11 resultados para FP

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Friction characteristics of journal bearings made from cast graphic aluminum particulate composite alloy were determined under mixed lubrication and compared with those of the base alloy (without graphite) and leaded phosphor bronze. All three materials ran without seizure while the performance of the particulate composite and leaded phosphor bronze improved with running. Temperature rise in the journal bearing under mixed/boundary lubrication was also measured. It was found that with 0.3D/1000 to 1.5D/1000 clearance and a low lubrication rate (typical value for a bearing of diameter 35 mm × length 35 mm is 80 mm3/min) and at a PV value of 73 × 106 Nm m−2 min−1 graphitic aluminium alloy journal bearings operate satisfactorily without seizure and excessive temperature rise. In comparison, the bronze bearings, with all the other parameters remaining the same, could not run without excessive temperature rise at clearances below D/1000 at lubrication rates lower than 200 mm3/min


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Functional Programming (FP) systems are modified and extended to form Nondeterministic Functional Programming (NFP) systems in which nondeterministic programs can be specified and both deterministic and nondeterministic programs can be verified essentially within the system. It is shown that the algebra of NFP programs has simpler laws in comparison with the algebra of FP programs. "Regular" forms are introduced to put forward a disciplined way of reasoning about programs. Finally, an alternative definition of "linear" forms is proposed for reasoning about recursively defined programs. This definition, when used to test the linearity of forms, results in simpler verification conditions than those generated by the original definition of linear forms.


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A pair of semi-linear hyperbolic partial differential equations governing the slow variations in amplitude and phase of a quasi-monochromatic finite-amplitude Love-wave on an isotropic layered half-space is derived using the method of multiple-scales. The analysis of the exact solution of these equations for a signalling problem reveals that the amplitude of the wave remains constant along its characteristic and that the phase of the wave increases linearly behind the wave-front.


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Titration calorimetry measurements of the binding of phenyl-alpha (alpha PhOGlu), 3-methoxy (3MeOGlu), fluorodeoxy and deoxy derivatives of alpha-D-glucopyranose (Glu) to concanavalin A (conA), pea lectin and lentil lectin were performed at approx. 10 and 25 degrees C in 0.01 M dimethylglutaric acid/NaOH buffer, pH 6.9, containing 0.15 M NaCl and Mn2+ and Ca2+ ions. Apparently the 3-deoxy, 4-deoxy and 6-deoxy as well as the 4-fluorodeoxy and 6-fluorodeoxy derivatives of Glu do not bind to the lectins because no heat release was observed on the addition of aliquots of solutions of these derivatives to the lectin solutions. The binding enthalpies, delta H0b, and entropies, delta S0b, determined from the measurements were compared with the same thermodynamic binding parameters for Glu, D-mannopyranoside and methyl-alpha- D-glucopyranoside (alpha MeOGlu). The binding reactions are enthalpically driven with little change in the heat capacity on binding, and exhibit enthalpy-entropy compensation. Differences between the thermodynamic binding parameters can be rationalized in terms of the interactions apparent in the known crystal structures of the methyl-alpha-D-mannopyranoside-conA [Derewenda, Yariv, Helliwell, Kalb (Gilboa), Dodson, Papiz, Wan and Campbell (1989) EMBO J. 8, 2189-2193] and pea lectin-trimanno-pyranoside [Rini, Hardman, Einspahr, Suddath and Carber (1993) J. Biol. Chem. 268, 10126-10132] complexes. Increases in the entropy change on binding are observed for alpha MeOGlu binding to pea and lentil lectin, for alpha PhOGlu binding to conA and pea lectin, and for 3MeOGlu binding to pea lectin relative to the entropy change for Glu binding, and imply that the phenoxy and methoxy substituents provide additional hydrophobic interactions in the complex. Increases in the binding enthalpy relative to that of Glu are observed for deoxy and fluoro derivatives in the C-1 and C-2 positions and imply that these substituents weaken the interaction with the surrounding water, thereby strengthening the interaction with the binding site.


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Titration calorimetry measurements of the binding of methyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside (Me alpha Man), D-mannopyranoside (Man), methyl alpha-D-glucopyranoside (Me alpha Glu), and D-glucopyranoside (Glu) to concanavalin A (Con A), pea lectin, and lentil lectin were performed at 281 and 292 K in 0.01 M dimethylglutaric acid-NaOH buffer (pH 6.9) containing 0.15 M NaCl and Mn+2 and Ca+2 ions. The site binding enthalpies, delta H, are the same at both temperatures and range from -28.4 +/- 0.9 (Me alpha Man) to -16.6 +/- 0.5 kJ mol-1 (Glu) for Con A, from -26.2 +/- 1.1 (Me alpha Man) to -12.8 +/- 0.4 kJ mol-1 (Me alpha Glu) for pea lectin, and from -16.6 +/- 0.7 (Me alpha Man) to -8.0 +/- 0.2 kJ mol-1 (Me alpha Glu) for lentil lectin. The site binding constants range from 17 +/- 1 x 10(3) M-1 (Me alpha Man to Con A at 281.2 K) to 230 +/- 20 M-1 (Glu to lentil lectin at 292.6 K) and exhibit high specificity for Con A where they are in the Me alpha Man:Man:Me alpha Glu:Glu ratio of 21:4:5:1, while the corresponding ratio is 5:2:1.5:1 for pea lectin and 4:2:2:1 for lentil lectin. The higher specificity for Con A indicates more interactions between the amino acid residues at the binding site and the carbohydrate ligand than for the pea and lentil lectin-carbohydrate complexes. The carbohydrate-lectin binding results exhibit enthalpy-entropy compensation in that delta Hb (kJ mol-1) = -1.67 +/- 0.06 x 10(4) + (1.30 +/- 0.12)T(K) delta Sb (J mol-1K-1). Differential scanning calorimetry measurements on the thermal denaturation of the lectins and their carbohydrate complexes show that the Con A tetramer dissociates into monomers, while the pea and lentil lectin dimers dissociate into two submonomer fragments. At the denaturation temperature, one carbohydrate binds to each monomer of Con A and the pea and lentil lectins. Complexation with the carbohydrate increases the denaturation temperature of the lectin and the magnitude of the increases yield binding constants in agreement with the determinations from titration calorimetry.


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The thermodynamics of the binding of D-galactopyranoside (Gal), 2-acetamido-2-deoxygalactopyranoside (GalNAc), methyl-alpha-D-galactopyranoside, and methyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside to the basic agglutinin from winged bean (WBAI) in 0.02 M sodium phosphate and 0.15 M sodium chloride buffer have been investigated from 298.15 to 333.15 K by titration calorimetry and at the denaturation temperature by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). WBAI is a dimer with two binding sites. The titration calorimetry yielded single-site binding constants ranging from 0.56 +/- 0.14 x 10(3) M-1 for Gal at 323.15 K to 7.2 +/- 0.5 x 10(3) M-1 for GalNAc at 298.15 K and binding enthalpies ranging from -28.0 +/- 2.0 kJ mol-1 for GalNAc at 298.15 K to -14.3 +/- 0.1 kJ mol-1 for methyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside at 322.65 K. The denaturation transition consisted of two overlapping peaks over the pH range 5.6-7.4. Fits of the differential scanning calorimetry data to a two-state transition model showed that the low temperature transition (341.6 +/- 0.4 K at pH 7.4) consisted of two domains unfolding as a single entity while the higher temperature transition (347.8 +/- 0.6 K at pH 7.4) is of the remaining WBAI dimer unfolding into two monomers. Both transitions shift to higher temperatures and higher calorimetric enthalpies with increase in added ligand concentration at pH 7.4. Analysis of the temperature increase as a function of added ligand concentration suggests that one ligand binds to the two domains unfolding at 341.6 +/- 0.6 K and one ligand binds to the domain unfolding at 347.8 +/- 0.6 K.


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This paper introduces CSP-like communication mechanisms into Backus’ Functional Programming (FP) systems extended by nondeterministic constructs. Several new functionals are used to describe nondeterminism and communication in programs. The functionals union and restriction are introduced into FP systems to develop a simple algebra of programs with nondeterminism. The behaviour of other functionals proposed in this paper are characterized by the properties of union and restriction. The axiomatic semantics of communication constructs are presented. Examples show that it is possible to reason about a communicating program by first transforming it into a non-communicating program by using the axioms of communication, and then reasoning about the resulting non-communicating version of the program. It is also shown that communicating programs can be developed from non-communicating programs given as specifications by using a transformational approach.


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A new feature-based technique is introduced to solve the nonlinear forward problem (FP) of the electrical capacitance tomography with the target application of monitoring the metal fill profile in the lost foam casting process. The new technique is based on combining a linear solution to the FP and a correction factor (CF). The CF is estimated using an artificial neural network (ANN) trained using key features extracted from the metal distribution. The CF adjusts the linear solution of the FP to account for the nonlinear effects caused by the shielding effects of the metal. This approach shows promising results and avoids the curse of dimensionality through the use of features and not the actual metal distribution to train the ANN. The ANN is trained using nine features extracted from the metal distributions as input. The expected sensors readings are generated using ANSYS software. The performance of the ANN for the training and testing data was satisfactory, with an average root-mean-square error equal to 2.2%.


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We propose a method for the dynamic simulation of a collection of self-propelled particles in a viscous Newtonian fluid. We restrict attention to particles whose size and velocity are small enough that the fluid motion is in the creeping flow regime. We propose a simple model for a self-propelled particle, and extended the Stokesian Dynamics method to conduct dynamic simulations of a collection of such particles. In our description, each particle is treated as a sphere with an orientation vector p, whose locomotion is driven by the action of a force dipole Sp of constant magnitude S0 at a point slightly displaced from its centre. To simplify the calculation, we place the dipole at the centre of the particle, and introduce a virtual propulsion force Fp to effect propulsion. The magnitude F0 of this force is proportional to S0. The directions of Sp and Fp are determined by p. In isolation, a self-propelled particle moves at a constant velocity u0 p, with the speed u0 determined by S0. When it coexists with many such particles, its hydrodynamic interaction with the other particles alters its velocity and, more importantly, its orientation. As a result, the motion of the particle is chaotic. Our simulations are not restricted to low particle concentration, as we implement the full hydrodynamic interactions between the particles, but we restrict the motion of particles to two dimensions to reduce computation. We have studied the statistical properties of a suspension of self-propelled particles for a range of the particle concentration, quantified by the area fraction φa. We find several interesting features in the microstructure and statistics. We find that particles tend to swim in clusters wherein they are in close proximity. Consequently, incorporating the finite size of the particles and the near-field hydrodynamic interactions is of the essence. There is a continuous process of breakage and formation of the clusters. We find that the distributions of particle velocity at low and high φa are qualitatively different; it is close to the normal distribution at high φa, in agreement with experimental measurements. The motion of the particles is diffusive at long time, and the self-diffusivity decreases with increasing φa. The pair correlation function shows a large anisotropic build-up near contact, which decays rapidly with separation. There is also an anisotropic orientation correlation near contact, which decays more slowly with separation. Movies are available with the online version of the paper.


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Fix a prime p. Given a positive integer k, a vector of positive integers Delta = (Delta(1), Delta(2), ... , Delta(k)) and a function Gamma : F-p(k) -> F-p, we say that a function P : F-p(n) -> F-p is (k, Delta, Gamma)-structured if there exist polynomials P-1, P-2, ..., P-k : F-p(n) -> F-p with each deg(P-i) <= Delta(i) such that for all x is an element of F-p(n), P(x) = Gamma(P-1(x), P-2(x), ..., P-k(x)). For instance, an n-variate polynomial over the field Fp of total degree d factors nontrivially exactly when it is (2, (d - 1, d - 1), prod)- structured where prod(a, b) = a . b. We show that if p > d, then for any fixed k, Delta, Gamma, we can decide whether a given polynomial P(x(1), x(2), ..., x(n)) of degree d is (k, Delta, Gamma)-structured and if so, find a witnessing decomposition. The algorithm takes poly(n) time. Our approach is based on higher-order Fourier analysis.


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Lipoplex nano-aggregates constituted of plasmid DNA (pDNA) pEGFP-C3 and mixed cationic liposomes, consisting of several percentages of a gemini cationic lipid (GCL) of the 1,2-bis(hexadecyl imidazolium) oxyethylene series, referred to as (C(16)Im)(2)(C2O)(n), with oxyethylene spacers (n = 1, 2 or 3) between the imidazolium cationic groups and the DOPE zwitterionic helper lipid, have been characterized by various biophysical and biological approaches carried out at several GCL compositions (alpha), and either the mass or the effective charge ratio of the lipoplex. The electrochemical study by zeta-potential confirms that the three GCLs yield a 10% lower effective charge than the nominal one, while compacted pDNA yields only a 25% effective negative charge. The SAXS study reveals, irrespective of the spacer length (n) and effective charge ratio (rho(eff)), the presence of two lamellar structures, i.e., one (L-alpha,L-main) in the whole GCL composition and another (L-alpha,L-DOPE,L-rich) with higher periodicity values that coexists with the previous one at low GCL composition (alpha = 0.2). The cryo-TEM analysis shows two types of multilamellar structures consisting of cationic lipidic bilayers with pDNA sandwiched between them: a cluster-type (C-type) at low alpha = 0.2 and a fingerprint-type (FP-type) at alpha >= 0.5, both with similar interlamellar spacing (d) in agreement with the L-alpha,L-main structure determined by SAXS. Transfection efficacies (TEs) of each lipid mixture were determined in four different cell lines (HEK293T, HeLa, Caco-2 and A549) at several alpha and rho(eff) values in the absence and presence of serum (FBS). The optimized formulations (alpha = 0.2 and rho(eff) = 2.0) substantially transfect cells much better than a commercial transfection reagent, Lipofectamine 2000 and previously studied efficient lipoplexes containing other cationic head groups or spacers both in the absence and presence of serum. The activity of optimized formulations may be attributed to the combination of several factors, such as: (a) the fusogenic character of DOPE which results in higher fluidity of the lipoplexes at alpha = 0.2, (b) the coexistence of two lamellar structures at alpha = 0.2 that synergizes the TE of these lipid vectors, and mainly (c) the higher biocompatibility of the GCLs reported in this work due to the presence of two imidazolium cationic groups together with an oligo-oxyethylene spacer. The length of the spacer in the GCL seems to have less impact, although (C(16)Im)(2)(C2O)(n)/DOPEpDNA lipoplexes with n = 1 and 3 show higher gene transfection than n = 2. All the optimum formulations reported herein are all highly efficient with negligible levels of toxicity, and thus, may be considered as very promising gene vectors for in vivo applications.