303 resultados para Energy distributions

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Using the concept of energy-dependent effective field intensity, electron transport coefficients in nitrogen have been determined in E times B fields (E = electric field intensity, B = magnetic flux density) by the numerical solution of the Boltzmann transport equation for the energy distribution of electrons. It has been observed that as the value of B/p (p = gas pressure) is increased from zero, the perpendicular drift velocity increased linearly at first, reaches a maximum value, and then decreases with increasing B/p. In general, the electron mean energy is found to be a function of Eavet/p( Eavet = averaged effective electric field intensity) only, but the other transport coefficients, such as transverse drift velocity, perpendicular drift velocity, and the Townsend ionization coefficient, are functions of both E/p and B/p.


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Infrared spectra of atmospherically important dimethylquinolines (DMQs), namely 2,4-DMQ, 2,6-DMQ, 2,7-DMQ, and 2,8-DMQ in the gas phase at 80 degrees C were recorded using a long variable path-length cell. DFT calculations were carried out to assign the bands in the experimentally observed spectra at the B3LYP/6-31G* level of theory. The spectral assignments particularly for the C-H stretching modes could not be made unambiguously using calculated anharmonic or scaled harmonic frequencies. To resolve this problem, a scaled force field method of assignment was used. Assignment of fundamental modes was confirmed by potential energy distributions (PEDs) of the normal modes derived by the scaled force fields using a modified version of the UMAT program in the QCPE package. We demonstrate that for large molecules such as the DMQs, the scaling of the force field is more effective in arriving at the correct assignment of the fundamentals for a quantitative vibrational analysis. An error analysis of the mean deviation of the calculated harmonic, anharmonic, and force field fitted frequencies from the observed frequency provides strong evidence for the correctness of the assignment.


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The i.r. spectra of 1,3-thiazolidine-2-thione, ?2-selone and their N-deuteriated derivatives have been investigated in the region between 4000 and 20 cm?1. A complete assignment of the fundamental vibrational frequencies has been made based upon the normal coordinate analysis carried out using a simple Urey�Bradley force field supplemented by the valence force constants for the out-of-plane vibrations of the planar molecular skeleton. The proposed assignments are discussed in relation to the group frequencies in structurally related molecules and in terms of the computed potential energy distributions among the symmetry coordinates.


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We consider the possibility of fingerprinting the presence of heavy additional Z' bosons that arise naturally in extensions of the standard model such as E-6 models and left-right symmetric models, through their mixing with the standard model Z boson. By considering a class of observables including total cross sections, energy distributions and angular distributions of decay leptons we find significant deviation from the standard model predictions for these quantities with right-handed electrons and left-handed positrons at root s= 800GeV. The deviations being less pronounced at smaller centre of mass energies as the models are already tightly constrained. Our work suggests that the ILC should have a strong beam polarization physics program particularly with these configurations. On the other hand, a forward backward asymmetry and lepton fraction in the backward direction are more sensitive to new physics with realistic polarization due to interesting interplay with the neutrino t-channel diagram. This process complements the study of fermion pair production processes that have been considered for discrimination between these models.


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We report gas phase mid-infrared spectra of 1- and 2- methyl naphthalenes at 0.2 cm(-1) resolution. Assignment of observed bands have been made using scaled quantum mechanical (SQM) calculations where the force fields rather the frequencies are scaled to find a close fit between observed and calculated bands. The structure of the molecules has been optimized using B3LYP level of theory in conjunction with standard 6-311G** basis set to obtain the harmonic frequencies. Using the force constants in Cartesian coordinates from the Gaussian output, scaled force field calculations are carried out using a modified version of the UMAT program in the QCPE package. Potential energy distributions of the normal modes obtained from such calculations helped us assign the observed bands and identify the unique features of the spectra of 1- and 2-MNs which are important for their isomeric identification.


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Infrared spectra of atmospherically and astronomically important dimethylphenanthrenes (DMPs), namely 1,9-DMP, 2,4-DMP, and 3,9-DMP, were recorded in the gas phase from 400 to 4000 cm(-1) with a resolution of 0.5 cm(-1) at 110 degrees C using a 7.2 m gas cell. DFT calculations at the B3LYP/6-311G** level were carried out to get the harmonic and anharmonic frequencies and their corresponding intensities for the assignment of the observed bands. However, spectral assignments could not be made unambiguously using anharmonic or selectively scaled harmonic frequencies. Therefore, the scaled quantum mechanical (SQM) force field analysis method was adopted to achieve more accurate assignments. In this method force fields instead of frequencies were scaled. The Cartesian force field matrix obtained from the Gaussian calculations was converted to a nonredundant local coordinate force field matrix and then the force fields were scaled to match experimental frequencies in a consistent manner using a modified version of the UMAT program of the QCPE package. Potential energy distributions (PEDs) of the normal modes in terms of nonredundant local coordinates obtained from these calculations helped us derive the nature of the vibration at each frequency. The intensity of observed bands in the experimental spectra was calculated using estimated vapor pressures of the DMPs. An error analysis of the mean deviation between experimental and calculated intensities reveal that the observed methyl C-H stretching intensity deviates more compared to the aromatic C-H and non C-H stretching bands.


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Kinematical distributions of decay products of the top quark carry information on the polarisation of the top as well as on any possible new physics in the decay of the top quark. We construct observables in the form of asymmetries in the kinematical distributions to probe their effects. Charged-lepton angular distributions in the decay are insensitive to anomalous couplings to leading order. Hence these can be a robust probe of top polarisation. However, these are difficult to measure in the case of highly boosted top quarks as compared to energy distributions of decay products. These are then sensitive, in general, to both top polarisation and top anomalous couplings. We compare various asymmetries for their sensitivities to the longitudinal polarisation of the top quark as well as to possible new physics in the Wtb vertex, paying special attention to the case of highly boosted top quarks. We perform a chi(2) analysis to determine the regions in the plane of longitudinal polarisation of the top quark and the couplings of the Wtb vertex constrained by different combinations of the asymmetries. Moreover, we find that the use of observables sensitive to the longitudinal top polarisation can add to the sensitivity to which the Wtb vertex can be probed.


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Kinematical distributions of decay products of the top quark carry information on the polarisation of the top as well as on any possible new physics in the decay of the top quark. We construct observables in the form of asymmetries in the kinematical distributions to probe their effects. Charged-lepton angular distributions in the decay are insensitive to anomalous couplings to leading order. Hence these can be a robust probe of top polarisation. However, these are difficult to measure in the case of highly boosted top quarks as compared to energy distributions of decay products. These are then sensitive, in general, to both top polarisation and top anomalous couplings. We compare various asymmetries for their sensitivities to the longitudinal polarisation of the top quark as well as to possible new physics in the Wtb vertex, paying special attention to the case of highly boosted top quarks. We perform a chi(2) analysis to determine the regions in the plane of longitudinal polarisation of the top quark and the couplings of the Wtb vertex constrained by different combinations of the asymmetries. Moreover, we find that the use of observables sensitive to the longitudinal top polarisation can add to the sensitivity to which the Wtb vertex can be probed.


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Kinematical distributions of decay products of the top quark carry information on the polarisation of the top as well as on any possible new physics in the decay of the top quark. We construct observables in the form of asymmetries in the kinematical distributions to probe their effects. Charged-lepton angular distributions in the decay are insensitive to anomalous couplings to leading order. Hence these can be a robust probe of top polarisation. However, these are difficult to measure in the case of highly boosted top quarks as compared to energy distributions of decay products. These are then sensitive, in general, to both top polarisation and top anomalous couplings. We compare various asymmetries for their sensitivities to the longitudinal polarisation of the top quark as well as to possible new physics in the Wtb vertex, paying special attention to the case of highly boosted top quarks. We perform a chi(2) analysis to determine the regions in the plane of longitudinal polarisation of the top quark and the couplings of the Wtb vertex constrained by different combinations of the asymmetries. Moreover, we find that the use of observables sensitive to the longitudinal top polarisation can add to the sensitivity to which the Wtb vertex can be probed.


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Distribution of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) efficiency between the two ends of a Lennard-Jones polymer chain both at equilibrium and during folding and unfolding has been calculated, for the first time, by Brownian dynamics simulations. The distribution of FRET efficiency becomes bimodal during folding of the extended state subsequent to a temperature quench, with the width of the distribution for the extended state broader than that for the folded state. The reverse process of unfolding subsequent to a upward temperature jump shows different characteristics. The distributions show significant viscosity dependence which can be tested against experiments.


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The topography of the free energy landscape in phase space of a dense hard-sphere system characterized by a discretized free energy functional of the Ramakishnan-Yussouff form is investigated numerically using a specially devised Monte Carlo procedure. We locate a considerable number of glassy local minima of the free energy and analyze the distributions of the free energy at a minimum and an appropriately defined phase-space "distance" between different minima. We find evidence for the existence of pairs of closely related glassy minima("two-level systems"). We also investigate the way the system makes transitions as it moves from the basin of attraction of a minimum to that of another one after a start under nonequilibrium conditions. This allows us to determine the effective height of free energy barriers that separate a glassy minimum from the others. The dependence of the height of free energy barriers on the density is investigated in detail. The general appearance of the free energy landscape resembles that of a putting green: relatively deep minima separated by a fairly flat structure. We discuss the connection of our results with the Vogel-Fulcher law and relate our observations to other work on the glass transition.


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The distribution of relative velocities between colliding particles in shear flows of inelastic spheres is analysed in the Volume fraction range 0.4-0.64. Particle interactions are considered to be due to instantaneous binary collisions, and the collision model has a normal coefficient of restitution e(n) (negative of the ratio of the post- and pre-collisional relative velocities of the particles along the line joining the centres) and a tangential coefficient of restitution e(t) (negative of the ratio of post- and pre-collisional velocities perpendicular to line joining the centres). The distribution or pre-collisional normal relative velocities (along the line Joining the centres of the particles) is Found to be an exponential distribution for particles with low normal coefficient of restitution in the range 0.6-0.7. This is in contrast to the Gaussian distribution for the normal relative velocity in all elastic fluid in the absence of shear. A composite distribution function, which consists of an exponential and a Gaussian component, is proposed to span the range of inelasticities considered here. In the case of roughd particles, the relative velocity tangential to the surfaces at contact is also evaluated, and it is found to be close to a Gaussian distribution even for highly inelastic particles.Empirical relations are formulated for the relative velocity distribution. These are used to calculate the collisional contributions to the pressure, shear stress and the energy dissipation rate in a shear flow. The results of the calculation were round to be in quantitative agreement with simulation results, even for low coefficients of restitution for which the predictions obtained using the Enskog approximation are in error by an order of magnitude. The results are also applied to the flow down an inclined plane, to predict the angle of repose and the variation of the volume fraction with angle of inclination. These results are also found to be in quantitative agreement with previous simulations.


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We set up Wigner distributions for N-state quantum systems following a Dirac-inspired approach. In contrast to much of the work in this study, requiring a 2N x 2N phase space, particularly when N is even, our approach is uniformly based on an N x N phase-space grid and thereby avoids the necessity of having to invoke a `quadrupled' phase space and hence the attendant redundance. Both N odd and even cases are analysed in detail and it is found that there are striking differences between the two. While the N odd case permits full implementation of the marginal property, the even case does so only in a restricted sense. This has the consequence that in the even case one is led to several equally good definitions of the Wigner distributions as opposed to the odd case where the choice turns out to be unique.


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Ionic polymer-metal composites (IPMC), piezoelectric polymer composites and nematic elastomer composites are materials, which exhibit characteristics of both sensors and actuators. Large deformation and curvature are observed in these systems when electric potential is applied. Effects of geometric non-linearity due to the chargeinduced motion in these materials are poorly understood. In this paper, a coupled model for understanding the behavior of an ionic polymer beam undergoing large deformation and large curvature is presented. Maxwell's equations and charge transport equations are considered which couple the distribution of the ion concentration and the pressure gradient along length of a cantilever beam with interdigital electrodes. A nonlinear constitutive model is derived accounting for the visco-elasto-plastic behavior of these polymers and based on the hypothesis that the presence of electrical charge stretches/contracts bonds, which give rise to electrical field dependent softening/hardening. Polymer chain orientation in statistical sense plays a role on such softening or hardening. Elementary beam kinematics with large curvature is considered. A model for understanding the deformation due to electrostatic repulsion between asymmetrical charge distributions across the cross-sections is presented. Experimental evidence that Silver(Ag) nanoparticle coated IPMCs can be used for energy harvesting is reported. An IPMC strip is vibrated in different environments and the electric power against a resistive load is measured. The electrical power generated was observed to vary with the environment with maximum power being generated when the strip is in wet state. IPMC based energy harvesting systems have potential applications in tidal wave energy harvesting, residual environmental energy harvesting to power MEMS and NEMS devices.


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Free energy barriers separating interfacial water molecules from the hydration layer at the surface of a protein to the bulk are obtained by using the umbrella sampling method of free energy calculation. We consider hydration layer of chicken villin head piece (HP-36) which has been studied extensively by molecular dynamics simulations. The free energy calculations reveal a strong sensitivity to the secondary structure. In particular, we find a region near the junction of first and second helix that contains a cluster of water molecules which are slow in motion, characterized by long residence times (of the order of 100 ps or more) and separated by a large free energy barrier from the bulk water. However, these ``slow'' water molecules constitute only about 5-10% of the total number of hydration layer water molecules. Nevertheless, they play an important role in stabilizing the protein conformation. Water molecules near the third helix (which is the important helix for biological function) are enthalpically least stable and exhibit the fastest dynamics. Interestingly, barrier height distributions of interfacial water are quite broad for water surrounding all the three helices (and the three coils), with the smallest barriers found for those near the helix-3. For the quasi-bound water molecules near the first and second helices, we use well-known Kramers' theory to estimate the residence time from the free energy surface, by estimating the friction along the reaction coordinate from the diffusion coefficient by using Einstein relation. The agreement found is satisfactory. We discuss the possible biological function of these slow, quasi-bound (but transient) water molecules on the surface.