10 resultados para Exhaust Systems.

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Time-domain-finite-wave analysis of engine exhaust systems is usually carried out by means of the method of characteristics. The theory and the computational details of the stationary-frame method have been worked out in the accompanying paper (part I). In this paper (part II), typical computed results are given and discussed. A setup designed for experimental corroboration is described. The results obtained from the simulation are found to be in good agreement with experimental observations.


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Acoustic impedance of a termination, or of a passive subsystem, needs to be measured not only for acoustic lining materials but also in the exhaust systems of flow machinery, where mean flow introduces peculiar problems. Out of the various methods of measurement of acoustic impedance, the discrete frequency, steady state, impedance tube method [1] is most reliable, though time consuming, and requires no special instrumentation.


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Short elliptical chamber mufflers are used often in the modern day automotive exhaust systems. The acoustic analysis of such short chamber mufflers is facilitated by considering a transverse plane wave propagation model along the major axis up to the low frequency limit. The one dimensional differential equation governing the transverse plane wave propagation in such short chambers is solved using the segmentation approaches which are inherently numerical schemes, wherein the transfer matrix relating the upstream state variables to the downstream variables is obtained. Analytical solution of the transverse plane wave model used to analyze such short chambers has not been reported in the literature so far. This present work is thus an attempt to fill up this lacuna, whereby Frobenius solution of the differential equation governing the transverse plane wave propagation is obtained. By taking a sufficient number of terms of the infinite series, an approximate analytical solution so obtained shows good convergence up to about 1300 Hz and also covers most of the range of muffler dimensions used in practice. The transmission loss (TL) performance of the muffler configurations computed by this analytical approach agrees excellently with that computed by the Matrizant approach used earlier by the authors, thereby offering a faster and more elegant alternate method to analyze short elliptical muffler configurations. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Exhaust noise in engines has always been a major source of automotive noise. Challenges for muffler design have been constraints on size, back pressure, and, of course, the cost. Designing for sufficient insertion loss at the engine firing frequency and the first few harmonics has been the biggest challenge. Most advances in the design of efficient mufflers have resulted from linear plane wave theory, making use of the transfer matrix method. This review paper deals with evaluating approximate source characteristics required for prediction of the unmuffled intake and exhaust noise, making use of the electroacoustical analogies. In the last few years, significant advances have been made in the analysis of variable area perforated ducts, transverse plane wave analysis of short elliptical as well as circular chambers, double-tuned expansion chambers and concentric tube resonators, catalytic converters, diesel particulate filters, air cleaners, etc. The development of long strand fibrous materials that can be used in hot exhaust systems without binders has led to the use of combination mufflers in exhaust systems. Breakthroughs have been achieved in the prediction and control of breakout noise from the elliptical and circular muffler shell as well as the end plates of typical mufflers. Diesel particulate filters and inlet air cleaners have also been modeled acoustically. Some of these recent advances are the subject of this review paper.


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Transmission loss (TL) of a simple expansion chamber (SEC) consists of periodic domes with sharp troughs. This limits practical application of the SEC in the variable-speed automobile exhaust systems. Three-fourths of the troughs of the SEC can be lifted by appropriate tuning of the extended inlet/outlet lengths. However, such mufflers suffer from high back pressure and generation of aerodynamic noise due to free shear layers at the area discontinuities. Therefore, a perforate bridge is made between the extended inlet and outlet. It is shown that the TL curve of a concentric tube resonator (CTR) can also be lifted in a similar way by proper tuning of the extended unperforated lengths. Differential lengths have to be used to correct the inlet/outlet lengths in order to account for the perforate inertance. The resonance peak frequencies calculated by means of the 1-D analysis are compared with those of the 3-D FEM, and appropriate differential lengths are calculated. It is shown how different geometric characteristics of the muffler and mean flow affect the differential lengths. A general correlation is obtained for the differential lengths by considering seven relevant geometric and environmental parameters in a comprehensive parametric study. The resulting expressions would help in design of extended-tube CTR for wide-band TL. (C) 2014 Institute of Noise Control Engineering.


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This paper proposes a novel way of generating high voltage for electric discharge plasma in controlling NOx emission in diesel engine exhaust. A solar powered high frequency electric discharge topology has been suggested that will improve the size and specific energy density required when compared to the traditional repetitive pulse or 50 Hz AC energization. This methodology has been designed, fabricated and experimentally verified by conducting studies on real diesel engine exhaust.


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A detailed study on the removal of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) from the exhaust of a stationary diesel engine was carried out using nonthermal-plasma (pulsed electrical-discharge plasma)-promoted catalytic process. In this paper, the filtered exhaust from the diesel engine is made to pass through a combination of nonthermal plasma reactor and a catalytic reactor connected in series. This combination is referred to as cascade. Two types of cascaded systems were studied. In one type, the plasma treating filtered exhaust was cascaded with a reduction catalyst V2O5/TiO2 using ammonia as reducing agent, and in the other type, the plasma treating filtered exhaust was cascaded with activated-alumina catalyst without any additive. Improved NOx-removal performance of both the cascaded processes and the role of nonthermal plasma in promoting catalysis are explained. Along with the NOx, total hydrocarbon and aldehydes were also removed. Furthermore, experiments were conducted at different temperatures and engine-loading conditions.


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This paper reports improved performance of advantages when compared to its counterpart as it is cost discharge plasma in filtered engine exhaust treatment. Our effective, low capital and operation costs, salable by- paper deals about the removal of NOX emissions from the diesel products, and integration with the existing systems. In this exhaust by electric discharge plasma. For the treatment of diesel paper we describe an alternate reactor geometry referred to exhaust a new type of reactor referred to as cross-flow dielectric as cross-flow DBD reactor, where the exhaust gas flow barrier discharge reactor has been used, where the gas flow is perpendicular to the wire-cylinder reaction chamber. This perpendicular to the corona electrode. Experiments were reactor is used to treat the actual exhaust of a 3.75 kW diesel- conducted at different flow rates ranging from 2 l/min to 10 l/ generator set. The main emphasis is laid on the NOX treatment min. The discharge plasma assisted barrier discharge reactor of diesel engine exhaust. Experiments were carried out at has shown promising results in NOX removal at high flow rates.


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In this paper a study on effect of different energization on removal of NOX in diesel engine exhaust has been presented. Here we made a detailed qualitative study of effect of pulsed/ac/dc voltage energizations on the NOX treatment of using conventional wire-cylinder reactor configuration. It was observed that amongst different energizations, pulse energization exhibits maximum NOX removal efficiency when compared to ac and dc energizations. For a given specific energy density, wire-cylinder reactor filled with BaTiO3 pellet gives higher NOX removal efficiency when compared to reactor without pellets under both pulse and ac energization. The dc energization does not have much impact on the removal processes. The paper further discusses the individual energization cases in detail.


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In this paper, we present a decentralized dynamic load scheduling/balancing algorithm called ELISA (Estimated Load Information Scheduling Algorithm) for general purpose distributed computing systems. ELISA uses estimated state information based upon periodic exchange of exact state information between neighbouring nodes to perform load scheduling. The primary objective of the algorithm is to cut down on the communication and load transfer overheads by minimizing the frequency of status exchange and by restricting the load transfer and status exchange within the buddy set of a processor. It is shown that the resulting algorithm performs almost as well as a perfect information algorithm and is superior to other load balancing schemes based on the random sharing and Ni-Hwang algorithms. A sensitivity analysis to study the effect of various design parameters on the effectiveness of load balancing is also carried out. Finally, the algorithm's performance is tested on large dimensional hypercubes in the presence of time-varying load arrival process and is shown to perform well in comparison to other algorithms. This makes ELISA a viable and implementable load balancing algorithm for use in general purpose distributed computing systems.