em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Objectives: Glutathionyl haemoglobin (GS-Hb) belonging to the class of glutathionylated proteins has been investigated as a possible marker of oxidative stress in different chronic diseases. The purpose of this study was to examine whether glutathionyl haemoglobin can serve as an oxidative stress marker in non-diabetic chronic renal failure patients on different renal replacement therapies (RRT) through its quantitation, and characterization of the specific binding site of glutathione in haemoglobin molecule by mass spectrometric analysis. Design and methods: The study group consisted of non-diabetic chronic renal failure patients on renal replacement therapy (RRT): hemodialysis (HD), continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) and renal allograft transplant (Txp) patients. Haemoglobin samples of these subjects were analyzed by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for GS-Hb quantitation. Characterization of GS-Hb was done by tandem mass spectrometry. Levels of erythrocyte glutathione (GSH) and lipid peroxidation (as thiobarbituric acid reacting substances) were measured spectrophotometrically, while glycated baernoglobin (HbA1c) was measured by HPLC. Results: GS-Hb levels were markedly elevated in the dialysis group and marginally in the transplant group as compared to the controls. GS-Hb levels correlated positively with lipid peroxidation and negatively with the erythrocyte glutathione levels in RRT groups indicating enhanced oxidative stress. De novo sequencing of the chymotryptic fragment of GS-Hb established that glutathione is attached to Cys-93 of the beta globin chain. Mass spectrometric quantitation of total glycated haemoglobin showed good agreement with HbA1c estimation by conventional HPLC method. Conclusions: Glutathionyl haemoglobin can serve as a clinical marker of oxidative stress in chronic debilitating therapies like RRT. Mass spectrometry provides a reliable analytical tool for quantitation and residue level characterization of different post-translational modifications of haemoglobin. (c) 2007 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) catalyses the conversion of angiotensin I (Ang I) to angiotensin II (Ang II). The ACE activity directly related to hypertension as Ang II is the blood pressure regulating hormone. Therefore, ACE inhibitors are a major class of antihypertensive drugs. Captopril, chemical name, was the first orally active ACE inhibitory antihypertensive drug, discovered in 1977. Since then, a number of such drugs have been synthesized. Enzyme-inhibitor bound crystal structural studies reveal a great deal of understanding about the interactions of the inhibitors at the active site of ACE. This can be helpful in the rational design of ACE inhibitors. With the advancement of the combination therapy, it is known that ACE inhibitors having antioxidant activity can be beneficial for the treatment of hypertension. This study describes the development of ACE inhibitors in the treatment of hypertension. Importance of ACE inhibitors having antioxidant activity is also described.


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Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are important for the treatment of hypertension as they can decrease the formation of vasopressor hormone angiotensin II (Ang II) and elevate the levels of vasodilating hormone bradykinin. It is observed that bradykinin contains a Ser-Pro-Phe motif near the site of hydrolysis. The selenium analogues of captopril represent a novel class of ACE inhibitors as they also exhibit significant antioxidant activity. In this study, several di- and tripeptides containing selenocysteine and cysteine residues at the N-terminal were synthesized. Hydrolysis of angiotensin I (Ang I) to Ang II by ACE was studied in the presence of these peptides. It is observed that the introduction of L-Phe to Sec-Pro and Cys-Pro peptides significantly increases the ACE inhibitory activity. On the other hand, the introduction of L-Val or L-Ala decreases the inhibitory potency of the parent compounds. The presence of an L-Pro moiety in captopril analogues appears to be important for ACE inhibition as the replacement of L-Pro by L-piperidine 2-carboxylic acid decreases the ACE inhibition. The synthetic peptides were also tested for their ability to scavenge peroxynitrite (PN) and to exhibit glutathione peroxidase (GPx)-like activity. All the selenium-containing peptides exhibited good PN-scavenging and GPx activities.


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Iodothyronine deiodinases are selenoenzymes which regulate the thyroid hormone homeostasis by catalyzing the regioselective deiodination of thyroxine (T4). Synthetic deiodinase mimetics are important not only to understand the mechanism of enzyme catalysis, but also to develop therapeutic agents as abnormal thyroid hormone levels have implications in different diseases, such as hypoxia, myocardial infarction, critical illness, neuronal ischemia, tissue injury, and cancer. Described herein is that the replacement of sulfur/selenium atoms in a series of deiodinase mimetics by tellurium remarkably alters the reactivity as well as regioselectivity toward T4. The tellurium compounds reported in this paper represent the first examples of deiodinase mimetics which mediate sequential deiodination of T4 to produce all the hormone derivatives including T0 under physiologically relevant conditions.


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In a classic study, Kacser & Burns (1981, Genetics 97, 639-666) demonstrated that given certain plausible assumptions, the flux in a metabolic pathway was more or less indifferent to the activity of any of the enzymes in the pathway taken singly. It was inferred from this that the observed dominance of most wild-type alleles with respect to loss-of-function mutations did not require an adaptive, meaning selectionist, explanation. Cornish-Bowden (1987, J. theor. Biol. 125, 333-338) showed that the Kacser-Burns inference was not valid when substrate concentrations were large relative to the relevant Michaelis constants. We find that in a randomly constructed functional pathway, even when substrate levels are small, one can expect high values of control coefficients for metabolic flux in the presence of significant nonlinearities as exemplified by enzymes with Hill coefficients ranging from two to six, or by the existence of oscillatory loops. Under these conditions the flux can be quite sensitive to changes in enzyme activity as might be caused by inactivating one of the two alleles in a diploid. Therefore, the phenomenon of dominance cannot be a trivial ''default'' consequence of physiology but must be intimately linked to the manner in which metabolic networks have been moulded by natural selection.


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The crystal structures of complexes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis pantothenate kinase with the following ligands have been determined: (i) citrate; (ii) the nonhydrolysable ATP analogue AMPPCP and pantothenate (the initiation complex); (iii) ADP and phosphopantothenate resulting from phosphorylation of pantothenate by ATP in the crystal (the end complex); (iv) ATP and ADP, each with half occupancy, resulting from a quick soak of crystals in ATP (the intermediate complex); (v) CoA; (vi) ADP prepared by soaking and cocrystallization, which turned out to have identical structures, and (vii) ADP and pantothenate. Solution studies on CoA binding and catalytic activity have also been carried out. Unlike in the case of the homologous Escherichia coli enzyme, AMPPCP and ADP occupy different, though overlapping, locations in the respective complexes; the same is true of pantothenate in the initiation complex and phosphopantothenate in the end complex. The binding site of MtPanK is substantially preformed, while that of EcPanK exhibits considerabl plasticity. The difference in the behaviour of the E. coli and M. tuberculosis enzymes could be explained in terms of changes in local structure resulting from substitutions. It is unusual for two homologous enzymes to exhibit such striking differences in action. Therefore, the results have to be treated with caution. However, the changes in the locations of ligands exhibited by M. tuberculosis pantothenate kinase are remarkable and novel.


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Background Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is known to play a major role in angiogenesis. A soluble form of Flt-1, a VEGF receptor, is potentially useful as an antagonist of VEGF, and accumulating evidence suggests the applicability of sFlt-1 in tumor suppression. In the present study, we have developed and tested strategies targeted specifically to VEGF for the treatment of ascites formation.Methods As an initial strategy, we produced recombinant sFLT-1 in the baculovirus expression system and used it as a trap to sequester VEGF in the murine ascites carcinoma model. The effect of the treatment on the weight of the animal, cell number, ascites volume and proliferating endothelial cells was studied. The second strategy involved, producing Ehrlich ascites tumor (EAT) cells stably transfected with vectors carrying cDNA encoding truncated form of Flt-1 and using these cells to inhibit ascites tumors in a nude mouse model. Results The sFLT-1 produced by the baculovirus system showed potent antiangiogenic activity as assessed by rat cornea and tube formation assay. sFLT-1 treatment resulted in reduced peritoneal angiogenesis with a concomitant decrease in tumor cell number, volume of ascites, amount of free VEGF and the number of invasive tumor cells as assayed by CD31 staining. EAT cells stably transfected with truncated form of Flt-1 also effectively reduced the tumor burden in nude mice transplanted with these cells, and demonstrated a reduction in ascites formation and peritoneal angiogenesis. Conclusions The inhibition of peritoneal angiogenesis and tumor growth by sequestering VEGF with either sFlt-1 gene expression by recombinant EAT cells or by direct sFLT-1 protein therapy is shown to comprise a potential therapy. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The participation of a multifunctional enzy(am sein - gle polypeptide with multiple catalytic activities (14)) has been demonstrated in the conversion of agmatine to putrescine in Lathyrus sativus seedlings. This enzyme (putrescine synthase) with inherent activities of agmatine iminohydrolase, putrescine transcarbamylase, ornithine transcarbamylase, and carbamate has been purified to homogeneity anhda s M, = 55,000.


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Using computer modeling of three-dimensional structures and structural information available on the crystal structures of HIV-1 protease, we investigated the structural effects of mutations, in treatment-naive and treatment-exposed individuals from India and postulated mechanisms of resistance in clade C variants. A large number of models (14) have been generated by computational mutation of the available crystal structures of drug bound proteases. Localized energy minimization was carried out in and around the sites of mutation in order to optimize the geometry of interactions present. Most of the mutations result in structural differences at the flap that favors the semiopen state of the enzyme. Some of the mutations were also found to confer resistance by affecting the geometry of the active site. The E35D mutation affects the flap structure in clade B strains and E35N and E35K mutation, seen in our modeled strains, have a more profound effect. Common polymorphisms at positions 36 and 63 in clade C also affected flap structure. Apart from a few other residues Gln-58, Asn-83, Asn-88, and Gln-92 and their interactions are important for the transition from the closed to the open state. Development of protease inhibitors by structure-based design requires investigation of mechanisms operative for clade C to improve the efficacy of therapy.


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In order to understand the molecular mechanism of non-oxidative decarboxylation of aromatic acids observed in microbial systems, 2,3 dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHBA) decarboxylase from Image Image was purified to homogeneity by affinity chromatography. The enzyme (Mr 120 kDa) had four identical subunits (28 kDa each) and was specific for DHBA. It had a pH optimum of 5.2 and Km was 0.34mM. The decarboxylation did not require any cofactors, nor did the enzyme had any pyruvoyl group at the active site. The carboxyl group and hydroxyl group in the Image -position were required for activity. The preliminary spectroscopic properties of the enzyme are also reported.


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Sheep liver 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase was subjected to specific chemical modification with phenylglyoxal, diethyl pyrocarbonate and N-bromosuccinimide. The second-order rate constants for inactivation were calculated to be 54 M-1 X min-1, 103 M-1 X min-1 and 154 M-1 X min-1 respectively. This inactivation could be prevented by incubation with substrates or products, suggesting that the residues modified, namely arginine, histidine and tryptophan, are essential for enzyme activity.


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The preferred conformations of β-phenylpropionyl-Image -phenylalanine (β-PPP) and N-carbobenzoxy-L-phenylalanine (Cbz-Phe), two inhibitors of thermolysin, have been determined by computing potential energy using empirial potential energy functions. Of the 15 to 20 conformations that are favoured for each of these inhibitors only a few have the right conformation to reach the active site of the enzyme. The conformer of β-PPP that initiates binding with the enzyme is different from the bound one, while for Cbz-Phe the bound and initiating conformers are quite similar. Thus, β-PPP favours the ‘induced fit’ model while Cbz-Phe follows the ‘lock and key’ model of binding. The inhibitors differ in their alignment at the active site.


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Preferred conformations of the competitive inhibitors glycyl-L-phenylalanine and glycyl-D-phenylalanine and their mode of binding to thermolysin have been studied. The difference in configuration is shown to affect significantly the mode of binding to thermolysin. Gly-D-Phe prefers to enter the active site in the global minimum conformation whereas Gly-L-Phe may enter in a higher energy conformation. Moreover, D-enantiomer is shown to have a better fit than the L-counterpart in the active site.


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Cupric complex of isonicotinic acid hydrazide inhibits DNA synthesis by avian myloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase. This inhibition occurs in the presence of either ribonucleotide or deoxyribonucleotide templates. The inhibition of reverse transcriptase by cupric-INH complex is considerably reduced when stored or proteolytically cleaved enzyme was used in the reaction. The complex also inhibits the reverse transciptase-associated RNase H activity. The cupric-isonicotinic acid hydrazide complex cleaves pBR 322 from I DNA into smaller molecules in the presence or absence of reverse transcriptase-associated endonuclease. However, in the presence of the enzyme the DNA is cleaved to a greater extent.


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Empirical potential energy calculations have been carried out to determine the preferred conformations of penicillins and penicillin sulphones and their 1-oxa-1-dethia and 1-carba-1-dethia analogues. With the exception of 1-oxa-1-dethia penicillins, all the other compounds favour C2 and the C3 puckered conformations of their five-membered rings. Replacement of C2 methyl groups by hydrogen atoms as in bisnorpenicillin V or oxidation of sulphur in position 1 as in sulphones, makes the C3 puckered form much less favourable. Addition of an amino-acyl group at the C6 atom, however, makes the C3 puckered form more favoured in penicillin G or V and in 1-carba-1-dethia penicillins. Through the replacement of the sulphur atom at position 1 by an oxygen atom or by a -CH2 group increases the non-planarity of the lactam peptide bond, it significantly affects the relative disposition of the C3 carboxyl group with respect to the β-lactam ring. These conformational differences have been correlated with the biological activities of these compounds. The present study suggests that the conformation of the bicyclic ring system may be more important for initial binding with the crosslinking enzyme(s) involved in the biosynthesis of bacterial cell-wall peptidoglycan and that the mode of binding is influenced by the nature of the side-group at the C6 atom. These studies predict, in agreement with experimental results, that the 1-oxa-1-dethia penicillin nulceus is an inhibitor of penicillianses. The study also suggests that the stereospecificities of the crosslinking enzyme(s) and penicillinases are very similar with regard to the nature of the side-group at the 6 atom and the confirmation of the bicyclic ring system. However, the confirmational requirement for the bicyclic ring system appears to be more specific in the former enzyme than in the latter.