98 resultados para Equilibrium measure

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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We consider the asymptotics of the invariant measure for the process of spatial distribution of N coupled Markov chains in the limit of a large number of chains. Each chain reflects the stochastic evolution of one particle. The chains are coupled through the dependence of transition rates on the spatial distribution of particles in the various states. Our model is a caricature for medium access interactions in wireless local area networks. Our model is also applicable in the study of spread of epidemics in a network. The limiting process satisfies a deterministic ordinary differential equation called the McKean-Vlasov equation. When this differential equation has a unique globally asymptotically stable equilibrium, the spatial distribution converges weakly to this equilibrium. Using a control-theoretic approach, we examine the question of a large deviation from this equilibrium.


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Pentacyclic ketones 10a-e (snoutan-9-ones) undergo nucleophilic additions with the same facial preference as the corresponding norsnoutanones 9a-e, but with markedly reduced selectivity, revealing the involvement of electrostatic effects in the former and implying the importance of hyperconjugative orbital interactions in determining pi-face selectivity in the latter systems.


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Liquids of silver-copper alloys with near eutectic compositions embedded in a copper matrix were undercooled. The structural and microstructural investigations of these alloys solidified from undercooled temperature indicated the absence of both the eutectic reaction and diffusionless transformation below the equal free energy curve (T0). Instead the liquid maintained local equilibrium with the copper dendrites continuously until it intersected the extended solidus of the silver rich solid solution.


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The research in software science has so far been concentrated on three measures of program complexity: (a) software effort; (b) cyclomatic complexity; and (c) program knots. In this paper we propose a measure of the logical complexity of programs in terms of the variable dependency of sequence of computations, inductive effort in writing loops and complexity of data structures. The proposed complexity mensure is described with the aid of a graph which exhibits diagrammatically the dependence of a computation at a node upon the computation of other (earlier) nodes. Complexity measures of several example programs have been computed and the related issues have been discussed. The paper also describes the role played by data structures in deciding the program complexity.


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Phase relations in the system Ta-Rh-O were determined by analysis of quenched samples corresponding to thirteen compositions inside the ternary triangle after equilibration at 1273 K. All the Ta-Rh alloys were found to be in equilibrium with Ta2O5. Only one ternary oxide TaRhO4 was detected. Based on phase relations in the ternary system, a solid-state electrochemical cell, incorporating calcia-stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte, was designed to measure the standard Gibbs energy of formation (Delta G degrees, J mol(-1)) of TaRhO4 in the temperature range from 900 to 1300 K. For the reaction, 1/2 beta-Ta2O5 + 1/2 Rh2O3(ortho) -> TaRhO4 Delta G degrees = -42993 + 5.676T (+/- 85) The calculated decomposition temperatures of TaRhO4 are 1644 +/- 5K in pure O-2 and 1543 +/- 5K in air at a total pressure p(o) = 0.1 MPa. Thermodynamic properties of TaRhO4 at 298.15K have been evaluated from the results. The limited experimental thermodynamic data for Rh-rich alloys available in the literature are in fair accord with Miedema's model. The Gibbs energies of formation of the different phases in the binary system Ta-Rh were estimated based on these inputs, consistent with the binary phase diagram. Based on the thermodynamic information on the stability of various phases, an oxygen potential diagram for the system Ta-Rh-O at 1273K was constructed. Also presented are temperature-composition diagrams for the ternary system at constant oxygen partial pressures (po(2)/p(o) = 0.212 and 10(-6)) calculated form the basic data.


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The comparative trapping efficiency of indium in aluminium solid solution during vapour deposition and rapid solidification at room temperature was evaluated by studying the nature of the decomposition of the metastable solid solution. A spinodal decomposition was observed in the case of rapid solidification while vapour deposited foils decompose by a nucleation and growth type of process. From this we conclude that rapid solidification effects a more efficient non-equilibrium trapping of indium in aluminium solid solution compared to vapour deposition at room temperature.


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This paper reports measurements of turbulent quantities in an axisymmetric wall jet subjected to an adverse pressure gradient in a conical diffuser, in such a way that a suitably defined pressure-gradient parameter is everywhere small. Self-similarity is observed in the mean velocity profile, as well as the profiles of many turbulent quantities at sufficiently large distances from the injection slot. Autocorrelation measurements indicate that, in the region of turbulent production, the time scale of ν fluctuations is very much smaller than the time scale of u fluctuations. Based on the data on these time scales, a possible model is proposed for the Reynolds stress. One-dimensional energy spectra are obtained for the u, v and w components at several points in the wall jet. It is found that self-similarity is exhibited by the one-dimensional wavenumber spectrum of $\overline{q^2}(=\overline{u^2}+\overline{v^2}+\overline{w^2})$, if the half-width of the wall jet and the local mean velocity are used for forming the non-dimensional wavenumber. Both the autocorrelation curves and the spectra indicate the existence of periodicity in the flow. The rate of dissipation of turbulent energy is estimated from the $\overline{q^2}$ spectra, using a slightly modified version of a previously suggested method.


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Measurement of receptor-bound unlabelled physiologically active lutropin (luteinizing hormone, LH) was possible by a modified radioimmunoassay. The conventional radioimmunoassayconducted at 4°C was inadequate, whereas the modified assay performed at 37'C could measure receptor-bound lutropin. The radioimmunoassay at 37'C takes only 36h for completion compared with 5-7 days at 4°C. The sensitivity and range of dose-response curves are, however, unaltered. The validity of the technique was established by a number of criteria.


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Kinetic studies of macromolecular ligand-ligate interaction have generated ample interest since the advent of plasmon resonance based instruments like BIAcore. Most of the studies reported in literature assume a simple 1 : 1 Langmuir binding and complete reversibility of the system. However we observed that in a high affinity antigen-antibody system [human chorionic gonadotropin-monoclonal antibody (hCG-mAb)] dissociation is insignificant and the sensogram data cannot be used to measure the equilibrium and kinetic parameters. At low concentrations of mAb the complete sensogram could be fitted to a single exponential. Interestingly we found that at higher mAb concentrations, the binding data did not conform to a simple bimolecular model. Instead, the data fitted a two-step model, which may be because of surface heterogeneity of affinity sites. In this paper, we report on the global fit of the sensograms. We have developed a method by which a single two-minute sensogram can be used in high affinity systems to measure the association rate constant of the reaction and the functional capacity of the ligand (hCG) immobilized on the chip. We provide a rational explanation for the discrepancies generally observed in most of the BIAcore sensograms


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The conventional Clauser-chart method for determination of local skin friction in zero or weak pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer flows fails entirely in strong pressure-gradient situations. This failure occurs due to the large departure of the mean velocity profile from the universal logarithmic law upon which the conventional Clauser-chart method is based. It is possible to extend this method,even for strong pressure-gradient situations involving equilibrium or near-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers by making use of the so-called non-universal logarithmic laws. These non-universal log laws depend on the local strength of the pressure gradient and may be regarded as perturbations of the universal log law.The present paper shows that the modified Clauser-chart method, so developed, yields quit satisfactory results in terms of estimation of local skin friction in strongly accelerated or retarded equilibrium and near-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers that are not very close to relaminarization or separation.


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High frequency, miniature, pulse tube cryocoolers are extensively used in space applications because of their simplicity. Parametric studies of inertance type pulse tube cooler are performed with different length-to-diameter ratios of the pulse tube with the help of the FLUENT (R) package. The local thermal non-equilibrium of the gas and the matrix is taken into account for the modeling of porous zones, in addition to the wall thickness of the components. Dynamic characteristics and the actual mechanism of energy transfer in pulse are examined with the help of the pulse tube wall time constant. The heat interaction between pulse tube wall and the oscillating gas, leading to surface heat pumping, is quantified. The axial heat conduction is found to reduce the performance of the pulse tube refrigerator. The thermal non-equilibrium predicts a higher cold heat exchanger temperature compared to thermal equilibrium. The pressure drop through the porous medium has a strong non-linear effect due to the dominating influence of Forchheimer term over that of the linear Darcy term at high operating frequencies. The phase angle relationships among the pressure, temperature and the mass flow rate in the porous zones are also important in determining the performance of pulse tuberefrigerator.


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Force-free equilibrium configurations of magnetic-pressure-dominated magnetized supersonic jets confined by slowly varying external pressure are investigated analytically. For the case where internal dissipation mechanisms are active, the lowest-energy field configuration is found to be the superposition of an axisymmetric mode and a helical mode with a wavelength equal to 5 times the jet radius, and the pressure below which the nonaxisymmetric mode becomes energetically favorable is given as 2700 times the product of the 4th power of the magnetic helicity per unit length and the -6th power of the magnetic flux. A model of the total and polarized emission of such a configuration is developed and applied to the extended well-collimated astronomically resolved jet NGC 6251. The model is shown to reproduce significant features such as transverse oscillations of the ridge line, width oscillations and emission knots, the projected magnetic-field configuration, oscillations of the degree of polarization, and the distribution of the Faraday rotation measure.


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Acyl Carrier Protein (ACP) from the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum (PfACP) in its holo form is found to exist in two conformational states in solution. Unique 3D solution structures of holo-PfACP have been determined for both equilibrium conformations, using high-resolution NMR methods. Twenty high-resolution solution structures for each of the two forms of holo-PfACP have been determined on the basis of 1226 and 1218 unambiguously assigned NOEs (including NOEs between 4 '-phosphopantetheine prosthetic group (4 '-PP) and protein), 55 backbone dihedral angles and 26 hydrogen bonds. The atomic rmsd values of the determined structures of two equilibrium forms, about the mean coordinates of the backbone and heavy atoms, are 0.48 +/- 0.09 and 0.92 +/- 0.10 and 0.49 +/- 0.08 and 0.97 +/- 0.11 angstrom, respectively. The interaction of 4 '-PP with the polypeptide backbone is reported here for the first time for any of the ACPs. The structures of holo-PfACP consist of three well-defined helices that are tightly packed. The structured regions of the molecule are stabilized by extensive hydrophobic interactions. The difference between the two forms arises from a reorientation of the 4 '-PP group. The enthalpy difference between the two forms, although small, implies that a conformational switch is essential for the activation of holo-ACP. Sequence and structures of holo-PfACP have been compared with those of the ACPs from type I and type II fatty acid biosynthesis pathways (FAS), in particular with the ACP from rat and the butyryl-ACP from E. coli. The PfACP structure, thus determined has several novel features hitherto not seen in other ACPs.


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Solutions of potassium chloride (pH-buffered and 1-molat) equilibrated at 350°C with pyrrhotite, pyrite, and magnetite contained approximately 1 millimole of reduced sulfur and less than 0.1 millimole of oxidized sulfur per kilogram. Similar solutions equilibrated with pyrite, magnetite, and hematite contained approximately 1 millimole of reduced sulfur, but 3 to 6 millimoles of oxidized sulfur per kilogram. Both types of solutions contained less than 0.1 millimole of iron per kilogram at pH ≥ 6 and approximately 100 millimoles per kilogram at pH 2.