be exploited. There exists space-time-frequency block codes (STFBCs) designed using orthogonal designs with constellation precoder to get full diversity (Z.Liu, Y.Xin and G.Giannakis IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Oct. 2002). Since orthogonal designs of rate one exists only for two transmit antennas, for more than two transmit antennas STFBCs of rate-one and full-diversity cannot be constructed using orthogonal designs. This paper presents a STFBC scheme of rate one for four transmit antennas designed using quasi-orthogonal designs along with co-ordinate interleaved orthogonal designs (Zafar Ali Khan and B. Sundar Rajan Proc: ISIT 2002). Conditions on the signal sets that give full-diversity are identified. Simulation results are presented to show the superiority of our codes over the existing ones.


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This paper presents a systematic construction of high-rate and full-diversity space-frequency block codes for MIMO-OFDM systems. While all prior constructions offer only a maximum rate of one complex symbol per channel use, our construction yields rate equal to the number of transmit antennas and simultaneously achieves full-diversity. The proposed construction works for arbitrary number of transmit antennas and arbitrary channel power delay profile. A key step in this construction is the generalization of the stacked matrix code design criteria given by Bolcskei et.al., (IEEE WCNC 2000). Explicit equivalence of our generalized code design criteria with the Hadamard-product based criteria of W. Su et.al., (lEEE Trans. Sig. Proc. Nov 2003) is established and new high-rate codes are constructed using our criteria.


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A switched rectifier DC voltage source three-level neutral-point-clamped (NPC) converter topology is proposed here to alleviate the inverter from capacitor voltage balancing in three-level drive systems. The proposed configuration requires only one DC link with a voltage of half of that needed in a conventional NPC inverter. To obtain a rated DC link voltage, the rectifier DC source is alternately connected in parallel to one of the two series capacitors using two switches and two diodes with device voltage ratings of half the total DC bus voltage. The frequency at which the voltage source is switched is independent of the inverter and will not affect its operation since the switched voltage source in this configuration balances the capacitors automatically. The proposed configuration can also be used as a conventional two-level inverter in the lower modulation index range, thereby increasing the reliability of the drivesystem. A space-vector-based PWM scheme is used to verify this proposed topology on a laboratory system.


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The problem of designing high rate, full diversity noncoherent space-time block codes (STBCs) with low encoding and decoding complexity is addressed. First, the notion of g-group encodable and g-group decodable linear STBCs is introduced. Then for a known class of rate-1 linear designs, an explicit construction of fully-diverse signal sets that lead to four-group encodable and four-group decodable differential scaled unitary STBCs for any power of two number of antennas is provided. Previous works on differential STBCs either sacrifice decoding complexity for higher rate or sacrifice rate for lower decoding complexity.


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Use of precoding transforms such as Hadamard Transforms and Phase Alteration for Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) reduction in OFDM systems are well known. In this paper we propose use of Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) and Hadamard transform as precoding transforms in MIMO-OFDM systems to achieve low peak to average power ratio (PAPR). We show that while our approach using IDFT does not disturb the diversity gains of the MIMO-OFDM systems (spatial, temporal and frequency diversity gains), it offers a better trade-off between PAPR reduction and ML decoding complexity compared to that of the Hadamard transform precoding. We study in detail the amount of PAPR reduction achieved for the following two recently proposed full-diversity Space-Frequency coded MIMO-OFDM systems using both the IDFT and the Hadamard transform: (i) W. Su. Z. Safar, M. Olfat, K. J. R. Liu (IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Nov. 2003), and (ii) W. Su, Z. Safar, K. J. R. Liu (IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Jan. 2005).


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We respond to Dikpati et al.'s criticism of our recent solar dynamo model. A different treatment of the magnetic buoyancy is the most probable reason for their different results.


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This paper proposes a full-rate, full-diversity space-time block code(STBC) with low maximum likelihood (ML) decoding complexity and high coding gain for the 4 transmit antenna, 2 receive antenna (4 x 2) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system that employs 4/16-QAM. For such a system, the best code known is the DjABBA code and recently, Biglieri, Hong and Viterbo have proposed another STBC (BHV code) for 4-QAM which has lower ML-decoding complexity than the DjABBA code but does not have full-diversity like the DjABBA code. The code proposed in this paper has the same ML-decoding complexity as the BHV code for any square M-QAM but has full-diversity for 4- and 16-QAM. Compared with the DjABBA code, the proposed code has lower ML-decoding complexity for square M-QAM constellation, higher coding gain for 4- and 16-QAM, and hence a better codeword error rate (CER) performance. Simulation results confirming this are presented.


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For an n(t) transmit, n(r) receive antenna system (n(t) x nr system), a full-rate space time block code (STBC) transmits min(n(t), n(r)) complex symbols per channel use. In this paper, a scheme to obtain a full-rate STBC for 4 transmit antennas and any n(r), with reduced ML-decoding complexity is presented. The weight matrices of the proposed STBC are obtained from the unitary matrix representations of a Clifford Algebra. By puncturing the symbols of the STBC, full rate designs can be obtained for n(r) < 4. For any value of n(r), the proposed design offers the least ML-decoding complexity among known codes. The proposed design is comparable in error performance to the well known Perfect code for 4 transmit antennas while offering lower ML-decoding complexity. Further, when n(r) < 4, the proposed design has higher ergodic capacity than the punctured Perfect code. Simulation results which corroborate these claims are presented.