9 resultados para Entamoeba invadens

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The thermodynamics of tie binding of calcium and magnesium ions to a calcium binding protein from Entamoeba histolytica was investigated by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) in 20 mM MOPS buffer (pH 7.0) at 20 degrees C. Enthalpy titration curves of calcium show the presence of four Ca2+ binding sites, There exist two low-affinity sites for Ca2+, both of which are exothermic in nature and with positive cooperative interaction between them. Two other high affinity sites for Ca2+ exist of which one is endothermic and the other exothermic, again with positive cooperative interaction. The binding constants for Ca2+ at the four sites have been verified by a competitive binding assay, where CaBP competes with a chromophoric chelator 5, 5'-Br-2 BAPTA to bind Ca2+ and a Ca2+ titration employing intrinsic tyrosine fluorescence of the protein, The enthalpy of titration of magnesium in the absence of calcium is single site and endothermic in nature. In the case of the titrations performed using protein presaturated with magnesium, the amount of heat produced is altered. Further, the interaction between the high-affinity sites changes to negative cooperativity. No exchange of heat was observed throughout the addition of magnesium in the presence of 1 mM calcium, Titrations performed on a cleaved peptide comprising the N-terminus and the central linker show the existence of two Ca2+ specific sites, These results indicate that this CaBP has one high-affinity Ca-Mg site, one high-affinity Ca-specific site, and two low-affinity Ca-specific sites. The thermodynamic parameters of the binding of these metal ions were used to elucidate the energetics at the individual site(s) and the interactions involved therein at various concentrations of the denaturant, guanidine hydrochloride, ranging from 0.05 to 6.5 M. Unfolding of the protein was also monitored by titration calorimetry as a function of the concentration of the denaturant. These data show that at a GdnHCl concentration of 0.25 M the binding affinity for the Mg2+ ion is lost and there are only two sites which can bind to Ca2+, with substantial loss cooperativity. At concentrations beyond 2.5 M GdnHCl, at which the unfolding of the tertiary structure of this protein is observed by near UV CD spectroscopy, the binding of Ca2+ ions is lost. We thus show that the domain containing the two low-affinity sites is the first to unfold in the presence of GdnHCl. Control experiments with change in ionic strength by addition of KCI in the range 0.25-1 M show the existence of four sites with altered ion binding parameters.


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The genome of the human pathogen Entamoeba histolytica, a primitive protist, contains non-long terminal repeat retrotransposable elements called EhLINEs. These encode reverse transcriptase and endonuclease required for retrotransposition. The endonuclease shows sequence similarity with bacterial restriction endonucleases. Here we report the salient enzymatic features of one such endonuclease. The kinetics of an EhLINE1-encoded endonuclease catalyzed reaction, determined under steady-state and single-turnover conditions, revealed a significant burst phase followed by a slower steady-state phase, indicating that release of product could be the slower step in this reaction. For circular supercoiled DNA the K-m was 2.6 x 10-8 m and the k(cat) was 1.6 x 10-2 sec-1. For linear E. histolytica DNA substrate the K-m and k(cat) values were 1.3 x 10-8 m and 2.2 x 10-4 sec-1 respectively. Single-turnover reaction kinetics suggested a noncooperative mode of hydrolysis. The enzyme behaved as a monomer. While Mg2+ was required for activity, 60% activity was seen with Mn2+ and none with other divalent metal ions. Substitution of PDX12-14D (a metal-binding motif) with PAX(12-14)D caused local conformational change in the protein tertiary structure, which could contribute to reduced enzyme activity in the mutated protein. The protein underwent conformational change upon the addition of DNA, which is consistent with the known behavior of restriction endonucleases. The similarities with bacterial restriction endonucleases suggest that the EhLINE1-encoded endonuclease was possibly acquired from bacteria through horizontal gene transfer. The loss of strict sequence specificity for nicking may have been subsequently selected to facilitate spread of the retrotransposon to intergenic regions of the E. histolytica genome.


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Background: The polyamines putrescine, spermidine, and spermine are organic cations that are required for cell growth and differentiation. Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), the first and rate-limiting enzyme in the polyamine biosynthetic pathway, is a highly regulated enzyme. Methodology and Results: To use this enzyme as a potential drug target, the gene encoding putative ornithine decarboxylase (ODC)-like sequence was cloned from Entamoeba histolytica, a protozoan parasite causing amoebiasis. DNA sequence analysis revealed an open reading frame (ORF) of similar to 1,242 bp encoding a putative protein of 413 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 46 kDa and a predicted isoelectric point of 5.61. The E. histolytica putative ODC-like sequence has 33% sequence identity with human ODC and 36% identity with the Datura stramonium ODC. The ORF is a single-copy gene located on a 1.9-Mb chromosome. The recombinant putative ODC protein (48 kDa) from E. histolytica was heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli. Antiserum against recombinant putative ODC protein detected a band of anticipated size similar to 46 kDa in E. histolytica whole-cell lysate. Difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), an enzyme-activated irreversible inhibitor of ODC, had no effect on the recombinant putative ODC from E. histolytica. Comparative modeling of the three-dimensional structure of E. histolytica putative ODC shows that the putative binding site for DFMO is disrupted by the substitution of three amino acids-aspartate-332, aspartate-361, and tyrosine-323-by histidine-296, phenylalanine-305, and asparagine-334, through which this inhibitor interacts with the protein. Amino acid changes in the pocket of the E. histolytica enzyme resulted in low substrate specificity for ornithine. It is possible that the enzyme has evolved a novel substrate specificity. Conclusion: To our knowledge this is the first report on the molecular characterization of putative ODC-like sequence from E. histolytica. Computer modeling revealed that three of the critical residues required for binding of DFMO to the ODC enzyme are substituted in E. histolytica, resulting in the likely loss of interactions between the enzyme and DFMO.


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The protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica can invade both intestinal and extra intestinal tissues resulting in amoebiasis. During the process of invasion E. histolytica ingests red blood and host cells using phagocytic processes. Though phagocytosis is considered to be a key virulence determinant, the mechanism is not very well understood in E. histolytica. We have recently demonstrated that a novel C2 domain-containing protein kinase, EhC2PK is involved in the initiation of erythrophagocytosis. Because cells overexpressing the kinase-dead mutant of EhC2PK displayed a reduction in erythrophagocytosis, it appears that kinase activity is necessary for initiation. Biochemical analysis showed that EhC2PK is an unusual Mn2+-dependent serine kinase. It has a trans-autophosphorylated site at Ser(428) as revealed by mass spectrometric and biochemical analysis. The autophosphorylation defective mutants (S428A, KD Delta C) showed a reduction in auto and substrate phosphorylation. Time kinetics of in vitro kinase activity suggested two phases, an initial short slow phase followed by a rapid phase for wild type protein, whereas mutations in the autophosphorylation sites that cause defect (S428A) or conferred phosphomimetic property (S428E) displayed no distinct phases, suggesting that autophosphorylation may be controlling kinase activity through an autocatalytic mechanism. A reduction and delay in erythrophagocytosis was observed in E. histolytica cells overexpressing S428A and KD Delta C proteins. These results indicate that enrichment of EhC2PK at the site of phagocytosis enhances the rate of trans-autophosphorylation, thereby increasing kinase activity and regulating the initiation of erythrophagocytosis in E. histolytica.


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Cytosolic heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) has been shown to be essential for many infectious pathogens and is considered a potential target for drug development. In this study, we have carried out biochemical characterization of Hsp90 from a poorly studied protozoan parasite of clinical importance, Entamoeba histolytica. We have shown that Entamoeba Hsp90 can bind to both ATP and its pharmacological inhibitor, 17-AAG (17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin), with K-d values of 365.2 and 10.77 mu M, respectively, and it has a weak ATPase activity with a catalytic efficiency of 4.12 x 10(-4) min(-1) mu M-1. Using inhibitor 17-AAG, we have shown dependence of Entamoeba on Hsp90 for its growth and survival. Hsp90 function is regulated by various co-chaperones. Previous studies suggest a lack of several important co-chaperones in E. histolytica. In this study, we describe the presence of a novel homologue of co-chaperone Aha1 (activator of Hsp90 ATPase), EhAha1c, lacking a canonical Aha1 N-terminal domain. We also show that EhAha1c is capable of binding and stimulating ATPase activity of EhHsp90. In addition to highlighting the potential of Hsp90 inhibitors as drugs against amoebiasis, our study highlights the importance of E. histolytica in understanding the evolution of Hsp90 and its co-chaperone repertoire. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Enteric protozoan Entamoeba histolytica is a major cause of debilitating diarrheal infection worldwide with high morbidity and mortality. Even though the clinical burden of this parasite is very high, this infection is categorized as a neglected disease. Parasite is transmitted through feco-oral route and exhibit two distinct stages namely - trophozoites and cysts. Mechanism and regulation of encystation is not clearly understood. Previous studies have established the role of Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) in regulating stage transition in various protozoan parasites like Giardia, Plasmodium, Leishmania, and Toxoplasma. Our study for the first time reports that Hsp90 plays a crucial role in life cycle of Entamoeba as well. We identify Hsp90 to be a negative regulator of encystation in Entamoeba. We also show that Hsp90 inhibition interferes with the process of phagocytosis in Entamoeba. Overall, we show that Hsp90 plays an important role in virulence and transmission of Entamoeba.


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An immunoscreening approach was used to isolate a strongly positive cDNA clone from an Entamoeba histolytica HK-9 cDNA expression library in the phage vector lambda ZAP-II. The 1.85-kb cDNA insert was found to be truncated and encoded the cysteine-rich, immunodominant domain of the antigenic 170-kDa subunit of the amebal galactose N-acetylgalactosamine binding lectin. This domain was expressed as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein in Escherichia coli. Inclusion bodies of the recombinant protein were solubilized with Sarkosyl, and the protein was enriched from the crude bacterial extract by thiol-affinity chromatography. The recombinant protein was used to develop a rapid, sensitive, and specific avidin-biotin microtiter enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for invasive amebiasis. Sera from 38 individuals suffering from invasive amebiasis, 12 individuals with noninvasive amebiasis, 44 individuals with other infections, and 27 healthy subjects were screened by the recombinant antigen-based ELISA. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay were 90.4 and 94.3%, respectively, which correlated well with those of an ELISA developed with crude amebal antigen (r = 0.94; P < 0.0001), as well as with those of a commercially available serodiagnostic ELISA (r = 0.92; P < 0.0001). Thus, the bacterially expressed recombinant lectin can replace the crude amebal extract as an antigen in the serodiagnosis of invasive amebiasis by using avidin-biotin microtiter ELISA.


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Background: Protein phosphorylation is a generic way to regulate signal transduction pathways in all kingdoms of life. In many organisms, it is achieved by the large family of Ser/Thr/Tyr protein kinases which are traditionally classified into groups and subfamilies on the basis of the amino acid sequence of their catalytic domains. Many protein kinases are multidomain in nature but the diversity of the accessory domains and their organization are usually not taken into account while classifying kinases into groups or subfamilies. Methodology: Here, we present an approach which considers amino acid sequences of complete gene products, in order to suggest refinements in sets of pre-classified sequences. The strategy is based on alignment-free similarity scores and iterative Area Under the Curve (AUC) computation. Similarity scores are computed by detecting common patterns between two sequences and scoring them using a substitution matrix, with a consistent normalization scheme. This allows us to handle full-length sequences, and implicitly takes into account domain diversity and domain shuffling. We quantitatively validate our approach on a subset of 212 human protein kinases. We then employ it on the complete repertoire of human protein kinases and suggest few qualitative refinements in the subfamily assignment stored in the KinG database, which is based on catalytic domains only. Based on our new measure, we delineate 37 cases of potential hybrid kinases: sequences for which classical classification based entirely on catalytic domains is inconsistent with the full-length similarity scores computed here, which implicitly consider multi-domain nature and regions outside the catalytic kinase domain. We also provide some examples of hybrid kinases of the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica. Conclusions: The implicit consideration of multi-domain architectures is a valuable inclusion to complement other classification schemes. The proposed algorithm may also be employed to classify other families of enzymes with multidomain architecture.


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Entamoeba histolytica-specific serum IgG, IgA, IgM and IgE antibodies were assayed in cases of amoebiasis in an endemic area. Patient groups consisted of amoebic liver abscess (n=18), pre-abscess hepatic amoebiasis (n=22) and amoebic colitis (n=30). Control subjects comprised 26 asymptomatic cyst passers, 13 giardiasis cases, 20 typhoid patients and 24 non-amoebic individuals. Serum IgG was assayed by ELISA, using a monoclonal anti IgG β- galactosidase (IgG β-gal) conjugate, a polyclonal avidin biotin horse radish peroxidase (AB-HRP), and a polyclonal anti IgG horse radish peroxidase (IgG HRP) conjugate. IgA and IgM were assayed by the β-gal ELISA and IgE by AB-HRP. Diagnostically significant IgG and IgA while lower IgM and IgE antibody levels were seen in extraintestinal cases. About 40% of suspected pre-abscess hepatic amoebiasis cases were confirmed by antibody estimation. All isotype levels in most dysentery cases were in the range of the controls.