155 resultados para Electric excitation

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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We report here an easily reversible set-reset process in a new Ge15Te83Si2 glass that could be a promising candidate for phase change random access memory applications. The I-V characteristics of the studied sample show a comparatively low threshold electric field (E-th) of 7.3 kV/cm. Distinct differences in the type of switching behavior are achieved by means of controlling the on state current. It enables the observation of a threshold type for less than 0.7 mA beyond memory type (set) switching. The set and reset processes have been achieved with a similar magnitude of 1 mA, and with a triangular current pulse for the set process and a short duration rectangular pulse of 10 msec width for the reset operation. Further, a self-resetting effect is seen in this material upon excitation with a saw-tooth/square pulse, and their response of leading and trailing edges are discussed. About 6.5 x 10(4) set-reset cycles have been undertaken without any damage to the device. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi: 10.1063/1.3574659]


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A simple method to study the air bubble dynamics and to burst the air bubbles formed on the electrode– electrolyte interface in a parallel gate electrode fluidic channel is demonstrated. Upon application of a voltage across the electrodes,volume of water contained between them begins to electrolyzing depending on the conductivity, as well as it boils due to heating effect. This results in bubble formation within. These bubbles grow in radius with higher potential difference applied across the electrodes. As an approach towards removing these bubbles, an alternating current is applied at low potential difference of a 5 volts and high frequency at few megahertz. The alternating electric field had a heating effect on the bubbles where the energy input due to current heats up water and bursts the bubble. The bubbles of size up to 480μm were burst at 2500 V/m using this approach.


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Measurement of the relation between polarisation and electric field for ferroelectric trissarcosine calcium chloride (TSCC) was made in the pressure range up to 6 kbar. The pressure dependence of the spontaneous polarisation and the coercive field were obtained, and the existence of a new pressure-induced phase and the paraelectric- ferroelectric-new phase triple point were found.


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Formative time lags in nitrogen, oxygen, and dry air are measured with and without a magnetic field over a range of gas pressures (0.05 ' p ' 20.2 torr 5 kPa to 2 MPa, electric field strengths (1.8xO14 EEs 60xlO V m l) and magnetic field strengths (85xl0-4 < B ' 16x10-2 Tesla). For experiments below the Paschen minimum, the electrodes are designed to ensure that breakdown occurs over longer gaps and for experiments above the Paschen minimum, a coaxial cylindrical system is employed. The experimental technique consists of applying pulse voltages to the gap at various constant values of E/p and B/p and measuring the time lags from which the formative time lags are separated. In the gases studed, formative time lags decrease on application of a magnetic field at a given pressure for conditions below the Paschen minimum. The voltages at which the formative time lags remain the same without and with magnetic fields are determined, and electron molecule collision frequencies (v/p) are determined using the Effective Reduced Electric Field [EREF] concept. With increasing ratio of E/p in crossed fields, v/p decreases in all the three gases. Measurements above the Paschen minimum yield formative time lags which increase on application of a magnetic field. Formative time lags in nitrogen in ExB fields are calculated assuming an average collision frequency of 8.5x109 sec-1 torr 1. It is concluded that the EREF concept can be applied to explain formative time lags in ExB fields.


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It is a well know that electrons and positive ions are responsible in the case of electric spark. Investigation have been undertaken in the high voltage laboratory to study the effect of injecting ions (both possitive and negative)into the spark gap.Also the effect of paper screens in blocking the ions being invetsigated.


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The anharmonic oscillator under combined sinusoidal and white noise excitation is studied using the Gaussian closure approximation. The mean response and the steady-state variance of the system is obtained by the WKBJ approximation and also by the Fokker Planck equation. The multiple steadystate solutions are obtained and their stability analysis is presented. Numerical results are obtained for a particular set of system parameters. The theoretical results are compared with a digital simulation study to bring out the usefulness of the present approximate theory.


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This paper presents a novel approach for designing of generator excitation controllers using Interconnection and Damping Assignment Passivity Based Control (IDA-PBC) technique for a Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) system that can also be directly used in a multi-machine environment. The generator system equations are modified by referencing the rotor angle with respect to the secondary of the transformer bus instead of the infinite bus. For the modified system equations, IDA-PBC is applied to stabilize the system around an operating condition. The IDA-PBC design results in a Lyapunov function for the modified system. The new control law is practically feasible and can be applied directly to multi-machine system without referring to external system parameters. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is tested on a SMIB and a 10 generator 39 bus test system for a range of operating conditions. The Proposed excitation controller has shown good performance for both small and large disturbances when compared to the performance of a conventional static exciter with power system stabilizer.


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Non-linear planar response of a string to planar narrow band random excitation is investigated in this paper. A response equation for the mean square deflection σ2 is obtained under a single mode approximation by using the equivalent linearization technique. It is shown that the response is triple valued, as in the case of harmonic excitation, if the centre frequency of excitation Ω lies in a certain specified range. The triple valued response occurs only if the excitation bandwidth β is smaller than a critical value βcrit which is a monotonically increasing function of the intensity of excitation. An approximate method of investigating the almost sure asymptotic stability of the solution is presented and regions of instability in the Ω-σ2 plane have been charted. It is shown that planar response can become unstable either due to an unbounded growth of the in-plane component of motion or due to a spontaneous appearance of an out-of-plane component.


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In this study, reduction and desorption of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) were conducted using an electrical discharge plasma technique. The study was carried out using a simulated gas mixture to explore the possibility of re-generation of used adsorbents by a nonthermal plasma desorption technique. Three different types of corona electrodes, namely, pipe, helical wire, and straight wire, were used for analyzing their effectiveness in NOx reduction/desorption. The pipe-type corona electrode exhibited a nitric oxide (NO) conversion of 50%, which is 1.5 times that of the straight-wire-type electrode at an energy density of 175J/L. The helical-wire-type corona electrode exhibited a NOx desorption efficiency almost 4 times that of the pipe-type electrode,indicating the possibility that corona-generated species play a crucial role in desorption.


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Railway wheel vibrations are caused by a number of mechanisms. Two of these are considered: (a) gravitational load reaction acting on different points of the wheel rim, as the wheel rolls on, and (b) random fluctuating forces generated at the contact patch by roughness on the mating surfaces of the wheel and rail. The wheel is idealized as a thin ring, and the analysis is limited to a single wheel rolling on a rail. It is shown that the first mechanism results in a stationary pattern of vibration, which would not radiate any sound. The acceleration caused by roughness-excited forces is much higher at higher frequencies, but is of the same order as that caused by load reaction at lower frequencies. The computed acceleration level (and hence the radiated SPL) caused by roughness is comparable with the observed values, and is seen to increase by about 10 dB for a doubling of the wagon speed. The driving point impedance of the periodic rail-sleeper system at the contact patch, which is used in the analysis, is derived in a companion paper.


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Following an invariant-imbedding approach, we obtain analytical expressions for the ensemble-averaged resistance (ρ) and its Sinai’s fluctuations for a one-dimensional disordered conductor in the presence of a finite electric field F. The mean resistance shows a crossover from the exponential to the power-law length dependence with increasing field strength in agreement with known numerical results. More importantly, unlike the zero-field case the resistance distribution saturates to a Poissonian-limiting form proportional to A‖F‖exp(-A‖F‖ρ) for large sample lengths, where A is constant.


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An electric field (100 V/cm at 230°C and 150°C) has been applied to ammonium perchlorate (AP)/polystyrene (PS) propellant mixtures in order to understand the low temperature decomposition behavior of the propellant. The charge-carrying species is anionic in nature at 230°C, which could be ClO4−, but is cationic at 150°C, which could be either NH4+ or H+. These results are parallel to that observed for pure ammonium perchlorate (AP) pellets [1]. The burning rate (r' ) of the propellant was found to follow the same trend as that for the thermal decomposition of the propellant on application of an electric field. At 150°C Image was higher at the −ve electrode than at the +ve electrode, but at 230°C just the opposite was observed. Kinetic studies have confirmed that the decomposition of the orthorhombic AP follows two mechanism corresponding to E = 30 kcal mol−1 (180–230°C) and E = 15 kcal mol−1 (150–180°C).


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A simple equation to predict the breakdown voltages for binary mixtures (Vmix) of electronegative gases (SF6, CCl2F2) and buffer gases (N2, N2O, CO2, air) under uniform electric field has been proposed. Values of Vmix evaluated using this equation for mixtures of SF6-N2, SF6-air, SF6-N2O, SF6-CO2 and CCl2F2-N2 over a wide range of pd show an excellent agreement with the experimentally measured data available in the literature.


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A simple formula is developed to predict the sparking potentials of SF6 and SF6-gas mixture in uniform and non-uniform fields. The formula has been shown to be valid over a very wide range from 1 to 1800 kPa·cm of pressure and electrode gap separation for mixtures containing 5 to 100% SF6. The calculated values are found to be in good agreement with the previously reported measurements in the literature. The formula should aid design engineers in estimating electrode-spacings and clearances in power apparatus and systems.


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The problem of designing an optimum Lanchester damper for a viscously damped single degree of freedom system subjected to inertial harmonic excitation is investigated. Two criteria are used for optimizing the performance of the damper: (i) minimum motion transmissibility; (ii) minimum force transmissibility. Explicit expressions are developed for determining the absorber parameters.