33 resultados para Exothermic

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Nanocrystalline metals frequently exhibit poor thermal stability, and the exothermic peak in differential scanning calorimetry is usually attributed to grain growth. We show from experiments on electrodeposited nano-Ni with varying levels of S, and tests with microcrystalline Ni and S powders, that the exothermic peak is associated with the formation of a nickel sulfide phase and concurrent grain growth. Analysis suggests that segregation plays a more important role in limiting grain growth than second-phase particles in nano-Ni. (C) 2010 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fine particle FeVO4, AIVO4, YVO4 and Yo.95Eu0.05VO4 have been prepared by the combustion of aqueous solutions containing corresponding metal nitrate, ammonium metavanadate, ammonium nitrate and 3-methyl-5-pyrazolone.The solutions containing the redox mixtures, when rapidly heated at 370 °C, ignite and undergo self-propagating,gas-producing, exothermic reactions to yield fine particle metal vanadates. Formation of crystalline vanadates was confirmed by powder X-ray diffraction patterns,27A1 nuclear magnetic resonance, IR and fluorescence spectra.


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Auto-ignition temperature of polystyrene, poly(vinyl chloride) and carboxy terminated polybutadiene has been measured at various oxygen pressures (1-28 atm) in a high pressure differential thermal analysis assembly at a heating rate of 10°C/min. The exothermic peak appears between 250-350°C in polystyrene and poly(vinyl chloride) and between 150-200°C for carboxy terminated polybutadiene. Ignition appears to be controlled by in situ forma tion and degradation of polymeric peroxides. Inverse dependence of ignition temperature on oxygen pressure is explained by the rate equation which con siders that ignition of a particular sample, of a fixed geometry, occurs when gasification rate reaches a unique critical value.


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Alternating differential scanning calorimetric (ADSC) studies have been performed to understand the thermal behavior of bulk GexSe35-xTe65 glasses (17 <= x <= 25); it is found that the glasses with x <= 20 exhibit two crystallization exotherms (T-c1 & T-c2). On the other hand, those with x >= 20.5, show a single crystallization reaction upon heating. The exothermic reaction at T-c1 has been found to correspond to the partial crystallization of the glass into hexagonal Te and the reaction at T-c2 is associated with the additional crystallization of rhombohedral Ge-Te phase. The glass transition temperature of GexSe35-xTe65 glasses is found to show a linear but not-steep increase, indicating a progressive, but a gradual increase in network connectivity with Ge addition. It is also found that T-c1 of GexSe35-xTe65 glasses with x <= 20, increases progressively with Ge content and eventually merges with T-c2 at x approximate to 20.5 (< r > = 2.41); this behavior has been understood on the basis of the reduction in Te-Te bonds of lower energy and increase in Ge-Te bonds of higher energy, with increasing Ge content. Apart from the interesting composition dependent crystallization, an anomalous melting behavior is also exhibited by the GexSe35-xTe65 glasses.


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A study has been made of the differential thermal analysis of (i) potassium perchlorate in powdered form, (ii) potassium perchlorate in pelletized form, (iii) potassium perchlorate recrystallized from liquid NH3, and (iv) potassium perchlorate preheated for 24 hours at 375°. Pretreatment of potassium perchlorate leads to a desensitization of both endothermic and exothermic processes. Additionally, the pretreatment tends to convert the symmetric exotherm into an asymmetric exotherm due to merging of the two exotherms. An analysis of the factors causing asymmetry in the exotherm has thrown fresh light on the mechanism of thermal decomposition of potassium perchlorate.


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The effect of pressure on the electrical resistivity of bulk Si20Te80 glass has been studied up to a pressure of 8 GPa. A discontinuous transition occurs at a pressure of 7 GPa. The X-ray diffraction studies on the pressure quenched sample show that the high pressure phase is crystalline with hexagonal structure (c/a = 1.5). On heating, the high pressure hexagonal phase has on exothermic decomposition atT = 586 K into two crystalline phases, which are the stable phases tellurium and SiTe2 obtained by simple heating of the glass.


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Hydrazinium magnesium sulfate, (N2H5)2Mg(SO4)2, has been prepared by dissolving magnesium powder in a solution of ammonium sulfate in hydrazine hydrate, by the reaction of ammonium magnesium sulfate with hydrazine hydrate, and by the cocrystallisation of dihydrazinium sulfate and magnesium sulfate. The product has been characterized by chemical analysis and infrared spectra. Thermal analysis of (N2H5)2Mg(SO4)2 by TG and DTA show exothermic decomposition at 302°C giving Mg(N2H4)SO4 as an intermediate and an endother-mic decomposition at 504°C producing MgSO4.


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Differential scanning calorimetric studies on ammonium perchlorate have been carried out. The enthalpy values for the phase transition endotherm and the two exotherms have been reported in the present communication. A new method has been developed for the estimation of kinetic parameters from DSC the mograms. The values for activation energy as calculated by the above method for low temperature and high temperature exotherms are in close agreement with literature values. The present studies also confirm the presence of small exothermic peaks at the initial stages of high temperature exotherm. Explanation for the same has been given.


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Some aspects of the pyrolysis of polystyrene peroxide (PSP) have been examined. Low-temperature decomposition studies at 60°C and 70°C have been carried out to elucidate the ageing behaviour of PSP. The exothermic decomposition was found to be complete in 44 h at 70°C suggesting that all peroxide bonds have broken. Enthalpy measurements of the aged samples were carried out as a function of storage time. Ageing was also followed by infrared spectroscopy, and the intensity of the peroxide absorption around 1050 cm−1 was found to decrease with ageing time. Benzaldehyde formed as a result of PSP pyrolysis is readily converted into benzoic acid, which crystallizes during the ageing process. Pyrolysis—gas chromatographic studies have shown that up to 450°C the basic decomposition mechanism (i.e., the formation of benzaldehyde and formaldehyde as the major products) does not change. No effect of pressure on the decomposition exotherm in differential thermal analysis was observed, suggesting that peroxide composition involves only condensed phase reactions. Hydroquinone, p-aminophenol and cadmium sulphide were found to retard the thermal decomposition of PSP, suggesting that these compounds would be potential antioxidants for polymers.


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The thermodynamics of tie binding of calcium and magnesium ions to a calcium binding protein from Entamoeba histolytica was investigated by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) in 20 mM MOPS buffer (pH 7.0) at 20 degrees C. Enthalpy titration curves of calcium show the presence of four Ca2+ binding sites, There exist two low-affinity sites for Ca2+, both of which are exothermic in nature and with positive cooperative interaction between them. Two other high affinity sites for Ca2+ exist of which one is endothermic and the other exothermic, again with positive cooperative interaction. The binding constants for Ca2+ at the four sites have been verified by a competitive binding assay, where CaBP competes with a chromophoric chelator 5, 5'-Br-2 BAPTA to bind Ca2+ and a Ca2+ titration employing intrinsic tyrosine fluorescence of the protein, The enthalpy of titration of magnesium in the absence of calcium is single site and endothermic in nature. In the case of the titrations performed using protein presaturated with magnesium, the amount of heat produced is altered. Further, the interaction between the high-affinity sites changes to negative cooperativity. No exchange of heat was observed throughout the addition of magnesium in the presence of 1 mM calcium, Titrations performed on a cleaved peptide comprising the N-terminus and the central linker show the existence of two Ca2+ specific sites, These results indicate that this CaBP has one high-affinity Ca-Mg site, one high-affinity Ca-specific site, and two low-affinity Ca-specific sites. The thermodynamic parameters of the binding of these metal ions were used to elucidate the energetics at the individual site(s) and the interactions involved therein at various concentrations of the denaturant, guanidine hydrochloride, ranging from 0.05 to 6.5 M. Unfolding of the protein was also monitored by titration calorimetry as a function of the concentration of the denaturant. These data show that at a GdnHCl concentration of 0.25 M the binding affinity for the Mg2+ ion is lost and there are only two sites which can bind to Ca2+, with substantial loss cooperativity. At concentrations beyond 2.5 M GdnHCl, at which the unfolding of the tertiary structure of this protein is observed by near UV CD spectroscopy, the binding of Ca2+ ions is lost. We thus show that the domain containing the two low-affinity sites is the first to unfold in the presence of GdnHCl. Control experiments with change in ionic strength by addition of KCI in the range 0.25-1 M show the existence of four sites with altered ion binding parameters.


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Antipyrine complexes of eight rare-earth nitrates of the composition M(C11H12N2O)3 (NO3)3 where M = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Er, and Y, have been prepared by a new, simple method and characterised. The complexes undergo exothermic decomposition at ~3oo°C. Infrared and U.V. spectral studies of the complexes indicate that antipyrine coordinates to metal through oxygen. The nature of the nitrate bonding is discussed in the light of infrared evidence, and conductivity studies in nitromethane and dimethylformamide.


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The thermal ignition behaviour of various mixtures of organic fuels, magnesium and ammonium nitrate (AN) has been examined by differential thermal analysis technique. It has been observed that the thermal decomposition/ignition of organic fuel-AN mixtures is modified significantly in the presence of magnesium metal. The decomposition characteristics of the binary mixtures of AN with various metals indicate the specific action of magnesium and zinc in lowering the decomposition temperature. A possible explanation for the low temperature decomposition is given in terms of the solid state reaction causing the fusion of AN which further reacts with the metal resulting in a highly exothermic reaction.


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Polymeric peroxides have received renewed attention in the recent past, in view of some significant explorations of their physical and chemical properties. The potential of polymeric peroxides as a class, as specialized fuel, and the need to synthesize such new materials have been reported in the literature. So far, this class of polymers is constituted only by a dozen or so polyperoxides. From the point of view of their use in propellant applications, the importance lies in making materials which are easy to handle etc., unlike the earlier reported poly(styrene peroxide) (PSP), a sticky semi-solid mass. However, judging from the better combustion characteristics, exploring aromatic monomers was thought worthwhile. In this preliminary communication, the synthesis of a new polymeric peroxide made from 1,4-divinylbenzene is reported. The polymer obtained was in powder form and had an exothermic heat of degradation approximately equal to that of PSP. 4 ref.--AA


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Polymeric peroxides are equimolar alternating copolymers formed by the reaction of vinyl monomers with oxygen. Physicochemical studies on the microstructure and chain dynamics of poly(styrene peroxide) PSP were first carried out by Cais and Bovey. We have found that polyperoxides are formed as main intermediates in solid-propellant combustion by the interaction of the monomer and oxygen generated by the decomposition of the polymeric binder and the oxidizer ammonium perchlorate. The experimentally determined heat of degradation and that calculated from thermochemical considerations reveal that polyperoxides undergo highly exothermic primary degradation, the rate-controlling step being the O-O bond dissociation. A random-chain scission mechanism for the thermal degradation of polyperoxides has been proposed. The prediction of unusual exothermic degradation of polyperoxides has resulted in the discovery of an interesting new phenomenon of 'autopyrolysability' in polymers. Several new polyperoxides based on vinyl naphthalene have been synthesized. We have also found that PSP, in conjunction with amines, can be used as initiator at ambient temperature for the radical polymerization of vinyl monomers.